See the previous description for TABLESPACE for general information. When connected to the root in a CDB, specifies the tablespaces in the root. If RMAN finds logical corruption, then it logs the block in the alert.log and server session trace file. Note: You can use this clause only if you have restored a backup taken since the last RESETLOGS operation. Allocates automatic channels for the specified device type only. You start the RMAN client and connect to dgprod3 as TARGET and connect to the recovery catalog. Name of the schema into which the tables and table partitions must be recovered. are restoring to. Assume you run the following script daily. This example takes tablespace users offline, uses automatic channels to restore the data files to their default location and recover them (deleting the logs that it restored from tape), then brings the tablespace back online. The FOREIGN DATAFILECOPY clause lists all the data files that were created when this PDBs data files were restored. The incarnation table must have a complete history of RESETLOGS operations from the creation time of the database backup. Therefore, even if you do not use the USING BACKUPSET clause, the files are transferred as backup sets. On first execution, the script creates an image copy backup of the database on disk with the specified tag. A qualifier before the name uniquely identifies the tablespace. Specifies the data blocks that require recovery. By default, the RECOVER DATABASE command does not recover files that are offline normal at the point in time to which the files are being recovered. RMAN then creates the required backup sets on the source database, transfers them to the destination database, and then restores them on the destination. Specifies the entire database (see Example 3-3). This example runs a backup validation to populate the V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view, then recovers any corrupt blocks recorded in the view. The recovered objects are stored in an Data Pump export dump file that is specified using DUMP FILE and DATAPUMP DESTINATION. command with the proper parameters for the time taken and source media. The recovered tables or table partitions can be mapped to a target database schema that is different from the one in which they originally existed. If you do not specify MAXSIZE, then RMAN deletes restored archived redo log files as they are applied. To perform recovery in a destination CDB using preplugin backups, the root must be open and you must connect to the root as a common user with the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privilege. This example recovers the partitions sales_2009 and sales_2010 from the table SALES to the time when the SCN of the target database was 34582. If no auxiliary destination is specified, RMAN creates the dump file in a default operating system-specific location. If you specify a point in time to recover to, DB2
This subclause specifies the tables or table partitions that must be recovered. At a time when you need
partition and perform the restore on all nodes for you. The name of the tablespace in a PDB. DB2 will find the most efficient way to perform the recovery for you
Applies incremental backups, rolls forward, and then restarts the physical standby database. Specifies a restore point for termination of the RECOVER command, with the SCN at which the restore point was created as the upper, inclusive limit. This clause is supported only while performing block media recovery. When you recover only certain partitions from a partitioned table, each partition is imported into the target database as separate table. are restoring to. Recovers data files using backup sets that are transferred, over the network, from a remote database. No other PDBs are affected; they can remain open and operational. Connect to the application root as an application common user with the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privilege. This subclause specifies various recovery options. Data files are first restored from non-sparse backups and then recovered. In this case, the primary database must be mounted. If you do not specify a name for the dump file, RMAN assigns a default name based on the operating system of the target database. For example, if you configure automatic disk and tape channels, and if you issue RECOVER DEVICE TYPE DISK, then RMAN allocates only disk channels. When recovering after the loss of control files, RMAN automatically updates the control file to point to the actual location of the data files on disk (see Example 3-5). For RMAN to be able to search the flashback logs for good copies of corrupt blocks, Flashback Database must be enabled on the target database. A backup of the SYSTEM, SYSAUX, UNDO, and SH tablespaces at the specified recovery SCN exists. To perform TSPITR of tablespaces in a PDB, backups of the root and the seed database (PDB$SEED) of the CDB that contains the PDBs must be available. However, after the recovery operation, they are mapped to the tablespace MY_TBS in the target database. Named constraints and indexes are not imported when you use the REMAP TABLE option. These files are left offline after the media recovery is complete. The RECOVER command not only combines
