Drivers with shuttle runs will pick up students in the usual order and return students to their home schools. Exceptions may be made, at the high school level only, if the activity involves tournament playoffs, district-, regional- or state-level competition or activities. Please be sure employees are clear regarding their classification: temporary, part-time, full-time, or 12-month. If enough information is available, school district officials may make a decision the night before and parents will be notified before 10 p.m. This includes adult education classes, staff development programs and any activities planned by outside groups in school facilities. If you did not request an account in time for a particular weather event, please go ahead and create your account and save the login info for the next weather event. In the event that schools are closed to students, any of these employees who report to work without permission from the superintendent or superintendents designee will be directed to leave the premises. Students are dismissed in the following order: elementary, middle (Virginia Randolph Education Center) and high schools. This includes adult education classes, staff development programs and any activities planned by outside groups in school facilities. School is closed and an eLearning day is announced: Two-hour delay is first called, then an eLearning day is later announced: We will start our first meeting at 10 a.m. and follow our normal schedule for the remainder of the day. The school district does not send out a SchoolMessenger notification that schools are in session, although it may be posted as a reminder on Facebook. Allen ISD campuses are occasionally closed because of bad weather such as snow and ice. Please call before attending any upcoming community events, as it is possible that they may be postponed or canceled as a result of Covid-19. Approval for the exception may be given only by superintendent or designee when conditions indicate transportation and facility access can safely occur. If there are questions, maintenance supervisors should contact the Maintenance Control Supervisor at 804-349-2464 and custodial employees should contact their schools maintenance supervisor. publicfilesfwa@federatedmedia.com School Closed All HCPS EmployeesAll Facilities employees (school and Central Office) should not report to work unless notified by their Facilities supervisor. Check frequently for updated information on school delays, early dismissals, school closings, and school cancellations in Allen County Kentucky due to winter and inclement weather, as well as other emergencies related to Allen County & the surrounding County KY area. Employee Services and Strategic Initiatives, If schools are closed or delayed, the announcement will first be posted on the. The major television and radio stations will be notified. Have a Closing Code? 13119 Coldwater Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46845, Member of Northwest Allen County School District, Sam DiPrimio, Director of Human Resources, Diana Kochert, Director of Special Education, Ben Morgan, Asst. No monetary compensation will be provided. This includes school-based evening custodial employees. Bus drivers and assistants are advised to listen to local news media sources when emergency conditions arise. When schools are closed, all field trips, athletic events, after-school and evening activities are canceled. To download the School Delay and Closing information for onsite students, click the link below: School Delay and Closing Information 20210818.pdf. Director of Special Education, NACS EDGE - Device Protection Plan (Optional), District/Carroll High School Attendance Area, 2021-2022 NACEA Master Contract Agreement, 2021-2022 Administrative Guidelines for Administrators, Curriculum Coordinators, and Deans, 2022-2024 Administrative Guidelines for Administrators and curriculum coordinators, Certified Employees Administrative Guidelines, NACS Performance Evaluation Plan - Certified Employees, Draft Addendum for Superintendent Contract, 2016-07-26 & 2016-07-28 Executive & Work Session Agenda, 2016-07-28 Revised Executive & Work Session Agenda, Active Duty Military - Children in Education, New Student Health Paperwork & Information, Children & Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP) - Optional, Custodial Statement and Agreement: Divorce, Separation, or Abandonment, Election to Attend School Where Parents are Divorced or Separated, Carroll High School - Enrollment Information, High School Student Registration Permissions, New Student Registration Checklist - Carroll Middle School, New Student Registration Checklist - Maple Creek Middle School, New Student Enrollment Form - Middle School, Verification of Residency - Middle School, Elementary Student Registration Documents, Elementary Student Registration Permissions, Parent Volunteer Criminal Background Form, List of Common Words and Expressions Related to WIDA ELD Standards, Philosophy of PEAK and Definition of High Ability, New Student Move-in Identification Procedure, Instructions for Substitute Teacher Applicants. Other circumstances such as power outages or other utility problems may also cause a single campus or the entire school district to close. A temporary staff member is anyone working 29 hours or less per week; substitutes; and board substitutes. Parents are encouraged not to call the school offices since no employees answer the phones late at night or early in the morning. Accounts are created and verified manually by our staff. School MessengerPhone,email and text notification system to all staff and student households. When buses serving a school have not arrived by the time of dismissal, other drivers are to return until all bus riders have been taken home. We also ask that parents not call the notification system back as this also slows the system down. All HCPS sources will include specific instructions for staff. On nonschool days, should emergency conditions develop, the superintendent or designee will determine whether participation in scheduled events can be safely permitted. Submit your closing using the yellow Admin Login button or request a code using the form below. The following information should help parents understand what procedures Allen ISD uses to close or delay the start of school. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?
