Consider the following code & select the correct option for output. This code will not compile, because method doYourJob() in interface Guard must be defined abstract. Hope you give your best and score high marks on this test. Questions from Previous year GATE question papers, UGC NET Previous year questions and practice sets. Which of these keywords is not a part of exception handling? This is the ultimate Java test for all those Java developer-wannabes who have just began practicing the programming language. An abstract class is one that contains only static methods. Attempt a small test to analyze your preparation level. Are You Well Familiar With Arrays? A a = new B();3. By Rahulkr693 | Last updated: Jul 3, 2022. PreparedStatement

An abstract class can extend a concrete class, An abstract class can extend another abstract class. The questions asked in this NET practice paper are from various previous year papers. Can You Pass This Advanced Level Array Quiz? String table=" txyz "; Compilation error as class can not be declared as abstract. Oracle Certified Java Associate Exam Quiz! An abstract class extending another abstract class, need not define methods of the super abstract class. This code will not compile, because in the declaration of class Dog we must use the keyword extends instead of implements. Which of these data type can be used for a method having a return statement in it? Copyright 2022 . All Rights Reserved. Compilation error occurs as the abstract class TestAbstract contains a non-abstract method. System.out.println(rs.getString(3)); }. "+rs.getString(2)); Consider the following code & select the correct output. This GATE exam includes questions from previous year GATE papers. An application can connect to different databases at the same time. Which of these is correct way of inheriting class A by class B? 1. State TRUE or FALSE. String sql ="select empno,ename from emp"; while({ We provide you study material i.e. PreparedStatement You must add a return statement in method numberOfStudent(). Practice Test!

pst=cn.prepareStatement(sql); All the very best to you in advance. To prevent developers from further extending the class. pst=cn.prepareStatement(sql); String sql ="select rollno, name from student"; Every class containing abstract method must be declared abstract. A) When one uses a callable statement, in that the case only parameters are sent over the network not SQL query.B) In preparing statement SQL, query will compile for the first time only. A subclass can override a concrete method in a superclass to declare it abstract. Consider the code below & select the correct output from the options: ResultSet rs=pst.executeQuery(); Which of these is correct about passing an argument by call-by-value process? ResultSet rs=pst.executeQuery(); Just like an Interface, you can define constants in abstract classes in Java. The code will lead to a compilation error as declaration of the display method has been provided in two interface. If none of the private/protected/public is specified for a member, that member Quiz: The Ultimate Java Test For Beginners, Core Java Quiz: Packages And Interfaces In Java. System.out.println(pst.toString());

System.out.println(pst.toString()); while({

In order to insert student records which statement interface will give good performance? B b = new A();4. What is the default type of ResultSet in JDBC applications? Abstract class can be initiated by new operator. Quiz. This code will not compile, because class Dog must implement method doYourJob() from interface Guard. An abstract class is one that contains some defined methods and some undefined methods. An abstract class is one that contains general-purpose methods. Which of these class is not related to input and output stream in terms of functioning? Holds the location of Core Java Class Library (Bootstrap classes), Holds the location of the Java Extension Library, Holds the location of a User-Defined classes, packages, and JARs, All data members in an interface are by default.

To force developers to extend the class not to use its capabilities. When default implementations of some methods are not desirable.

The questions designed in the quiz are useful for testing your knowledge of various coding and allowing learning and practicing better with this quiz. is an educational platform, Which is developed BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS, The only objective of our platform is to assist fellow students in preparing for exams and in their Studies throughout their Academic career. Practice test for UGC NET Computer Science Paper. The first subclass of an abstract class should define all the abstract methods inherited from all the interfaces and super abstract classes.

It consists of over 93 questions of basically Core Java. It is created for Beginners in Java. When it doesn't make sense to have objects of that class. pst.setString(1,table ); Here you can access and discuss Multiple choice questions and answers for various competitive exams and interviews. A a = new A();2. Abstract classes support ____ inheritance. The quiz is not going to be easy in any way. System.out.println(rs.getString(1)+ " Choose a correct statement about abstract classes? Sam wants to develop a Student management system, which requires frequent insert operations about student details. A subclass of a non-abstract superclass can be abstract. An abstract class can implement any number of interfaces. PreparedStatement The keywords public and abstract cannot be used together. The method numberOfStudent() in class School must have a body. Which of these class is not a member class of package? 1. final abstract class Test {}2. public static interface Test {}3. final public class Test {}4. protected abstract class Test {}5. protected interface Test {}6. abstract public class Test {}, Compilation fails due to an error on lines 2, Program will compile and execute successfully and prints. class A { abstract void unfinished() { } }, abstract class A { abstract void unfinished(); }, public class abstract A { abstract void unfinished(); }. System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); }. PDF's for offline use. We take free online Practice/Mock test for exam preparation. Each MCQ is open for further discussion on discussion page. All the services offered by McqMate are free. The code will lead to a compilation error due to public modifier while declaring the display method. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved by McqMate. The code will lead to a compilation error as the display method is not declared as abstract. Program compiles but leads to runtime exception. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. An interesting Java programming quiz is here for you if you use Java programming or are learning this language.

An abstract class implementing an Interface, need not implement methods of an interface. pst=cn.prepareStatement(sql);

This is to test the knowledge of any Java Developer wannabe. String sql ="select * from ? An abstract class can define ____ inside of it. Compilation fails due to an error on line 3, Compilation fails due to an error on line 8, Compilation fails due to an error on lines 1, Compilation succeed but Runtime Exception. Which of the following methods are needed for loading a database driver in JDBC? The code will compile and execute successfully showing the output Welcome to Examveda. Abstract class defines only the structure of the class not its implementation. Which of the following statement is correct? ResultSet rs=pst.executeQuery(); Which Anime Character Are You Most Like?

A directory of Objective Type Questions covering all the Computer Science subjects. Which of these can not be used for a variable name in Java? B b = new B(); b is an instance of A followed by b is an instance of C. This code will compile without any errors. Which of the following statement gives the use of CLASSPATH?

"; Choose correct statements about an Abstract class in Java?