The question of birthdays has arisen with even greater frequency as Internet access has become more widespread, with 3G networks advertised in the countrys major cities. The Enduring Splendors of, Yes, Afghanistan, Colin Schultz Many Afghans who were born during the conflict of last four decades dont know when their birthday is, and have instead been forced to choose random dates. Such a man is called a nAndE or giver of food; a highly complimentary term. You should always try to take a place closest to the door, though accept when the host insists you sit closer to the place of honor. Cookie Settings, Mapping Afghanistans Geology from Really, Really Far Away, The Enduring Splendors of, Yes, Afghanistan, The Unmistakable Black Roots of 'Sesame Street', How to Deal With Work Stress and Recover From Burnout, Cavers Discover 200-Year Old Mine, Untouched Since the Moment It Was Abandoned, Scientists Just Sent Two Batches of Stem Cells Into Space, The DNA of Hundreds of Insect Species Is in Your Tea. But when the United States and its NATO allies arrived, they brought with them a flurry of job opportunities, visa applications and Web sites that all required a specific birthday on the Roman calendar. The struggle to live takes a psychological toll. Things are different here, says Akhbar, twisting around from his drivers seat. Do you celebrate birthdays? I ask NEWSWEEK translator Sayed, who assures me he is definitely 26. ID cards and drivers' licenses were a rarity in the impoverished nation. The remainder of this section outlines practical explanations regarding Afghan hospitality, and useful tips as you accept hospitality and extend it to others. Birth registration is of utmost importance: such records help reunite families after crises, help children get refugee status, and is 'proof' of someone's existence. The birth records are useful in reuniting families after conflicts or natural disasters, as well as in helping children apply for refugee status. The host will insist that he has created a lot of inconvenience for the guest, to which you may respond that you have caused trouble for the host. Do not give what you wouldnt be prepared to wear or use yourself. It's one case when people don't know their actual birth date, but another when they know it but can't produce documents when they are enlisting as refugees. "I hope one day all Afghans have their proper date of births so that social media doesn't have to tell them how old they are," Alawi said. Ask Afghans how old they are, and most will scratch their heads and look to their friends for guidance. It is important to pay a visit to friends or colleagues who are seriously ill, especially if they are in the hospital. What happens when generations of a country, born during a war, have no knowledge of their birth date? Once the meal has been served on the destarkhAn, the head of the family may begin the meal with besmelA-e raHmAn O rahIm, Beginning in the name of the compassionate and the compassionating. A prayer may also be said at the end of the meal. That's for sure.

I ask NEWSWEEK translator Sayed, who assures me he is definitely 26. There is no system. Afghans have fought together with international forces on the frontlines against terrorism for 13 years. 2022 Smithsonian Magazine If there's one thing that can easily get lost amongst violence and constant shifts of government, it's paperwork.
I think it was sometime in the spring.. We've learned, too, to accommodate the fact that during the day Afghan homes and buildings are usually colder inside than out. In the broadest sense, any time is the time for hospitality. So, happy belated birthday to all the Afghans and others out theremay your new year be better than the last. When I interview local residents, Ive learned to ask them how old they think they are. So when you grow up there is no party, until your wedding. At this crucial time in Afghanistans nascent journey toward freedom, U.S. support is still necessary. Given the Syria debacle, one cannot rule out a tweet that abruptly announces the end of the war in Afghanistan. Asia, Central The reason: most Afghans think in terms of the Islamic solar calendar, which puts this as the year 1380. A rhetorical proverb describes such a situation; Does one ask a sick man if he wants the food necessary for good health? If it is near mealtime, the host will insist you remain. Hospitality and sharing earns religious merit and is believed to be part of Gods providential care for man.

There is a rule, though not always followed, that an invitation is offered three times before it is accepted. The Bush administration does not consider the Alliance and its leader, Burnahuddin Rabbani, to be a viable alternative to the Taliban and supports U.N. plans to form a new, broad-based government. . Visiting is an important Afghan social institution.

