I store my 30 ml bottles in a separate box since I'm reaching for them all the time. Thank you for this article, once again confirming that Ive made the right choice! I am a blogger, and all information shared is based on my personal experience with my dogs and research about raw feeding, canine health, and canine nutrition. Our family discoveredPlant Therapy essential oils several years ago, and we quickly fell inlove with these oils! A friend of mine introduced me to essential oils years ago and I immediately became hooked.
And every now and then, you receive a Bonus Box that comes with full sizes supplies (coconut oil, carrier oils, etc). But to say that a MLMs oils are superior to Plant Therapys oils would simply be false.
This is why I only shop with three brands that I trust: animalEO (essential oils formulated by a holistic veterinarian), Plant Therapy, and Simply Earth.
I got charged a good bit but the scents are barely noticeable unless Im standing right over the diffuser.
Designed by, INVERSORES! I use them on myself, I diffuse the oils, and there are a few oils that I'm comfortable using to make products for my dogs.
sure revive wasn't posted, but it was never a part of the study.
Plant Therapy has some GREAT deals going on right now, so be sure tocheck outtheir site and sign up for their newsletter. Which blend will you pick from the MLM brands like doterra? I bet you love Plant Thearpy, I love them, and they are so accommodating!
Your email address will not be published. The key I think is to try as many brands as possible and compare what you have and make a decision based on your conclusion maybe just one brand its not enough to have. Jessica. And, frankly, there are some brands out there that do not properly educate their customers on how to use essential oils safely.
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Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazons store.
Some MLM and some not. Did you know that there are monthly and quarterly essential oil subscription boxes?
Its not hard to see why many of those oils cost more when you begin to look at the layers of people who have to be paid.
My chiropracter uses Plant Therapy.
As Ive written about many times in the past, our family is not brand loyal when it comes to essential oils.
Thank you for sharing your honest review. Per the company and the Tisserand family. Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger and Raw Feeder in Marysville, Washington, 6 Steps to Naturally Calm My Dogs on the Fourth of July, 12 Ways to Make Raw Feeding Affordable in 2022, Is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Safe for Dogs with Recipes, 10 Books Raw Feeders Should Check Out in 2022, Using the Law of Attraction to Raise Healthy Dogs, The FrankenBARF Model of Raw Feeding for Dogs, 7 Top Places to Find Green Tripe for Dogs, Animal Desk Reference II: Essential Oils for Animals, Plant Therapy Essential Oil of the Month Club, How Dogs May Be Affected by Mercury Retrograde, Celebrate Collection (Excite, Jubilation, Revere), Fall Season Collection (Harvest Moon, Fall Rain, Maple Leaf), Inner Peace Collection (Cool, Calm, and Collected), Lavender Infused Frankincense (SMELLS AMAZING), Summer Season Collection (Sun Kissed, Endless Summer, Mountain Fun), Aroma Boost RTU (ready to use) collection.
I dilute and make them last a long time! And with five active dogs, I love a blend that calms everyone down.
Keep the Tail Wagging is a personal blog and a minority/woman-owned business. Would like to ask if they ship here in Philippines?
I just wanted say I would love to experience this product. Second, the lab they used is closely tied to one specific MLM company. but this became complicated and I couldn't find an oil that I needed.
I create products for myself that use rosemary essential oil, but I don't use this oil on my dogs. Simply Earth allows you to choose how often you get a box, I chose quarterly, and their subscription comes with FOUR oils, recipes on how to use the oils, and additional ingredients and supplies to make products for yourself.
Articles may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of Kimberly Gauthier [thats me!].
For more details and a full list of brands I work with, please visit the Affiliate Disclosure page. Plant Therapy's service is an essential oil of the month program that introduces members to new oils.

Quite the contrary. They have many synergy oils to choose from!!! When it's just for me and a few diluted products I make for my dogs, I have found two essential oil brands that I trust.
