Port Huron Schools has named the advocator, innovator and educator of the year.

2022-2023 Free and Reduced-Priced School Meals Packet, Homeless Education Program (McKinney-Vento), MEANINGFUL NOTICE / PLAN SUMMARY INFORMATION 2022, We hope that you are having a restful break and are enjoying this time with your family. Huron High School has also made a commitment to offering well-rounded educational services. All rights reserved. Disposable masks have been ordered and will be available for anyone who needs them. This is the seventh year the awards have been given to staff. Marsh has been an employee of Port Huron Schools for 44 years and executive secretary at Port Huron Highsince 2013. Huron School District is offering summer enrichment and credit recovery programs for the Summer of 2022, 32044 Huron River Drive, New Boston, MI 48164 | Phone, Summer School Enrichment and Credit Recovery. If you need assistance, please visit the following. We provide students with the opportunity to participate in top notch music, drama, club, and athletic programs to serve our student needs. We pride ourselves on our sense of mutual respect and community partnerships. North Huron Schools does not discriminate on the basis of the Protected Classes of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender identity), disability, age (except as authorized by law), religion, military status, ancestry or genetic information (collectively, Protected Classes) in its educational programs or activities. We are proud of our unique blend of small town community and cutting edge academics. We appreciate feedback from all of our stakeholders. Yale Public Schools As we all know, the occurrence of cold & flu cases along with COVID cases has been increasing in our area as we moved into the winter season. This is an exciting way for our district to celebrate our exceptional staff and show our commitment to their success, Kerhoulas said in a statement.
More than 135nominations for the awards were made by their colleagues, students, staff and community members. Thank you Huron family and community members for your support! Smith has been a teacher in the district for 15 years, spending 12 of those in her current position at Garfield. Surveys that are currently active are listed in red. As we all know, the, a mask while they are in the building. This includes students, employees and visitors. Request a transcript: | Report an Absence: : 734-984-1188. Lesser has been the principal of Keewahdin Elementary since 2016. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. We hope that you will feel the same way about your students and those of your neighbors and friends and will encourage one another to wear masks at school during the school day. We hope that you will feel the same way about your students and those of your neighbors and friends and will encourage one another to wear masks at school during the school day, We are very hopeful that this action will keep us, Our district Homeless Liaison through the McKinney-Vento Act of Michigan is Mrs. Tanya Kramer, District Principal. Michigan public school districts must maintain daily student attendance at 75% or greater in order for a day of instruction to count toward the 180 day Michigan requirement.
We offer a large selection of advanced placement courses, as well as opportunities for college study programs. As a result, we are asking that when we return to school on January 3, 2022, everyone who comes into North Huron School will voluntarily wear a mask while they are in the building. We hope that you are having a restful break and are enjoying this time with your family. When illness numbers have decreased, everyone will be notified that the voluntary wearing of masks is no longer needed. Wearing your own mask of choice is also acceptable. During each school year updated links to stakeholder surveys will be made accessible. Inquiries or complaints on discrimination may be directed to Martin J. Prout, Superintendent at 989.874.4100. We will regularly monitor quarantines and absences to protect the health and safety of our students, staff and visitors. The health and safety of our students and staff is the number one consideration that prompted this request for voluntary mask wearing. Teachers, support staff, and administrators work hard to provide a safe, caring, and productive atmosphere which promotes teaching and learning. Members of the Huron High School Learning Community will cultivate skills and promote life-long learning through effective teaching, rigorous instructional practices, relevant experiences, and positive relationship building. Please know that we expect mask wearing to be a temporary situation. We are very hopeful that this action will keep us learning together at school, Our district Homeless Liaison through the McKinney-Vento Act of Michigan is Mrs. Tanya Kramer, District Principal. Our mission is to challenge students to reach their academic potentials while guiding them toward success as responsible citizens. Please check these links and our announcements and news section for the latest survey information. Wearing your own mask of choice is also acceptable. 2022 www.thetimesherald.com. We hope this action will help to minimize the spread of both COVID and flu so that we can continue to provide education to our students at the schoolhouse rather than having to instruct remotely due to quarantines, Michigan public school districts must maintain daily student attendance at 75% or greater in order for a day of instruction to count toward the 180 day Michigan requirement.