Both Ana and Anduin were mentioned tho l, what are you on about? % of people told us that this article helped them. Time limited cosmetics should be brought back, Solo Flawless Duality Step-by-Step Guide from Not a Very Good PvE Player. The trick to this combo is to as Diablo very clearly pick a way to use your Q and E ability. If they are extra bad, thats just more work for me. Brightwing : Feast or famine character, very good when ahead, but hard come back when behind. I never felt so useless with other healers in some games with him. This combo provides a big amount of damage on its own and is not as dependent on landing kills as ETC with Tyrande for example. DO. Anduin is OK, nothing too weak but doesn't excel at much. Varian taunts a target, Tyrande stuns or Malfurion roots and the mage dumps all damage on top of it. XD. The dreaded plat. Hes good at dealing with poke and can offer small amounts of burst healing in fights.
Auriel is really strong rn. If they are good, great ! Draft also start to become more important, some games are indeed lost in draft. Alright now Ive said that, let's jump into it! Root is great, but it's real strength is long area denial but Stukov does that better. On a more general note, applicable to anyone but most importantly to support : Do not blame your team. Very much an all-in tank. Hello there Dignitas readers,missed me? The only time I played damage healer was when I was forced into double healer comp. If you are the sole support in your team, however, then these healing-oriented talents can help keep your team alive. So here I have summed up the combinations that I often see or that I think synergize well together. Building your foundation, tank and healer, to counter them or to have a great combo together will help win you fights. From PC, Xbox, PS5 and all your other favorite gaming platforms, theres some amazing titles for everyone to look forward to in the coming year. This works as long as the damage doesn't exceed the amount that Auriel can top Johanna up with. Deckard is an amazing point control attrition healer. This article has been viewed 2,624 times. Lucio offers sustain alongside Arthas to keep going for a long fight. The hero being hit with a disable is a good sign of someone being focused down by the enemy team. Lucio is the only one, more detail later.

Which are considered to be the best healers in game? I genuinely dont understand the appeal to do that, there is no notion of personal challenge to it. Anduin is only good if you can get a full salvation off. This article has been viewed 2,624 times. I did not shot call games. Tyrande: Stunning! He is also a very good choice versus auto attacker thanks to his block and level 13 talent. This means she gets CDR on her Light of Elune heal, while meanwhile healing *probably* Muradin with the Elunes Chosen mark on him. Number one advice, at any rank. I know the distaste for smurfing here, but I applied some rule to not steamroll at low ranks and to not screw the data : I managed to climb from silver 4 (placement) to Diamond 5 in about a month, playing an average of 5-8 games a day, with an overall 67% winrate. You will need to play at your best get through plat. Best healers atm are Rehgar Malf and post rez buff auriel . Toxic players and leaver (not counting disconnects, happens but no one fault) were rare. Play Rehgar instead at that point. Ana : The best healer in the game. I took her when I needed both sustain heal, burst heal and a cleanse. Some people will flame you and think she is useless, for some reason. Smurfing is indeed quite common, but mostly when you play in a party. With both healers, you can take sustained fights, depending on Anub'araks health bar after the initial kill. With ETCs Powerslide and her Biotic Grenade on top of that she can easily secure kills for her team, as there is no saving the enemy if they cant receive healing when they are low. I'm bobqinxd, I played for Golden Guardians for the past year and won collegiate twice with UBC in the past. It is not logical for the support to solo lane, but do it early if no one does, it will win games. If your mechanical skill are superior, you will win fights and win games.
Deckard synergizes very well with a lot of heroes, His root hits a massive area and forces enemy team members to split. Be sure to stun someone. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. He's not great with a backline heavy team or against a frontline heavy comp. Not as quickly or as effectively, but they can still keep their teammates topped up without spending mana. Love the old man. With proper practice and mindset, you will be able to carry your team and get the rank you deserve. He has amazing poke mitigation, and decent burst heal with good moonfire and pseudo-cleanse. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. In silver, soak is really the name of the game. I destroy everyone as Brightwing. In lower ranks her E build will destroy their team with the level 20, and you can have good damage and wave clear. Wins/even most lane with his Holy shock, in team fight he can simply walk to any out of position target and kill him with E/Divine storm. This toxicity will make you tilt. It's a weird feeling when your healer main has literally not been mentioned once up until now, either positively or negatively, in a thread about healers with three dozen replies. Drafting doesnt matter. Auriel : at lower rank, her sustain is unbeatable, and she has a good wave clear. in the coms. She is however hard to play well, since teammates will not help you.
