You'll love ducking, diving, and dodging to the end. It's all in your swing or is it the fling? Not to be a downer, but this is camp, baby! Reach for new heights like never before. Before they get you! 0000089012 00000 n
Box 3798Clarksville, TN 37043, Meeting Location :The City Forum & The Madison Room2231-T Madison St.Clarksville, TN 37043, Church Office:3575 Sango RoadClarksville, TN 37043, Real Life Students Swim Night (Guys Only). Since 1979 FUGE has been the official youth camp of the Southern Baptist Convention. Bring a friend! Were here to fulfill all their safety and nutritional needs. Is camp not "camp" enough for you? 0000003021 00000 n
You've never stacked anything like this. Check. 0000002237 00000 n
Your heart pounds as you overcome your nerves and step off the cliff. Climb. 0000003180 00000 n
Toothbrush? Please fill out the below form to be kept up to date on future Summer Camp news! Arrive by 8:30 am to sign out your camper. Olivia Clapp Baumann, of Raleigh, N.C., remembers being introduced to the Roma people group through the FUGE missions offering when she was in seventh grade. Youth pastors can choose from one of four programs at FUGE Centrifuge, MFuge, XFuge, and XFuge on Mission. Join us each Wednesday at 6:30pm for a short lesson, fellowship, and lots of fun! 0000103699 00000 n
Because of this decentralized approach, FUGE staffs--usually about 20-30 college students and recent college graduates--are able to reach students across the United States. 0000100358 00000 n
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#(Yi'Y> FUGE Camps offers five different styles of camp, including Centrifuge (CF), Mission Fuge (MF), Combo Camps, XFuge (XF), and XFuge on Mission (XFM). Steady as she goes." Camp programming is designed to take students out of their normal routine and place them into an environment that is focused on life-change through relationship with Christ.It is going to be an amazing week, and we want you to be a part!Here is what you need to know:What: Centrifuge Camp Where: Tigerville, SC Theme: Dwell When: June 21-26 Who: Students who have completed 6th - 12th grade Cost: $315 ($100 Deposit required at registration), Mailing Address:P.O. 0000002272 00000 n
Though FUGE Camps vary slightly at each location due to differences in personnel and available facilities, a typical day at FUGE would include: Mission Fuge and XFuge on Mission Schedule. But if theres a home emergency, contact the camp Director and well arrange a call. Heave ho and off we go! Thousands of acres and miles of trails through God's beautiful creation. Through FUGE Camps, God started me on this crazy journey, Baumann wrote. Again! This is like a normal zip line, only a little more loosy-goosey, with special tethers that let you drift to the ground like a parachuter coming in for a landing. To heck with the clubs; grab a disk and join the fun. There's adventure in each breath and every step. Quietly nestled in the pines is a diabolical treehouse designed to test both your mental and physical abilities. Here's mud in your eye and between your toes and behind your ears.. Unfortunately, we will not be offering our Overnight Individual Summer Camp program for Summer 2021. 0000040776 00000 n
Friendship's student ministry serves middle and high school students grades 6th - 12th. Climb. Students also have the opportunity to minister by facilitating games and other recreation at local apartment complexes or Boys and Girls Clubs; visiting assisted-living facilities and nursing homes; and doing yard work for the elderly and other needy people. 0000002824 00000 n
Every moment spent at FUGE is intentional. Get ready for paint under your nails and a bunch of souvenirs. This quiet time will be done within Bible study groups. This summers theme is The Mission,' said Joe Hicks, LifeWays lead coordinator for FUGE Camps. Harness up and take a big leap of faith. Repeat again and again until we wear 'em out. During this time, you will be given a space to gather with your students to unpack the way the Lord is working in their lives during their time at camp. This is the perfect place to test your skills at a high level.
When you experience a mountainside ride, you'll know what we mean. Closing Celebration will take place at the end of the week to celebrate the life change that has taken place in the lives of your students during their time at camp. Take a chain-grinding, quad-shredding lap or two around our wicked dirt tracks, bust out a few of those moves you practiced, and soar to glory. Students will study the life of Paul and discover how to live a life on mission for Christ. NASHVILLE (BP) Randy Parks remembers the music, the games, and the wacky events from the first summer he attended Centrifuge in 1979. If you're a thrill seeker who'd like to feel a little "boulder", we accommodate all skill levels in many different climbing styles. Plop! Part dodge ball, part tag and part king of the hill, it takes action to another level. MFuge is open to students in grades 7-12 and college students. Still have questions? Double-check. Respect the ball! You dont have to go minimalist, but who wants a bunch of stuff to keep track of? The spiritual, physical, and emotional well being of every camper is our top priority. There's nothing like the unmistakable tread of a new red dodgeball. Sharing the Gospel to further Gods kingdom is the ultimate reason He left the church on earth, Hicks said. 0000106392 00000 n Camp programming is designed to take students out of their normal routine and place them into an environment that is focused on life-change through relationship with Christ. It's part truck, part house, part rainbow and one of the many wonders you'll find at Glorieta. It provides good grip. Now you're down, confident. Stop, listen and look around. Fuzzy wristbands, Keds, and sliding sideways on a Big Wheel made for some serious street cred back in the day. Each evening, all camp attendees gather for a time of corporate worship, prayer, and a message from the camp pastor that reinforces the biblical theme for the day. I cant imagine my life without attending FUGE..
