Small range of around 50 ECW figures, and also some Samurai all sold by Warrior Miniatures in Scotland.
indication of most ranges, using painted figures - but not the full range by If you have any questions or comments regarding grading or anything else, please send e-mail to
They take Paypal and credit cards, Lancashire Games are the UK's "value" manufacturer with a lot of figures to bulk out your forces quite quickly. individually. Most ranges also come from different sculptors, so compatibility between ranges is not always as good as with some other manufacturers. "Sculpture'Z. pieces, or white They also sell bases and flags as
Vexillia's other own-brand range, of Poles is a touch early to feature in this rulebook but the other manufacturers are all avaiable from their site in the UK. In their Renaissance ranges they have ECW/TYW (combined), Scots Covenanters, Scots Royalists, Highlanders, Irish, some Croats, Stradiots, Reiters, Spanish, Ottomans, Polish, Landsknechts, Cossacks, Moghuls, Muscovites, Indians, Streltsi, Tatars, Swiss & a generic Italians Wars range, French Wars of Religion (Hugeonot and Catholic), Spanish & English 1559-1605.
View Traffic for just this page. Quality varies a lot between ranges, but the website has a full set of pictures so have a look at the images on their website and decide. SN10 5LB, UK
Copyright Keep Wargaming. note that TimeCast models are not toys. period. 6mm Napoleonic Russians. Naismith/Roundway, formerly sold by Navwar but now under new ownership have significant range of Late Medieval-Early Renaissance figures which mix nicely with Essex and similar ranges under the Roundway banner.
Renaissance Ottoman Turks are typical of the periodwith lots Swords, spears and shields
Miniatures, models & painting for gamers & collectors, 15mm Renaissance or ECW figures for tabletop wargames, Copyright 2019 Classic Miniatures ABN 43 448 191 972, Display Figures 75mm-120mm for collectors, Resin & Plastic Large Model Kits 120mm-315mm. Product Line: Renaissance Miniatures - Equipment (15mm). IN VARIOUS HELMS WITH ARMOUR, CUIRASSIERS The figures are sold in the usual packs of 8 and 4.
The lack of raised, dry-brushable/inkable detail on many hand.
Grumpys are also stocked by Eureka in Australia. scroll down or click on the buttons for the full list, Please Please
A fairly complete set of pictures of the ranges are shown on the site. There are several different sets of sculpts in this range - by general agreement the Louis XIV ones are the best, Turenne and Montecuccli and the TYW stuff is OK, but the later C17 European ones are a bit iffy. If excessively worn, they will be marked as "tray worn.". Shop our entire inventory online, or visit our amazing 6000 sq' store in downtown Toronto. Our world leading 3D sculpted miniatures, sculpting taken to the next level. All are usually a touch larger than Essex, and chunkier too, As a result of increased interest in the period Donnington have recently started a re-mastering and re-moulding programme for their Rennaisance ranges. HAIDUK INFANTRY WITH BOW AND CROSSBOW, POLISH
OG used to sell in packs of 50 foot and 16 mounted - with multiple poses per pack, but the
These ratings are almost all separate to those in the Ancients Directory, as the quality of a manufacturers Renaissance and Ancients ranges may differ - so make sure to vote here as well as on the Ancients Page. They sell in packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted, with many of the mounted
Near Mint.
according to DBx basing conventions) and some army pack sizes. Like new with only the slightest wear, many times indistinguishable from a Mint item. They also have a generic European Nations range for the periods 1660-1695 and 1695-1745, which also includes HIghlanders. contact@nobleknight.com. They are all designed and cast by Tin Soldier. Countries covered include Burgundian, English, French, German, Hindu Indians, Hungarians,
Essex-sized but a bit chubbier, and with lots of variety in each pack, cavalry are sometimes cast in 2 pieces with a split at the waist, Totentanz Miniatures are a Spanish manufacturer who have announed a Continental TYW range, Their intention is to produce " 1:100 scale, 16mm to the eyes figurines" - which might well be on the bigger end of the scale rather than true 1/100th 15mm types. manufacturers - whatever army you are looking to buy Essex will have a
Sold direct and via North Star in unit sized packs that work out at about 1 Euro per mounted figure. Very well used, but complete and useable. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.
reproduced without permission. All figures designed and cast in Scotland.