Read More. Thank you for the coupon code.
I found this review helpful as I was researching to check if Plant Therapy EOs were any good.
And because I love them so much, I kind of have an addiction and I thought it would be fun to go through my oils and share a list of all that I have.
Not only does Plant Therapy sell high-quality essential oils, but theyeducate their customers on best practices and safety measures forusing them. Their Nature Shield is AMAZING! Those test results are meaningless.
Budget doesnt allow for extras right now, but have used their oils in the past and I loved them!
Thank you!
I have four of them and my oils are organized alphabetically. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
Which leaves one option for this pet parent animalEO.
Although we clean our home regularly, having five dogs and a cat does come with some pet odors and I love to diffuse oils to freshen the house. Yeah, I have two, one that arrives monthly (Plant Therapy) and one that arrives quarterly (Simply Earth).
But, I was wondering which oils do you purchase from YL or other MLMs? If you were to look at my vast collection of oils today, you would see thats it made up of a number of brands. Thanks! We have a lot of different oils in our collection. I'm nervous about using essential oils on my dogs because they can be dangerous and cause injury if you don't know what you're doing, so before I start putting them directly on my dogs, undiluted, I need to take a course and I haven't found one that I trust yet.
But the pushy way they choose yo do business made me reconsider wanting to enroll and Ive realized its not what I want. Hi Erin thank you for this helpful article. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in.
Even though we work with distillers and farmers who have repeatedly proven to provide excellent quality essential oils, when Plant Therapy claims that our oils are 100% pure and of the highest quality, we want to make sure that we are doing everything possible to guarantee that. Im considering purchasing but I am wondering if its as good as Young Living. That is one we havent used. Robert has been evaluating essential oils professionally for over 40 years.
Organoleptic testing means smelling the oil from a testing strip over time some characteristics do not reveal themselves until the oil has been evaporating for 30 minutes or more.
Thank you.
In 2020, I began using Dr. Shelton's line of essential oils and these are the only oils that I will use directly on my dogs.
I, Kimberly Gauthier (owner), am a member of the following affiliate programs that provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by promoting and linking to online shopping sits: Chewy.com, Plant Therapy, CBD Dog Health, CannaPet, Darwins Pet, Raw Paws Pet Food,and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I suggest you contact Plant Therapy and let them know your feedback. It always helps to do a research, Im glad I came across your site Ive been wanting to get started with essential oils.
And, to be safe, I avoid rosemary extract when cooking for my dogs.
Due to the personal nature of my blog, I do not accept guest posts nor do I participate in link exchanges, paid or otherwise.
You can read it here!
Are Essential Oils really Press J to jump to the feed. Can this be used under the tongue?
I personallylove that Plant Therapy has made their oils affordable for the masses. Many better companies to choose from.
Not one essential oil brand has the corner on the market. | Lavandula angustifolia, Plant Therapy Organic Frankincense Carterii Essential Oil 100% Pure, USDA Certified Organic, Undiluted, Natural Aromatherapy, Therapeutic Grade 10 mL (1/3 oz), Good Essential 30ml Oils - Dirt Fragrance Oil - 1 Fluid Ounce, NOW Essential Oils, Frankincense Oil, Centering Aromatherapy Scent, Steam Distilled, 100% Pure, Vegan, Child Resistant Cap, 1-Ounce, Plant Therapy Organic Lavender Fine 10 mL (1/3 oz) 100% Pure USDA Certified, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade, Mayans Secret- Forget Me Not - Premium Grade Fragrance Oil (10ml), Warlock Terpenes Strain-Specific Liquidizer - 100% Pure Organic Solution for Extracts and Concentrates - East Coast Terpenes (1 ml). We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. My 14 piece oil set was highly disappointing.
All the best in 2019!