We are currently reading through Counter Culture by David Platt. 0000043424 00000 n One of our priorities is giving you, as the leader, the opportunity to invest in your students. Splash! Begun in 2005, XFuge and XFuge on Mission takes the general template of a normal FUGE Camp and removes many of the traditional "summer camp" aspects, like assemblies and structured track times and reorients the experience toward a Christian retreat: spiritual formation is conducted through worship experiences and optional missions work, but leisure activities, such as swimming or sunbathing on the beach, are more prominent. Well, harness up, because you're about to get closer to nature than ever before. Launch! Stand on top without tumbling for the win. Yes, cell phones are on it. You just have to experience it to understand! Hop on and go for a spin that will leave you breathless in more ways than one. For students a week at camp is exciting, fun, loud and sometimes even messy.
This classic family sport is best under the pines, with a nice summer breeze. These are no toys, but they are a lot of fun. 110 src: Heroin assisted treatment , or diamorphine assisted treatment, refers to the prescribing of synthetic, injectable heroi Kumasi Nurses and Midwifery Training School, Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, Strong small-group youth Bible study, led by a trained camp staffer, Missions Activities in the local community, Camp-wide fellowships, like talent shows (also known as Night-Life), Game Shows, and Mega-relays, Ridgecrest Conference Center - Ridgecrest, North Carolina, Glorieta Conference Center - Glorieta, New Mexico, Carson-Newman College - Jefferson City, Tennessee, North Greenville University - Greenville, South Carolina, Mississippi College - Clinton, Mississippi, Shalimar Retreat Center - Panama City Beach, Florida, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary - Louisville, Kentucky, Belmont University - Nashville, Tennessee, Palm Beach Atlantic University - West Palm Beach, Florida, Charleston Southern University - Charleston, South Carolina, Mile High Pines - Angelus Oaks, California, Eastern University - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Houston Baptist University - Houston, Texas, Southwest Baptist University - Bolivar, Missouri, Shocco Springs Conference Center - Talladega, Alabama, Hilton Head Island Beach and Tennis Resort - Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, Painting, Construction, and Yardwork (PCY). Were here to have fun, build each other up and encourage others in love! 0000004202 00000 n Climate-controlled dorm rooms are close to the dining hall and all activity areas. Our flagship feature is a 5 level treehouse. College students and adults may apply to work as a staffer when they turn 19 years of age, and have been out of high school for at least one year. Her love for the Roma people has only grown during the last several years. 0000001096 00000 n FUGE camps are unique in that there is not a central camp facility where the program is conducted. Leave the campfire for day's end. 0000071669 00000 n Five different activity tracks let you choose adventures best suited to your tastes and skills. The communications team at LifeWay Christian Resources released this report. This Summer, students who have completed 6th - 12th grade are invited to join us for an amazing week at camp. Leap! Each day they demonstrate their passion for serving Jesus Christ through leading by example and with a cheerful demeanor. This is also a great time to bring your friends and family to experience a little bit of Glorieta Camps.
