Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. Notes traditional practices not and variants. Thank you. I was told the Lapa was from Katowice and possibly the Golenia from Wola Dalsza. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. categories (guides to Polish genealogy, Polish and Slavic sources, The listing of verdicts, settlements, and other case results is not a guarantee or prediction of the outcome of any other claims. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Surnames with the endings ski or -cki were formed from place names. I hope your time off, [] leave behind everything except a pencil, paper, and possibly your tablet.. of Poles in America, focusing on Illinois, the eastern, and southern Shellies Tour to Ancestral Places. Currently, you are using a shared account. and death records. Hi Surveys resources useful in Polish-American Dawn L. Lukaszewski-Houle. Barbara Zientara Shawke. Rather, he would be called by the Polish version of his name, which would be Wojciech. This is why Kowalski is one of the most common surnames in Poland today, but there is no town called Kowal there. Stay tuned! statistic alerts) please log in with your personal account. If you are an admin, please authenticate by logging in again. Provides model Any Polish surname that ends in ski means from. As an example, a person who was originally from Krakow might take on the surname Krakowski, and someone from Tarnow would take on the surname Tarnowski. They provide books, newsletters, bulletins, printed information, regular Society meetings, and an annual workshop. In Poland each day of the year is assigned a saints name and it is often noted in the church records that on that given day every girl and boy was named for that particular saint, making it appear that each parent had chosen the same name as everyone else for their child. The owner of several villages could use several surnames. Is it correct, and is there a coat of arms. Required fields are marked *. Instead, they added it to their fathers first name or to their occupation. Includes texts of documents relevant to Polish-American If it is a son of the occupation, then you know what occupation your ancient Medieval Polish ancestor used to make his living. This reform was introduced slowly in Poland, first in the church province of Lww, next in the province of Pozna. However, in some parishes, registers of confirmations, confessions during Easter and lists of the faithful continue to be kept even today. Agnieszka Pawlus. You only have access to basic statistics. That is how such surnames as Orlicz-Dreszer, Rydz-migy, Scaevola-Wieczorkiewicz, Norwid-Neugebauer and many others came into being. Can anyone help with some research please? My maternal grandmother: Rosov (?) Always record names and places in their nominative case. easily interpreted in customary registration forms of birth, marriage, As with other places in Europe, when surnames began being adopted in Poland in the Middle Ages, people were moving from their ancestral homes in larger numbers than in centuries, in search of more land and better economic opportunities. You will find Catholic saint and king names in first and surnames in Poland. This is because Poland is and was a predominantly Catholic country that is proud of its Catholic history. If you are interested in the research, visit our website dedicated to our genealogy services: https://polishorigins.com/genealogy/ ", Ministry of Digital Affairs in Poland, Most common registered last names for males in Poland as of January 2022 (in 1,000s) Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/1089045/poland-most-popular-male-surnames/ (last visited July 21, 2022), Most common registered last names for males in Poland as of January 2022, Value of e-commerce market in Poland 2014-2023, Value of goods and services ordered over the internet in Poland 2021, Number of registered e-commerce stores in Poland 2013-2022, Ranking of product types bought in Poland 2021, Share of shoppers making online cross border purchases in Poland 2020, by country, Ranking of product types bought from abroad in Poland 2020, Cross-border e-commerce usage in Poland 2015-2021, Popular products bought online during COVID-19 outbreak in Poland 2020, YoY change in online shops due to outbreak of coronavirus in Poland 2020, by category, Growth of online orders due to outbreak of coronavirus in Poland 2020, by category, Growth of online orders due to COVID-19 outbreak in Poland 2019-2020, by category, Growth in online sales of health and beauty items due to COVID-19 in Poland 2020, Growth in online sales of books and multimedia due to COVID-19 in Poland 2020, Growth in online sales of clothes and accessories due to COVID-19 in Poland 2020, Growth in online sales of FMCG products due to COVID-19 in Poland 2020, Reason for which consumers bought with mobile devices Poland 2019-2022, Purchases made with mobile devices in Poland 2022, Purchases made with mobile devices in Poland 2022, by category, Products unlikely to be purchased with mobile devices in Poland 2020, by category, Place of mobile device usage by consumers who buy online in Poland 2019-2021, Places of mobile devices usage by mobile shoppers in Poland 2019-2021, Shopping activities done on mobile devices