My family does, but most afghans dont, since many dont even know their exact birthday. A visit for condolences or at Eid, 20 or 30 minutes is usually expected. The reason: most Afghans think in terms of the Islamic solar calendar, which puts this as the year 1380. For Afghans, the January 1 mass birthdays are more a memory of the war than an occasion to celebrate. It's also the birthday of his wife, his two sons, 32 of his friends and thousands of other Afghans -- a date chosen for convenience by a generation who do not know when they were born. When it is time for the meal, the host will bring a pitcher and basin, aftaOlagan. I think a decent amount of people in Kabul might have known their birthdays, if they were born in a hospital like I was, the hospital would definitely record it. The room may be completely separate from the house, sarAcha, or in urban areas it is another room inside called mEmAnkhAna or, in Kabul, utAq-e sAlUn. If Afghans really want you to come, they will strongly urge you and give you a time and date. I still dont know my exact date of birth so I decided to use January 1 on my official documents. Actually, there is no money for parties here., Nor do people here tend to carry any formal ID with them. It is said that one can tell a generous man by the length of his dining cloth, destarkhAn. Social media penetration also increased, which also needed people's birthdays. Today, lakhs of people in Vietnam, Sudan and Somalia, and refugees from Syria etc share the birth date. The Afghan political leaders who followed the war were little better, fighting amongst themselves to capture more power to please their masters (those who supported them during the war), leaving Afghanistan as a failed state. Sami, who works as translator for colleague Melinda Liu, explains that age is simply not that important and that, when asked, most Afghans will try to pass the torch on to the next person. The department has bestowed that birthday upon more than 200,000 refugees since the Vietnam War, according to several estimates. Depending on the situation, it may not be customary to carry on conversations while eating. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. The Bush administration does not consider the Alliance and its leader, Burnahuddin Rabbani, to be a viable alternative to the Taliban and supports U.N. plans to form a new, broad-based government. Hospitality is a part of everyday life; take the time with your colleagues to eat together and drink tea. The food at a meal with guests is much more of a status symbol in Afghanistan than in western countries. Not necessarily. This does cause some confusion among Afghans, says Sayed. The phenomenon has not escaped the notice of Afghanistans social media users. A surprisingly high number ended up choosing January 1. Press J to jump to the feed. These obligations are taken very seriously and the man who disregards them is considered honourless. Foreign aid is falling.
Dont be surprised if you are entertained in the same room as the sick person, or asked to sit on the same bed as the person recovering from an operation. The United States failed to match Beijings intense, coordinated diplomacy across Southeast Asia during the COVID-19 crisis. During protracted wars in the 1980s and 90s, the government didnt have a system in place to register births. However, do not accept just any invitation; exercise caution and only ever stay with a family you know very well. Beijings no limits partnership with Moscow is likely to destroy its dream of having European astronauts fly to the Chinese space station. The House speaker is reportedly planning a trip to Taiwan in August. Asia, Asia The government also plans to issue e-Tazkiras, or computerised national ID cards, to Afghans which would include their date of birth, if it is known. About 90 of them, wearing Russian Emergency Situations Ministry jackets, are here setting up a hospital in a nearby abandoned lot and to re-establishing an embassy in the capital. In some houses, particularly in smaller centres, you may also be offered potentially unsafe water or to drink from a common cup. The legacy of conflict in Afghanistan is extensive, and should not be forgotten. You only need them on the first day when you're registering at school.". Happy birthday to 30 friends . khairAt is non-reciprocal return the plate empty rather than the usual practice of returning it with food. Post with kindness. Many Afghans are still hostile toward them because of the Soviet occupation of 1979-89, and several Russian guards have admitted to journalists that they are terrified to be here. The guest should always precede the host, regardless of their relative social positions. This obligation to provide hospitality also extends to the traveler, who is often welcomed at the mosque where designated rooms, (H)ujra, are used for the mullah and travelers. Of course not," he says, smiling shyly. In Afghanistan, afterthe Soviets invaded in 1979to prop up the country's communist government, after the U.S. got involved in 1986, after the Soviets pulled out in 1988, after years of civil war, and after the 2001 invasion bythe U.S. Army,many Afghans stopped paying attention to or keeping official records of things like their birthdays. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. Aziz Amin Ahmadzai is a writer based in Kabul. "Though I celebrate my birthday on January 1, I always feel it's not my real date of birth and I don't feel well," says 26-year-old Ihsanullah. The ideal is always to make every business encounter first a social one. Afghans didnt wait to be assigned official birthdays. In recent years, many Afghan hospitals have started issuing birth certificates for newborns. Use the right hand to pass things to another person, or both hands to be more polite. If it is your first visit, take a small gift (tea, sweets, fruit, vanilla cake or nuts) and leave this discreetly beside you for your hosts to receive later. But since the American invasion, its become a new kind of holiday a de facto birthday for thousands of Afghans who dont know when they were born. Advertising Notice There are other complications, too. You will find customs will vary, particularly in urban families and as more people (including women) are employed. Now the authorities are trying to change things. Men usually hug each other three times, while women usually kiss each other three times. Wars kill, rip families apart, destroy bonds, and slay the very foundations of happiness. Ihsanullah, who is 26 and lives in Kabul, is one of those.

Hospitality is a primary social and religious obligation. He blogs for Smart News and contributes to the American Geophysical Union. But young Afghans in particular have coalesced around it celebrating a mass birthday that is also an implicit acknowledgment of their countrys troubles.