Breakfast, lunch & dinner on Saturday If you are requesting a camper and have not received a roommate request email with a code, If you have received an email with a code, ** Sturdy athletic sandals with secure heel straps are also allowed. Every Carolina Creek staff is trained to help campers through homesick times. Yes! As you can imagine, with over 12,000 summer campers, it is impossible to have all parents visit. Choose the amount suggested or change to the amount desired. AWeekis six nights and seven days and available at both, The W!LD and Creekside camps. Dont be. Expiration varies. Has anyone in your household or yourself tested positive and/or recovered from COVID-19 or suspect you have had the illness within the last month? At bedtime, the socks of the day are pinned together with a safety pin before being tossed into the laundry bag. This ticket MUST be given to the counselor before we can release a camper to their parent(s). First time purchase only, local category deals. Here are some Pro Tips as you get ready for camp: Deep in the jungles of the Amazon the Legend of the Metal Lion runs rampant. 10:30 am Closing Ceremony will be in the Creekside Worship Center.
While we are located in Riverside, Texas, 20 minutes outside of Huntsville, our physical address is listed as Huntsville. Put this address in your GPS: 3129 FM 980 Huntsville, TX 77320. and the crowd went W!LD!! ** NOTE: New process and times for the safety of all. Please be sure to read the opening and closing day procedures, as these processes will be significantly different this year to protect the health of our community. Please have your ID ready to receive the ticket to pick up your child. Join us in wearing your favorite sea creature hat or headband as we continue to investigate the infamous caves together. Any medication not in its prescribed packages will NOT be accepted. You. Animals, other than those belonging to camp or used in camp programs are not permitted on camp property. The program is a condensed version of our week program and is repeated throughout the summer. NOTE:Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee the delivery of mail/packages sent through the local Post Office. Creek Staff are first aid and CPR certified and capable of assisting with minor injuries or in emergency situations. /XIPLAYER_CM9 17 0 R Any support questions need to be directed to. Campers will have access throughout the week. We ask that they limit their exposure to family/household unit, and that you are vigilant that they are not exposed to the virus so that they do not enter camp as an asymptomatic carrier. Cripple Creek Canteen has items for sale as well asperiod snacks and cold root beer. All participants must be at least 13years of age (previously 14). To protect all campers, staff and family members, we have scheduled a staggered arrival by grade. (Camper may attend camp if the last symptom was more than 3 days prior to arrival at camp.). Breakfast and lunch on Sunday Campers are welcome to attend back to back sessions, howevercampers must be picked up in between sessionswhile our staff preps camp for a new group of excited campers! Scouts will complete most or all of the requirements for the following merit badges: Cooking, Leatherwork, Metalwork, Woodwork, and Rifle Shooting. Winter Weekends are designed for students to encounter Christ and have the opportunity to take one step closer to Him. Carolina Creek isnot responsible for any lost or stolen items. One of the ways that we are going to do this is by having an entire afternoon spent at our lakefront property on Lake Livingston! Step 3: Roommate Request for your Camper's Cabin. We are excited about the opportunity to minister to, and with, your student this summer.
Each group is responsible for safely storing and dispensing their campers daily prescription medications. Creekside & Lakeview Entrance84 Wimberly Lane,Huntsville, Texas 77320, The Wild Entrance3129 FM 980 Huntsville, Texas 77320. 3 0 obj Camper simply rolls out her wardrobe each day! ***Label everything- please put your campers name on clothes, shoes, towels, camera, everything! Sign in to get personalized notifications about your deals, cash back, special offers, and more. Carolina Creek, 2002-2021. This will be verified at check in. (example: fish, shark, shell, kelp, sunken ship, treasure chest etc.). Grab your gear and get ready for backwoods living at its roughest! Weather permitting, they will have an opportunity to challenge themselves at each activity. All we are asking is that you wear an appropriate outfit that is just a bit more classy than athletic clothing. Here are a few events that we want to make you aware of so that way you come to camp prepared for what camp has in store. Let your glow show! Please ask your Carolina Creek Host if you are in need of faster speeds for work, and they will be glad to connect you to our secure network. All cabins and lodges have bunk beds with twin-sized mattresses. Weve worked really hard to make camp a great experience not just for the camper, but for you as the parent as well! (We understand if you still want to- camp is pretty exciting!). /XIPLAYER_CM13 21 0 R Lay shirt down first, then shorts, underwear and finally socks. Yes, every person in attendance must submit amedical waiverupon arrival. Participants should bring work clothes, general camp clothing, andClass A uniforms.
Purchase aone-way email packageduring online registration! Carolina Creek does not provide linens or towels for camper/guests staying in our cabins or lodges at Lakeview, Creekside or The W!LD. Why?
