Reitnouer B-Trains are available in lengths from 28 ft. to 32 ft., widths of 96 inches or 102 inches, and with five-, six-, seven- or eight-axle designs. All Reitnouer multi-axle trailers are available in three-, four-, seven-, and eight-axle configurations, as well as tri-nine and quad-nine designs. The rear lift axle saves you on fuel and tire wear when not needed. WELL MAINTAINED, 2016 LODEKING FLATBED AutoTrader will notify you when there is a new listing for this search. Reitnouer Poultry Trailers are designed and built to meet the needs of todays live poultry transport industry. Across the Reitnouer line, our trailers feature an advanced, innovative approach to design and manufacturing that makes Reitnouer trailers stronger, more durable and more repair friendly.
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Frame Repairs Required - See Detailed Pics GN 2 5/16" BALL BULLDOG COUPLER 25,000 LB Subscribe for the latest car reviews, listings, products and more right in your inbox. By clicking 'Subscribe', I agree to receive communications from AutoTrader. https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/live/ads?iu=/8544/autoTRADER/Cars/Results&description_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.autotrader.ca%2F&env=vp&impl=s&correlator=&tfcd=0&npa=0&gdfp_req=1&output=vast&sz=640x481&cust_params=year%3D%26make%3D%26model%3D%26siteenvironment=www%26position%3Datf&unviewed_position_start=1&position=atf, https://tdreditorialsapi.azureedge.net/api/Videos/GetVideosByQuery/. Includes D-Rings, LED lights, Sealed Wiring Harness, Ladder ramps, toolbox and mounted spare/cover. The Bigger Bubba is Reitnouer innovation, design and reliability in a hauling monster with the bigger bones to handle the most extreme cargo loads. EXTENDED WARRANTIES AVAILABLE; COVERAGE UP TO 1,000,000 kilometers The PRIDE Standard: All Miska Hydraulic Dove Tail Equipment Floats30' (21'+9') Tandem Dually ModelsCall for a Quote - Other Sizes Available - Financing Available OAC10 Ton Contractor Model - From $26,495.0012 Ton Contractor Model - Contact for a Quote15 Ton Contractor Model - Contact for a QuoteContr Miska 5 Ton Tandem Axle Deckover Float Trailer Made in Canada Deckover trailers, starting at just $9,945.00 - Finance from $260.00/Month OACGet the ultimate low-maintenance finish - Upgrade to hot-dip galvanized for $1,000.00See our Deckover Float Trailers in action - ******** SL-TA5x10-35-Dexter axles-4 Drop axles-Easy Lube hubs-15 galvanized wheels with radial tires-7 gauge steel floor-7k jack with drop leg-2 5/16 adjustable coupler-LED lighting-Heavy duty ramps with spring assist-Extended ramps for smooth transition-Sealed wiring harness with 7 p Come check out this 14' equipment trailer, still in good shape! TOOL BOX ROLLING TARP FLATBED Curtain Side / Roll Tarp Trailers For Sale We offer in-house financing with 100% Approval and the Lowest interest rates Guaranteed. -Hot dip galvanized upgrade made to last and prevent rust! Reitnouer builds trailers for a wide variety of specialty applications. Pintle can be switched out with a coupler if needed. WE OFFER FINANCING FROM $0 DOWN -OAC . 25,000 LB. 11 R 22.5 Tires, Aluminum Wheels, Tiremaax PRO Inflation/Deflation System, HXL-5 Wheel End System with 5 year warranty, 16 Winches & Straps, 14 Pairs of Chain Tie Downs, (1) Aluminum Tool Box, Dunnage Rack.
53', Tandem Air Ride with sliding rear axle. The Reitnouer CK80, CK90 and CK100 series are 1,000 to 1,800 pounds lighter than comparably equipped composite/combo trailers. Low Profile Coupler fo 53', Tandem Axle Air Ride, 49" Axle Spread, 255/70 R 22.5 Tires, Aluminum Wheels, Toolbox, Dunnage Rack, Pull Up Floor Chain Tie Downs, Winches, LCS Sliding Tarp Kit. CLEAN UNIT New Hendrickson Intraxx Axle Included & Original Axle X 2 G.A.W.R. TIRES - 11-22.5 Warranty till 2023 .. mint condition ********** or 1-888-RPM-6770.
General Terms and Conditions Terms of Use Notice. Phone Calls Only CLEAN UNIT TOOL BOX RPM Vehicle Sales All rights reserved. There are Authorized Reitnouer dealers across North America who can put you in front of a Reitnouer trailer that works as hard as you do. Front axle lift, Front nd California style gladhands, 5 tool boxes, dunage rack , rack kit nd many more factory features on trailer, 2017 LODEKING FLATBED By proceeding to use the site you consent to the terms of the privacy policy. Plus, Reitnouer trailers include many innovations that youll find only on a Reitnouer. We analyzed similar vehicles in your area and calculated that this vehicle is priced a bit lower than the average making it a Good Price. Reach millions of trailer shoppers locally and nationally,for free.
The unique bolted design of the MaxMiser with such innovative features as a solid one-piece crossmember reinforced with an inner extrusion adds reinforcement between the main beams.