Antique Stanley No.6 Fore Plane Type 11 (Pre WW1) Restored, This is a restored Stanley No.6 Type 11 (pre WW1) It has three patent dates behind the frog and the tote and knob are rosewood with the knob being lowset. Buy with confidence with our Warranty. I started off with, A "third hand" makes a lot of difference and and is unbeatable for safety. Two things to keep in mind with jack planes: they are most commonly used for rough work, and if so, jack planes usually don't need to be in super great shape: the sole does not need to be flat, for instance. While many of the dealers prices for Stanley planes are largely set by John Walters book Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools it appears that eBay, while acknowledging the Walters guide somewhat, tends to march to its own beat and sets its own prices. Thanks for a better written explanation than I've seen! For more information on planes, see our beginner site Common Woodworking. Hand planes, Stanley planes, infill planes & planemaking, The counterfeit planes have a much rougher body, frog and lever cap casting, as well as badly shaped handles. I would recommend that you look for a Lie-Nielsen new or used, rather than a vintage plane. All the best and thank you for sharing your knowledge, Ive learned a ton from your internet content. New blades are still available for the old Stanley if you need to replace it for any reason. In good user condition. You can freely give, deny, or withdraw your consent at any time. For around $40 it's a pretty nice plane. Worked great.

I have bought 10 #4 1/2s for my offering over this series via eBay. Ill pay a bit extra for this. But we shall see. The one I have is a PITA to adjust. This one is in decent shape and you could just sharpen the iron and put it to work. Get his weekly digest delivered straight to your inbox. Postage available. The body was fine, but the chipbreaker was made out of metal too soft to do the job correctly. 1: On the description I look for the sellers knowledge to see what status they are-professional eBay seller or simply a homeowner selling their stuff. Probably made by Stanley to Sears' spec, but it has an adjustible mouth. You can contact us here. degreasing takes only a minute. For an archive linking to posts from each month going back in time click here. 8: There is no way to determine flatness of sole so its a given that you will have to work it some. It's not as sharp as it will be, but when I was fitting the stiles and rails for my kitchen cabinet doors this afternoon, I needed to shorten some of the tenons. Sold it in a heartbeat to a newer guy starting out, after I'd bought both the Veritas apron plane, adjustable mouth block plane, and lie-nielsen #102 block planes. More tools available from the Old Tool Shop's website: https://oldtoolshop.com.au
11: Nickel- or chrome-plating patchy with rust or missing altogether doesnt bother me. This provision for small donations has been created due to popular demand from wonderful people that expressed their desire to support Pauls work, you can donate here. Made in USA. I would buy an old one over a new one every time. The Stanley belongs in a finish carpenters pouch on site. I don't mind putting in some work to make this all it can be. I bought a new Record plane out of the box and it was crap. Can post, To anyone interested , I have lots wood chisels , 2 bench vice one $70 Carter 6 and a engineering vice Dawn 60 S for $ 350 and another wood work bench vice not in picture yet, and others tools a jointer Ryobi with lots biscuits, $60 , and sander like new $ 40 then all the wood chisels large one $35 small $ 20 lots from Sheffield chisels , and one saw blade sharpening Joplin for $60 all this for sale because no more time due to going back to work please call me before coming ( big vice) will ta, Made in England by Stanley/Bailey 3: Split knobs should be obvious, but ask if in doubt. BedRock or Bailey-Pattern throat openings. If not then a new stanley isn't a terrible choice, I use them in college and in "school condition" they are usable straight off the rack and rarely need more than a few quick skiffs over a diamond plate. There were, Hi Paul, I love these posts from you, as I find them both inspirational and motivational. Remember that buying a joiners plane will be slightly different than the furniture makers. Stanley No.75 Bull Nose Plane Made In England is in good condition. If it breaks it needed fixing anyway. I would like to collect [SW] planes. ? A 2 X 4 clamped vertically, All timber is expensive and has almost doubled in price recently. Made in England. Can post. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Editor's Letter: Technology and the future of woodworking. I have found that rosewood totes dont glue well at all unless you use special glues, which again adds extra unnecessary cost to your purchase. Even if I did go, I don't know enough about them to know if I should get one or not. You may only get 10 more years out of it before having to find a replacement blade. Cabinet makers on the other hand plane wide boards and the plane will tend to be more bellied. The back of the blade will take some work and if you feel the need to lap the sole, it's a small one. The joiners plane was used to plane doors and so wer on the sole is usually along the length of the plane creating a channel down the length. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stanley-Bailey-No-5-Jack-Plane-Type-11-1910-1918-/161974562678?hash=item25b66faf76:g:6pcAAOSwG-1Wu5LJ, http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-12-905-14-Inch-Contractor-Smooth/dp/B00004UDKW/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1455228514&sr=1-1&keywords=no+5+jack+plane.
