See Urantu by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Youth by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). A term referring to The West implying the gloom of the Underworld and nether-darkness. In Greece, he was known as The Warrior; his massive army invaded Greece in 480 BCE for a variety of reasons including: 1) revenge for his fathers humiliating defeat ten years previously in 490 BCE, 2) the prompting of his general and cousin, Mardonius, who wanted to be satrap of Greece, 3) the vengeful encouragement of the banished Athenian tyrant, Hipparkhus (Hipparchus), and 4) the self-serving prophecies of another Athenian expatriate, Onomakritus (Onomacritus); the only man to advise Xerxes not to invade Greece was his uncle, Artabanus. See Uproar by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
His treatment of two Spartan messengers is one of the most curious episodes related to Xerxes; when Xerxes father, Darius, had sent heralds to Athens and Sparta demanding their submission, they were killed; the Athenians did not give the matter another thought but the Spartans regretted the incident and were determined to make amends; prior to Xerxes invasion of Greece, the Spartans sent two messengers, sacrificial victims really, to Xerxes and they offered their lives as recompense for the dishonorable way the Persian heralds were treated; Xerxes surprised everyone, including his generals and advisors, by not executing the Spartan volunteers; instead, he took the Spartans on a tour of his assembled army and navy and let them return to Sparta unharmed; the purpose of this maneuver was to allow the Spartans to marvel at his strength and be cowed into submission rather than fight a pointless war; needless to say, Xerxes misjudged the Spartans; The love affair with his brothers daughter was a tragic and embarrassing affair; Xerxes wanted to have the affection of his brothers wife and so he devised a devious plan where his own son, Darius, would marry his brothers daughter and thus put him in closer contact with the woman of his desire, the girls mother; the affection for the girls mother was not returned so Xerxes became infatuated with his sons new bride; her name was, Histories, book 1, chapter 183; book 4, chapter 43; almost all of books 7 and 8; book 9, chapters 108-113, Iliad, book 4, line 2; book 5, lines 722-732 and 905, Argonautika, book 1, lines 211-223 and 240+.
See Xanthos (2) by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Upper Egypt by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
Since Roman times, his grammar and vocabulary have made his works the basis for the study of ancient Greek; I feel that his most important and engaging work is Anabasis, which describes the retreat of Greek mercenaries from the heart of the Persian Empire back to Greek territory; he was a religious and pious man and his writings reflect his humble nature even though he refers to himself in the third person and is not hesitant to proclaim his own virtues. The Aeneid tells the story of the Greek hero, Aineias (Aeneas), the final battle of Troy and the eventual founding of Rome by Troys survivors; its impossible to read the Aeneid without comparing it to the Greek epics such as The Iliad and The Odyssey; one glaring difference is that The Iliad and The Odyssey were written for the people and the Aeneid was written for an emperor; Virgils loyalties aside, he created an important work of art and gave us a glimpse into the mind the Romans of antiquity; Virgil died before he could finish the Aeneid but Augustus Caesar had the unfinished poem copied and distributed. See Zeus by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). Known as the Graces or the Charities; they are: Euphrosyne, Aglaia and Thalia; the Graces are the attendants of Aphrodite (goddess of Love) and, as their name implies, they are the incarnation of Grace and Charm. All Rights Reserved. See X by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). This term is used to identify the southern portion of the Nile river valley of Egypt. The son of Karkinus (Carcinus); he wrote the tragedy Tlepolemus. An ancient city of Lykia (Lycia) in southwestern Asia Minor near the mouth of the Xanthos River. Pentakosiomedimnoi (the owners of large, productive tracts of land); Ippeis (named for their social class as horsemen or charioteers); Zeygitai (named for the social class of ox drivers); and. He and his brother, Amphion, were sons of Zeus and Antiope; the two brothers presumably built the foundations and bulwarks of the city of Thebes; Zethos married the nymph, Thebe, and the newly built city was named after her. See Zaphos by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). The fall of Troy was only accomplished by use of the Wooden Horse which is also called the Trojan Horse. The Aeneid was written between the years 29-19 BCE during the reign of Augustus Caesar, i.e., Octavian, and was an undisguised attempt to re-instill the