- Pagos en lncumplimienlo incluyen, entrc otros. We may restricl the amount of your credit limit that can be used for Cash Advances. This fee may be charged if you requested expedited delivery for your credit card. vlsAo TABLE OF CONTENTS Your Contract With Us: Using Your Account: Changes To This Agreement: Fees And lnterest: Billing Statements And Payments: Other lmportant lnformation: Arbitration: Your Billing Rights: Active Duty Military Service: lnterpreter Certification : Notice To califomla cardholders Section 1 Section 4 Section 10 Section 11. lf received aftei 5:OO p.m. they will be credited on the following day. En suca(a (una'Notificaci6n por Esoito'), porf.Er incluya la siguiente informaci6nl . All fees will be added to the Purchases balance, except Cash Advance fees and Overdraft protection fees which will be added to the Cash Advance balance on your Account. This beginning balance will include any unpaid fees from the previous Billing Cycle and any late fees incuned during the current Biliing Cycle.
Ending Authorized User Privileges. They must be written in U.S. dollars.. Overdraft Protection Advance Fee. lf either you or the Bank fails to submit to binding arbitration following lawful demand, the party so failing bears all costs and expenses incurred by the other in compelling irbitration. Your Minimum Payment Due includes any amount past due plus the greater of: 1. This notice tells you about your rights and our responsibilities under the Fair Credit Billing Act. 76tE CtltE= *dEt6t^pt dql Eqlt E=oil Pto 35tr= 9loApt Htauil. lf you belleve your bill it wrong (an "Error'), or if you ned more inform.tion about a tansactlon on vour bill, write to us 8ox 522, Des Moines, lA 50306{522.We mu* hearfrom you no later lhan 60days aftr re sentyou the fi.st billon which the Etrorappeared.You .t the number liiled on thefront ofthe stateruntj, butdoing 5o will not preserveyour riqhts. The sum of late, retumed check, returned payment, rush plastic, and annual fees and interest billed during the Billing Cycle forwhich the Minimum payment is calculated plus 1% ofthe New Balance shown on the billing statement; or 2. Arbitration Procedure; Severability. lf you have a balance on your account you will receive a billing statement.
and each Account holder. Purchase Use of your Account to buy or lease goods or services. We divide this amount by the number of days in the Billing Cycle. Us. E04 tl ot=o-/\t uo (34) Eq^l E=.5q^[ Pl5. lf the applicable law of the state ih which you opened your Account limits the amount of fes and expenses to be paid by you, then no allocation of fees and expenses to you shall exceed this limitation. Account performance; . credit or loan account or any Wells Fargo afflliated company credit or loan account. A foreign currency conversion fee may be charged when this is done. ' Your account may be eligible for introductory rates. Back to too I nterpreter Certification (34) lnterpreter Certification. You must contact us: . lf your acoount is accelerated, Please note that Payment in full of your aooount may become due before the noxt montrly payment due date that is shown on the billing statement that his Notics, Transactions Trans Pct Fees Charged RsterenceMumhet D$cdpdon Credt's Chargos TOTAL FEES CHARGED FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00 NoTlcE: sEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPoRTANT INFORMATIoN ABOUT YOUR AoCOUNT Minimum Paymont (lncludes Past Due Amount of $1,161.00) Overlimit Amount Total Amount Due Payment Due Date Amounl Enclosed WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES PO BOX 51 193 LOS ANGELES CA 90051.5499 Continued l) -1653 $6,069,08 $1,222.00 S569.08 S1,7e1.08 07/0712019 YKG 5S95 wo 1 0 5583 2000 CIH1 0XDP5596 Dsbch and mail wih check payable to Wells Fargo. The Defendant charged goods:and services (o this account with Flaintiff and thereby incurred a balance for said charges along with interest which was stated on the rnonth[y billing statements, 6. We are not responsible