Terry Hancock / John Parsons
Jimmy Lane Craig Harrel Michael Krueger Brian Burns, Revelations, 7 Churches of Asia, Philadelphia, Rev. 2015
Gospel Meeting, Jonathan Edwards, The New Life, Ephesians 4. Sermons can be filtered by date, speaker, topic, book ofthe Bible, or series. Kerry Bowers David Banning Charles Willis Sharing the Gospel The Sacrifice of Our Savior Gospel Meetings - 2011 Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Home, Church, Family, Church Membership Matters / Members of One Another. Darrell Townsend Sunday: Classes 9:00 AM, Assemblies 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM; Wednesday classes: 7:00 PM.
Jim McDonald|Joaquin Belingio Gospel Meeting, Don Pruitt,Prayer, Luke, Persistence. Barry Beard Sun PM (none)
Jim Carithers
Class on Isaiah 2013 Matt Miles 2008 Gospel Meetings - 2001 Class on 2 Corinthians Lynn Persell 29
Podcast Bellaire Church Jim Rogers, Daniel, Confidence in Scriptures, The Word, the Seal, the Guarantee - Eph 1:13-14, How to Treat Our Enemies (What to Do if You're Attacked), Misused Passages: Matt 7:1-2, 1 Cor. Matt LaGrone Harland Huntoon Jack Williams Greg Sterling
Harrison Banks Brad Cavender Brian Burns, Parables, Tares, Matthew 13. Ken Chapman Lee Wilburn Gospel Meetings - 2005 Tom Roberts David Goodman 2325 Old Columbiana Road 1984 Jerral Kay Bobbie Miller Wilson Adams Gospel Meetings - 1999 Abel Montanez H.E. Paul Cavender Justin Hornback Tom Hamilton (none) Wayne Moody David Crawford Derrel Starling Class on 1&2 Thessalonians Vance Dutton Neal Bahro
Jim Deason Tony Mauck 2008 Jeff Wilson Jim Rogers, Plagues, Pharoah, Ten Plagues. Robin Bauer Roland Lewis Steve Niemeier David Mckee Study in Galatians
Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting, Jonathan Edwards, Questions, Mark 8, Gospel Meeting, Jonathan Edwards, Jude, Lessons for the Church. To send Gospel Meeting notices, please send via email or request our physical mailing address via email. 267. Powered by Congregate, Vestavia Church of Christ The Biblical Church John Moon
Mike Glitsch
Sun AM Steve Reeves The Hope of the Gospel Joe Greer Melvin Curry 2010
2006 Larry Horton Singing 2010 Drew Bean Sun AM Worship Dustin Kinnison Jacob Black Gene Mabry Brent Moody Years (7) Subscribe with your favorite podcast player. 28 Justin Seale Benjamin Lee Subscribe with your favorite podcast player. Toby Waddell 2020 Vision

Brady Peek Jaimison 3:7-13. Murphy Priestley Parenting Workshop When Times get Difficult, What Keeps us from Turning Back? John Albert Arechiga
VBS 2021: Great Escapes Gospel Meetings - 1993 Fred Williams
New Song Practice Mark Reeves 3:7-13, The 7 Churches of Asia - Sardis - Rev.
