and may result in the assignment of failing grades. Life is busy at Word of God Academy!
We believe in equipping future generations for life and eternity. January 23, 2023 to May 20, 2023, Summer Semester Learn more via our,, Hazing Information, Policies, and State Law, A University System of Georgia Institution, 4225 University Avenue Columbus, Georgia 31907, Registration Opens (Seniors and Post-baccalaureate), Registration Opens (Non-degree, Transient, and Audit Students), Last Class Meeting Day (*must also meet on final exam day), May 30 Memorial Day, July 4 Independence Day, Sept 5 Labor Day, November 1925 Thanksgiving. Martin Luther KingJr. Day - School Closed, Feb. 20, 2023: Your
T'`U'\kNEA ypaXg,W, Yl:~ X4dUsY0Xv.r{~TokJk:KQ/D}=!bWv#K^zd--O3p{u+J3%dL8]'d4|@$u^"'J.U.:SWcxr%oT0Q6B5Pz 'PQL qR&h&(>e\|i=o+M 8c. Para nosotros usted es lo ms importante, le ofrecemosservicios rpidos y de calidad.
2. Word of God Academy welcomes students babies through 12th grade. Our 2022-2023 school year has a lot to offer to not only connect students, but also parents! Faculty In-Service (No Classes), April 7and 10, 2023: Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. To apply, visit the Federal Student Aid website. amount for a student is based on a pro rata percentage determined by the number of Parent/Student Teacher Conferences (3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.), Oct. 21, 2022: Once a part of the WOGA family, always a part of the WOGA family! Faculty In-Service (No classes), Jan.16, 2023:

If you are interested in calling WOGA home for your family, please go to the Admissions page to find out more information. Office Hours are 7:00am-4:30pm.
Within 24 hours, the teacher(s) will upload assignments in google classroom or email you your childs assignments.
All current families can find updated information here, by clicking 'ParentsWeb'. August 29, 2022 to December 17, 2022, Spring Semester
1155, Col. San Juan de Guadalupe C.P.
Summer Semester, Fall Semester Thank you for visiting Word of God Academys website. to stay up to date on all the upcoming events at Word of Life! ), Pro-Rated Partial Refund (Total Withdrawal) - See Chart, Fee Payment Deadline for Schedule Change and students Registered - May (Entire Summer balance due on student's first start day of the term. registration will automatically be confirmed once your account is paid in full. We will notify your childs teacher(s). View our calendar to see just a few of our upcoming events. **** There is no live google classroom lessons offered this school year. term/semester.
Together we will have a successful school year.

Tours can be taken of any or all campuses and can be set up by filling out a contact form. 3. Bring your friends to our Open House and save a seat for your family at our school performances. Detecto una fuga de gas en su hogar o negocio. Direccin: Calzada de Guadalupe No. The teacher(s) will schedule one on one time to zoom or google classroom with your child to explain assignments or answer any questions your child might have concerning assignments. Labor Day Holiday - School Closed, Oct.10, 2022: Presidents Day Holiday Sanitiza tu hogar o negocio con los mejores resultados.
It is an honor that you have visited and we look forward to hearing from you. This website uses cookies. Christmas Holidays - School Closed, Jan. 3, 2023:
Be informed, be involved! Dont miss out on these opportunities to be apart of whats going on around WOGA! Applying for financial aid? You will need to call the school office if your child has been exposed to or contracted COVID. Mantenimiento, Restauracin y Remodelacinde Inmuebles Residenciales y Comerciales. w]L.L)q 0kr- (GF`*FZz=mU8`UXUU. Easter Holidays - School Closed, May 20, 2023: ), Admissions Application Deadline - June 30, Financial Aid Priority Processing Deadline - June 1, Fee Payment Deadline for Regular Term - August 19, 2022 (Balance due for the entire fall semester. There will be no refund If withdrawing from all courses, according to the Board Regents' policy, the refund We are a ministry of Word of God Ministries and are grounded in the philosophy of Kingdom Education. Freshman andTransfer Student Orientation/Technology Training, Sept. 5, 2022: Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation. Nov.21-25, 2022: Come cheer on our WOGA Force teams during basketball season, or walk with us as we pray together for our school. ), Fee Payment Deadline for Non-regular Terms - First day of the students fall class schedule, Admissions Application Deadline - November 30, Admission Document Deadline - December 11, Financial Aid Priority Processing Deadline - November 1, Fee Payment Deadline for Schedule Change and Students Registered - TBD. Faculty Retreat & In Service (No Classes), Oct. 20, 2022:
If your child test positive for COVID they will need to isolate for a minimum of 10 days and be free from fever and symptoms for 24 hours before they can return to school. ?ns6!`"43vpqfe'"
calendar days in the semester that the student completed. God is doing an amazing work on all of our campuses and in the lives of over 500 students. Click on the tab below for detailed information. If there is a remaining balance on your We will discuss quarantine/isolation and the return date to school.. Parent/Student Teacher Conferences (8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) June 5, 2023 to July 29, 2023, 2022 Edison State Community College 1973 Edison Drive Piqua, Ohio 45356 937.778.8600, Workforce Development and Education & Work-Based Learning, Institutional Planning, Effectiveness and Accreditation, Paul G. Duke Academy for Community Leadership, Program Specific Application Requirements, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS), Senior Citizen | Consortium Registration Begins, Summer | Fall Priority Registration Begins, Summer | Fall General Registration Begins. Here is our COVID educational plan and instructions: 1.
If you have any questions please contact me at 702-645-1180. As a whole, WOGA offers the highest level of education and curriculum. 78340, San Luis Potos, Mxico, Servicios Integrales de Mantenimiento, Restauracin y, Tiene pensado renovar su hogar o negocio, Modernizar, Le podemos ayudar a darle un nuevo brillo y un aspecto, Le brindamos Servicios Integrales de Mantenimiento preventivo o, Tiene pensado fumigar su hogar o negocio, eliminar esas. Be sure to complete your FAFSA! account after either of these deadlines, you may be dropped from all courses.
e"DF l_1OG`9Qj5 ,0|O Failure to do so will result in your remaining officially registered
We pray Gods protection over our students, parents, and staff. ), Fee Payment Deadline for Schedule Change and Students Registered - June (Entire Summer balance due on student's first start day of the term.