BANQUET NIGHTOn Friday night, we are going to be having a banquet style dinner. Please haveMEDICATIONready in itsoriginalpackaging in a plastic bag labeled with your childs name. What is the difference between a session and a week? BunkNotes are one-way emails that will be downloaded straight from the app, printed, and given to your camper. Click Login (top right corner for desktop, very bottom of the screen on cell phone). Of course you can also send. Cripple Creekis open to anyone 13years of age or older (previously 14). with your camper. If you feel your camper is ready for a week-long experience, we recommend signing up for a week at the W!LD over a session to keep things new and exciting throughout the entire week! Does Carolina Creek have audio/video equipment? >> ). If you would like to read an overview of our protocols for keeping kids safe at camp, go to % /XIPLAYER_CM8 16 0 R Mail received after campers have left will be marked return to sender. Out of courtesy, we would like to inform families within your campers cabin group to be alert to watch for symptoms. endobj Roll all articles together into a tight roll. Our kitchen staff is prepared to make the necessary accommodations for the following: gluten free, dairy free, egg free, peanut free (our kitchen staff does not cook with any peanut products and we will remove any snacks containing peanuts due to the severity indicated), vegan/vegetarian diets. You may pay in full or set up monthly payments. Yes! This will be at your own discretion, but it is recommended. Challenging adventures await at every turn! The store will be open starting at 10:00 am in. ATTN: [Campers Name] [Camp]Carolina Creek Christian Camps84 Wimberly LaneHuntsville, TX 77320. There are just a few things we need to double check to ensure your camper has the BEST Carolina Creek experience ever! Campers will come to dinner dressed up as anything under the sea! Creekside & Lakeview Entrance84 Wimberly Lane,Huntsville, Texas 77320, The Wild Entrance3129 FM 980 Huntsville, Texas 77320. >> 4 0 obj When you turn into Carolina Creek, you will be greeted by staff and encouraged to drive slowly as you make your way into camp. /XIPLAYER_CM7 15 0 R endobj By subscribing, I agree to the Terms of Use and have read the Privacy Statement. 9:30 am Join us for the Closing Ceremony in The Ark. All rights reserved. Please bring your campers medication in its original packaging when you drop off your camper. We have two physical address: one for Creekside and Lakeview, and a different address for The W!LD. We request that you do not call or visit your child during their stay. /XIPLAYER_CM12 20 0 R This close-knit community will allow campers to be challenged in their faith and encouraged to embrace who Christ calls them to be. %PDF-1.4 Cell phone, iPod, video/electronic game, laptop or tablet, MP3 player, etc. /XObject << /XIPLAYER0 6 0 R Now, to make it into the Hall of Fame, just remember to make all of your payments in full, one month prior to camp. This is because we want to celebrate what God has done throughout the week as well as create a cool experience in which the students can just spend some special time together. The Carolina Creek Store is a cashless system. You are an All-Star at this stuff. << /Type /Page How does Carolina Creek handle lost or stolen items? Amount paid never expires. Each camp office has a nurses station with basic first aid supplies. The W.I.L.D isnt the only organization interested in these caves and many claim they know the treasures within. Click here to download the instructional pdf. All Rights Reserved. ***Campers and adults must wear shoes at all activities. Its about getting to experience something in a fun and exciting way! If you need us to get a message to your camper, please contact the office, and we will make sure they receive it during mail call. /Resources 3 0 R You may meet your campers counselors, hear about their favorite activity site, and shop in our store on closing day! (no flip flops except in housing units), packaging in a plastic bag labeled with your childs name. If you would like to make a donation to Carolina Creek towards our Scholarship Fund, follow the instructions. 9:30 am Parents will arrive and be parked. Our intrepid explorers have uncovered the legendary caves of Dahul and have been commissioned by the Water Investigative Location Department to seek out and map the infamous Caves. Carolina Creek, 2002-2021. This is essential to keeping insects and other pests out of the living areas. To get started, just go to the App Store and download the Carolina Creek app and login with your existing account today! Well be waiting for you at Cripple Creek. - 1 pair of shorts, 1 shirt, underwear and socks. Enter your email and click Get Started, then enter your password. The camp store will be available to parents on OPENING DAY. Carolina Creek does not allow groups to bring or prepare their own meals except in the Adult Guest Lodge. Please take extra precautions for the 2 weeks prior to your childs summer camp session. If you would like to pay with a check, please contact our registration office. Use this same portal to put money into your campers account. Please describe any food allergies or dietary restrictions on your medical waiver during the registration process. Once inside of the pool area, shoes may be removed. Carolina Creek does not allow gum, candy, snacks, or drinks (other than water) in cabins. We have two physical addresses: one for Creekside and Lakeview, and a different address for The W!LD. After a fun-filled afternoon, we will picnic and watch the sunset together before we call it a day. Parents will now be able to see the videos that our Creative team produces during the week the same day campers see them. We are continuing our photo service this year with integrated facial recognition so that as soon as a photo of your specific camper is uploaded, you get real-time updates. Follow these directions and let the memories begin! If yes, date of last symptoms. Although we will be following the best practices this summer for keeping your children safe, we cannot eliminate all risk. We will begin this week diving deep into the ocean, as campers wear their favorite shade of ocean blue from head to toe. Your family, extended family, and friends can email encouragement during the week, after you add them to your approved guest list. Our staff will print the letters that evening, and deliver them the next day during mail time! We are including a copy of those exact questions so that you will know what to expect. Check out will be in the dining hall where check in took place. << /Type /Pages Join our heroine Jade Durnham as she traverses the jungle toDiscover: The Truth Revealed. (336) 352-4307 |, You are not logged in.
