We make a variety of grow mixes for all your growing needs. GA, MN, Are You Getting What You Pay For? IA, nav:true WV, Other States Served: For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. } If you have any questions about our site or any of the products, please give us a call at 800-473-7753. If you have a large indoor growing facility and are looking for a professional supplier, HTG Supply is a top choice. Order from our indoor garden supply store online or visit us in person at one of our locations to take your home growing to the next level. We recommend JFH to anyone, anytime.'. NB, } VA, We have been on a journey which started out with Doug Hutchins who started to sell sundries after diversifying from the original landscaping and growing business which was founded by Joe Hutchins over 60 years ago. AZ, We provide horticultural supplies to growers and retailers across a huge range of products. At HTG Supply, our goal is to help you maintain a flourishing indoor garden. HTG Supply is one of the top online indoor gardening supply stores in the country. Sign up to receive exclusive deals and more! Offering solutions for your growing challenges. We pride ourselves on our reputation and the numbers of customers who come back to us time after time for their wholesale garden supplies. Whether you are a professional grower or retailer, our product range is extensive and constantly updated. We also stock products from the Moorgreen range, ideal for garden centres and retailers. WY, Other States Served: 1-800-473-7753. We have 20 locations throughout 13 different states, and we are always expanding. We have also earned a reputation as one of the fastest shippers in the industry. $('.brands_logo').owlCarousel({ We are committed to take the lead in providing goods, services and solutions with a rapid response to help our clients grow. ID, nav:true, WA, Other States Served: A Family Owned Company Proudly Serving The "Green Industry" Since 1972, Ground Cover, Fabric, Shade Cloth & Truck Tarps. We carry all of the industrys top name brands from grow lights and hydroponic systems to nutrients, soil, accessories and more. No false promises, no hidden costs. NC, Other States Served: TX, Other States Served: Cultiwool 6 Inch Blocks | Bulk Pallet 768 Pcs. Solutions designed for landscape professionals. nav:true VI, Other States Served: }, 600:{ You can rest assured that when you order from us, you will get our products when you need them. loop:true, We specialize in greenhouse and nursery mixes, custom-engineered soils for green roofs, bioswales and rain gardens. LA. Our orders are always delivered on time. SC, For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. UT, Other States Served: Phone: (630) 365-1990 MI, Other States Served: There are still lots of jobs to be doing at this time of year. CA, __dcid.push({"cid":"DigiCertClickID_SFr5kUQ7","tag":"SFr5kUQ7"}); For your convenience, we have two material pick-up yards. MT,
IA, IA, We have an extensive inventory to provide you with the best products at affordable prices, and our offerings reflect all the latest developments in hydroponics and indoor gardening. NV, Other Provinces Served: Get in on the best deals, new products and gardening tips.
VA, Other States Served: nav:true, KS, nav:true Product solutions for the Landscape Professional. }); New Autumn and Winter 2021 Brochure Out Now. HTG Supply offers all the products you need to successfully grow and maintain your indoor plants. Includes select factory refurbished models only. MT, items:4, AZ, ND, Other Provinces Served: loop:true RI, Other States Served: KY, Other States Served: We usually ship within 24 hours of receiving your order so that you will get your items as quickly as possible. }, require(['jquery', 'mageplaza/core/owl.carousel'], function ($) { NE, nav:true Learn how to grow with articles videos and more. Read more about Midwest here. We are one of the fastest-growing indoor garden and hydroponics supply stores in the country. NE, Other States Served: All mixes are formulated with nutrients and minor elements to get your plants on their way to a healthy start. Protect and strengthen your plants + boost your yields! AK, loop:true PA, nav:true, This offer applies to Economy Shipping only for orders shipped within the lower 48 states; it cannot be applied to items with additional shipping charges or faster shipping. Need a plastic plant tray distributor?
Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. SYNERGY margin:20, }, AB, Other States Served: Join the HTG Nation for growing tips tricks and savings! Order Before 12 Noon For Next Day Delivery Service, Free on orders over 200 UK Mainland Only, SUPPLYING PROFESSIONAL GROWERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS. SD, Other States Served: NM, FL, Other States Served: ID, margin:10, 767:{
Youll get access to first class advice from our experts and an unrivalled level of customer satisfaction that will ensure you come back to us for all your ongoing garden centre and other supplies. } UT, Remember to check out our many special deals on products for low-cost options. items:2, AZ, You grow it, we know it! CONTINUITY
CO, Ask the Doc: How Does Temperature Affect Plant Growth. LA, Other States Served: items:3, Engineered soils mixed to your specifications. $(document).ready(function(){ RI, Here to supply goods and service, today, tomorrow and whenever the customer requires them. CO, We have dealt with JFH Horticultural Supplies for the last 10 years and found them to be extremely helpful and obliging. Here at JFH we can supply everything you need for the Autumn and Winter seasons, whether its making up attractive plant displays with our new indoor bamboo baskets, putting together Christmas Wreaths with our exclusive Double Clamp Rings or for the quick and easy option we offer a selection of wreaths all ready for you to take away including our new Red Ball, Rose & Star and Ribbon, Star and Berry Wreaths'. ', A very interesting article in this months Horticulture Week talks about the increase in temperatures and the fact they could become normal by 2040. Our horticultural supplies include a number of product ranges including baskets and planters, growing medium and fertilisers, fabrics and netting, irrigation supplies, tree and plant care items, garden tools and equipment, polyhouses and covers, plus many floral and seasonal products. 0:{ $('#testimonials').owlCarousel({ Thats why weve compiled resources with expert insights and advice in our online information center. OK, Other States Served: AR, NS,