noble values on which Rome had been founded and to give new faith to the Roman people after the flagrant excesses of Julius Caesar and Marcus Antony. The impasse at Thermopylae was eventually resolved when a local inhabitant named Ephialtes showed the Persians a mountain trail which would allow the Persians to mount a surprise attack on the Greeks from the rear; Xerxes had his first taste of Greek determination and tactics but he did not think that any amount of gall or intelligence could stand against his massive military; the Persian Empire was the most powerful governmental state on earth and the Greeks, although they were the only civilized people in Europe, were, by comparison, simply a loosely organized and constantly bickering conglomeration of nations who happened to share a common language and heritage. Mount Zephyrium in southern Italy; home of the Zephyrian who were Lokrian (Locrian) colonists from mainland Greece. A lake near the town of Ktimene in the district of Dolopia in Thessaly. For more information on Xaritas I suggest that you consult the Immortals section of this site. See Xynias by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). In this poem, Hesiod engages in a monologue with his brother, Perses, on matters that range from the practical day-to-day administration of the family farm, to the spiritual and ethical conduct that Hesiod believed was essential if Perses wanted to lead a productive and worthwhile life; there are priceless pieces of advice and humble bits of wisdom included in this poem; one of my favorite passages urges Perses to be friendly and welcoming to his neighbors because, during times of crisis, your neighbors will rush to your aid at a moments notice whereas your relatives will take the time to dress properly before they come (lines 342-345). Xerxes first quelled the rebellious Egyptians and Ionian Greeks along the coast of Asia Minor; he then proceeded with his plans to subjugate Greece; the army he assembled to march on Greece was immense, consisting of perhaps as many as five hundred thousand men not counting the support personnel; of course this figure is disputed because we only have the word of the historian Herodotus to go on; regardless of the actual size of the Persian army, the Greeks were outnumbered by an overwhelming margin.
See Wooden Horse by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Zeno (2) by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Zmyrna by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Zoogonos by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the rule of false-Smerdis and the subsequent rebellion, the city of Babylon declared its independence from the Persian Empire; the first Persian king, Kyrus the Great, was able to capture Babylon by diverting the Euphrates River and sending his troops into the city through the dried-up riverbed; the Babylonians had learned from their mistakes and Darius was unable to beach the walls or enter through the riverbed; the Babylonians were so confidant of their position that they taunted the Persians by saying, You will take the city when a mule bears an offspring, meaning of course that the city would never fall to the Persians again. Philokleons son, Bdelykleon (Bdelycleon), tried everything to stop his fathers obsessive behavior, including reasoning with him, nagging him, having him bathed and purified, having him initiated as a Korybant, making him sleep in the temple of Asklepios and finally locking him in the house and having the slaves guard every exit. Kydoimos (Cydoimos); a Spirit; the personification of Confusion or Uproar. the apparent path of the sun and planets in the sky; the idea of dividing the heavens into a circle of three hundred and sixty degrees and then dividing that circle into thirty degree sections to form the houses, i.e. See Zephyrium by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). Zmyrna was the mother of Adonis by the unnatural union with her father; she had dishonored Aphrodite (goddess of Love) and the goddess had her revenge by causing Zmyrnas father to seduce her; Adonis was the result of that union; when Kinyras came to his senses he intended to kill Zmyrna but the Immortals intervened and turned the disgraced girl into a myrrh tree.
For more information on the Winds I suggest that you consult the Immortals section of this site. See Urn by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Urania by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'V'This is a comprehensive who's-who of the names of ancient Roman and Greek gods and goddesses starting with 'V' that feature in classical Greek mythology. one of the three thousand daughters of Okeanos (Ocean) and Tethys. A Greek philosopher and poet circa 570-480 BCE. This is my favorite of Aristophanes plays; this play is lighter than his other plays and, although it is biting and direct, does not seem to have the venom and bitterness that characterize some of his other works.