Bed linens and towels are provided in the Riverfront Lodge & Lakehouse only. Will my camper participate in every activity? To discourage homesickness, our policy is that campers will only call home in an emergency. We will keep all lost and found items for one week after the close of that session and then items will be donated to local charities. 2 0 obj Scan to download the Groupon Mobile App on IOS or Android.
/XIPLAYER_CM4 12 0 R Has the camper OR ANYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSEHOLD had any of the following symptoms within the past 10 days: Your Parent Dashboard will house all of the important paperwork and help keep track of balance updates, medical forms and so on! Click Registrations (middle tab in grey bar) to view your childs registration and update any of the steps that have a red triangle next to them. The Cripple Creek program at Camp Raven Knob is a week of mountain living experiences like no other! If you have campers in more than one grade, should arrive at the later time slot. Have you been in close contact with a person with a known diagnosis of COVID-19, influenza, or any other communicable disease in the past 10 days? We will be unable to accept or dispense medication that is not in its original packaging. THANK YOU for helping us to keep your camper, your family and our whole community healthy and safe. Each person will need to bring their own linens or sleeping bag, pillow and towels. Complete all of the information required and scroll to the very bottom. Any personal items brough to the camp property are the sole responsibility of the program participant. These projects will require you to have some clothes to get messy and dont mind ruining as well as having closed toed shoes. Because being awesome is contagious and your child will want to meet others that are awesome, too. Click on Medical History (If there is a red Triangle then this step needs to be completed). The American Camp Association recommends that campers should be quarantined from any vulnerable populations, such as grandparents or high-risk groups, for up to 2 weeks after they return home from camp. Nervous about not having a roommate request? If you would like to send notes for your camper, please visit the mail drop-off station during check-in. Prepare letters, notes, and cards prior to arrival at camp. Laundry service is offered once per week; clothes are sent out one day and returned on the following day. stream
We kindly request that you do not send your camper to camp with any food. When you register, you will fill out a medical waiver in which you will list the medications and dosages your camper needs to take. /XIPLAYER_CM1 8 0 R All Rights Reserved. This summer Elevate Campers will be exploring what it looks like to experience community through participation in various activities, recreation, and team building opportunities. This is simply because they could be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. /Filter /FlateDecode /XIPLAYER_CM6 14 0 R Tobacco, alcohol, firearms, fireworks, lighters, laser pointers and matches are prohibited on camp property. CHECK-INwill take place in The Dining Hall. If you have any questions regarding your childs dietary needs, please contact our Director of Food Services, Lawrence Portie, at[emailprotected]. Carolina Creek recommends that campers travel through camp in groups of 4 or more.
/XIPLAYER_CM3 11 0 R /Count 6 Grow Your Business by Working with Groupon, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Experience Jesus is a whole new way this winter at Carolina Creek Christian Camps in Riverside, TX, Impactful Worship, Engaging Speakers, Intentional Dramas, Epic Fun, What Included The items below are optional and only add to making your bunk your own! This means they will experience the same great theme, keynotes, activities and discussions in each session. Now when we say banquet, we dont mean bring a prom dress and full suit to camp. If they run out of money during the week- no problem! At the lake, we will have some cool opportunities for your student to spend some time out on the boats tubing, banana boating, and wakeboarding. Please have your ID ready to receive the ticket to pick up your child. /MediaBox [0 0 792 612] Please self-assess to avoid a long drive to camp that might end in disappointment upon arrival. Any support questions need to be directed to or 212-974-9112. Yes, wifi is brodcast across our campus. Click the box I have read and agree to the above medical release., Log into the app using your registration email and password. 2 swimsuits (Girls One piece; Guys swim shorts, no Speedos), Sleeping bag or twin size sheets, blanket, and pillow, Toiletries (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo). Weve dove deep into the ocean, and now its time to explore as campers wear their favorite shade of ocean blue from head to toe. If its under the sea its what you can be! Anyone can catch the virus from an asymptomatic carrier and become an asymptomatic carrier themselves. Having options for the length of stay like the Session is a great way to introduce your camper to the experience, while a Week allows those who are ready for more to stay and enjoy three more nights of camp!