Demonstrated ability to organize advocacy and strengthen the capacity of private sector associations to advocate for a more favorable regulatory environment. Reflecting on your priorities, reviewing your options and seeking a job on that basis can be a tiresome task with time spent in seeking job sites and sending resume. This position is open to qualified Nepalese nationals only. > Jr. Assistant and Jr. Please check again soon. medianet_height = "280"; Current Job Openings --> Full Time --> Full Time Asia. In today's tight job market, finding the job vacancies which matches your diverse set of skills and experiences is very difficult. Functions and Responsibilities of the Agriculture Inputs and Policy Specialist. The AIMS Activity will use market systems approaches to improve the productivity, competitiveness, inclusivity, and resilience of Nepals agriculture sector. > National Life Insurance Company announces vacancy for various positions; Qualification: Bachelor The Risk and Compliance Manager provide dedicated support to the regional office and the Senior Managers in making sure that resources are continuously, effectively and efficiently geared towards achieving results for children. Illegal, obscene, vulgar, indecent, or objectionable. They have provided prompt response and quick feedback as when required.
It will increase the systemic availability, accessibility, and sustainable use of four critical inputs: improved seed, fertilizer, irrigation, and agricultural equipment to transform smallholder farms and livelihoods, while improving their ability to adapt to the current shocks from the pandemic and improve their resilience to future shocks and the increasing stresses from climate change. > Jr. Trainee Assistant, Assistant and various positions wanted at Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha; Qualification: SEE/ +2/ Bachelor; Freshers can APPLY 1Close relatives refer to spouse, children, mother, father, brother and sister, niece, nephew, aunt and uncle. Everybody wants what feels good. > Banking Career opportunities at A leading C class National Level Finance Company 6M. Assist the Deputy Chief of Party in the management and oversight of work plans and annual budget for input and policy related activities. Vacancy notice from Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha, Vacancy announcement from Radisson Hotel Kathmandu, Vacancy Announcement from a reputed Finance Company, Lok Sewa Aayog, Karnali Province Vacancy Calendar 2079 2080, Vacancy Notice from Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. An account is required before making any submissions. Dear Sir/Madam,
To learn more about ACES, read the FAQs. > Agriculture Development Bank Exam Preparation: Old Question, Practice Question, Syllabus
Deadline: 27 July 2022 READ ALSO, medianet_width = "336"; Everyone wants to live a carefre David GreenApril 4, 2019
I am now very happy in my new job role and thank you so much, I would always happily recommend Good Jobs. Under the guidance and supervision of the Regional Adviser, Emergency, the incumbent will establish and implement country office emergency preparedness and response, and will also be responsible for the development, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the emergency interventions to ensure the survival and well-being of children and mothers, and the affected communities in an emergency situation. The is a staff position located in Kathmandu, JPO Programme Officer- Adoloscent Skills and Employability provides demonstrated experience and training for UNICEF to progress on skills development and employment for adolescents and young people. > Rastriya Banijya Bank Exam Preparation: Old Question, Practice Question, Syllabus Ability to manage partners, sub-contracts and grant making programs with all required reporting requirements, Ability to perform internal control functions to manage day-to-day operations of the project. Junior Professional Officer Programme - Nedworc Foundation > Nepal Rastra Bank Exam Question, NRB Syllabus, Old Questions Set, Exam Preparation Guides.
