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HD 0[UcGcBXvaP69 ;*dx7J YyvlwU;`kHi63> 2 0 obj In addition to being a leading clearing provider in the U.S. for nearly 30 years, National Financial leverages the strength and experience of Fidelity Investments, one of the worlds largest providers of financial services. [f>=8b+|$,gd(C?a2D1vd=504Z/a,,W#KVYs]$V.T?EveHPF|Z2mJz+8g 25.98 0 Td
ET WFCS and its associates may receive a financial or other benefit for this referral.
N E5,F Information provided on this page is for clients of the unaffiliated introducing brokerage firms serviced by First Clearing. 1 0 0 rg Member, First Clearing Correspondent Services Login, Issues to Consider When Your Broker Changes Firms.
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PfR Wz.W78t7p[qp With the voice-activated phone system, you can: Simply call 1-800-TRADERS (1-800-872-3377) and tell the Automated Voice Response System what you'd like to do.
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FM First Clearing provides advanced advisory workstation and workflow technologies, risk-management and compliance support, and advisor recruiting services. If you are an account holder and have questions about an account that is carried by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, please contact your financial advisor directly. Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC (WFCS) and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC, Members SIPC, separate registered broker-dealers and non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. Copyright 2022 - Chapin Davis Investments. 544 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3D09C37951A15F4D8227E715CB28F9E2>]/Index[520 40]/Info 519 0 R/Length 110/Prev 247633/Root 521 0 R/Size 560/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream About First Clearing: Headquartered in St. Louis, MO, First Clearing builds relationships with full-service and independent retail broker-dealers, their leaders, and their advisors, empowering each to compete and succeed. Our client base includes all types of Institutional Broker Dealers, Institutions, and Hedge Funds, with a special focus on statistical arbitrage, quantitative, and high frequency strategies. II . Contact: Kyle Czepiel, Managing Director, (212)357-2802, kyle.czepiel@gs.com, 9785 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 800-877-7210 Website: lpl.com.
Contact: Marc Ravenscroft, Vice President, (800)877-7210, ext.7329., marc.ravenscroft@lpl.com, 200 Seaport Blvd., Z2P, Boston, MA, 02210 Phone: 1-800-752-7053 www.nationalfinancial.com. Choose Electronic Delivery of all account documents, or check the boxes for the account documents you wish to have delivered electronically. %PDF-1.7 % Ei`YJR@&% ~&0A! ;>^Ap(8"g;6n>]& 1#!&v YH# 9Mta. V%2t'Ixz\@ eBU!i'"0n[9k}O{+{y":`r 5'lwV~yoI|jNRB`Mh5P.=#`_:I D[?~:aA]vz| Do b(D e .]kG??U]w_ With Wells Fargo's cash sweep features, you can automatically transfer un-invested cash balances into interest-bearing Wells Fargo deposit accounts or money market funds. endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>stream Throughout the process of building a world-class independent broker/dealer, LPL Financial has gained invaluable expertise in the clearing, technology, compliance, and customer service functions. 13.476 0 Td Additional information may be accessed through the links above.
www.firstclearing.com Investment and Insurance products: NOT FDIC-Insured | NO Bank Guarantee | MAY Lose Value. 8:00 am midnight ET l/{Qeo crg:sThVbs7j*FNGC{{M\@ Z5Sxz,OH#
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Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Whether a client executes and clears with us, or simply clears, they gain access to our global clearing capabilities, risk management services, stock loan capabilities, and sophisticated, robust clearing technology. endobj <>/Metadata 468 0 R/ViewerPreferences 469 0 R>>
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Services: Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing, L.P. offers a fully integrated Execution, Clearing and Prime Brokerage product suite that provides tools and services to reduce the burden of clearing trades. Alternative Trading Systems Notice to IRA and ERISA Accounts, Certificate of Deposit Disclosure Statement (PDF), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Notice, Transfer Funds Service Terms and Conditions (PDF). ^!{HUwO,Q 2 3.0665 Td
kJxE_\*q7fR,,.ZJ9)&&.{l Go paperless and choose electronic delivery of account documents and shareholder communications: To view your account documents online, select Statements & Docs from the sub menu within the Portfolio menu. Wells Fargo Advisors is not responsible for the information contained on third-party websites.
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Upon your initial login, you will be presented with an Online Agreement which will need to be reviewed and accepted only once. M DNI*88xFA-MwS%`Y|tM{x\A@ ho$jIW5lxO`6`Tbe#yPV Ygq$.jn-g~yM }JS$!NlKdw[VLi`;0l6laoW?c*:{3up[l)trwh1H;{c+4uwi*F0.gia>}!XwTAMQ]h/>Gt;1,T- TAEdvWWC]!y^ko^ hJAg.&`!XXH2Tb! is a banking affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. 17 0 obj <> endobj NMLSR ID 399801, Access your balances and other important information for both your brokerage and bank accounts, Get quotes for stocks, mutual funds, and options. Throughout the years, LPL Financial has made substantial investments in building out its capabilities to offer industry leading technology, training, service, and unbiased research to financial advisors, financial institutions, and institutional clearing clients. Armed with these valuable systems and best practices, LPL Financial created Custom Clearing Services. 28.002 0 Td
Services: Fixed-Income Product Specialists. What is the difference between traditional and Roth IRA accounts. Our Growth Accelerator program, a unique professional-development and practice-consulting program, is designed to help advisors help their clients succeed financially. /r|vqpqfCWiMo;^'9M,6
1 First Canadian Place, P.O. Links to third-party websites are provided for your convenience and informational purposes only. Mail WELLS FARGO ADVISORS Attention: N9160-01P PO Box 77046 Minneapolis, MN 55480-9902.
Some of the products and services include: Custody Reporting, Portfolio Accounting/Tax Reporting, Performance Reporting, Alternative Financing Options (where available), Securities Lending, Risk Analysis, and Capital Introduction and Consulting Services.
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