AMR Dance is interested in hosting Dance Examinationsfor all students interested (Recreational and Competitive)for Tap, Jazz & Acro training.Because this would be a first for the studio:we are looking for interested dancers! CHECK OUT SOME OF OUR FULL-SEASON CLASSES: choose a registration method that works best for you! Syllabus Exams are available and students are recommended for exam participation by their instructor. Melrose Dance Academy trains with Acro Dance Teachers Association to provide your dancer with the best experience we can offer. Grades 3 and upwards are in the process of review and an announcement to be made in January 2020. The work being learned in regular class already, is the main foundation & focus for what our exams would be.ADAPT Tap & Jazz SyllabusAcrobatic ArtsAcro Dance Teachers Association. Performance Program: Full Season plus on-stage and community events. Life lessons through Dance! With inspiration from gymnastic floor work and rhythmic gymnastics, this dance style incorporates acrobatic movement into elegant flowing routines, with creative, expressive lifts and poses. Acro educators at Leap Studios are required to be both certified by Acrobatic Arts or Acro Dance Teachers Association, and hold a valid CPR/First Aid AED certificate. Ballet develops discipline and technique that is essential to all forms of dance, as well as safe posture, placement, and alignment of the skeletal system. Students learn Acrobatic tricks such as handstands, cartwheels, chest stands, elbow stands, walkovers, side and front aerials and tumbling. Acro teaches students the safe execution (entry and exit) of inverted skills (think tumbling, cartwheels, headstands, handsprings, and more) to add dynamic elements to their core dance expression.
Explore our teacher training qualifications to find out more about developing with the IDTA. Copyright 2010 Red Shoe Dance Company Ltd. sets the standard for Acrobatic Dance through a strong, effective, and innovative curriculum and ongoing educational opportunities which support teachers and students. The Gymnastic Dance syllabus has been reviewed by the board and as of 1st September 2019 Preparatory, Primary, Grade 1 and Grade 2 syllabus have now been replaced with the new Acrobatic Dance syllabus. Focus is on developing properly-aligned technique, flexibility, strength, leaps, and turning. Thank you! More focus is put on class & performance etiquette, learning respect & maturity towards the arts, communication and is a great tool for helping dancers advance their technique. This could be a GREAT opportunity for your dancer!Please reach out to Alison to discuss.Instagram: @alisonr_amrdanceEmail: amrdance@hotmail.comFacebook: amrdanceteamdrumheller, ADTA Certification ADAPT Certified AcroArts Module 1 CertifiedJR In Progress. The purpose of our new Competitive Acro Team is to provide an opportunity for dancers to further their acro dance training while developing sportsmanship, character, confidence, discipline and competitiveness. Copyright 2022 The Acrobatic Dance Association, To support dance teachers to introduce acrobatics into their studios, To support established acrobatic dance teachers with new techniques and variations to get the most out of their students, To teach safe and successful techniques to train students in all areas of acrobatics, To assist and encourage teachers to have the confidence to extend their students to achieve new skills, To provide a collegiate approach to learning, To improve the overall standard of acrobatic dance and to promote a culture of acrobatics as a dance form, To provide an Australian based Acrobatic Dance Syllabus with the option of student exams. Leap Studios educators hold certification in at least one or more of the following syllabi as a certified teacher of: Jazz Syllabus Exams available and students are recommended for exam participation by their instructor. Interested? This is the Acro program that gets great results, is fun for students, prevents injuries. With being certified through ADAPT (Tap and Jazz) and Acrobatic Arts & Acro Dance Teachers Association (Acrodance) our studio follows aprofessional and progressional syllabus for each of our classes according to age and abilities. International House, 76 Bennett Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5JL. Acrobatique, pride themselves on safe, efficient, and progressive teaching methods. It is used at dance studios in 15 countries around the world. Total beginner or want to improve your dance skills? Tap develops a strong sense of rhythm, coordination, and agility by creating percussive sounds through movement to enhance our performance repertoire. Explore the many ways you can learn and develop with the IDTA, Want to improve your teaching skills? All programs currently accepting registrations! AcroDance offers more depth and variety to choreography and creates a much more versatile dancer. Jazz experience is a plus! NO TRAVEL! Email us by clicking the button below, or call (403) 862-1237, Copyright 2022 Leap Studios - All Rights Reserved. Does this involve travel or extra fees? What are Dance Exams?Dance Examinations provide a fantastic way for students to set individual goals, work for achievements, have their techniques tested by qualified Examiners and rewarded by receiving a Grade, certificates and in some cases, medals. AcroDance is a style of Acrobatics used specifically for dancers. What would the kids be tested on?
Dancers on the team cannot miss more. Certification in progress for JR INT ADV Comprehensive Premiere Program stillableto offer exams. During regular classes, it is un-common and not always the goal to finish all the syllabus work in one year (as our focus often shifts to routines for year end recital). We will be in touch soon! The Acro Program by ADTA (Acro Dance Teachers Association) means you dont have to go elsewhere to get their Acro training or to excel your current training. That is the best part we are equipped with the tools and connections to host our Dance Examinations in house, with the qualifiedexaminersto coming to us. OFQUAL, CCEA & Qualifications Wales recognised awarding organisation, Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre recognised awarding organisation, Member of British Dance Council, Sport & Recreation Alliance, Theatre Dance Council International and Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre, IDTA appear on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), Dancers Forget-Me-Not Fund Annual Ball 2022, Laird Technique of Latin Dancing (2022) now available, South East Area Theatre Meeting September 2022. If you do not see a response from us within 48 hours, please check your spam folder. More than 10,000 students worldwide are getting results from the Acro system. Your dancer will develop strength, flexibility and technique. There would be a small additional fee for joining the Examination amount to be determined. Copyright 2022 Leap Studios - All Rights Reserved. Students study a set curricum and will be tracked with goal charts and Examinations. Register online or book an appointment with our Client Success Team!