Deadline: 2 August 2022 related solutions to organizations across the country since 2012. As a top online job platform in Nepal, we provide the best service and career counsel in helping you find the Excellent jobs in Nepal. 3Y, Experience: For more on how we use cookies and your cookie choices, International Fertilizer Development Center Jobs,, Objective 1: Demand- and supply-responsive and financially viable seed system developed, Objective 2: Soil fertility management and fertilizer distribution system improved, Objective 3: Climate adaptive and sustainable water management system enhanced, Objective 4: Adoption of modern agricultural equipment increased. Provide technical leadership, oversight, and coordination related to inputs and policy. We at GoodJobs believe in providing the appropriate information about the latest job vacancies in Nepal. Notes: Applications for current vacancies are received through the ADB Career andEmployment System (ACES). See why over 100,000 users have already used, 5 No, I didn't have to pay any sum to any party. There is strong impetus and opportunities to engage with the private sector to drive Generation Unlimited (Gen-U) across the region based on varying degrees of country office programme sophistication. Deadline: 4 August 2022 We are leading the way in the world of work, giving both employers and job seekers a platform to connect by corresponding the relevant job vacancies with the candidate profiles. > Narayani Development Bank Limited (NDBL) announces vacancy for Assistant and Officer Level positions; Qualification: +2/ Bachelor; Freshers can APPLY Successful applicants are placed under the cleared candidates pool and are retained for nine months. did you Thank you GoodJobs. Great, we can send you jobs like this, if this is your first time signing up, please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. > NIC ASIA Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha announces vacancy for Assistant Level positions; Qualification: +2 Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an UNICEF Nepal Country Office is looking for a professional with passion to deliver results for children. The activity is a Feed the Future (FtF) initiative aimed at reducing overall poverty, hunger, and malnutrition in 25 districts, with the greatest focus on women, youth, and members of marginalized farming communities. Over the last decade, analytics has become :
Firstly, I would like to thank you for providing us with the perfect candidate on such short notice. The Best Job portal in Nepal. implementation of ICT integration into UNICEF programmatic support . Identical or nearly identical to the question or answer posted already. Over the past few weeks, various vacancies have been announced by leading banks, Insurance and financial institutions. You Might also LIKE: The questions/answers/replies/comments should NOT contain matter that is: Home >> Educate Update >> Notice & Announcements, Copyright EDUCATENEPAL.COM 2021. > Nepal Bank Limited publishes Notice for Jr. Assistant Positions Hi! Iget hired in this job through GoodJobs, I am happy with services because it's really fast. Experience: I have not paid any sum to any parties hired by Digital Home International And would like to give 5 stars (highest) to the team Good Jobs. guidance and support makes it easier to obtain the required candidates for our vacant positions. After a lot of unsuccessful attempts to hire the right person in our team, we decided to seek your service.
Very easy to use and very effective in its Services. For criteria see the website of Nedworc Foundation:
Thinker. I am glad to work with Kantipur Job as it is an experienced agency and capable of handling all UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia is seeking a qualified consultant to provide technical assistance to much-needed support for the organization's strengthened commitment to increased and more equitable investment in key services for girls and boys to realize their inalienable rights. All Rights Reserved. Jobs, 0
Are you interested in an exciting and rewarding career in financing and managing investments in private sector projects in developing Asia? Within one day I had a job offer. medianet_crid = "578338145"; Ensure daily management of project technical programming related to agriculture inputs and policy. Deadline: 3 August 2022 Demonstrated skills in effectively collaborating with host governments, regional institutions, donors, UN agencies, other development partner projects, local organizations, private companies and other partners. + Advanced Used for self promotion or advertisements. Deadline: 24 July 2022
Recruitment is contingent upon successful award of the project and the selection of final applicant is subject to USAID approval. :
Fluency in written and spoken English is required. No opportunities at this time. We assist you in finding the quality job vacancies and allow you to search by title, categories, keyword, and location helping you ease in your job search process. Posted on 30 May 2022 Demonstrated experience (>3 years) in providing Technical Assistance to governments, development partners and private sector on agriculture input and fertilizer issues. > Trainee Assistant and various positions (80 vacancies) wanted at Summit Laghubitta Bittya Sanstha; Qualification: SEE/ +2; Freshers can APPLY GoodJobs connects job seekers and recruiters by accurately matching the relevant job openings and candidate profiles, thus helping you to get on your desired career path with GoodJobs, you can search thousands of jobs online from top companies, industries and locations of your choice to find the next step in your career. > Career opportunities at NIBL Ace Capital Ltd; Qualification: Bachelor/ Master; Freshers can APPLY 2Y, 11M. Jr. Assistant and Jr. ADB encourages websites and blogs to link to its web pages. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Deadline: 31 July 2022 This is all down to their professional and first class service. Applications should be submitted in English no later than 11:59 p.m., Manila time, on the specified closing date. > Banking Career opportunities at Best Finance Company Ltd.; Qualification: Bachelor of job seekers registered in their first attempt and applied for their dream job through The activity will incorporate cross-cutting components with private and public market system actors to increase digital capacity and access to finance. Copyrighted material or violates any applicable law or regulations. This position reports to the Deputy Chief of Party. The PF4C contractor will provide technical assistance in view of providing overall technical advice for evidence generation and based advocacy strategies and capacity building for sustained and equitable financing in the key social sectors. Thank you GoodJobs.". Have a great day. Deadline: 2 August 202 Officer wanted at Vijaya Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha; Qualification: SEE/ +2/ Bachelor Experience working in Asia, preferably Nepal. Jobs, of job seekers have received prompt response from after registration. Deadline: 27 July 2022 All three (3) MS Word documents should be submitted/uploaded together. expertise on human resources solutions and has been providing Human Resource Management and Purely for the purpose of soliciting business or any other commercial/monetary gain.