for anyone who refuses to accept your Card or any other Credit Access Device. Electronic payments are accepted. For fastsr procsssing, include your acoount number on your chek. lf any of the provisions of this Arbitration Agreement dealing with class action, class arbitration, private attorney general action, other representative action, joinder, or consolid;tion is found to be jllegal or unenforceable, that invalid provision shall not be severable and this entire Arbitration Agreement shall be unenforceable. Your interpreter is at least 18 years old and is fluent in both English and in the language in which you chose to discuss with us the terms and conditions of your credit card Account. lt will be at least 25 days from the statement closing date and will be provided on your billing statement. #ffi . , the Plaintiff i6 the action hereinl. Wthin 60 days after the error appeared on your statement.. At least 3 business days before an automated payment is scheduled, if you want to stop payment on the amount you think is wrong You must notify us of any potential enors in writing at the address above. You must pay in U.S. dollars. lf you exceed your total credit limit, we may allow the transaction without increasing your total credit limit or deny the transaction. Below, you can find a link to each bureaus online dispute page, mailing address and phone number. lleg.rnos hes {3) dlas hdbiler anter del dla en que e*d programado el paqo iutomStico. To identify which credit reports contain errors, you have to review each report separately. You may use your consumer credit card Account for Purchases, Balance Transfers, Cash Advances and any other transactions we allow. Sertipikasyon ng Tagapagsaling-wika (34) Sertipikasyon ng Tagapagsaling-wika. After any introductory or promotional rates expire, the remaining balances will be subject to the applicable Standard or Standard Variable APR terms. iFlf;EAH.lHHfz-ttffiiItr 34 Hfifi!
No arbitrator or other party to an arbitration proceeding may disclose the existence, content, or results thereof, except for disclosures of information by a party required in the ordinary course of its business or by applicable law or regulation. Back to too Using Your Account (4) Using Youl Account. lf you are offered a promotional rate after your account is opened, the terms will be provided at that time. lf you are on active duty military service (including active guard or reserve service) or you are a spouse or dependent of a person who is on such active duty military service, then the above Arbitration Agreement may not apply to you. (Note: Neither of these are necessary if your Purchase was based on an advertisement we mailed to you, or if we own the company that sold you the goods or services.) (26) Enforcement Rights. You agree to waive the address confidentiality requirements section of the California Vehicle Code (Section 1 808.21). EAtoil sElg etg= 0ldl6tg.9q 01Oil E9auEt Xic Nhin Vd NguoiTh6ng Dlch (34) Xac Nh{n V6 Ngu}i Th6ng Dich Ntiu quf v! lf we made a mistake: You will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees related to that amount. ' tNFoRMACtOt{ tMpoRTANTE soBRE su cUENTA rrenle oer es(aoooecuenlat perc at nacetb noDrerIvara 9u9derechos. Point of Sale Conversion. ilHffi&{FHfiffiFa{nililf*H+mFffi *SE, ilHilDJ,T^*. Verirying your employment, assets and income records. You may notii/ using other ways (including telephone), but if you do we are not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount in question. Any such Transactions are covered by this ' You should protect the security of the device the same as your credit card or other valuable information. ' Si dlchotpara permaneceten rean remitidosa urted. We can review any information you provided on your credit application at any time. SUPERCHECKS checks will post as a balance transfer only when they are included with a Balance Transfer offer. TO SEE WHAT IS CHANGING, PLEASE VISIT WELLSFARGO,COM/ONLINEUPDATES. The Account holde(s) who opened the Account.