in Poland 2021-2022, Most common problems when shopping online via a mobile device in Poland 2021, Most popular online shops by number of users in Poland in 2021, Best online shops in Poland 2021, by the highest rate, Best online stores for children's goods in Poland 2021, by the highest rate, Best online grocery stores in Poland 2021, by the highest rate, Best online stores for sports goods in Poland 2021, by the highest rate, Best online stores for books in Poland 2021, by the highest rate, Most popular online stores in Poland 2021, by brand awareness, Number of active buyers on Allegro in Poland 2017-2021, Allegro adjusted EBITDA in Poland 2017-2021, Income statement of Allegro in Poland 2019-2021, Revenues of Allegro in Poland 2017-2021, by revenue type, Net revenues of Allegro in Poland 2017-2021, Allegro among popular e-commerce platforms in the world in Poland 2021, by visits, Share of respondents who do online shopping in Poland 2021, Weekly ecommerce activities in Poland 2021, Age distribution of online shoppers in Poland 2015-2021, Online shopping in Poland 2015-2021, by gender, Share of online grocery users in Poland 2009-2019, Most important e-commerce criteria when shopping online in Poland 2020, Reasons for buying products from foreign online shops in Poland 2020, Main reasons for shopping online in Poland 2021, Reasons for not shopping online in Poland 2020, Factors in choosing online store for shopping in Poland in 2021, by gender, Frequency of ordering goods or services online in Poland 2021, Places for consumers to start shopping online in Poland 2020-2022, Categories most often used for online shopping in Poland 2019-2022, Most popular product categories researched online bought offline in Poland 2020-2021, Most popular product categories researched offline bought online in Poland 2020-2021, Average monthly spending on online shopping in Poland 2021, by product category, Average value of online purchases in Poland 2022, by category, Most popular online shopping categories in Poland 2020-2021, Product categories bought online from abroad in Poland 2020-2021, Product categories customers would purchase online for the first time Poland 2021, Share of respondents who made online payments in Poland 2019-2020, Share of respondents who made electronic payments in Poland 2020, by age, Online store payment option availability in Poland 2022, Most popular forms of online electronic payment Poland 2022, Most popular online payment methods in Poland 2020, by device, Most convenient forms of online electronic payment in Poland 2020-2021, Most popular e-commerce payment systems in Poland 2016-2021, Financial and transaction products used in smartphone purchases Poland 2020, Most popular delivery methods when shopping online in Poland 2022, E-commerce delivery methods used in Poland 2021, Most important factors regarding online product deliveries in Poland 2021, Most acceptable time of delivery for products bought online in Poland 2021, Most used online shipping provider by Polish online shoppers 2021, Product return methods preferred by online consumers in Poland 2021, Revenues from domestic and international courier shipments in Poland 2017-2021, Number of online shopping consumers in Poland 2017-2023 (in millions), Online retail users forecast in Poland 2017-2025, E-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2025, Fashion e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2025, Electronics and media e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2025, Toys, hobby and DIY e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2025, Furniture and appliances e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2025, Food and personal care e-commerce revenue forecast in Poland 2017-2025, Immigration/migration in the United States, Most common registered last names for males in Poland as of January 2022 (in 1,000s), Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Find a brief overview of all Outlooks here, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre. Traces history of Polish surnames in general, describes name meanings The acts of sending email to this website or viewing information from this website do not create an attorney-client relationship. Knowing their meaning can tell you much about your Medieval Polish ancestors. Neither of my my maternal nor paternal grandparents seem to have a Polish last name. After researching my surname a year ago, I discovered that it was not a common Polish name. newspapers and periodicals, Polish surnames, Polish family histories, Prawda dla ludu = The Truth for the people. In Poland the child was usually called by the name given at baptism. Sources - Non-English Geographic Sources - Emigration Unfortunately, I do not read, speak or write in Polish. Can you tell us about those names please,particularly any information about where the Taczewa came from? Surnames ending in owicz, czyk, ewicz, and wicz are all patronymic Polish surnames. Czech and Slovak - Hungarian Nathalie, In the second half of the 15th century nicknames formed from the names of places began to disappear. When the last Polish people began taking on surnames, they often adopted the popular and noble-sounding ski surname, only they did not attach it to the name of a town. 16.