(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Venexia made a large (i.e.
Khurasan's own TYW ranges are designed to be big enough to mix with Testudo and the other 18mm-ish companies, and the only ones I have seen certainly fit that description. if you see anything that needs changing, please tell me via the email link on this page. 15S-ECW-103 this is a 15Standard 4Ground model with high detail and pre-painted parts. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) They also stock Grumpys Miniatures, Irregular, and Museum in Australia. The information on this site was hopefully correct when I created it, and I do try to keep it updated but please check shipping rates and quantities yourself when ordering.
A Great Northern War range works for WSS, and includes some nice Muscovites.
They can be bought direct bfrom their own website, They have just one Renaissance range, of Scots and Highlanders, The Italian website has pictures of all the figures. Spanish, and Swiss. spears in place, with 2-3 variants in most packs. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. War
They are sold in the UK by, The website has nice pictures of all the figures in the bare metal, They sell in biggish packs (20-30) but with lots of variety in each pack - there are even some nice looking Civilians in the Pirate range, The US site takes Paypal and credit cards.
You can also rate any of the manufacturers - please do vote on those you have figures for as this helps other gamers decide what to buy.
An extensive The range has ECW (including Scots), Samurai and Aztecs, Incas and Conquistadores in the Renaissance era. These buildings are not just usable for the 17th Century period but are usable right up to the modern day, with buildings in many towns being preserved or built new in this traditional style.
well as other accessories.
They were much shorter and less anatomically correctly styled
Renaissance Era lines on their website currently only include several WSS ranges, however they used to also make Ottomans, Italian Wars, Landsknechts, Swiss, some Scots and an Americas ranges of Mexican Triple Alliance, Tarascans, Mayans, Incas, Tupi, plus some civilians and animals. 15mm Supply Train: Carts, Wagons & Baggage, Coat d'Arms Washes, Super Washes & Super Shaders, 15mm Shield Decals / Transfers (Veni vedi Vici), 25mm Shield Decals / Transfers (Veni Vedi Vici), 15mm Renaissance: Cossacks 16th-17th Century, 15mm Renaissance: English Civil War / 30 Years War, 15mm Renaissance: Early Renaissance / Later Medieval, 15mm Renaissance: Early Swiss or Italian Wars, 15mm Renaissance: Italian Wars & French Wars of Religion, 15mm Renaissance: Equipment, Guns, Limbers etc, 28mm Weapons, Equipment, War Machines, Guns etc. This range (Welcome to one of the busiest parts of Madaxeman.com), Who am I missing? The site takes Paypal cash and cheques.
The Altuos range - sold by 15mm.co.uk - covers 7 chunks of the Renaissance.
includes the numerous troops types which made up the European armies They will start selling figures in Autumn 2014.
Magister Militum Unit 4, The Business Centre,Morgans Vale Road, Redlynch,Salisbury, SP5 2HA. INFANTRY MUSKET & ARQUEBUS, WALLACHIAN
The range was initially sold to US-based company Sgt Major Miniatures, but they appear to have ceased production and at least some of the ranges have now appeared on the Lancashire Games website being sold from the UK.
T. This range was started in 2010 producing figures in the larger scale 15 / 18 mm style, but as of February 2013 it has been discontinued - no visibility on whether it will be sold onto someone else.
They also have a League of Ausberg range which may well creep in at the back end of the period.
They come in boxed sets with nice cover artwork. coming as one piece castings of horse and rider. The US site seems to have pictures for most of these ranges. Donnington - unusually - sell figures individually. The Renaissance 15mm ranges cover TYW, ECW, Polish, Cossacks, Scots, Ottomans, Aztecs, Moghul Indians and Persians. LIGHT CAVALRY WITH BOWS AND SPEARS, POLISH
The Timber Framed Shop is great addition to any post 16th Century town or village, wether it is the only shop in the village or part of the main drag, this highly detailed building will give you something worth fighting for.