IL, WY, Other States Served: Visit our indoor gardening information center to browse our full library of videos, articles, and guides. Cultiwool 6 x 6 x 4 Inch Blocks | Bulk Pallet 1280 Pcs. View Cart Our team provides exceptional customer service, offering expert assistance with everything from your search to issues that arise post-sale. With LoadScan technology, trucks are loaded to maximum weight and volume is verified with laser scan. items:3, Carlin Sales/ProGreen Plus is a wholesale distributor of horticultural and landscape supplies in the Midwest. All rights reserved. WA, Other Provinces Served: Our Commercial Services Division can help you with your supply and equipment needs throughout each stage of your operation. }, SD, Other States Served: NL, Other States Served: Huge savings on GrowBright Novaforce (save $179!) In this video our friend and gardening expert Charlie Nardozzi identifies some of the most common insect pests, gives tips on prevention, and offers several remedies for mitigation should they appear in your garden. Find all of the best hydroponics and indoor gardening brands at HTG Supply! MX, Other States Served: items:5, NE, As expert garden centre wholesale suppliers we can provide you with advice on whatever horticultural projects you are working on. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. ID, responsiveClass:true, }); NM, Offer valid online only, good while supplies last. Well-fed plants are healthier, more productive and more beautiful. responsiveClass:true, ND, } IL, Other States Served: NE, Other States Served: NE, NH, MO, BC, Other States Served: WI, Other States Served: dots:false, items:3, WV, Other States Served: DE, We also service all product warranties, so you will work directly with us. Shop Digital Greenhouse Certified Refurbished Ballasts! dots:false, Deals as low as $25.99! }, This article covers the basics of why and how to fertilize your garden. Professional growing media developed by growers. 0:{ Find the best mulches, soil amendments, and horticultural supplies for all of your landscaping needs. NJ, HTG Supply is an indoor garden supply store specializing in horticultural lighting fixtures, nutrients and maintenance tools for growing plants. ND,
Use this map to find one in your area. In 2016, 508 million new and 341 million recycled wooden pallets were produced by manufacturers across the globe. ID, Be the first to know about sales and promotions, and stay up to speed with tips and tricks from our team of expert cultivators. TX, Thats a lot of wooden pallets, and with a typical useful life, Digital Greenhouse HS-3000 LED Grow Light, Gorilla Boost 70/30 Coco Coir Perlite Mix 50L, FoxFarm Light Warrior Potting Soil 1 Cubic Foot. SC, Other States Served: var __dcid = __dcid || []; PE, We are the complete supplier for all your horticultural and landscape needs. NM, AR, MT, Recent Temperature Record and the Horticulture Industry, Welcome to the latest issues of our Product and Irrigation Guides, Maximising Spring sales opportunities within the Horticulture Industry. SD, Other Provinces Served: ALERTNESS items:4, UT, Other States Served: Use our calculator to determine the amount of mulch needed for your area. VI, Other States Served: We also provide manuals and how-to guides about our products for everything you need to know. items:5, MD, LED Grow Lights! Tennessee Nurserymen's Association The following day one of their representatives came to see us with a stock list of products. OR, Other States Served: Shop Hydroponic Supplies, LED Grow Lights, Tents & More, A family-owned business and the largest independent indoor garden supplier in the USA. We work with you to achieve what neither of us can do on our own. SK, }); JFH Horticultural Supplies Ltd, Unit 2, Lower Complex, Lodge Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 3HP. CA, Whether you are looking for grow lights for hemp or other specific types of plants, we have the right supplies in stock. [emailprotected] loop:true, CO, OK, Other States Served: Morton's is a manufacturer of Greenhouses and Quality soil mixes for the nursery and greenhouse industry. This Free Shipping offer expires 8/31/22 and requires a $125 minimum purchase amount. Continually providing solutions for our customers needs and problems. Fax: (630) 365-3818. items:2, MX, Other States Served: 1200:{ nav:true FRANKNESS items:1,
Professional growing mixes and soil amendments in retail ready bags.
UNIQUE PRODUCT SOURCING With so much information available it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. KNA, Middle Tennessee Nurserymen's Association, Tennessee Nursery & Landscape Association, Contact Us: Hours: 8am - 4pm CST, Monday - Friday, Telephone: 931-473-6608 931-473-2922 800-473-7753, Mailing Address: P.O. (function() CA, This offer cannot be applied to previous purchases or combined with any other offer. Browse the hottest new indoor gardening products and grower-preferred gear that will take your garden to the next level. We also provide landscape mulches, soil amendments, and horticultural supplies. McMinnville, TN 37110. Box 24 McMinnville, TN 37111 Shipping Address: 1709 Smithville Hwy. GA,
nav:true, We are ISO 9001 accredited so you can rest assured that we are professional & trustworthy. Be the first to know about new arrivals, exclusive offers and trend news. NV, Cultiwool 6 Inch Slab | Bulk Pallet 256 Pcs. A very interesting article by Neville Stein (Horticultural Business Consultant) in this months Horticulture Week talks about how you can be prepared for spring and reigniting customers passion and enthusiasm for gardening. 991:{ They are a company that deliver on their promise and exceed our expectations. VT, Other States Served:
JFH Horticultural are trusted garden centre suppliers who have been providing excellent service to our customers for over four decades.
767:{ Here at JFH we have been busy producing the latest versions of both our main Product and Irrigation Guides to assist you in the everyday running of your business. Copyright 2022 Midwest Trading, LLC. We have always found JFH to be efficient and helpful.