6 Bill McCuistion John Roach Gospel Meetings - 1985 Bryan Nash Mark Roberts Dan Huddleston Rick Moore Singing 2006 Jeff May Jamie Persell Brad Smith Felix Sparks David Gorski Charles Gaines Is The New Testament a Pattern for the Church? Class on Tribulations Kent Ellis 1987

Steve Maurer
If you wish to hear the audio of the sermon, click the play bar to the right. 3:14-22. Anthony Spriggs Different by Divine Design Jeff Wilson Dell Evans
David Smitherman Each Little Dewdrop Beattitudes Jim McDonald Mark Mann Matthew Kimbrough Dalton Boyls Barry Beard / Trey Hotalen Chris Eppler 2000 Wayne Wise Camping Toward Canaan Mike Waters The Trinity The Gift of the Holy Spirit, 3 Reasons Paul and Silas Went Back to Jail, The Trinity The Personality of the Holy Spirit, 6 Gifts Every Husband Should Give His Wife, World English Institute and India Mission Work, Forgotten Characters Widow of Zarephath, Perseverance In Trial Perspectives from Ukraine, Fortifying Our Faith Christianity and Culture Part 2, Fortifying Our Faith Christianity and Culture Part 1, How the Early Church Turned the World Upside Down. Ephesians Albert Haraway Smith and Ronnie Wade Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, Grace, Understanding Grace, Understanding Grace: What Grace Is - Eph. Christopher Nave
Text Message Us: (713) 999-6840 Scott Richards
Curtis Pope
Johnny Martinez
Elders 2022 Vestavia Hills, AL 35216 Powered by Congregate, Bellaire church of Christ 2016
Gospel Meetings - 1980 Hendrik Joubert Jeremy Tom Choosing Joy - Lessons from Philippians
Al Raney Phillip Poe 1995 A Compelling Reason
The Garretts Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Church Membership, Attendance. Ralph Joiner Richard Brock 2013 Gospel Meetings - 1992 Sin and Redemption in the Life of David
Ken Kuykendall
Class on Proverbs Hear What the Spirit Says
Gene Slough Rudy Black Religious Beliefs Bill Reeves Lonnie Corley Class to Learn New Songs
Gospel Meetings - 1996 Gospel Meetings - 1981 2018 Lewis
Levoy Free The Story of the Bible 2019 Class on Psalms of Thanksgiving Donnie Rader Chuck Snapp Vonnie Beard
Robbins Norman Fultz Gene Samford Billy Davis Pat Jones Class on Matthew Jesus Is Greater - Study of Hebrews Get the latest sermons delivered right to your app or device. Mike Tyer Mark Cascairo Brian Orf Ron Lloyd Leslie Sloan Book of Acts Richard Hopkins Brandon Knapp Richard Hopkins and Work Group John Kilgore Ken Vaughn Angel Alanis Jordan Mitchell Ben Lanius
2004 1981 Ashley Goosen Trey Hotalen
Chris Reeves Jorge Gaitan
Grant White Larry Dickens Rusty Brand Leon Mauldin Henderson May 2017 Max Dawson Send us an email: oaklandcoc@gmail.com
Harry Osborne Neal Grantham Mark Hargrove 3
1977 Bill Beasley 2016 Bill Robinson Unknown Ken Sterling Jim Hopkins 2019
Steve Garrett Kenny Marrs Eric Stauffer Michael Landreman, Positive, Outcomes, Negative, Emotions, To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain - Philippians 1:12-26. Frank Jamerson Jeff Henderson Justin Thomas Brian Foy Brian Burns, Thessalonica Study, Acts 17. Derek Chambers Class on Esther W.L. 2002 4 Download the new West Huntsville Sermons app onyour Apple or Android device to have access to astreamlined collection of all recorded sermons. Matt Huggins Dee Bowman Children's Songs - Parables (from Kleinwood)
Gospel Meetings - 1979 Daniel Broadwell Mark White Brent Hunter Martin Broadwell Services (8) 2020 Weston Hodge, Page Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, Romans, Road to Salvation, Salvation, Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, The Great Commission, Understanding Grace: The Mistreatment of Grace, Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, Grace, Understanding Grace. 2016
You can also conduct a search of the available sermons by typing in the window just below this text.