lt includes claims based on broken promises or contracts, torts, or other wrongful actions. All Rights Reserved. Examples include using your card for cash advances through an ATM, bank teller or Wells Fargo Onllne, Overdraft Protection advances, balance transfers, or cash-like purchases such as money orders, r 4!q-1!1en!&_rs,. DescliptionoftheEtrorandwhyyoubelievethereisanEtror.lfyouneedmoreinformation,pleasedescribetheitmyouarenotsurJabout. A6]9 Alt'ls nl4loll *El A]3tA AHe. Active Duty Military Service. His goal is to create actionable content that enables people to make sound personal financial decisions. If it finds that the information youre disputing is inaccurate, it is required to notify each credit bureau it has reported the information. Hdy dQc PhAn 34 vA xdc nh4n th6ng dich vien trudc khi quy vi kich hoat the tin dung cua minh. Additionally: on a smart phone, tablet or other electronic device, such the card. 3. 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AFi:IDAVIT Case No. This will make less credit available on your Account for several days, usually until the date the actual purchase amount is reieived from the merchant. please describe the information in detail that you believe is inaccurate and provide any supporting documents with your dispute. Su nombrey ndmero de cuenta. When he is not working on personal finance content, Jordan is a self-help author and world traveler who helps people experience the world and discover themselves. lf all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the Purchase, contact us in writing at: Wells Fargo Card Services , PO Box 522 Des Moines, lA 50306-0522 Wrile we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. We may monitor and record any calls between you and us. +, E] E Altlt 9tot +dAte 76l0lllil uag alErtEt ^la6}zu 164t}oEnl, a6}b Rll0lDil E+E A}u- =96}4 euct . You can do this by visiting AnnualCreditReport.com. Any violations of the terms of this Agreement. Please try again later. Plaintiffsent the Defendant statements of his/her account each month.
The APR will continue to vary even if your Account is closed. Atfached hereto as Exhibit "2" is a true and correct copy of the Defendant's last statement of account as the original wis sent to,the Defendant and therefore, is'otherwise not aVailable. lf you do so, we cannot report you as delinquent without also reporting that you are questioning your bill. chgn thao luAn truong mqc thd tin dgng cia minh v6i chring t6i bing tiiing Tiy Ban Nha, ti6ng Trung, tiilng Hdn, ti6ng ViCt holc Tagalog, vui ldng dgc phAn sau day. lf you receive our explanation but still believe your bill is wrong, you must write to us within 10 days telling us that you still refuse to pay. We then subtract any payments or credits. We may limit or close your Account, but the terms of this Agreement will apply until you pay the Account in full. The Purchase must have been made in your home state or within 1 00 miles of your current mailing address, and the Purchase pnce must have been more than $50. Box 1 031 1 , Des Moines, lA 50306-031 1 . Additionatly, the monthly statement showed the interest rate for the Defendant's account, the calculation of said interest rate on the balance,and the minimum payment which would be due and payable for that month. Wthin 90 days of receiving your letter, we must either correct the error or explain to you why we believe the bill is correct. To cover an overdraft on a linked Wells Fargo checking account, we will advance the greater of .
Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. retirados de 5u cwnb tan rlpidocomoel rnltmo dla en qw recibamos su pagq y su innituciSn financiera no le reqresrd Ju cheqw. vi t6i thi6u 18 tu6i vA thdng thao ca ti6ng Anh l6n ng6n ngo me quli vi d6 chqn srl dung da thao luAn vdi chong t6i vA cac diAu khodn vd di6u kiQn li6n quan tln truong mqc th6 tin dqng cia quf vi. mav :*a"n'*ru*ffi ilffii*R*ffi *.e.1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT are not Customer Seruice Monitoring. In addition, you can request that a statement of your dispute be included in future credit reports. gratuito de Servlcio al Cliente indlcadoal frnte de elte estado de cuenta. Certificaci6n de lnt6rprete (34) Certificaci6n de lnt6rprete. When you use your Account or let someone else use it, you promise to pay the total amount of the purchases, Cash Advances, and balance transfers, plus all interest, fees and other amounF that you may owe us. Agreement or call our toll"fre Cusomer Service number located on the front ofthir statement. You are responsible for any service provider charges you may incur'as a result of us contacting you by any means, whether such charges are related !o text, data, equipment or other plans.