Let your wanderlust take over and experience spectacular vistas across miles of pristine mountain trails. One of our trained staff members will engage everyone at camp in group Bible study each day. And a recognizable pattern on the side of your face. src: Assistant medical officers are health care providers in countries like Tanzania and Malaysia. 249 0 obj <> endobj xref 249 40 0000000016 00000 n Former missionaries reunite during Olympics ministry, In leaving Ukraine, refugees find a home and sense of Gods family, Worship pastor thinks with kingdom-minded margins to find, train new worship leaders, FIRST-PERSON: Why its vital to invest in the women of your church, Southern Baptists champion religious liberty, Local church autonomy makes cooperation stronger, say Southern Baptist leaders, Sammy Tippits prayer life undergirds his evangelistic zeal, Human trafficking report highlights inequity, wars impact, New 988 suicide, crisis lifeline active, ready to help everyone, Attorneys general warn Google not to limit search results for pro-life centers, House passes same-sex marriage bill with GOP help. This summer more than 55,000 students and adults will attend a FUGE Camp. These colorful blocks are just right for learning the basics and getting the 'hang' of climbing without getting too far off the ground. All the sports once included in Crosspoint have now been implemented in LifeWay's CentriKid camp. Glorieta Christian Summer Camp is an outrageously fun 5-day experience where students come seeking adventure and leave with a head full of memories, stronger in their faith and with a bunch of new friends. 0000002850 00000 n We provide age-specific Bible study materials that align with the camp theme. They are centered on the youth groups of Christian churches, particularly (though not exclusively) Baptist churches. Part camp store, part coffee shop, part arcade and impromptu concert hall. But most of all, he remembers the clear message of the Gospel and the strong conviction that a life following Christ was exciting and worth living. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early and gates will open promptly at 4 pm. This summer, FUGE Camps are located in 21 locations. Take aim. From there, you're climbing through our bouncy crash course. Inspiring. You wont want to miss out on this exciting taste of Glorieta Camps as we celebrate the week of camp! This tower can test and inspire almost any level of climber. Since 1984, FUGE campers have given more than $12 million to the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board through an annual summer missions offering. Opening Celebration is a high-energy gathering on the first day that will set the tone of the week for students. Deposit funds for the purchase of snacks or merchandise, or pre-order a a Squirrel Bag filled with goodies and gear for your camper. Launch! Check. 0000001955 00000 n Test your grip and your core strength on our Swiss army knife of climbing sweetness. Whoa!
During Opening Celebration, you will be introduced to the camp theme, program elements, and staff. They have shared bathrooms and are staffed by 2 counselors each. Bounce through our collection of endless obstacles and feel your excitement balloon. 0000006117 00000 n
MFuge takes the traditional Centrifuge structure and reorients it toward mission work. Ascend cliff faces and negotiate overhangs. Second Payment of 50% of your account balance is due 60 days prior to your camp or retreat. Please leave your cell phones and devices at home. 0000006751 00000 n Ever. Instead of offering track times and recreation during the day like Centrifuge does, those activities are replaced with missions work like building homes for Habitat for Humanity and serving meals at soup kitchens or homeless shelters. A Student Leader Apprentice program is also offered for students entering or leaving their senior year of high school. Interested in joining? You can leave it with us when you drop off your camper. Reservations canceled with advance notice will still require partial payment based on the schedule shown below. FUGE Camps are open to students in the 7-12 grade range and college students. Brand new to rock climbing? Student-campers are usually housed in college dormitories or convention-style hotel rooms. 0000005863 00000 n "Row! Dig, set, spin, spike! FUGE has had an emphasis on missions since its early years and in 1998 hosted its first international MFuge camp in Quito, Ecuador. MFuge track availability varies by location, but include: Crosspoint originally started in 1986. Breakfast will be served shortly after. Opening Day begins at 5 pm. This is camp-olympics! Since that time, I have lived out that calling through the local church, in university chaplaincy and for many years now as a health care chaplain., Parks credits his summers at Centrifuge for helping him develop a regular quiet time and sparking a passion for evangelism. Hey camper, camper. If you have questions please contact Total focus. Heres a complete list of stuff to bring with you to camp. This colorful little wagon is a mobile store loaded with treats. Enjoy it while you can. It was the first Centrifuge spin off. You can yodel all the way up if you can catch your breath. Don't let the name fool you, your neck is well protected. Campers LOVE to get mail! We're not just full of hot air when we say, "If it inflates, it's great!" The stars never looked prettier. But there are a few behaviors that just wont fly at Glorieta Camps. In summer 2017, there were FUGE Camps located at: Mission FUGE (MFuge) originally started in 1995 and was the second Centrifuge spin-off. Unplugged Retreats are weekend trips where the students go without electronics for the weekend and engage in team building, fellowship, Bible study, and worship. 0000046904 00000 n Retreats & Camps: Friendship Youth take numerous retreats throughout the course of the year and attend FUGE camp every summer. Rule the octagon! 0000067180 00000 n 2009 was the last year LifeWay ran a kids' camp by the name "Crosspoint." Row! We will be going to Centrifuge camp at North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC from June 21-26. We meet every Sunday morning at 9:45am for Sunday School. Often shortened to Mega, this high-energy relay race involves everyone at camp and is a FUGE tradition! At MFUGE, you will jump into ministry with local communities and serve people in need. For those about to rock, we salute you! %PDF-1.6 % They still need the convicting, healing, redeeming love of Christ.. Trust us, it's not for babies. What started out as a few weeks of camp sponsored by the Baptist Sunday School Board (now LifeWay Christian Resources) turned into a youth ministry movement.