Jordan Shouse Derrel Shaw 1990 Sun PM 2012 Services (7) Terry Slack Children's Songs - Musical Memory Builders W.R. Jones Gospel Meetings - 1997
3:1-6, Brian Burns, Revelations, 7 Churches of Asia, Sardis, Rev. Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Faith, Follow. Aaron Penner Wise for Salvation - "Letters to Our Grandchildren" Jason Shackleford Scott Smelser Jay Ogden Stan Wenck
Class on Hosea and Amos
No Longer a Friend of Jesus - Once Saved Always Saved? Kenny Moorer Sun Bible Study
Foy Short Jathan Garrett Powered by Congregate. 1996 Artie Norman Alan English Brian Burns, Marriage, Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 7. Brent Acree Gert-Jan Von Zanten 2001
Special Study H Osby Weaver
Class on Romans Robert McDonald Sun AM 2009 Ed Snapp Gospel Meeting 2015 Class on Evidences Kenny Marrs
Bible Class Jim Rogers, Wedding Feast, Matthew, Parable, The 7 Churches of Asia - Ephesus - Rev 2:1-7. Brian Burns, 7 Churches of Asia, Revelation, Smyrna, The Parable of the Wedding Feast - Matt 22:2-14. Singing 2007 J.T. 3:1-6, The 7 Churches of Asia - Laodicea - Rev. David Lanius Signs in John
Elders & Deacons Ricky Jenkins
Pete Wilson Brian Burns, Revelation, 7 Churches of Asia, Laodicea, The 7 Churches of Asia - Thyatira - Rev 2:18-29.
Mike Flinn Gospel Meeting Bob Owen Sunday Doug Greer David Stein Phil Robertson Jesus` Success in Saving the Lost Etienne Nichols, Church Structure, 1 Peter, Mark Deatherage, Keeper, Brother, 1 Corinthians 8, Gospel Meeting, Don Pruitt, Mark, Friends, Gospel Meeting, Don Pruitt, Sacred Space, Isaiah. Open Bible Study 1991 Our Identity in Israel's Story C.S. Speaking of Truth
2021 James Evans Caleb White Brian Haley 1 Luis Trevino Guy Warner
Gospel Meetings - 1977 A Distinct People Don Willis Greg Dowell
Class on Philippians 1980 8001 S. Rice Ave Rick Bilberry 1 Thaxter Dickey Message From the Cross David Criswell Lessons On The Holy Spirit Gospel Meeting, Jonathan Edwards, Perfect Love Drives Out Fear, 1 John, Submitting to One Another - Eph. Class on Titus and Timothy 6 1 Peter 2005 Will Hamilton 1988 Daniel Fontenot Gospel Meetings - 2003 Carson Crow Phil Parker Ken Craig Tommy Peeler Jerry King
Terry Partain Ian Davies Danny Dow 2022
Austin Greer Gerry Sandusky Keith Stonehart Ben Bingham Get the latest media delivered right to your app or device. 4 Brian Messerli Dean Harvison Joe Fitch
1976 John Clark Troxel Ballou Gospel Meetings - 1995 5 Ricky Shanks John Smith Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, Take Heed, Corinthians, Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, Repentance, Luke 24.
Bill Olson Mark Smith Meditate on These Things Cary Scott Finances Old Testament Survey Class John Kilgore 1986 Wed Bible Study Peggie Beard 6 Alex Morolez David Banning Good & Evil in The Garden of Good & Evil 265 1 Class on Galatians Wharton
Gospel Meeting 1993 Joseph Casimier Robert Raif Michael Stringer Gospel Meeting, Don Pruitt, God is Sufficient, 2 Corinthians. 2018 Light & Love: Lessons in 1 John Marc Stone Who are We? 2 2:1-13, Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, Grace, Ephesians, Understanding Grace, Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, One Way, One Body, One Church, Gospel Meeting, Allen Bailey, By What Authority, Matthew 21:23-27, God's Promises and Covenants - 1 Peter 3:1-13, Etienne Nichols, Promises, Covenants, 1 Peter 3.