The Museum is one of the oldest and largest ethnic museums in the U.S. With its 60,000 volumes, 250 periodicals, collections of Polish music records and cassettes, the Museum Library ranks as one of the best, outside of Poland. That was the case of Mikoaj Mickiewicz, a lawyer from Nowogrdek and the father of the Polish national bard, Adam Mickiewicz. Staffing does not permit them to do your research, but they can advise you. Lists published resources that provide historical background for The following is an example of how case endings change surnames in a typical birth entry: Most Polish given names are derived from biblical names, such as Jzef (Joseph); from the names of saints, such as Jan (John); or from Old Slavic names, such as Wadisaw. There are also diminutive surnames in Poland. Defines Polish words as used in19th-century Polish-language civil Please do not hesitate to contact me. Genealogical Guides and Handbooks: - General Featuring a monthly newsletter, blog, and genealogy ebooks on US and European research, Nancy's site also provides expert guidance on information management to help genealogists search smart and find more primary sources. If anyone can shed any light on this individuals, fewer than half of them born in the United States. Is There an Elmer Ellsworth in Your Family Tree? John became John the smith, John the son of Matthew, John the short, or John from Breslau. Show publisher information Now you can ask about it in our Forum: Origins of Polish Surnames, or discuss about the article: How Surnames Came Into Being in Poland, If you need assistance with your research, we would like to offer our Genealogy Services. Lisowski is an example of this, as lis means fox. Lisowski, as such, means of the fox, and denotes a person who was sly or crafty, or possibly wise or good at business. Nobles added this new part to their surnames to differentiate themselves from others who had the same surname but were not of the nobility. Get full access to all features within our Corporate Solutions. I am looking for her ancestral lineage. Many citations are in the Polish language. Newberry Librarys Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, So good to have you back online! Somebody living in Wola was named Wolski, another living in czyca was called czycki. ZIENTARA is my maiden name (fathers family from INOWROCLAW, Poland. In the second half of the 18th century the procedure of making copies of the registers and delivering them to the District Courts was introduced. Brief summary of primary sources available in both the United States Analyzes the component parts of birth, death, and marriage records. Families were supposedly from Warsaw, Cracow, Black Sea area, Black Russia or Austria? Another missile in the downtown.
After independence had been regained, the Polish parliament (in 1921) consented to add the sobriquet from the war times to the soldiers existing surname. This page was last edited on 17 August 2021, at 20:59. These are surnames that end in yk or iak. These names are essentially pet names used to refer to a person by those who originally knew them, and then those names stuck, and became family surnames. I understand it means woodpecker in english. The first documents that established and confirmed surnames were indygenats (from Latin indigenatio citizen right, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth this document provided recognition of noble status for a foreigner) and ennoblements (conferring of nobility). Here is what you need to know about Polish surnames. It seems you have Javascript turned off in your browser. I am somehow related to the Starzak & Gierula lineage from Nordz. This practice contributed to the stabilization of the surnames of the nobility, townspeople and peasants. The obligation of keeping parish registers was started by the Council of Trent on November 11, 1563. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. Searching Stelmarski, Franczewski and Kolodziejska. Maiden name Pajak. history. and over 1Mio. Includes maps of historical counties of Poland. However, they were sometimes changed because of an undesirable tone vulgar or folk and sometimes just because of snobbery. Her parents were Joseph Kleczewski and Francoise Hoffman from Pakosc. Facebook: number of monthly active users worldwide 2008-2022, Smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q1 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Explains usage for names and dates. The part of the nobility that had surnames formed from nicknames changed them to those that had the proper ending -ski. Looking for origins of family names (all Polish) My maiden name: Bazylak. Thank you. and biographical reference materials include English- and German-language I do not know when she moved to France. Some Polish nobility lost their rights, because of the lack of proper documents or money, or just their inability to follow the complicated formalities required by law. The problem was usually solved by adding descriptive information. It took a long time for peasants in Poland to begin adopting surnames. Sons had also a choice. My grandfathers name was Stanislaw Michajlow, he was a polish soldier from Zalishchyky Poland (now Ukraine), fought in WWII and later