After Mnesilokhos is taken prisoner and restrained, Euripides enters the scene to save his father-in-law from the wrath of the women; the comic banter between Mnesilokhos and Euripides is dialogue taken from Euripides tragedies and turned into farcical parodies. The son the Athenian statesmen, Perikles (Pericles) and brother of Paralus. The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus voyage home after the fall of Troy; after killing Poseidons son, Polyphemos (Polyphemus), Odysseus and his crew endured all types of deadly ordeals; when Odysseus did not return for ten years, a group of suitors gathered in the hopes of marrying Penelope; when Odysseus arrived home he had to confront the suitors in order to regain his home and property; with the assistance of the goddess Athene, his son Telemakhos, his father Laertes and a few devoted servants Odysseus fought and killed the suitors. There are two types of winds: 1) the divinely created winds, i.e. The king and symbolic father of the Immortals; one of the children of the Titans, Kronos (Cronos) and Rheia (Rhea). (circa 340-265 BCE) A Greek philosopher from the island of Cyprus; he is called: Zeno of Kitium (Citium) and Zeno the Stoic. Gaia had many children but after the three Giants, Kottos (Cottos), Briareos and Gyes were conceived, Ouranos would not let them be born, that is, he would not let them leave the body of their Earth-Mother, Gaia; Gaia begged her children to slay Ouranos but only Kronos (Cronos) was willing to do the deed; Kronos attacked Ouranos with an enormous sickle and castrated him; from the blood of Ouranos injury were born a race of Giants, the Eumenides (Furies), the Nymphs of the Ash Trees (the Meliae) and the beautiful goddess of love, Aphrodite; Ouranos was also the father of the Titans who fought a bitter battle with Zeus and the other Olympians for supremacy of all creation. The Roman name for the Greek hero, Odysseus. A name of Apollon used to denote his generative powers. See Xyst by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
A simple, carved image, especially one in which the original block of stone or wood is readily apparent. A poem by Hesiod which consists of 828 lines; assumed to have been written in the seventh century BCE and passed from generation to generation until it became the poem we now possess. Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'V', Greek Gods and Goddesses Names and RolesNo Greek gods names starting with VGreek Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions. See Z by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). Thetes (the lowest of the four classes of Athenian citizens, literally they were hired farm workers and served as lightly-armed soldiers and common seaman). HomeEssaysPeople,Places&ThingsTheImmortalsGreekMythsBookshopFunFactQuizSearch/BrowseLinksAbout, Original content Copyright 19962005 Michael Stewart. Xanthippus married a young woman with very expensive tastes and was prompted to live beyond his means; without Pericles permission, Xanthippus used his fathers name to secure a loan and when Xanthippus could not repay the loan, Pericles refused to assist him and denounced his son; the embittered Xanthippus began to spread scandalous stories about his fathers private life; father and son were never reconciled; Xanthippus and his brother, Paralus, died of the plague which ravaged the city of Athens circa 430 BCE. One of the two winged sons of Boreas (North Wind) and Oreithyia. A name for the Lokrian (Locrian) colonists from mainland Greece who settled near Mount Zephyrium in southern Italy; also called the Epizephyrian. The Heavens; he was the first-born of Gaia (Earth) and in all ways her equal. The Nile flows from south to north and the designation of Upper Egypt signifies that you are going up the river, i.e., south; you might also consider that, since water flows downhill, the source of every river is higher in elevation than its terminal point and this would make the southern Nile the upper part of the river; the northern portion of the Nile river valley is conversely called Lower Egypt.
See War of the Titans by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). Website design and structure Copyright 2005 Michael Wiik When the noted statesman, Solon, reorganized the Athenian society (circa 594 BCE) he divided the citizens into four specific groups; the four classes under Solons constitution were: See Zeygitai by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). At this point the play takes a unique turn; I have to admit that I was more than a little surprised when Mnesilokhos snatched up a baby from a woman in the assembly and threatened to kill it unless he was allowed to leave the hall unharmed; I wont tell you how the situation is resolved but I will say that its scenes like this which demonstrate Aristophanes true comic genius.
See Xanthippus (1) by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
See Zeuxo by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
See Virgil by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
A spiral ornament used on capitals in Ionic architecture; from the Latin words voluta (scroll) and volvere (to turn). See Xanthe by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Xanthippe by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Works and Days by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). See Zopyrus by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking).