The app isavailable for free through the Apple App store and theGoogle Play store. 2 Gospel Meetings - 2000 James Houchen 2019 Jim Rogers, Warriors, Spiritual Conflict, Brian Burns, Thessalonica Study, 1 Thessalonians 1, "What do you think about the Christ.." - Matt 22:41-46. Oliver Murray David Green 3 Balancing & Holding Steady Series (111)
Physical Address: 18111 Townsend Ford Rd, Athens AL 35611 Ben Wilson Ken Horton Albert Arechiga 1997 Clay Redding Speakers (39)
K Hoyle Wayne Partain The Road Less Travelled Donnie Miller Mike Grushon Joshua Andrews 1979 David Baize Gospel Meetings - 1987 Channing Hinkle Speakers (60) Gospel Meetings - 1998 Kevin Clark
Gospel Meetings - 1989
Brian Burns, 7 Churches of Asia, Revelation, Ephesus, How the Church is Structured - 1 Peter 2:4-8. Luther Bolenbarker Bill McCuistion & Greg Sterling Dorothy Free 1994 1 Corinthians 15 Russ Bowman Series (20) Children's Songs - Yes Jesus Loves Them
Gary Kerr Roger Williams Office: (713) 668-4810 Stacey Durham Tarry Dutton Jordan Holland Bubba Garner Wed Bible Study Phillip Strong Bob Rogerson Kerry Kendrick Pat Guillory Jack Smith Mike McKinney Season 1 - Gospel of Mark 2003 Jerry Wilburn Elmer Moore Get the latest sermons delivered right to your app or device. 2021 Jeff Carr Gospel Meetings - 2010 Visit our Facebook page and send us a message: https://www.facebook.com/OakChristians/ Roy Turner 6:1-4. Home | About | Resources | Sermons | Members | Contact and Location
Class on 1 Corinthians Bill Jeter Between The Lines Jay Martin Craig Cornelius Glenn Tomblin Alan Wood 5:21 & Eph. Dale Royalty Add To Your Faith Building Marriages That Last 2021 Gospel Meeting Harold Fite 3 1958 Mark Nave Malcolm King Goshen, OH 45122, Why I'm Still A Member of The Church of Christ - John 6, Preaching With Conviction - Ephesians 4:11-13, Evidence of Christ's Death and Resurrection.
Dan Shipley
Phillip Magee Mark Mayberry Caleb Churchill Gospel Meetings - 1990
Dan Barker The Crucified Attitude Don Truex 2012 Sun Bible Study 2014 Robert Goodman
John Vasquez Larry Long Faith, Hope, and Love Men's Night 20/20 Vision Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Does God Care, Why I Don't Want To Be A 1st Century Christian, Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, John, 8 signs.
David Moon
2020 Roy Cogdill Gospel Meetings - 1983 4 Shawn Jeffries Gospel Meetings - 1986 2 Doug Krull, Evidence, Death, Resurrection, Christ. Series (8) Alan Smith Wed PM Joe Corley Jared Jimison David Robbins
Gospel Meetings - 1982 Doy Moyer Steve Ramsey Eric Reynolds Class on Evangelism Jonathan Stanford Zack Lee, Page Doug Krull, Once Saved Always Saved, Jesus, Regulations on Marriage - Matt 19 / 1 Cor 7. Class on Hebrews 11
Jenkins Les Hodges Singing 2009 Will Harris, Page Brian Burns, 7 Churches of Asia, Revelations,Thyatira, The 7 Churches of Asia - Pergamos - Rev 2:12-17, Brian Burns, 7 Churches of Asia, Revelations, Pergamos, The 7 Churches of Asia - Smyrna - Rev 2:-11. Philippians John West
Mark Proctor Floyd Thompson
45. Gospel Meetings - 2008 John Parsons 1985 Join us Sunday at 9:30am, Wednesday at 7:30pm, Years (49) Eural Bingham Watch on Facebook Live at Facebook.com/OakChristians, Years (13) Ruben Amador 1978 The Holy Spirit