Viewers with disabilities can get assistance accessing this stations FCC Public Inspection File by contacting the station with the information listed below. They should check the campus website for additional information. This designation requires employees to ensure that school facilities are ready for use by staff and students following an emergency event. The following local media sources are notified of divisionwide closings and delays. If the start of school is delayed due to weather or other circumstances, schools willopen one or two hours later. Central Office and annex facilities will be notified by the superintendent (or designee) of early dismissal time. News media sources will be contacted as soon as principals and parents/guardians have been notified. CODE 0: Schools closed; no employees report; essential Facilities employees may be called inCODE 1: Schools closed; 12-month employees do not report; all school-based Facilities employees report on time (special circumstances overtime required)CODE 2: Schools closed; 12-month employees report 2 hours late; all Facilities employees report on timeCODE 3: Schools closed; all employees report 2 hours late; all Facilities employees report on timeCODE 4: Schools closed; all employees report on timeCODE 5: Schools open 2 hours late; all employees report 2 hours late; all Facilities employees report on timeCODE 6: Schools open 2 hours late; 12-month employees and all Facilities employees report on time. Remote Elementary Students Schedules 2-Hour Delays and Closings: 9 a.m. and follow our normal schedule starting at noon. Transportation supervisors will contact principals once all students have been transported home safely. Information will also be posted on the Allen ISD Facebook page and Twitter account. Early School ClosingAll Facilities employees (school and Central Office) should remain at their assigned location until notified by their facilities supervisor. The following employees do not report unless students are in attendance: clinic attendant, school security officers, bus drivers, food service staff and temporary staff members. It is important that parents keep their contact phone numbers current in Skyward if they want to receive SchoolMessenger notifications. Emergency codes will be used in reporting information to the local media sources. If schools are closed or delayed, the announcement will first be posted on the Allen ISD website. As soon as a decision is made by the superintendent to close schools early due to emergency conditions, notification will be made to principals. When schools open two hours late, all half-day PEDD classes are cancelled. High Schools & Advanced Career Education Centers, Registering/enrolling your student in Henrico County Public Schools, The Connection: About Our Online Services, Community Service Learning in Middle School, Community Service Learning in High School, Understanding School Accreditation (VDOE). School Closed 12-month Employees Report (delay or no delay)All Facilities employees (school and Central Office) should report to work on time. We will have our first Google Meet at 10 a.m. and follow our normal schedule for the remainder of the day. Facilities employees should follow the guidelines below when school operation times are altered. Disclaimer: Not all businesses use WBKOs closings system. Online Services | Calendars | Directory | Email Search | Employees | School Board & BoardDocs | Communications, P.O. If school is not closed for the day, no announcements will be made and students should report at the normal time. FM radio: iPower 92; Q94; K95; 96.1 The Planet; Classic Rock 96.5; Mix 98.1; BIG98.5; KISS 99.3; Easy 100.9; XL102; ESPN Richmond 102.7, 103.7 Play; iPower 104.1, Praise 104.7; KISS 105.7; Hot 106.1; and 106.5 The Beat. Students in grades 7 to 12 should be aware that changes in that day's class schedule will likely occur. Special education buses will follow their designated routes. Staff may be dismissed at the discretion of the principal; however, some staff members must remain to respond to calls from parents or any situation that may occur as students are transported home. The Allen ISD website and Facebook are the quickest sources of information for a school closing. Annual leave may be taken if employees choose to report late or miss the day.