Is it worth the money? Visually check that the blade isn't worn down to a nub (short), the blade on that #5 you linked to looks good. Become an UNLIMITED member and get it all: searchable online archive of every issue, how-to videos, Complete Illustrated Guide to Woodworking digital series, print magazine, e-newsletter, and more. Up to 10% off: Code EXTRA, & , . DEWALT SPECIAL OFFERS: Up to 55% DiscountShop Now! This will teach you all you need to know. Ph Tony . Is there alot of work that needs to be done to a brand new plane? No real advice on this. Some timber yard staff might not be that friendly,, You're welcome, Matt. Great user, bench ready. 6: I must say I really like the rosewood handles better than beech because the feel good in the hand, especially older ones. I bought a similar Stanley no 5 in really good shape last weekend for $50 at an antique store. Press J to jump to the feed. Home | Contact | Privacy Policy | Sitemap | Log in, The Ancient Roman Plane Of Yorkshire Wolds - Plane, An Introduction To Understanding Rebate Planes. Its not rocket science as you know, but helpful hints reduce the risk. Forget it and get on with the restoration. Anyway what brought up the subject was the increasing price of secondhand planes, case in point your ebay find. Paul sellers has done a blog series about cheapo import planes and his opinion is that they are decent workers after a little fettling. Commercial Sales, Leasing & Property Mgmt, Residential Leasing & Property Management. The models you want have a7/16 slot, the newer ones have a 5/8 slot. Thanks, CP. I usually take off any finish and apply two or three coats of boiled linseed oil until my own sweat permeates, oils and seal the surface permanently through honest work. High quality plane with fence and depth stop. You could ask the seller for a pic but hell likely ignore you cos he cant be bothered or he doesnt know a frog from a toad. [quote] shoulder/rebate/rabbet planes.[/quote] Thanks, that jogged my memory. 6 Plane Made in Australia, For sale Stanley Bailey No. The blade is often stamped on both sides, Stanley No. I have owned an old Stanley 60 1/2 for 36 years. A range of other quality products can be found in store, with a layby option available. Okay OP, you don't know a lot about planes, ain't a thing wrong with that. I am in Lutana mobile o409827606. Given the choice, I would go with the adjuster that has the knob at the rear with the screw parallel to the iron. I thought it might help to know what I look for beyond the usual ratings and protection systems as standard. The lesson? Subscribe to Paul's YouTube to make sure you don't miss out on his latest videos! 028600255603 Second Hand Dealers Licence: 12635 Good condition. Other sources include: The Antique Tool Collectors Guide To Value by Ronald S. Barlow, Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools by John Walter, The Stanley Plane by Alvin Sellens, Patricks Blood & Gore by Patrick Leach, various auctions and sales of collectable tools and my own compilations of prices realized, observations and notes over the past 20+ years. Postage available. Once you have it in hand you can learn all about it by tuning it up, there are scads of videos on YouTube about doing so. Collection is available Monday- Friday 9:30am-5:30pm & Saturday 10am-5pm. Get a Stanley #4 or 5, both are very useful. Mister Worker and selected third parties use cookies or similar technologies for technical purposes and, with your consent, for other purposes (basic interactions & functionalities, experience enhancement, measurement and targeting & advertising) as specified in the cookie policy. If so, how much work is need to be done? Rabbeting a shelf; Strength vs. appearance, Editor's Letter: A new tool with every project. The signs are obvious. This one isn't a terrible deal but if you are willing to hunt around, you could get a perfectly good, perfectly usable jack in a nice vintage, in the $30-$40 range. Alternatively, if you wanted a No 7, you could buy a used one. If you have a Stanley already, you can get it humming if you really want. These trackers enable basic interactions and functionalities that allow you to access selected features of our service and facilitate your communication with us. 80 bucks each , if you interested message me or call me for more information about the itemm and please check out my other listings for more quality used but in good NICK tools. Thinking about just buying a woodriver no 5. 9: The handles need have no finish on them to appeal to me. These planes are pretty simple, no rocket science involved. This one has the blade adjuster under the cap, slightly off horizontal and it's really sloppy. The sole should look smooth, it does not have to be shiny though. Is there anything wrong with it? Anything else in particular I should look for? Made in England. 