1st Ill give you 3 block-chord scales based on the 6th diminished scale, and then Ill share with you an arrangement of Fly Me to the Moon which incorporates the scale and block-voicings over the melody. ], Microtuning SWAM instruments with Oddsound MTS-ESP, Korg Volca FM: Firmware 1.08 and All That, Highly Symmetrical 12-Note Scales from 30-EDO, I'm taking up guitar again but it'll be different this time, A Summary of Some Seventh Chord Vocabulary, Co-Melakatas: Pentatonic Shadows of Carnatic Scales, The Guaranteed Method For Failing To Learn Modes, Making Exotic Scales with Familiar Arpeggios, Root notes are for wimps: An invitation to hypermodes, Learning a Far-Out Scale from John Foulds, Feed Your Ears: Wayne Krantz (and thoughts on trios), Feed Your Ears: Piano Chords for Guitarists, Parking the Orbiter and Inserting into Randy's Revenge. Here's a great excerpt from a Barry Harris workshop where he introduces an interesting diminished concept, which he (jokingly) calls his "personal scale". You can, of course, use this on any Maj7 type of harmony as well as on chords explicitly written with a 6. Research Coach: Jarmo Hoogendijk The video is a bit piano-focussed so I thought it might help some guitar players to have a summary from our point of view of the main idea. Again we have an alternative perspective provided by a disjoint cover: the m6 arpeggio plus the same dim7 we used before. Vera Marijt - Barry Harris: Exploring the Diminished - To start with, he points out that it contains the dominant 7 chord of the relative minor as well as the major keys, which makes for strong chord substitutions like E7-Am7 subbing for C6, and enables us to construct chord-scales like these (notice the different chord qualities that become available): C6 Dm7b5 Em7 FMaj7 G7 Abdim7 Am7 Bdim7 C6 Sign up for free.Forgot your password? It's really good. This may include sound. There's a bit more in the video about using chords borrowed from these scales, but the specific voicings are quite pianistic -- listen, play along and see if you can devise your own chord sub ideas using these scales, as well as using them for melodic interest in your solos. This page contains media that is intended to start playback automatically on opening. I apply the material to existing pieces and wrote a composition in which these techniques are used. Name: Vera Marijt However, he explains it in a quite different way, noticing that a cover of the scale is given by the C6 and Bdim7 arpeggios. C6 Dm7 Em7 FmMaj7 G7b9 Ab+ AmMaj7 Bm6 C6. Note: this is set automatically based on your device performance. This feature is not available in your current view. This is what I call a "disjoint cover" because the two parts share no common notes. To watch the complete tutorial for these exercises watch this YouTube video. Your browser is blocking automated playback. Its always good to see real-world applications of theory, wouldnt you agree? Title of Research: Barry Harris: Exploring the Diminished You can find full guitar fingerings for this scale on page 298 of the current version of Scale and Arpeggio Resources -- if it's not there, search for the interval map "t, t, s, t, s, s, t, s" and you'll find it. Its a concept used for soloing and for playing block chords, the latter for which this tutorial and sheet music is based. Furthermore, I transcribed about 54 video's of Barry Harris that were published on the website, www.franselsen.com, and several solo's of him. His use of the bebeop scale, or the 6th diminished scale as he calls it, is legendary. Two important scales are the major and minor 6 diminished scales. click here to start media. *This free download from jazzmentl.com, credit card not required.
Step 1 Fill Out the Form | Step 2 Confirm Your Email Address | Step 3 Receive Download Link. Both pieces of sheet music will be sent to you as soon as you fill out the quick form below. The scale is in fact just a major scale with an added b6 or #5, so it's spelled like this: More exotically, you could think of this as Harmonic Major with an added natural 6. Copyright 2021Jazzmentl|Privacy Policy |Terms & Conditions | Contact Us, Sheet Music How to Play Latin Montunos on Piano, 4 Bass Lines Every Jazz Piano Player Should Know, Barry Harris Exercises 6th Diminished Scale Exercise, Barry Harris Exercises 6th Diminished Scale, Beegie Adair Fly Me to the Moon Sheet Music. Barry Harris is arguably one of the greatest jazz piano educators ever! Please Main Subject: Jazz Piano
You may think this is perverse, since the other way is clearly simpler, but in fact that b6 contributes a very strong Harmonic Major sound. Copy and paste this code. Research Question:
Sign up to comment, follow musicians, create your own interactive notation and explore communities for and more. Adding a note to the major scale is quite easy, of course, but it will tend to lead you to play in a scalar, stepwise way; this way of thinking encourages you to see the underlying chord as the C6 arpeggio and the tension notes as the Bdim7, which is easy to find in relation to it. This resulted in about 35 pages of transcribed material, that I sorted and practiced during my Master studies. Barry Harris talks in his workshops a lot about one important chord; the diminished. Learn and teach using sheet music synced with video, Easily create interactive sheet music, for free. He explained how chords are related to the diminished and how we can use the diminished to connect chords and create 'movement'. I transcribed two DVD boxes containing 8 discs of over 8 hours of workshops by pianist Barry Harris that were recorded and published by Howard Rees. So one way to think of this is "On a Maj7 type of chord, play the diminished arpeggio built on the 2, 4, #5 or 7. No account yet? 2014. Research Process:
You can find full guitar fingerings for this scale on page 298 of the current version of Scale and Arpeggio Resources -- if it's not there, search for the interval map "t, s, t, t, s, s, t, s" and you'll find it.
[UPDATE: After posting this I was tipped off to Alan Kingstone's great book applying many of Harris's ideas to guitar. In the presentation I will explain about the major and minor 6th diminished scales and how they can be applied to tunes. Moving the mouse cursor over the top of the page will display the menu bar. Being a pianist, though, Barry shows us a bit more when he moves to thinking of it in terms of chords. So this rule suggests that we can use this dim7 superimposition idea over minor chords as well as major! It produces a very cool jazz sound by a quite unexpected means. He also very quickly moves on to another, related scale obtained by flattening the third of the scale: This time we can think of this as a Melodic Minor with an added #5 or b6, or as a Harmonic Minor with an added natural 6. Exercises I got out of the transcriptions and experimenting with this, opened a new world of sounds, voicings, harmonic knowledge and ideas for improvisational lines for me. Disable enhanced MP3 slowdown if youre experiencing issues with playback. How can the transcriptions I made of Barry Harris' workshops and recordings be incorporated in my playing, in order to develop myself in a bebop style? Summary of Results:
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