Plant Therapy is a leading supplier of essential oils and essential oil accessories. Im currently looking for the best brand that would really work. I started my essential journey 6 months ago, and my first oils to try were some samples I got from a friend of mine who is enrolled in a MLM company. Aroma Boost and Cistus will be used to help Sydney. Keeping it Raw: 100 Questions About Raw Feeding for Dogs, Raw Feeding 101 - Learn to Feed DIY Raw to Your Dog.
Robert Tisserand is a highly-reputed aromatherapist, and it speaks volumes to me that Plant Therapy works directly with him to ensure the quality of their oils!
Weve tried quite a few but does not seem to be true to their word when it comes to its efficiency.
But does it mean that Plant Therapys oils arent good? 1 company threatened to sue consumer advocates for publishing their findings on testing all the different companies oils.
I just bought some essential oils for the first time.
Plant Thearpy is the best of oils and inexpensive, Robert Tisserland evaluates there oils and also makes up all the kids oils, this Plant Thearpy is the best by far, way better than the mums!!!!! We do use DoTerra but are not necessarily brand loyal.
You may have read that rosemary will cause your dog to have seizures, but this warning is referring to rosemary essential oil. Lote en Mirador del Lago:3.654 m2.Excelente vista al Lago, LOTE EN EL CONDADO DE 1430 m2, EN COSQUIN. Several of my friends sell with these groups, and I truly love many of their oils. pretty sure this is a rumor made by lance the YT video guy, as i only saw 11 companies in the lab results, only 10 were posted.
Climate Pledge Friendly uses sustainability certifications to highlight products that support our commitment to help preserve the natural world.
I'm sure that folks will disagree, but, yes, these oils are safe to use around my pets. Our family uses essential oils in our home every single day, and Plant Therapy is one of our favorite brands to use.
I found they are great products, but the high prices were simply not worth it and as much as I wanted to buy the introductory kit of 10 oils, the price of 267euros (I live in Europe!)
They educate using certified aromatherapists. If I were to add it to a blend that I was using on my pets, I would first consult with a veterinarian educated in the proper use of essential oils. First off the oils were opened and rebottled by Consumer's Advocates before being set to the testing lab. We mix it with witch hazel and use it all summer long to keep away the bugs!
After using Young Living for a few years and getting royally screwed by that company (I still love their Thieves household cleaner), I now use oils from Plant Therapy and Simply Earth.
We use this exact same diffuser in our bedroom, and we love it! Absolutely! Robert Tisserand and Plant Therapy severed ties in 2019. Is there a book that tells you how: to mix oils, which ones to mix, which oils help what? Every batch of oil we receive goes through both rounds of testing, and these tests will show us the quality of the oil and also what is in the oil.
They tested 11 essential oil companies.
would make then almost unaffordable for me. As well, they are giving a great coupon code toallof my readers!
Following this, our oils are sent to one of several third-party laboratories where they undergo multiple tests including Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (also known as GC/MS testing).
I personally would not use either company. Use code HumbledHomemaker10 for 10% off everything in their shop!
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To ensure that each oil meets these strict standards, Plant Therapyworks directly with world renowned essential oil expert, Robert Tisserand, and several analytical laboratories! Looking fire oils for my daughter.
Your email address will not be published. So I placed my first order with Plant Therapy, while still using the oils that I have purchased from the MLM company (I have 3 blends and 2 singles) and will probably continue to buy some blends I love (like on guard for example).
They are high-qualityandaffordable, which makes them perfect for the grace-filled, natural homemaker!
They are committed to providing the absolute highest quality essential oils and are committed to educating their customers on their uses, safety, and efficacy through their website and blog.
While it's easy to choose a citrus scent, you can do a little Googling and find a blend of oils that freshen the house while improving the atmosphere.
Time is fleeting. I would live to win this, If it is still open.
I could save some money and have them in the end, but hey! There are loads of quality brands out there, I'm sure, but these two brands have never let me down and I trust their quality and love their customer service.
Yall, this is HUGE.