The flow of battle could shift in as little as two, three seconds, and the last thing you want to do is watch in horror as your teams assassin is shot down because you healed the tank, which the enemy is now ignoring. Your team could very well end up teetering on the verge of defeat, but a timely heal could turn certain defeat into a jaw-dropping reversal of fortunes. Anduin provides solid healing for the whole team and with his trait can pull Diablo out when he needs to. Always look for your own mistakes, what YOU can improve. Mei goes very well with healers that are good at taking care of themselves in my opinion. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Be careful however, to ask to be replaced, and if your team is asking multiple time for you to fight with them, just do it : you risk them to tilt, or suicide again and again and say where is the healer ???? I made sure to check every profile after each games, to spot potential smurfs. He is good with a good team, but I feel his carry potential is limited. Single target healing on a short cooldown, a root to follow up on the throw, and Leap of Faith to pull Garrosh out of tricky situations. Hard to play well, but amazing with a good team that can follow or engage. The follow your team advice + Right/logical also applies here.
Really the only reason to pick Malf over Stukov is his trait. Easily the most toxic rank, and the one I had the least fun. Im a relatively chill and tilt proof person, and playing in plat made me nastier and more toxic even IRL ! For my part, I always start from the expectation my teammates are terrible, and start to work from there. He can also do a lot of damage, and the silence wins fights. Ana is still top tier if you land skillshots. A very easy combo to pull off; Lightbomb on Johanna, she immediately uses Falling Sword to hover above the target, it gets stunned by Lightbomb, it gets stunned by Falling Sword and, if your DPS heroes are awake, they will die. If Muradin is high on health and Tyrande is allowed to auto attack freely, taking a fight is very good for this combo. Alexstrasza: Pumps out the heals and can position very safely as most attention will be drawn to Garrosh. I had 72% win rate trough silver and gold, and at the low plats. It works. I never found reasons to draft him in lower ranks tough, because your teammates wont spread the heal, you have limited burst heal option, and your CC is not flashy enough to get your dps attention. Better to be a few seconds late with full health and mana than early with half your health and barely any mana left to do anything. I found it more difficult than diamond, especially around plat 2 and 1. Picking off enemies that are alone. Deckard : Difficult healer, not the best choice. Synergizes best with AoE CC tanks like Anub, Arthas or ETC. Who synergizes with who and how to optimally make use of it. Anduin: Ive got you! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Other heroes that work in this combo are Ana, Malfurion. Never a bad choice, never an excellent choice. Found less success in higher ranks because of her low heal output and lack of save. Where Uther has long cooldowns on his healing abilities, Mal'Ganis can make up for that with the healing he gets from his auto attacks. The enemy team will take very long naps if you overlap your abilities perfectly. She is my least played healer besides Lili, because I never find a reason to draft her.
I will detail my top picks for each rank in a later section. Morales : Excellent in lower ranks. On the other hand, some plats are Hyper Aggro, and with proper dedicated support, they will carry the game. Unpopular Opinion: I love the 2042 soundtrack. Kanai cube 30% damage reduction is effectively 30 armor for all my teammates suddenly, all enemies are rooted, potion toss to the would be victim, and maybe even an Ancient Blessing counter engage. Uther:Is a better choice if the enemy team is looking to burst Stitches down, since he prevents that with his healing and also has point and click CC to follow up on hooks. Uther : Basically an auto-win pick in double support at lower ranks, if your team is up for it (the other support also need to understand he should not take a full damage build). Not my recommended choice. The new maps for the endless mode: "The Flatland", "The Canyon", and "Rugged Trail". PSA: The LPLs Clash of Titans Continues! Tyranda : Bad main healer at low ranks due to her low sustain heal and save potential, and require engage from your tank +. It's good.