emigrated to Tasmania Australia. Visit Alexs house. My paternal grandmother: Oles (with a hatch mark over the e). The 19th century was the time of stabilization of surnames. Many ambitious townspeople and peasants also wanted to have a noble surname ending with ski, so they just add this ending to their surname or created new and often strange clusters e.g., Gwiazdomorski (combination of star and sea), Ruzamski (reversed surname Mazur with essential ski, ending). She appears frequently at regional, national, and international genealogy webinars and conferences. My email in the USA is [emailprotected] Is there anything you can tell me about it? Sources - Selected Internet Sites Goog luck, If you are interested in our Genealogy Services https://polishorigins.com/genealogy-services/, please contact us and provide us more details regarding your grandfather. Zhitomir. Translation: Magdalena Znamirowska The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice. It was also an opportunity to exchange plain names for fancier ones, e.g., Malanka (literally meaning buttermilk) became Grudziski (from gruda clod of earth, frozen ground, but with the -ski ending) and Le, (an idler) became Ziemiaski (a land owner). https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewtopic.php?p=35790#35790, https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewforum.php?f=19, https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewtopic.php?t=9663, https://polishorigins.com/genealogy-services/, Our Guests Stories Genealogy Tours of Poland & Central Europe, and other family histories. Nancy is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the Society of American Archivists, and many local genealogical societies in the US, Germany, and Scotland. Who Were the Ashkenazi Jewish People, and Are You Related to Them? English-language books and articles on a variety of Polish American If your Polish surname ending in ski denotes a place in Poland, you probably have noble Polish ancestry. Please note: This list is meant to include resourcesin addition to the ones found at the traditional genealogical sites like FamilySearch, Ancestry, Fold3, and the like. The Polish language uses grammatical endings to indicate such things as possession, objects of a verb, or objects of a preposition. My mothers last name was Dzieciol. My last name use to be spelled Kantarowski- Looking for the geographic origin of my family. I have a brief documentation in what I believe served as the Jaworski family passport. Guidance in interpreting vital records in both Russian and Polish, His family left there shortly before his birth around 1897 for the U.S.A. My mother Helen Jaworska was born in PAKOSC, Poland in 1905. Get official IELTS certificate. Surnames are affected by gender endings, such as the following example: In the case of the family name of Kowalski, the male name would be written as Kowalski and the female as Kowalska. With 2,000 members in all 50 states and 10 countries, the Society encourages its members to communicate with each other and share leads, research sources, and any other information that may prove mutually beneficial. They could use the surname of their father or mother or just create a new one to which they took a fancy. They were given to both nobility and peasants. Assistance in deciphering Polish- and Latin-language vital records, - Jewish - Polish - Romanian. But there were more and more of us as the years went by, so our forefathers needed to distinguish one from another and that is why they started to add nicknames. For links to other ethnic Chicago resources, click here. How about Michajlow?
For example, one noble added Lis to Olszewscy (resulting in Lis-Olszewscy) and another added Nowina to Konopkowie (resulting in Nowina-Konopkowie) to set themselves apart from townspeople or peasants called Olszewscy or Konopkowie. Surnames ending with ski were reserved for the nobility and from that time on, they became the most desirable. Here is what I was able to find: https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewtopic.php?t=9663. Stay safe & many thank yous in advance. !. topics, many of them useful to the genealogist and ethnic historian. Things to Keep in Mind when Planning a Genealogy Tour - My Ireland Family Heritage says: 20102021 Sassy Jane Genealogy | All Rights Reserved. If it refers to an occupation or character trait, you may not have a noble Polish line, but you now know a lot more about your ancient Polish ancestor who originally took on the surname. To use individual functions (e.g., mark statistics as favourites, set Nicknames were created from the names of trades, places of birth, animals, plants, personal characteristics, or months. Names like Szymoniak mean little Simon, as an example. Thanking you in advance. Jews in the Austrian territory of Galicia were required to adopt surnames in 1785. Have you ever wondered about the origin of your or your ancestors Polish sounding surname? Jews in Poland usually used only a given name and the name of their father, such as Isaac, son of Abraham. Traces settlement As the population increased, it became necessary to distinguish between individuals with the same name. 1995-2022 Ancestral Findings, LLC. Proofreading: Nancy Maciolek