4 1/2 Plane. Planes are $40 each or both for $70 It's here! RECORD-PLANES.COMThe go to site forRecord Planes & Spokeshaves, Copyright 1998 - It does not affect the function of plane. Regardless old or new, be prepared to sharpen and hone the plane blade before you first use it. Baileys or Bedrocks, both work fine. The blade does appear to be getting short on that one. There are quite a few on ebay now and some are in great shape. VINTAGE STANLEY BAILEY NO5 HAND PLANE TOOL, Carpenter/Joiners Stanley No 41/2 Hand Plane, Made in England by Stanley/Bailey It's not a bad deal. I have some older Stanley and others as well as a newer Stanley. To be honest, I'd just look for something that looked old but in good condition. Get instant access to over 100 digital plans available only to UNLIMITED members. 60 1/2's are notorious for cracking just under the blade -right at the corners-due to the downward pressure methinks.. Go to Eb*y and lookfor a Record 60 1/2 which has (last time I measured) about twice as much metal supporting the blade as the stanley does. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Stanley No.75 Bull Nose Plane Made In England. You must enter certain information to submit the form on this page.
Lee Valley planesprobably do a good job too, but lack the classic look and feel of the L-Ns. For that reason and the fact that eBays reach and customer base is huge Ive decided to include a separate eBay average price here. Things to look for: No broken or cracked bits, this includes the wooden parts. Follow Paul's technique and project videos over at Woodworking Masterclasses, our dedicated site for honing your skills. In good used condition "If it won't fit, force it. On eBay look for one without rust all over it, I wouldn't pay over $45 for one and it should be in fairly clean shape. Made in England. This plane has performed to perfection. 2022 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. The trademark is stamped on the blade only. The one that still made in England. You can probably buy it, use it for years and then sell it for the same price you bought it. Hope all this helps. It does have an old repair on the tote. UNLIMITED membership - Get access to it all. If you deny, we will use only the essential cookies and you will not receive any personalised content. At this point you're hooked :). If you dont like the tool and you return it in the as sold condition we will provide a full refund of the tools purchase price (see full, Original plane, made in England. Plenty of blade left (sharp) Few will get by without some necessary corrective surgery and they are either Record or Stanleys. Use it, even if it's just shaving scrap soft pine to a stub. Timber toolbox on casters for ease of movement. These trackers help us to provide a personalized user experience by improving the quality of your preference management options, and by enabling the interaction with external networks and platforms. Wood craft often has L-N block planes on sale for around $120-130. I'd go with the old Stanley. Made in Australia with Stanley Australia blade in good condition. of course there is always risk buying sight-unseen equipment, but the prices are usually low enough not have a real problem. That didnt bother me at all. If you need it right now, pull the trigger. Youmight tryfor one with an SW ina Heart on the blade. UNLIMITED Membership is like taking a master class in woodworking for less than $10 a month. Please see e see our other items, Stanley Bailey no.7 jointer plane made in Australia, Stanley Bailey No. Up for Sale is a stanley 4 1/2'' vintage hand plane. 2: The photos give lots of good info to back up descriptions: Firstly on this, I do not want to have to retrofit handles, knobs, cap irons, lever caps or cutting irons unless I have an odd plane to cannibalize parts from. I looked through the pictures, it doesn't look like it has any problem. Ive bought dozens of planes on eBay over the years, rarely if ever with any mishaps. In-depth articles, up-close photography, and detailed illustrations, I want to buy a good block plane, and figured my best bang for buck would be to buy a old stanley 60 1/2 on ebay, and fix it up. Cost about 65CDN, then bought a Hock blade for about 35CDn. I think these types of projects are so critical to counter the culture of get-it-done-yesterday-and-forget-smelling-the-flowers but all, Paul, I made a version of one of these 3 legged stools a while back and it was honestly one, We just dont seem to have many in the UK. https://paulsellers.com/2016/02/plane-fettling/. Commenting has been disabled. Our biweekly podcast allows editors, authors, and special guests to answer your woodworking questions and connect with the online woodworking community. Few marks on sole (doesn't effect use)