Please see lmportant Statement Concerning Active Duty Military Service in this Agreement for more information. lf any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, all other provisions of the Agreement will remain in effect. Si usted opta por conversar sobre su cuenta de tarieta de cr6dito con nosotros en espafiol, chino, coreano, vietnamita o tagalo, lea lo siguiente. W.aSers, other waqers, vouchers redeemable for cash or similar items. We reserve the righi to cancel, suspend, or change your overdraft proieition service at any time, for any reason. (15) When we Charge lnterest. This fee may be charged when an overdraft amount is advanced to the checking account linked to your Credit Card Account ' Foreign Cunency Conversion Fee. He's been writing about personal finance for three years. https ://luvrlw200 I .wellsfargo. You may contact us by phone al 8oo-642-472oijr or in writing at Wells Fargo Card Services, pO Box 10i47, des [/oines, lA 50306. (32) What To Do lf You Find a Mistake on Your Statement, lf you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at: Wells Fargo Card Services P.O. If the information isnt updated after 45 days, contact the credit bureaus or data furnisher again to see why inaccurate information is still being reported. Alt rishh reserved.roo., ,.,0",..'9.1?j,1"?ilj"t:ii#1f;133;l Change of AddrssForm - lfyour add.ress has changed, ptovideyourcomplete new address below Be sure to (heck box on reveEe side ofcoupon and enclose in the envelope provided. Each billing statement shows a statement closing date which is the last day of the Billing Cycle. $25.00(ortheentirebalanceontheAccountiftheNewBalanceislessthan$25.00). Review your credit reports at least once a year for errors. You don't honor the terms of this Agteement;. Third Party/Mobile Devices. and Our Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. https ://luvrlw200 I .we llsfargo.com : 8443/disclose/Disclosure Servlet 1lt8l20t9 Pase 6 of 8 ExHrBir I The same information may be reported to the consumer reporting agencies for any additional card holders. 4. Your nameand accountnumtrcr .
We post payments to the Billing Cycle within which they are received. Credit Access Device A device, other than your Card, like SUPERCHECKSTM and mobile devices, that we allow you to use to access credit on Vour Account.
https ://luvrlw200 1 .wellsfargo.com : 8443 /disclose/Disclosure Servlet Ut8l20t9 Page 5 of8 The Minimum Payment is rounded-up to the next highest whole dollar amount. Past performance is not indicative of future results. You may not assign your Account or any of your obligations under the Agreement. You are responsible for payment of the eniire amount owed to us, including any Purchases, balance transfers or Cash Advances (and all related interest and fees) made by the authorized person. Th6ng dich viCn coa qu! lf wL close the account, notice may be provided to only one Account Holder. Standard APRs' lf your Account is subject to Standard APRs, the Standard APRs will not vary with the market based on the U. S. prime Rate. Back to top Fees And lnterest (11) Fees. You and the Bank (the "Parties") agree that in this relationship: (1) The Parties are participating in transactions involving interstate commerce; and (2) This Arbitration Agreement and any resulting arbitration are governed by the provisions of the Federal Arbitration Act (Title 9 of th; United States Code), and,'t6 the enent any provision of that Act is inapplicable, unenforceable or invalid, the laws of the state of South Dakota. COC-l 9-57 61'99 ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 03/30/2020 Clerk of the Court BY: DAVID YUEN Deputy Clerk I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" 9 l0 II t2 l3 4. Gredit Access Devices' SUPERCHECKS can be used to access your Account similar to writing a check on a deposit account. Due to Covid-19, you can view all three of your reports for free weekly through April 20, 2022. Minimum Payment. (23) Califomia Residents. To help support our reporting work, and to continue our ability to provide this content for free to our readers, we receive compensation from the companies that advertise on the Forbes Advisor site. We may also obtain information at any time from the California Department of Motor Vehicles. We may close your Account at any time and for any reason. Financial products he enjoys covering