Look at Nature's Gift, Eden Botanicals, Plant Therapy, Eden's Garden, Be Kind Botanicals, Aromatics International. What a great tote bag!
Updated: January 4, 2021 Erin 44 Comments. Would love to win this!
Diffuser Essentials shares several essential oil mixes and I'm going to try this one: Other cool essential oil blends that I found on the blog What Mommy Does include: This is a common misconception which Dr. Melissa Shelton discusses on her website and in her book.
Do you purchase any oils from Young Living? This blend promotes an emotionally balanced home, something that is needed during this pandemic. And when I find an oil that is my favorite, I buy it in a 30 ml bottle; especially if it's a blend and part of the Oil of the Month club because it may not be available forever. Before they sell an essential oil, they do everything possible to establish that it is 100% pure, natural, and of the highest quality, making it appropriate for use in aromatherapy.
I love that PT is more affordable than many other oils. Thanks so much for the recommendation!
Change in purity?
I occasionally earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) when you click through an affiliate link to one of my favorite products. Copyright 2011 - 2022 The Humbled Homemaker All Rights Reserved Site Design by Emily White Designs, Trim Healthy Mama Builders Coaching Group, 31 things about me (on my 31st birthday!
Customers are also welcome to call or email to ask questions. Plant Therapys very special Essential Oil Starter Set contains everything you need to take those first steps on your essential oil journey. Plant Therapy has an awesome blog where certified aromatherapists educate on the safe usage of their oils.
Did I just read this correct?
I'm currently subscribed, as I enjoy the "extras" and recipes in the box!
It is below. oz.)
Before I use ANY only in a product for my dogs, I check the Animal Desk Reference II: Essential Oils for Animals by Dr. Melissa Shelton.
Pine Needles Essential Oil Organic Plant & Natural 100% Pure Pine Needles Oil for Diffuser, Humidifier, Massage, Sleep, Bath, SPA, Skin & Hair Care-2 Pack x10ml, Healing Solutions 10ml Oils - Lemon Essential Oil - 0.33 Fluid Ounces, Shop & Save Our Favorite 100% Pure Essential Oil.
Another company is not posted either. I shouldve gone with Young Living that my nurse friend suggested. As an associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
by Kimberly | Aug 13, 2020 | Essential Oils, Keep the Tail Wagging is supported by pet parents.
I love things that smell pretty and I primarily use essential oils to make the house smell nice, to ward off anxiety and depression, and improve my mood.
She is ADD and has a hard time focusing. Radha Beauty Eucalyptus Essential Oil 4 oz - 100% Pure & Therapeutic Grade, Steam Distilled for Aromatherapy, Relaxation, Shower, Sauna, Bath, Steam Room and Other DIY Projects.
Thank you, Hi Erin!
Cliganic USDA Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils Holiday Gift Set (Top 8), 100% Pure Natural - Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Frankincense & Orange. Third, the reasons for many of those oils failing testing has been questioned by other chemists/labs. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2022, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Nothing wrong with that!
I want a refund, Im not happy with my purchase at all!! Im thankful that Plant Therapys oils are assessable to those on a budget. If you want to see the tests that were done by consumer advocates did, just google it. A forum to discuss your favorite concentrated plant extracts and their uses.
But that is simply not true.
This can especially be the case in the world of essential oils. New oil user here- any thoughts/experiences with either Revive or Simply Earth?
Most contaminants or adulterants show up with these tests, and for those that dont, if we suspect that some of what looks like a natural constituent of an oil might be a synthetic addition, we use chiral analysis a more sophisticated form of gas chromatography to find out if it is in fact, a natural constituent or a synthetic addition. I found some wooden storage boxes on Amazon; they hold 75 bottles each of various sizes.
I found this blend on the site Loving Essential Oils. Please Read!
Thank you for your support.
