Then get rid of the adverbs and adjectives. Of course Denny would assume the compliment had been meant for her clothes, as if she couldnt believe Eliza could actually like the way she looked. For example: If you end a sentence with this, you are adding filler. How to Be a More Concise Writer - Write Right, How to Be a Better Writer: Don't Be Complacent - Write Right, 23-Point Peer Editing Checklist for Creating Exceptional Content | Process Street, Just.
Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a93b32e35252bdf96d99d2e61553735b" );document.getElementById("cde3a99cee").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy *. Lets say you are expecting to write a 250-page book. She was tempted to just delete that damn No More Frogs app from her phone. In the event that I dont make it on time, please start without me. No, not filler words. Its easy to take tangents in our writing. Most of the examples Im using are from the first draft of my current work-in-progress. There was an error submitting your subscription. Here is how it is filler in the sentence: This phrase can be helpful to pull the listener or reader back to something said previously, but it can also be over-done and turn into filler.
The speaker is trying to get the listeners attentionand trust. It is usually unnecessary, as in this example: Just carries little meaning in the sentence. In addition to filler words, writers often have questions about many other writing issues, such as what verb tenses to use in academic writing, how to use the active and passive voice and various sentence structure rules. Deleteunless it would become unclear that the sentence reflects your thought alone. You can simply say all and leave off the of. FOr example: When you write or speak, take the time to analyze every word. It seems like a contradiction in terms to me since a moment is a brief period of time according to Merriam-Websters Dictionary. In the open kitchen, a glass sliding door revealed glimpses of a tiny, fenced-in backyard. They can also show up inpublic speaking. For example,take a close look at this very sentence because there are some things we did here that you probably werent aware were problematic! Your 80,000-word manuscript is about 320 pages. Eliminate the filler to make the writing stronger. A 55,000-word manuscript, once typeset, will be approximately 220 pages. This is anotherfiller phrasethat shows up often in spokenEnglish. Delete. While all three introduce a result that is surprising or unexpected, though and although lack the emphasis of contrast that even though carries: Even though the street was empty and the moon lit her way, Megan still felt nervous as she walked home doesnt have the same weight as Although the street was empty and the moon lit her way, Megan still felt nervous as she walked home.. For example: If something is absolutely the case, you should not have to say it. She had been the one to insist on not exchanging names, but now the need to know was overwhelming. Very good point! For example: If you find yourself adding the word most to otheradverbs, you are writing weakly. So without further explanation, here is a list ofcommonfiller wordsinAmericanEnglish. To make your writing stronger, avoid the 30 words and phrases on this filler words list. It's trusted by millions of writers for a reason. Avoid Fillers and Unnecessary Words to Improve Your Writing. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. In most cases, you can simply cut it or replace it with a stronger word. Your writing is too long. It can be left out completely without changing the meaning. This is a topic that (substitute: This topic) Amazing, right?
We have a tendency to say,All right, then. Or Well, then, thats okay. Then is shoved into a lot of our conversation and I got called on it by my editor on my first book. Copyeditors edit in stages called passes. They usually do two passes through a manuscript, concentrating on different aspects of the writing each time. You can shorten it to though or although, but be careful when you do. This is another pair offiller wordsthat show up in writing because of the way we speak conversationally. Let us help maximize your writing impact today. Just isnt a required word most of the time; its more often added to effect a version of quite., So. That point, wherever it may lie, varies considerably depending on the medium in which youre writing and the stamina of the reader. Delete and restructure or use about or regarding, depending on the context. If a filler word serves a purpose, keep it.
As Jenny twisted toward a bag in the backseat, the outside of her breast brushed against Parkers side. Wordvice provides high-quality English proofreading and editing services.We have helped thousands of researchers, students, writers, and businesses maximize the impact of their writing. Adding the word absolutely simply adds more words, not more meaning. She sensed that it wasnt a lack of interest holding Denny back, but she wasnt sure what Denny feared would happen if they met face-to-face. Our elite team of editing experts has helped thousands of academics, researchers, students, and business professionals improve their writing and achieve their goals. And WELL and SO, and the like.
IF there is a shorter or more impactful way to state something, your sentence has filler. Most often, sat down can be changed to sat and stood up to stood without losing anything. If you state a general fact, it is always true unless you qualify it otherwise. FILTER. Check every occurrence of that in your manuscript. Often writers use it to sound more polite, but it does not change the sentence. Cut the modifier and replace the adjective or verb with a stronger one.
Note the rhythm and sound. For example: Somefiller wordsdo not fall into specific parts of speech. Great post. Though they make sense in the sentence, they are not needed. All Rights Reserved. Try 20 words per page or two sentences. I wouldnt recommend cutting each and every word on that list. Most of the time, began to or started to weaken your sentence, so it would be better to cut it out and let the more powerful verb stand on its own. Check your manuscript for each of them. Replace them with action verbs that create vivid images in the readers mind. In spite of the fact (substitute: Although) Copy those copyeditors and edit not once, but twice. These typically have no meaning but are added while the speaker is thinking about their words. Here are some common ones. For example: You know or You know what I mean falls right up there with I mean.