It is hard to carry vs 1 efficient player, impossible vs a coordinated group of 3 playing dive comp. Anduin is only good if you are playing in plat and people can't focus a single target down. Auriel has a significant cooldown on her only healing ability, which Johanna can handle because she is good at taking damage. It is not logical to get get boss during objective, or to invade this camp, but if your team decided to do it, do it too. They're all super good depending on situation, imo. Otherwise I would suggest taking a strong sustain healer with CC that is easy to land like Malfurion. The easiest thing is to take the E range talent at level 1 and aim your stun at Diablos tail. Having Dragonqueen is not only an advantage for some maps, but also to make sure the teamfight can keep going or turn around once Garrosh runs a little low on health. Never a bad choice to draft him if you have no other idea. There are a few strategies to follow to be a good healer in your team. Let idiots die, your job is to be the backbone of your team. Remember to take break after tilting loss, since loss and wins usually come in chain. After that there's so many good healers it depends on the comps. His sustain build works wonder with a melee heavy team vs low CC frontlane, however. If you come in on my team, you best believe Im making that zone very unpleasant for your divers. In higher ranks, where people take less poke, he shines in burst-focused composition with iron fist, where he is excellent. Go for a bruiser with CC like Blaze and a good sustained damage dealer. Tyrael gives a bit of shields, Kharazim a bit of healing, but both don't give too much in terms of actual sustain. ). Stitches is a big meat shield that tends to stay near his team. Proactive healer though which I see a lot of BW players struggle with which makes her seem lackluster at times. You need to rely on teammates to get energy, but with the level one W talent + energized cord at 7, you can generate lot of energy yourself. You will not get punished.
His winrates on heroes profile are really low, but hes by far my most played healer and has a 60%+ winrate in plat/diamond stormleague and QM/UR. He's hard to kill as well, Deckard has passive armor and although he's slow he can simply walk away from diving characters. Lightbomb with Falling Sword, do I need to say more? To start this analysis, let me introduce myself : I play heroes of the storm since 2015, and have always been a decent player. Tranquility can have value in higher ranks, but my preferred ultimate is still the silence. His ult's aren't that great but do not underestimate a good Stay a while and listen, If you're plat or above his sleep can set up a perfect engagement as long as you don't have teammates attacking targets all willy nilly. In gold things are generally better in the soaking department. Best support in an isolation comp (stitches for example) because of 7-sided. Auriel is super high popularity after buffs cause new rez is insane. Rehgar is great too, esp if you have nobody else for camps. My support of choice for this were uther, tyranda and brighwing, With all healers being somewhat viable, this game offers a lot of variety in the choice. Ana is also considered best against double healer uther comps. I have far less advices, since thats where I belong. This is because Diablo can pick talents that heal him on landing a stun with his Q but also build more damage into that stun potential. Very strong CC that synergizes great with burst mages. The same advice applies though. In party, smurfs stacks were a lot more common, and it was effectively ruining the game because I partied with people of silver/gold level, and they couldnt do anything. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Lucio : A good all-around healer, best poke mitigation and late-game powerhouse. Good at lower ranks to mitigate poke and macro with soak, global and camp, and she shuts downs yolo melee assassin. If you can identify this type of player, your best move is to baby-sit them.

Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a4484bd07536a6ee74ebc231c43e56c0");document.getElementById("b7ae61571b").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Draft him when they have a lot of melee heroes, and his root + sleep ultimate will carry games. Reason why we exclusively pick lightbomb in 99% of the games.Don't invest time in anduin. Monk can be great against the right comps. Once caught, both will die quickly though. Malf is alright. My recommended choice if they dont have easy interrupts. His speed allows for lot of play and he can make any team feel unkillable. With loss of ice block it's really easy for most dive comps to CC chain Malf before he can twilight.
If the enemy team decides to focus you down, they will be in for a nasty surprise when they discover that their risky gambit has been shut down because youve got a trick up your sleeve to keep you alive.

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