
Register, Become a Sponsor, Make a Donation Today! We believe that each child can achieve a mastery level according to their ability. principal@oloaffld.org, Jody Gourley
Church Website Builder by mychurchwebsite.net. Everyone is welcome at Assumption and we strive to provide a solid Catholic School education for all those that desire it by providing generous tuition assistance. OLA is a co-ed, Pre-Kindergarten - 8th grade, Catholic school located in Charlotte, NC. -Parent of Alex, Grade 4, Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Bridgeport At OLA, students feel safe to try and try again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp8mcHyLbx8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCMFcrR0Edc, St. Joseph High School hosts Back 2 School supply pack, Opinion: Its time for school choice in CT. Its campus is nestled in the heart of the beautiful Stratfield section of Fairfield and has dynamic, passionate teachers with longevity and more than 85% with advanced degrees. We are forming hearts in a value centered, faith based community. Copyright 2015 Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School |. Students at OLA are encouraged to explore the worlds of academics and fine arts,try new activitiesand discover personal talents. 605 Stratfield Road Interviewing these individuals will give you a better idea about what writing a profile essay example entails. Copyright 2022 Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School, special learning program for students with learning disabilities, Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School. We believe that students benefit most by an education that is centered around the message of Jesus. All gifts fuel the success of our school and touch every aspect of our students experience. Alle diese Anbieter sind perfekte Optionen, um das wertvolle Geschenk zu Beginn der Spielerfahrung zu nutzen. 203-814-0830.

Educating faithful leaders of the next generation by offering the best Catholic education possible, in the Light of the Gospel, Offering tuition assistance for any family that desires to be part of our community, Preparing our students for high school and beyond with proven methods that producesignificantly higher test scores than national norms, Engaging STEM and Music classes, clubs and electives designed to build passionate lifelong learners, Dedicated library with its own certified teacher & art and P.E. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Catholic School News. Abgesehen davon, dass sie hervorragende Spiele von fhrenden Entwicklern anbieten, knnen Sie auch aus verschiedenen Einzahlungsmethoden whlen, um Transaktionen durchzufhren. OLA welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds into its diverse student body. Assumption Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis or face, age, disability, color, and national or ethnic origin in the administration of their educational policies, employment practices, scholarship an dloan programs, athletic or other school-administered programs. https://logins2.renweb.com/logins/ParentsWeb-Login.aspx, Contents 2022 Assumption Catholic School . Assumption prides itself on being a leader in personalized learning, houses a new resource room with Special Education teacher allowing us to teach to all student abilities, offers STEAM including a FT technology teacher and robotics league, has a before & after school beginning at 7am and ending at 5:30pm, offers dozens of enrichment programs including complimentary Strings program with the Bridgeport Youth Orchestra, Soccer, Cross Country, Dance, Art Club & more! (203) 416-1638 This incredible evening will include a seated dinner, beverages, live and silent auctions, and live entertainment. We are informing minds with personalized learning that ensures the development of each students God given gifts and talents. Visit www.olaaspiregala.com for event information, sponsorships, and volunteer opportunities. It acts in the body as a balancer and preservative, Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School 1320 Hearst Drive Northeast Atlanta, GA 30319. Fairfield, CT 06825, Stacy Clements We welcome you to learn more and hope you will join the family! If you are interested in scheduling a virtual meeting where you can speak directly with a school representative online, please fill out the form below. Director of Marketing & Enrollment
Dont miss our quarterly newsletter with the most up-to-date information. Another way to learn how to write a profile essay outline is to interview people who have successfully written such essays. rsantoli@oloaffld.org for all grades, Incredible community for all parents and students. Your Neighborhood Catholic School Since 1959, Copyright Assumption Parish Catholic School 2022 all rights reserved. 238 Jewett Avenue,Bridgeport, CT 06606 This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. We believe that, through global education, we can inspire children to work for peace and justice. office@oloaffld.org, Rebecca Santoli Principal Mr. Steven Santoli, Principal, Assumption Catholic School We are transforming lives by empowering our students to be the best of who they are meant to be. Administrative Assistant "Assumption has been the best decision for our family since day 1. The L.O.V.E. They welcome my son and us with open arms, continue to foster his education and provide a solid framework for his future." Sie knnen auf sie zugreifen, egal ob auf Mobiltelefonen oder Desktop und die Mglichkeit genieen. The 2022 OLA Gala will be held on Saturday, February 26, at Flourish Atlanta. Es gibt viele Anbieter, die es Ihnen ermglichen, ein solch wertvolles Angebot in Anspruch zu nehmen, darunter die folgenden. We believe that through worship, children can develop a personal relationship with God. Your request will be immediately forwarded to the school. A gift to the Annual Fund is the most important gift you can give to OLA.