include credit cards, personal loans, and mortgages. lf the APR changes due to a change in the U.S. Prime Rate, the new APR will apply to both existing and future balances on tne flrlt day of your Billing Cycle. de cradlto estii gar.ntizada la entega en de de Wells B.nlcN.A,, ln yourletter (a"Written Notice"), provide thefollowing information: . Each credit report that includes the error should list the furnishers name and address. ln this case, the original check or other document that you send to us will not be retained, but a copy would be ivailable if requested. We will send you a statement of the amount you owe and the date payment is due. We require you to pay any amount over the limit of your credit card account. Usted entiende y esta de acuerdo con los t6rminos y condiciones contenidos en eetos documentos adjuntos. foreclose, or obtain possession of real or personal property; exercise self-help remedies, including setoff and repoilession rigntl; oi obiain provisionii or ancillary remedies such as injunctive reliel attachment, garnishment, or the appointment of a receiver by a court of competent jurisdiction. The exchange rate betwen the transaction currency and the billing curency used for processing international transactions is either (a); rate selected by Visa from the range of rates available in wholesale currency markets for the applicable central processing date, which rate may vary from the iate Visa itself receives,. It must notify you of the results five days after completing the investigation. We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. You may also close the Account at any time. The following fees may apply to your account. You must have used your credit card for the Purchase. Arbitrator(s) must be members of the state bar wheie the arbitration is held, with expertise in the substantive laws applicable to the subject matter of the Dispute. EXHIBIT lf you mail your payment, please mail to the payment address provided on your billing statement using the envelope and payment coupon enclosed. Defendant has defaulted on their payments, and Plaintiffis due and owing the balance of $6.069.08. We will also tell you if we have already comected the enor 2. Although the credit dispute process can take a long time, removing negative items from your credit reports can build your score. Transactions at some merchants (such as hotels, car rental companies, restaurants, and gas stations) may result in temporary authorizations for amounts greater than the actual Purchase amount. lf you choose to discuss your credit card account with us in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Tagalog, please read the following. 3. Credit reporting mistakes can cause serious damage to your credit score. We may monitor and recold any of your phone calls with us. vi, quf vi ch0ng nhan vdi ch(ng t6i rdng: .
1. lf we do not follow all of the rules above, you do not have to pay the amount you question even if your bill is correct. Late Fee. See each section below for details.
4. 2. We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquent on that amount. ' 7619 SqAle 18,{l 0ld0lq SolgU 0}Uel 76tll AlgllE 114} qeq gd Il!le} t=Eil q A}86}Allltr dE6lC! Payment Due Date The date the Minimum Payment is due. This compensation comes from two main sources. https ://luvrlw200 1 .wellsfargo.com : 8443 /disclose/Disclosure Servlet r/t8120t9 Page 2 of8 You and Your EXHIBIT (3) Contacting You. Fees and Expenses of Arbitration. Annual Fee. To the extent that there is any'variance bltween the AAA Rules and this Arbitration Agreement, this Arbitration Agreement shall control. We add the amount of any Overdraft Protection advance to the Cash Advance balance as of the transaction date shown on your statement. Are you sure you want to rest your choices? Checks or other paper documents may be converted to an electronic transaction through procedures established by the National Automated Cleadng House Association. Any violations ofyour account; and. on deposit for up to 60 dayt before being remittd toyou. lf the latter option is chosen, the currency conversion rate is determined solely by the merchant involved in the transaction, and no foreign curTency conversion fee is charged by the bank for the transaction. Payment lnstructions. The rates that apply to your account are listed in the lmportant Terms of Your Credit Card Account.