To recover a whole CDB, use the RECOVER DATABASE command and to recover the root, use the RECOVER DATABASE ROOT command. | The difference is in the process of connecting to the CDB or PDB and in the commands used. Specifies a location where auxiliary set data files, control files, and online redo logs are created during TSPITR if another location for an individual file is not explicitly specified. If recovery including corrupt blocks is permissible, then set MAXCORRUPT to the smallest number of corrupt blocks that causes media recovery to fail. Specifies the names of tablespaces in a PDB when connected to a PDB. Does not perform media recovery in parallel. It enables the database to look ahead into the redo stream to detect possible problems. Example 3-10 Recovering Tables to a Specified Time and Into a Different Tablespace. Specifies the tablespace name or number containing the corrupt blocks and the data block address (DBA) of the corrupt block. Performs cross-platform transport of a PDB into a different destination CDB. This subclause specifies which files to recover. pdb-name is the name of a PDB. After the EMP table is recovered, it is imported into the target database using the name MY_EMP. Logical corruption. After connecting RMAN to prod and the catalog database, recover as follows: The recovered database reflects only changes up through the time of the Friday incremental backup. will find the backup image closest to (but before) that point in time
In Oracle Database 11.2 and earlier releases, information about nonlogged blocks was available in the V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION view. Specifies the name of the Data Pump export dump file that contains the recovered tables or table partitions. Use a comma-delimited list to specify multiple PDBs. TABLESPACE pdb-name:tablespace_name DBA integer. Some SQL operations can make database structural changes and should not be used during a snapshot. Note: Incremental backups of NOARCHIVELOG databases can only be taken after a consistent shutdown. The RECOVER BLOCK command is used to perform block media recovery. You can only perform block media recovery on corrupt blocks. Use the RECOVER command to perform one of the following distinct tasks: Perform complete recovery of the whole database or one or more restored data files, Perform point-in-time recovery of a database (DBPITR), pluggable database (PDB), tablespace (TSPITR), table, or table partition, Apply incremental backups to a data file image copy (not a restored data file) to roll it forward in time, Recover a corrupt data block or set of data blocks within a data file, Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide to learn how to recover data files. This command is meant to be used with the BACKUP FOR RECOVER OF COPY syntax to implement a strategy using incrementally updated backups. RMAN makes an autobackup after recovering the image copy. The target database must be mounted or open. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide to learn about encrypted tablespaces. By default, RMAN transfers files as backup sets. Example 3-7 Recovering All Block Corruption in the Database. The database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode when the backup was created. Then when the restore completes it automatically invokes the roll
partition and perform the restore on all nodes for you. On Linux, the default location is $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. Refer to "Prerequisites Specific to RECOVER BLOCK" for prerequisites specific to block media recovery. You connect to the application root as an application common user with the SYSDBA or SYSBACKUP privilege. You can use as many pairs of source and destination replacement strings as required. RMAN can only recover blocks marked media corrupt. After connecting RMAN to the target database and recovery catalog, issue the following commands: RMAN automatically skips the restore and recovery of data file 8, which is the data file in the read-only tablespace. To perform point-in-time recovery for a PDB, you must specify the SCN for recovery. The platform name specified must match the platform identifier stored in the cross-platform backup header. With RESTORE, you specify the
forward command to take you to the end of logs. Because the online logs are lost, you must specify the NOREDO option in the RECOVER command.
Refer to description of RECOVER COPY OF. By default, MAXCORRUPT is 0, so that if any corrupt blocks exist, media recovery fails. For CDBs, it specifies the entire CDB. On the eighth and all subsequent executions, RMAN applies the level 1 incremental to the data file copy made 7 days ago and then makes a new level 1 backup with the changes from the previous day. Note: If archived redo log files are restored to the fast recovery area, then the DELETE ARCHIVELOG option is enabled by default. REMAP TABLESPACE source_tablespace_name:target_tablespace_name. friendly.If you specify a point in time to recover to, DB2 Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for information about specifying the snapshot time.