See Xuthus by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). As the army moved down the eastern coast of the Greek mainland, each independent Greek nation was either threatened or beaten into submission; the first major disappointment for Xerxes came at the battle of Thermopylae; a Spartan commander named Leonidas blockaded the pass with a small troop of soldiers; Xerxes was certain that when the Greeks saw his vast army they would simply run away, so he camped for four days in full view of the defiant Greeks; on the fifth day it became obvious that the Greeks were not going to surrender their fortifications without a fight; Xerxes sent a detachment of Medes and Kissians (Cissians) against the Greeks assuming that the Greek defenses would collapse with one aggressive assault; after a full days fighting, the Persians suffered heavy losses and failed to dislodge the Greeks; on the next day Xerxes sent in his best troops, the Immortals, to attack the Greeks but they could not force their way through the Greek lines; wave after wave of soldiers were hurled against the Greeks but the Persians remained ineffectual; this went on for several days and the Greeks seemed to never tire or decrease in number.
One of the fragmentary remains of the Epic Cycle; this portion of the Epic Cycle is very incomplete and very little can be gained from the few fragments that remain intact; the author of the War of the Titans was either Eumelus of Korinth (Corinth) or Arktinus (Arctinus). In the play, Antiope by Euripides, the story was expanded and the twin boys, now grown to manhood, avenged the harsh treatment their mother had received at the hands of her uncle and aunt, Lykus (Lycus) and Dirke (Dirce); Lykus was deposed as the king of Thebes and Dirke was killed cruelly on the horns of a bull. constellations, of the zodiac originated with the ancient Sumerians and was adopted by succeeding cultures, including the Greeks. See Zeuxis by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). (fl. Zeus is married to his sister Hera; he is the brother of Histia (Hestia), Demeter, Poseidon (lord of the Sea) and Hades (lord of the Underworld); when all creation was divided between Zeus and his brothers, Zeus became the ruler of the Heavens, Poseidon became the ruler of the Seas and Hades became the ruler of the Underworld. The Underworld is the darkness beneath the earth; a place for the punishment of the wicked after death. Boreas (North Wind), Notos (South Wind), Zephyros (West Wind) and the Etesian winds, and 2) the ill-favored winds that were created by the monster, Typhoeus, when Zeus imprisoned him under the earth; the divinely created winds nourish and bless the earth but the winds of Typhoeus are wild and destructive. See Volutes by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). The mother of Adonis and daughter of the mythical king of the island of Cyprus, Kinyras (Cinyras). See Xenophon by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). A valley in eastern Greece in Thessaly between Mount Olympos (Olympus) and Mount Ossa. 1270-750 BCE. See Xanthippus (2) by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). The fact that Atossa was the daughter of the founder of the Persian Empire, Kyrus (Cyrus), gave Xerxes a clear advantage over Darius other sons but Atossa wielded great influence over Darius and before he left on an expedition to Egypt, Darius officially appointed Xerxes his successor; Darius died before he could return to Persia and Xerxes became king of the Persian Empire circa 486 BCE.
The son of Laertes and Antikleia (Anticleia); the husband of Penelope and the father of Telemakhos (Telemachus).
Please update your links to us to use this new web address. (70-19 BCE) The Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro is commonly referred to as Virgil and is most noted as the author of the epic poem the Aeneid. See Xanthos (4) by itself with citation tips (best for bookmarking). The father of the Athenian statesmen, Perikles (Pericles). The king of Persia from 486-465 BCE; the son of Darius I and Atossa. Roman and Greek Gods Names with short definitions of their roles in the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'V'. var vclk_options = {sid:80152,media_id:6,media_type:8,version:"1.4"}.
Additional, comprehensive facts and information about Roman and Greek gods and goddesses are also available via: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'V'This section of the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names provides provides useful facts and information about the vast number of gods that feature in Roman and Greek myths and legends. After the Persians won the battle for Thermopylae and four months after he crossed into Europe, Xerxes burned the city of Athens; the majority of the Athenian citizens had abandoned the city by the time the Persians arrived and the few who remained were systematically captured or killed; the Athenians had retreated to the nearby island of Salamis and the Greek nations of the Peloponnesian Peninsula had constructed a wall across the Isthmus of Korinth (Corinth); to Xerxes eyes, the Greeks were clearly making a last stand and he had no doubt that he would soon be the sovereign of all Greece.