I have plant therapy frankincense (frereana)
While Will and I use a variety of essential oil brands, three things keep us coming back to Plant Therapy: I want to expand on these three in this post: Plant Therapys standards of quality are some of the strictest in the industry.
There are oils companies out there that tout that they are the be all, end all and there are no equivalents.
We had the privilege of getting to interview one of their aromatherapists for a blog post we wrote about safe essential oil usage with babies! They Rock and their oils you cant beat!!! It also includes evaluating the color, consistency and general appearance of an oil, and comparing it to what a good quality oil should look like and smell like. I do not offer coaching or consultations.
I knew I had a lot, but damn. So now, it's alphabetical. Discover more about the small businesses partnering with Amazon and Amazons commitment to empowering them. Revive has unsafe usage advice (internal usage) and Simply Earth really doesn't know what they are selling IMO.
Is it OK to ever buy from a MLM? While you won't find me putting tea tree oil on any of my pets, it is safe to diffuse in a room.
I do so myself.
Copyright 2022 ec Estudio Integral.
Hi Erin,
Please let me know if i'm wrong but i see no evidence of revives oils here.
Any suggestions.
Copyright 2011-2021 Kimberly Gauthier.
The phrase you get what you pay for can be true.
I would love to be entered in the giveaway. I am not a veterinarian, canine/animal nutritionist, or dog trainer.
Cliganic USDA Organic Aromatherapy TOP 12 Essential Oils Set, 100% Pure - Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Frankincense, Orange, Lemon, Cassia, Cedarwood & Grapefruit, Essential Oil Sets with Lemon,Chamomile,Tea Tree,Lemongrass,Orange,Vetiver Essential Oil for Diffuser,Cleaning,Home,Bedroom,Perfumes,Humidifier,Candles 6 Pack 10ml, Cliganic Organic Essential Oils Set (Top 5) - 100% Pure Natural - Aromatherapy, Candle Making - Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass & Orange, Edens Garden Patchouli- Dark Essential Oil, 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade (Undiluted Natural/ Homeopathic Aromatherapy Scented Essential Oil Singles) 10 ml Roll-On, Aura Cacia 100% Pure Lavender Essential Oil | GC/MS Tested for Purity | 15 ml (0.5 fl.
(Note: You cannot combine coupon codes, so choose which ones to use wisely!) And Calm-a-Mile is used on Rodrigo and Apollo. I use the Animal Desk Reference II: Essential Oils for Animals by Dr. Melissa Shelton to learn more about oils and to confirm that an essential oil is pet safe before adding it to a product that I'm creating for them.
), The Most Beneficial Supplements to Choose When You Cant Afford Them All, 10 Ways to Prepare for Cold and Flu Season.
Please do not use content from this blog in place of veterinarian care. Shop here now. The Erin of five years ago could have never afforded pricier oils. Accidently got pure Jasmin Oil on skin and inhaled new and struggling to find a scent I like.
I would like to try some and I was wondering which ones are your favorites.
I have over 150 different oils in our home, but are they all safe for use around our pets? But it doesnt mean that every single product that is more affordable than a competitors product is inferior. Try Plant Thearpy, awesome oils, low prices!! When it comes to essential oils and my dogs and cat, I have no idea what I'm doing and, to be honest, I'm not really interested in learning a lot at this time because I only use essential oils in the diffusers and to make products (personal roller balls, cleaning products, paw balm, coat freshener, and dog shampoo). Read more about Plant Therapys quality standards here. With 267 euros I can buy more than double from other companies that are not MLMs. Ive also read that many prefer certain products from different companies.
I have sciatica and lipoma in d spinal cord.
At the moment, I use the following animalEO oils: Away and Evict keep the bugs away. There are a couple big MLMs that sell oils.
If the oils work for me I may purchase more. And I know the you of today might be in the same boat.
The set also comes with a beautiful wooden box which safely organizes your six bottles of essential oils and our NEW signature Aromafuse Diffuser! I like them but they are so expensive.
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