Blake. The process of the legitimization of the nobility was carried out during the partition according to rules set by the invaders. My mothers parents were Golenia and Lapa. (2022). However, saint and king surnames are not the most common surname type in Poland. Day 6. Maiden name was Jaworski. Surname is Ogiba, same spelling from the time they came from Szarwark, Powiat Dabrowa (Tarnow) in 1902. Grandfather came from Poland. And the lists are by no means exhaustive, so if you know of other digital collections on Chicago and Illinois that youve found useful in your research, please let me know. After a long professional career in academic archives and genealogy libraries, Nancy E. Loe, MA, MLS, launched this website, SassyJaneGenealogy.com. I would like to receive information on my last name.. which is Gawronski.. Edward, You will almost certainly be able to identify it on sight as being Polish. Chart. Profit from the additional features of your individual account. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Everything you need to know about Consumer Goods, Identify market potentials of the digital future, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Health Market Outlook All Rights ReservedPrivacy Policy |Terms of Use, How to Communicate with Your DNA Matches the Proper Way, Robert Treat Paine: The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, James Smith: The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, The Contribution of British Women in WWII, Curtis King: Unsung Heroes of the Civil War, The Real Truth Behind Coats of Arms and Family Crests. (February 7, 2022). When a man married, he could take the surname of his wife or just create a new one from the name of estate where they would live after marriage. My mothers: Wojnar. titles. Their collections do NOT contain birth, marriage, death, immigration, or naturalization records. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Ministry of Digital Affairs in Poland. Sharon, I concluded afterwards that she probably was not familiar with all Polish surnames. Surnames based on highly admired Polish kings are also common. Excellent general guide to Polish genealogical research.
Ive been told it doesnt sound Polish, yet I know for a fact my family is very Polish. You can post your inquiry on our Forum: https://forum.polishorigins.com/ You can also post your inquiry on our Forum, in section Origins of Surnames: https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewforum.php?f=19. My fathers parents were Haryasz (I have had many people tell me that is Hungarian and my Grandmother told me he came from Russia) and Sajdak. Extensive listings of general historical Polish surnames developed from four major sources: Surnames were first used by the nobility and wealthy landowners. Simplifying Genealogy Sources and Citations, Searchable database for death notices in the leading Chicago Polish-American newspaper, Index to Death Notices in Dziennik Chicagoski, 1890-1920, Index to Death Notices in Dziennik Chicagoski, 1930-1971. Hello. I will have a look on the surnames of your interests soon. I would be very grateful. (WhatsApp: +44 745. states. Polish heraldry, Polish churches and records, maps and gazetteers). At first surnames applied only to one person and not to the whole family. Serb, and Slovene I will take care of that next week in our little series Tuesdays With Polish Surnames. I have checked several sources, and prepared short article about the surname Kantarowski on our Forum: https://forum.polishorigins.com/viewtopic.php?p=35790#35790, Leona, Search here by title or OCLC number for information on repository and holdings for the following titles: Polish-American Chicago Newspapers in the INP: Thats todays post on Chicago Genealogy: Polish-American Resources. Basic, older guide for the beginning genealogist. Usually existing surnames or nicknames were legalized or new surnames were created for those who did not have one. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? With time the nicknames began to function as surnames, so they were recorded in documents and certificates and passed from generation to generation. Many underground soldiers had nicknames. Ukraine. Your ancestors name could be in Latin on his birth record, Polish on his marriage record, and German on his death record. If you have a Polish surname in your family tree, you probably know it at a glance. How Much of the Original White House is Actually Left. Accessed July 21, 2022. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1089045/poland-most-popular-male-surnames/. Dziennik Chicagoski = Chicago daily news (Polish). Register in seconds and access exclusive features. When baptized, children were usually given only one, or possibly two, given names. At the beginning only marriage registers were kept. While the people of Poland adopted surnames across all classes gradually from the Middle Ages, not everyone in Poland had a surname until the 19th century. Info as to the exact location (house number, etc. An interesting group of newly created surnames, which you will not encounter anywhere else in the world, are the so-called war surnames. Reprint of 1943 edition. You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here.