Cutting out each of them will tighten your prose and make it more polished. Once they are, it's game on! The most valuable of all talents," Thomas Jefferson famously said, "is that of never using two words when one will do. While true for speech and writing, this quote is particularly apt to the realm of writing. This comes from someone who feels your pain.
For example: Well can be an adjective oradverb, but it often shows up as filler in a sentence. While its okay for us to do so (since were not worried about word count and are aiming to deliver you informative and fun editing advice), if we were writing an academic or research paper, however, we would be more careful to write concisely. You can also rearrange your sentence to eliminate thewith regard to/regarding phrase. You can find answers to these and many other writing and grammar questions by visiting Wordvices Academic Resources and Writing & Editing Guide. Just let the action occur without any prior transitionthat SHOWS readers that it happens suddenly, without you having to TELL them. I might add Share now, save for later: Want this infographic on your site? For example: This is another phrase that is not helpful in the sentences meaning. Repeating yourself will either irritate your readers or put them to sleep. They bring no meaning to the sentence, and usually are at the start of the sentence. According toGrammarly,filler wordsare short words, often meaningless, that you put in your writing. For example: The phrase all of is redundant. I read show dont tell and I started knocking my head. The question as to whether (substitute: Whether) Look at your most recent writing. About to find out. For example. If the explanation isnt required or shouldnt be given, the word so should not be used. Sometimes, leaving the filler word in makes a sentence flow more smoothly. But you can always make it better by throwing out the chaff. The story should be able to unfold on its own. When thesemeaningless wordsmake their way into writing, it simply makes the writing wordier. (By the way, if youre wondering what our other categories are, weve written about two others so farnominalizationsandpreposition errorsand well share a few more with you over the next few weeks!). For example: Unless you are talking about a time, the word now has little meaning in the sentence. This fluff takes the punch away from your sentences. Ive spent years learning from the best wordsmiths how to not be a wordy writer, and I still fall short (long, whatever). My personal pet peeve is long moment. However, use them sparingly. She grabbed the dish towel from the counter, twirled it a few times, and then playfully snapped it across Salems backside. For readers, it feels as if they are going for a stroll with a heavy weight tied to their leg. We write something, and then we write it again using different words and emphases. Take our blog, for example. For example: Again, this is a conversationdiscourse marker, but it is not necessary in formal writing or speaking. Delete. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today's online marketing world. Can you think of any other filler words you use regularly? No manuscript is perfect, and you shouldnt expect it to bethat way lies madness. Instead, a more vivid verb will convey the same meaning with fewer words. Adverbs are often unnecessary and can either be cut or the adverb/verb combination can be replaced with a stronger verb. The advice also applies to other conjunctions such as and and yet as well as words like however., Of. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Please try again. There was/were is a weak verb. I thought I should start this list with my own pitfall. While you can revise words and phrases in many ways, weve prepared some suggestions that work well in most situations. Heather tracked her path to the couch and kept studying her as Eliza sat next to her.

This method works well because youre cutting consistently across the entire manuscript and not individual sections or individual words, which is more complicated. Really is on my personal editing list too. She saw him dash across the street, dodging traffic. Fillers are words that add no substantive meaning to a sentence and merely fill the space. Why are we discussing fillers (typically a habit from spoken language) when were writing about editing? Of course Denny would assume the compliment had been meant for her clothes, as if she couldnt believe Eliza could like the way she looked. IF you can say the same thing without it, leave it off. When you overwrite, it means you are likely focusing on yourself, not the reader, and your message is being lost. Just a little bit Or, you'll never use that mundane expression again! She would have looked like a bigger-framed, more athletic version of Marilyn Monroe if not for the lightsaber in her hands. Please let us know in the comments! It is important to note that you can apply to the program at any time you want; however, due to the fact that we admit participants on a rolling basis, we may have no room left if you wait too long. While you are revising your story, keep an eye on identical or very similar words used too close together. For example: Kind of and sort of make it sound like the item you are discussing is not actually certain.
It is interesting to note (just note it) Or, is it an amber glass slitted by the moonlight? Choosing the right word for your specific meaning, and leaving out any additional words, will help you create effective writing. Your writing is too long if it begins to bore or aggravate your reader. Thats mainly the case in dialogue. As social and emotional beings, it's easy for us to tend toward the filler. Every writer has their pet phrases that they overuse because its the first thing that comes to mind, and thats okayduring the first draft. Here are some examples: This phrase is redundant. Though they are common, even amongnativeEnglishspeakers, they are not necessary. It creates a word echo that draws readers attention and pulls them out of the story for a moment.