Breton/Norman cavalry command (unarmoured), Husisite Heavy Infantry (Arquebus) Shooting. Irish, Italian/Venetian, Mameluk, Mughal Indian, Ottomans, Medieval Persians, Poles, Russians, Scots, (Highlanders and Pike-types), Whilst in practice there are differences, many ECW ranges also often promoted as being able to cover the Thirty Years War - and a number of similar era armies. ARMOURED FOOT COMMAND(STANDING/ADVANCING), MOUNTED The Dixon/Two Dragons ranges were I suspect all originally sculpted by the same chap, however now the Samurai are manufactured and sold by, Sold in packs of 10 foot and 5 mounted - horses are bought separately, Blue Moon are a sub-set of Old Glory and sell 15/18mm figures for the Malburian and Great Northern Wars which just maybe creep in at the end of the Renaissance era, and also a range of Pirates (arrr!!)
At shows they tend to sell only the packs of troops bagged up in much bigger quantities.
place, cast in the UK and also in the US. QR Miniatures is a Polish company selling 15mm figuires relating to Polish history - from Poland.
so probably aren't trying too hard to sell to the UK!
Complete and very useable. Seemed like nice people when I met them on their stand - email them for ordering details, UK based manufacturer with a couple of Renaissance ranges, A Nine Years War range suitable for all of the main nations, specifically Bavarians and Anglo-Dutch but also with some French-specific figures and also Inca, Canari and Mapuche as well as Chimu and Mochica ranges from the Americas, and some newer Jacobite and Restoration British ranges.
Spanish Princess Regiment from the Napoleonic Wars. England, Click
click on the highlighted codes for a picture.
Tel: 01380 725613, Paul and Teresa Bailey Shrink Wrapped. extremes veers towards the cartoonish - which is not to everyone's tastes, All packs come with separate shields and open hands for lances, and all have variety in them too. VLASTELA CAVALRY KNIGHTS (1400 AD), POLISH ), Late C17 Eastern Europe Hungarians and Haiduks for the Kuruc Rebellion, Very Late Medieval Swedes, Renaissance Irish, Tibetans and a nice Thirty Years War range with proper TYW-designed figures. var sc_text=2; Normans and Saxons (out now) Cavalry Archers & Crossbow. Well regarded and expanding US-based online-only retailer succesfully and regularly shipping worldwide, Have an ever expanding range (check their website for new announcements) including Elizabethan English, West Sudanese, Arabs, Mapuche, Chichimec, Chinatecs, Irish and Scots ECW, Renaissance-era Swiss, Spanish Imperials, Iroquios Indians, Manchu / Quing Chinese (maybe even the Kushans?
Italian-based manufacturer who rather winningly describe their figures as 16mm "because it's a middle way amongst 15 and 18mm". are cast in hand, and all the ranges are designed and cast in house.
to the later Turkish Janissaries. during the Renaissance, plus the famous German Landsknechts and Spanish Currently they list Renaissance ranges of Poles and Hungarians (1576-1631), Muscovites (1553-1630) and ECW (1642-52) - all in packs of 8 foot or 8 mounted. Address:28 Long Lane, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 5HF, UK, Working Days/Hours:Mon - Thus/ 9:00AM - 5:00PM. set of pics so you can decide for yourself easily enough.
e-mail: pandthome@btopenworld.com
For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. IN ZISCHAGGE HELMS WITH BREAST AND BACK ARMOUR, CUIRASSIERS IN HEAVY HELMS WITH BREAST AND BACK
SN10 5LB, UK
There are pictures of them all on the website, The home of the oft-overlooked Feudal Castings & - for Renaissance especially - Friekorps ranges, sold by QRF (who also used to use the LKM brand until 2 years ago). As usual each storey is removable allowing maximum in-game access to each one of the many rooms.
range covering theEnglish and Scottish armies of the Civil