The spiritual needs of students have not changed over the last 40 years, Trueblood noted. Swing! Centrifuge changed the direction of my life, said Parks, now a chaplain at Newton Medical Center in Newton, N.J. It was there I answered what I believed to be a call to follow God in the path of Christian ministry. But if your adrenaline isnt rushing quite fast enough visit. Initial Deposit of $100 per person is due at time of registration. Wilderness Trek + Glorieta Camps = Adventure! 0000044866 00000 n Join us for our weekly lesson in the current series. Take aim and bring 'em down. 2022 Glorieta Camps. Steady. Enjoy it. Think fast! This is real grounds for sittin' and sippin', Lower Rockies style. Please contact the office for more information. 0000003067 00000 n FUGE Camps is a series of Christian summer camps for children, youth, and young adults centered on Bible study, worship, mission work, and recreational activities organized by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. There is no app for this. All Rights Reserved. Why are we going to Centrifuge? The trip back down of course. Each section give you a different experience. Spike, slam, wham, attack - Let your competitive spirit take over. When I saw the faces of the Roma people for the first time, my heart broke, Baumann recently wrote on the FUGE Camps blog. 0000006999 00000 n There's no easing into this, so jump right in! Depending on whether you choose Centrifuge or MFUGE, your students will participate in either recreation or missions each day. 0000001818 00000 n Pack light for a stress-free camp experience. Missions: Friendship Youth supports mission activities throughout the year at various times and styles. *Whitewater rafting availability is limited for groups camps. Row! Shorts and T-Shirts. Stay with it. Dont be surprised if things get a little loud (or even messy!). Lives are changed as we step away from our phones and computers for weekend. y 'cF;s(Mj]tuWc]&[F10;Wj[.!Ih'0T\?eM, Do you love the woods? It's serious mountaineering without the imminent danger. They come at you from all sides. Serve it up. Energetic. Hey camper, camper. 0000002185 00000 n It takes nerve, balance and a lot of patience to build a tower this high. Well explore how to examine the Bible and take a stand on big topics like racism, marriage, poverty, and abortion. Plop! For more information on locations or to register your student or group, visit or call 1-877-CAMP-123. 0000005298 00000 n Only the best problem solvers will prevail! What were you thinking? Heres your list of items to leave at home. Christian Summer Camp is a place where lifetime memories are made in pure mountain air, where life-changing insights are found in the Word of God, and bonds are formed with friends youll never forget. A good time will be had by all or else! The programming and sports instruction is designed for students in grades 4-8. Review our options and policies BEFORE registering for camp. From scavenger hunts to more inventive contests, you're sure to make a few new friends along the way. 0000007295 00000 n Splash! It doesn't matter if you are "super coordinated" or not; you'll still have massive fun in our crazy games. Since 1979, LifeWays FUGE Camps have seen God work in the lives of more than 1.7 million students and adults across the nation. Glorieta is located at 11 State Highway 50, Glorieta, NM 87535. 0000068985 00000 n These events take place in the afternoon or evening at camp and allow students to participate in camp programming in a really fun, interactive way. 0000007184 00000 n Swimsuits? Our dual line tour features FIVE sections of fast-moving zip lines stretched high above the alpine floor. Contact us directly. Explore the trails and experience vistas that will take your breath away. Water you waiting for? They work independently or w src: The Kumasi Nurses' Training College , now Kumasi Nursing and Midwifery Training College src: The Air Force Specialty Code ( AFSC ) is an alphanumeric code used by the United States Air For src: The Post-9/11 Veteran Educational Assistance Act of 2008 is Title V of the Additional Appropriations Act of 2008, Pub.L. Well, we've amped it up. Bring it on. Instead, teams of staffers are based at various colleges and retreat centers across the United States. There's nothing better than a game of high altitude hoops. Contact to reserve spots. Find yourself. Think paintball with slingshots. This does not affect our Family Camp, Day Camp, Conferences or Group Camp programs. We've got just the thing. We are hunters, and adventure is our game. The high-flying thrill of our zip lines can be a lot. Nature is amazing! Take a drop down one of four super slides or have gallons of fun in any of our waterfront activities. Not to mention learning some seriously refined marshmallow toasting techniques. Or mail it, but just remember to send it a week ahead. It can also be a challenge physically, spiritually and emotionally. It changed my life forever.. Order up, bust out the board games and let's chat. Camp is where I fell in love with the Roma, with missions and with God. What's better than the view of the forest from the treetops? Parks is not alone. But if you prefer to hang with your BFFs, just check the little box at sign up and well get back with you. There are way more adventures to experience at camp than can be done in a week. Our staff is made up of a bunch of really fun, friendly people who are also super serious about providing you with the best camp experience ever.