She grabbed the dish towel from the counter, twirled it a few times, and playfully snapped it across Salems backside. That is a special case. Sign up to get an email notification when we publish new posts. Yes! Whether youre writing a journal article, a research paper, a dissertation, or another kind of academic work, creating sentences that are strong and concise is important in conveying your message and arguments to your audience.
The slightly worn, plum-colored couch didnt match the easy chair, but that only added to the charm of her place. With reference to the new project, it is possible that we will start next month. Often, choosing a more specific word makes better sense. There are three kinds of words to keep an eye on during the revision process: filler words, overused words, and words that are repeated too close together. Use can, could, may, or might, depending on the context. Sort of Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. Your readers mileage will vary. Replace the overused word with a synonym, e.g.. Cut the entire phrase or sentence if it doesnt move the story forward. Filter words not only make your sentences clunky, they also distance readers from your point of view character, so go through your manuscript and cut out most filters. Now check your email to claim your prompts. I am tempted to say (just say it) Here are seven ways to make your writing lean and mean(ingful). Absolutely, Certainly, Completely, Definitely. In dialogue, if the characters are from the South, it might be perfectly fine if they say All right, then a lot. How do you even start? The objective is to shorten your word count by eliminating unnecessary words and cutting or revising anything distracting to the reader. For example, is it a glass of water on the counter? In order to (substitute: to). As an Amazon Associate, we also earn from qualifying purchases. Do your adverbs and adjectives overpower your verbs? Wouldn't it be smoother and more concise to say, "She decided she was going to be happy today"? Filler words make English writing weak. When it comes to writing, though, we need to be more aware of them. Since its hard for writers to know what words they are overusing or using too close together, having a beta reader keep an eye on overused words and phrases can be helpful. Tighten up your story by removing these words and phrases from your writing (thanks to Zinsser and Strunk): There is no doubt that (substitute: No doubt) Writers usually use this if they arent sure about the feelings of their readers. Youre aiming for 60,000 words, but youre closer to 80,000. They slow down the pace of a scene and make reading seem like a chore. Since then, I simply write the way I talk and then edit out all those then words. Get a FREE book of writing prompts and learn how to make more money from your writing. With delivery as fast as 9 hours, our proofreading and editing services are available 24/7. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! She definitely hadnt expected such a warm welcome.

For example: Very is over-used. Whenever you find yourself using very, its an indication that the verb or adjective preceding it is weak. For general and academic writing purposes, avoid fillers and other unnecessary words and phrases. Some is often used as an adverb meaning somewhat or as an adjective meaning remarkable, but its more correct to use the actual words than the colloquial some.. Delete unless it is essential for making the sentence clear. Ernest Hemingway's number one rule for writing was "use short sentences. Three words. Denny made a show of running her gaze over Eliza, but even if she tried, she wouldnt have been able to pretend she was a totally objective judge. Come back to it fresh and edit it, then take another break. Once you are done with your first draft, do a search (CTRL F) and find out how often you used each of these words in your manuscript. When each usage is appropriate. Ive been stymied on the first paragraph and couldnt make myself read the rest of the writing; Ive also read The Lord of the Rings trilogy several times over. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. It is a way to get the listener or reader to add their input. In a sense These words bring no benefit to the piece and have no function in the sentence. Very.
You can surely find one sentence that can be eliminated and not lose meaning. Writers carryfiller wordsthat they would use in conversation into their writing, and it gets weaker. While you are getting the story down on paper for the first time, dont worry about filler words, but during the revisions, do a search for every filler Im listing below. by evaluating your writing to eliminate these problems, you will become a better writer overall. Privacy Policy. However, Hemingway mastered this intention and went down in history for it. Wait until you apply our other word-count reduction rules! Heather tracked her path to the couch and kept studying her as Eliza sat down next to her. If the sentence makes sense without the word, cut it. For example, if you are describing other peoples thoughts and want to contrast those ideas with your opinion, you may wish to use these fillers. To help you strengthen your writing and editing skills, we have compileda list of common fillers and other unnecessary words and phrases, below.
The author of a fantasy series I continued to read (it had an interesting premise) constantly used a phrase I grew to anticipate with dismay: dish up. It'll help you find and fix errors fast, and it works everywhere. She knew some promises were impossible to keep. Delete. Weve intentionally written this in a conversational tone. And then. Your documents are handled in strict confidence and with the highest ethical standards. To her, the two girls looked identical, right down to the freckles on their noses. In the end, wed like to choose option A. Its easy to write too much when we have little to say. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. That is an important difference. As Jenny twisted toward a bag in the backseat, the outer curve of her breast brushed against Parkers side.
Just is probably the word most authors overuse. In truth, fillers aren't obvious until they're put on your radar. If the sentence makes sense without it, cut it. Some of them could be fillers; others might be perfectly fine wordsif used in moderation. Every writer does this. Simply put, more often than we realize, we write how we speak. One of my favorite overused word is only overused if youre not from the South in the US.