I would give you five stars. 3Y, 8M. For the purpose of employment or offers of employment. I am happy with GoodJobs, its easy to get job. The consultant's professional approach, timely Join us to find fulfillment in sharing your knowledge and skills, and be a part of our vision in achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific. Regards, Because of GoodJobs, I'm now working as Front Desk Officer at Liverpool College. Within a day of our first contact, they put me forward for an interview. Thank you Good Jobs! Thank you so much for finding me the perfect job! To apply, please submit a copy of your CV, a Cover Letter and sign and upload a copy of the USAID 1420/biodata form (available at and submit as MS Word documents. ACESfacilitates the submission of applications and enables applicants to check the status of their applications. Experience:
medianet_versionId = "3111299"; The International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) is currently seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Agriculture Inputs and Policy Specialist for the anticipated USAID/Nepal AIMS project. Please read the criteria and FAQ section carefully before considering applying, Technical support for the simulation and costing of Education scenarios, Risk and Compliance Manager, P4, ROSA, Kathmandu - Nepal, #89269, Emergency Specialist, P-3, TA (6 month), ROSA, Kathmandu, Nepal # 00121172, Internal/External Vacancy Notice: ICT Associate, GS6, Temporary Appointment ( 364 days), Kathmandu, Nepal (Open to Nepalese Nationals Only), Junior Professional Officer Position, Programme Officer- Adolescent Skills and Employability (Dutch Sponsored and open to nationals of developing countries only). He/She will take up the role of ICT Associate to assist Country Office with the identification, assessment and With employees from more than 60 countries, ADB is a place of real diversity. Assist project management and leadership on corrective measures and adaptive approaches through management decision-making. First of all, I would like to thank you for your concern as a job hunting partner and appreciate your effort for always being there to explore new exciting career opportunities.
Deadline: 27 July 2022 GoodJobs provided jobs to me without any charges, I am so thankful.
Deadline: 4 August 2022 The post will also play an important role in responding to global imperatives and the rollout of UNICEFs Global Strategic Plan and focus on multiple learning-to-earning pathways in the region. Search, Rural Enterprises and Remittances project (SAMRIDDHI), Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas (ASHA), Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP), The best HR and People Analytics articles of March 2019, , Korean companies interested to import Nepali mountain water. Dear Good Jobs Team, False, misleading, unlawful, or with the intent to harass, threaten, abuse, accuse or harm the feelings of anyone. Deadline: 27 July 2022
", " I am working as Front Desk Officer at Liverpool College. About ADB, how were organized, transparency, Projects, publications, products and services, operational priorities, and development knowledge, Countries with operations and subregional programs, country planning documents, Careers, business opportunities, and investor relations, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC), Civil Society/Non-government Organizations, Living in Manila, Workplace, and Spouse Careers, Intern - Energy Division, PARD - 2305 / 220422, Intern - Governance TG, SDTC - 2308 / 220425, Intern - Public Financial Management Division - 2315 / 220432, Intern - IT Finance and User Services Division - 2317 / 220434, Intern - Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division - 2303 / 220420, Intern - Viet Nam Resident Mission - 2311 / 220428, Intern - Office of the General Counsel - 2313 / 220430, Intern - Regional Cooperation and Integration Division - 2302 / 220419, Intern - Gender Equality Thematic Group - 2309 / 220426, Intern - Information Resources and Services Unit - 2316 / 220433, Intern - Nepal Resident Mission - 2310 / 220427, Intern - Strategy, Policy, and Business Process Division - 2312 / 220429, Intern - Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Division, EARD - 2301 / 220418, Intern - Risk Policy and Architecture Division - 2314 / 220431, Intern - Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Division - 2307 / 220424, Intern - Sector and Project Division - 2304 / 220421, Intern - Private Sector Investment Funds & Special Initiatives Div - 2306 / 220423, Working with ADB in Private Sector Financing, Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF), Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department, Strategy, Policy and Partnerships Department. Close relatives1of ADB staff, except spouses of international staff, are not eligible for recruitment and appointment to staff positions.