2, That the dbCumentii'and recoids attach0d herbto were taken from the files of Plaintiff and were prepared in ordinary course of business about the time that the occurrences sited therein actually took piace by employees and/or agents of Plaintiff having personal knorvledge of the occurrences that are sited.in said documents. As a witness for Plaintift, I am qualified and have access to the accouniing and record keeping system'of Plaintiffl and specifically, with respectio the account'of'this Defendant. lf you Jo not follow these instructions your payment may not be credited for up to five days after we receive it. I declare.under.penalry of perjury under the .lAws of the State of California that the loregoing is true and corect. To use this right, all of the following must be true: 1 . lt also includes statutory, common law, and equitable claims. You agree that we have your consent to contact you at any phone number, email address, or mailing address you provide for any Wells Fargo account or at any number that you call us from or at any number that we obtain by other means. See The lmportant Terms of Your Credit Card Account for the applicable charge. ffi#F-#ffi (34) f;*Ftt. This fee may b charged on a Cash Advance from your Account. '
lf that happens, you must still repay the balance owed according to the terms of this Agreement. Something went wrong.
(24) Cancellation.
Calculating the daily balance: the daily balance is calculated separately for each Transaction category. Purchases made with Cash Advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit card Account do not qualiry. &H4trHA*$e[E1FH*, Elafrffi riJAfiffi H . Calls may be rcorded or mnitored. We may then report you as delinquent if you do not pay the amount we think you owe. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll t2 t3 REESE LAW GROUP Tristan P. Espihosa- Esq., Bar # 31248'l 3 168 Lionshead Ave Carlsbad CA 92010 7601842'5850 Attorneys for Plaintifl Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Gard Any cards we issue to you or any devices we allow you use to access credit on your Account. Cash Advances, Balance Transfers and cash-like transactions are not Purchases. How we Calculate your Standard Variable APRS, lf your account has a variable rate the APR will vary based on the U.S. Prime Rate plus the applicable "Margin',. (25) Separation of Unlawful Provisions. Please read this Agreement carefully and keep it for your records.
Tinalakay mo ang Kasunduan ng Kostumer at ang Pahayag ng Pagsisiwalat sa iyong tagapagsaling-wika at nabigyan ka ng pagkakataong talakayin at makipagkasundo sa amin sa mga tuntunin at kundisyong nilalaman ng mga dokumentong ito.. Ang iyong tagasaling-wika ay wala pang 1 I taong gulang at lubos na marunong sa lngles at sa wika na napili mo para talakayin sa amin ng mga tuntunin at kundisyon ng iyong credit card Account.. Nauunawaan at sinasang-ayunan mo ang mga tuntunin at kundisyong nakasaad sa mga nakalakip na dokumentong ito. unadescripcl6ndelEiioryl.raz6nporlacualurtedcreequeesunEiiorSinecesitamisinforruci6n,porfabrdescrib.elltemdelqunoestaseguro. Section 19 Section 21 $ectign.3"1 Section 32 Section 33 Section 34 To our California customers who have discussed credit card terms and conditions with us in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, or Tagalog: Read Section 34 about interpreter certificatlon before you activate your credit card. Monltoro dl Sru|(lo.l Cllente. NEITHER YOU NOR THE BANK SHALL BE ENTITLED TO JoIN oR coNsoLIDATE DISPUTES BY oR AGAINST OTHERS IN ANY ARBITRATION, OR TO INCLUDE IN ANY ARBITRATION ANY DISPUTE AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF A CLASS, OR TO AcT lN ANY ARBITRATION lN THE INTEREST OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC OR lN A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL CAPACITY. A Dispute also includes any disagreements about the meaning or application of [his Arbitration Agreement. Cash Advances for Overdraft Protection. This may include: . you agree to pay any fees that apply. ' ibr ine FurcnEse Transaca'ron category: Daily for purchases from the previous day + New purchases + Fees and interest accrued on the previous day's Transaction category balance - Paymenb, credits and adjustments that posted that day = New daily balance for Purchases 2. Some restrictions apply to SUPERCHECKS: . Thedateand dollaranountof the suspected Eror, . Daily Periodic Rates. 2. Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. 3. Your consent allows us and any companies working on our behalf-to service your account, to use any means to contact you including: automated dialing devices, prerecorded/artificial voice messages, mail, +.mail, teximessages, push notifications, and calls to your cell phone, or any other data or voice transmission technology.