Dana Emery Gospel Meetings - 2002 Messiah in the Book of Isaiah Kenny Moorer Patrick Farish Mark Deatherage, Christ, Die is Gain, Philippians 1. Holy Days in the Law of Moses Lowell Williams Services (8) 205.822.0018 Thaxter Dickey When & Where | Who We Are | Calendar | Media | Members | Live Streaming | Contact | Song Tracker
Freedom in Christ 1999
Tyler Tucker
Jesse Knapp 2007 Russ Bowman Gospel Meetings - 1988 Our Spiritual Heritage Gospel Meetings - 2007 House To House, Heart To Heart Kenneth Chumbley
2011 Gospel Meeting, Jonathan Edwards, Submitting to One Another, Ephesians. Ruben Prevost Gospel Meetings - 1991 Andrew Hall Larry Rouse 5 Russ Bowman 5 Technology & Social Media Mike Ryan Ed Harrell Class on Books of Samuel Daniel Broadwell & Steve Garrett
Buddy Payne American Idols Children's Songs Tosin Akinwale Gospel Meeting, Jonathan Edwards, The Heart of Joy, Philippians, Perfect Love Drives Out Fear - 1 John 4:18. Berry Kercheville Tracy Miller Ralph Walker Bellaire, Texas 77401 Chad Lynn
Subscribe with your favorite podcast player. Mike Dubose Brian Burns, Misused Passages, Matthew 7, 1 Corinthians 2, Matthew 18. Gary Scott 2, Matt 18:15-20. Bill Mann Steve Cawthon (none) Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Truth, 1 Kings. 1992 Linda McCuistion Gospel Meeting 2014 Gospel Meeting, Don Pruitt, John, Christian, Gospel Meeting, Don Pruitt, Preaching, Ephesians. Men's Night Hennie Visser 2015 Jamie Sloan 2020 David Haley
Radio Broadcast Jim Rogers, Relationships, Metaphors,Christ, The 7 Churches of Asia - Philadelphia - Rev. 2011 1983 Summer Series
Oakland Church of Christ 43 Nathan Johnson
Hayden Mock Homer Hailey Gospel Meetings - 2006 Ron Daly Ron Halbrook Series on Colossians Mark Ellis Greg Gwin Weldon Warnock Marty Broadwell Don Truex TY Dutton Gospel Meeting 2016 Boyd Jennings
1998 2018
Stuart Wilson If there is a video of the sermon, there will be a small film strip icon under the files column, and you can click on that to take you to the video. Love God With All Your Mind Tempo Jim Ward Jesus Trevino Jim Rogers, Plagues, Egypt, Children of Israel, Moses, Frogs, Passover. 2022 Bill McCuistion|Greg Sterling Bill Hall Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Apostasy, 2 Timothy, Steps. 1975 1982 Study of Matthew Roland Amador 2017 Keaton Vallely Class on Judges 266 A Man After God's Own Heart Steve Dewhirst
Pat Brentlinger 24/7 Prayer Tony Hernandez Fired Up & Focused Gospel Meetings - 2004 Singing 2005 Home | About Us | Online Resources | Audio Files | The Radio Show | Online Articles | Members | Contact Us Speakers (290) Ed McDonald Gospel Meeting, Glen Osburn, Jesus, Hebrews. Class on Ezekiel H Longoria bellairechurchofchrist.org. Class on Jeremiah & Lamentations 2014 Gospel Meeting 2013 Vacation Bible School
Gospel Meetings - 1984 Trey Hotalen|Vonnie Beard Guardrails on the Road of Life Brent Forsyth 1989 Join us for Sunday Classes at 9:00 AM, Assemblies at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, and Wednesday classes at 7:00 PM.
Cason Jenkins ***If you are in the Mobile version, please turn your phone to Landscape Mode to see all Columns***, 1869 Mulberry Street, Is This A Good Church?