Before one learns the similarity between Gita and Quran, one should know what the differences are between the two. 2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. This is the very lesson that Gita, Quran, Bible and Tripitaka teach people. Conclusion: Both Bhagavad Gita and the Quran instruct to find and seek refuge ofa "Well Informed" (Tatvadarshi Sant / Baakhabar) for true spiritual instruction. There's no value of any amount of wealth or power if we aren't peaceful. Thus, being guided by these Gurus in the mode of love and surrender, we can attain the highest aim of life. must be dedicated to the same God. The Quran is a holy book of Muslims (Islam) where as Bhagavad Gita is a Holy Scripture of Hindus. Actions performed as ordained by scriptural injunctions are far superior than actions performed disregarding the scripture. Tat, viddhi, prnipaaten, pariprshnen, sevya, There are two main similarities between Bhagavad Gita and the Quran which are as follows.
This is the whole idea behind all the religious books and rituals of different religions. 25:59 - He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days and then established Himself above the Throne - the Most Merciful, so ask about Him one well informed. The Quran was delivered via angel Gabriel whereas Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Kaal himself after he possessed the body of Shri Krishna at the time of Mahabharata. People who are not established in the highest truth lose their sense of right and wrong, even among the smallest problems thus destroying themselves. and do things that destroy themselves. We will lose all the auspiciousness we have. Regular rituals bring us in contact with the Spirit by which the entire universe is pervaded. The whole idea is to remember God/Supreme Being who is the source of everything at all times.

By surrendering our lives to God, we can remain at peace unlike people, who are filled with various desires and are torn by anxieties lasting until death. Hindus can meditate upon Krishna, Christians can meditate upon Jesus, Muslims can meditate upon Prophet Mohammad and Buddhists can meditate upon Lord Buddha for guidance. Tatvadarshi, knowledgeable Mahatmas, will instruct you in Tatvagyan/True Spiritual Knowledge. Peace comes only as a result of a relationship with God, not by any other means. Gita, Bible, Quran and Tripitaka often said to be the word of God by followers of various religions are the works of the Supreme Being. By establishing ourselves with the eternal and unchanging principle, we can remain calm during the changing scenario of life. One has to find a Complete Saint to get the most superior spiritual instruction in order to achieve the Supreme God and liberation (moksha). Part of HuffPost Religion. By following the scriptures, an individual protects himself from going down to lower states of consciousness. Our own mind becomes our worst enemy when it is not set upon the Supreme Being. Thus, everything we do, eat, listen etc. God is the source of everything. Human life must not be wasted in pursuit of wealth and sense pleasures, but must be utilized in serving and developing a better relationship with God. The short answer is yes but what is the similarity between the two holy texts. Bhagavad Gita was spoken during the battle of Mahabharata. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Translation: By properly prostrating before those saints who know the true knowledge and solution of the Supreme God, by serving them, and by giving up deceit, asking questions with simplicity, they, who know the Supreme God in essence i.e. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. In Gita, Krishna is represented as God, in Bible, King David, Jesus and Moses are considered to be the representatives of God, in Quran, Prophet Mohammed is recognized as the representative of the Supreme Being while Buddha is representative in the holy books of Buddism. People become deluded when they get entangled with material things, sense objects, etc. Everything emanates from him. They are all personal forms of the Supreme Being. Quran was revealed in the 7th century (around 610 CE) whereas the Gita was spoken in Dwapar Yuga which was anera before theKaliyuga. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. This is the cause of lower consciousness and all the misery in the world. Thus, people living under the guidance of the scriptures are far happier and content than the richest people of the world. We will never attain peace or happiness until we realize the Supreme Being which goes by different names in different holy books. Wake up to the day's most important news. This proves that knowledge about the Supreme God and the way to achieve the Supreme God is not present in the Holy Bhagavad Gita and the Quran. Holy Quran was revealed on Prophet Muhammad whereas Bhagavad Gita was spoken by God Kaal (Brahm) himself. Acting this way, we can remain in the super-conscious state at all times, which is above experiencing sorrow and misery.
We will be tormented with all kinds of miseries in this world and next. Updekshyanti, te, gyaanm, gyaaninH, tattavdarshinH ||34||. Dying is not a big deal, but to live or die at lower states of consciousness is heart rendering. The Quran was revealed on Prophet Muhammad via Angel Gabriel (Jibril). God Kaal (Brahm) has given the knowledge of both Bhagavad Gita and the Quran. With the help of Guru/God, we can learn how to properly chart this miserable and transitory world to attain the realm of the immortals thus having an eternal life. In Bhagavad Gita this has been called a "Tatvadarshi Sant" whereas in the Quran this has been addressed as a "Baakhabar". Tat, viddhi, prnipaaten, pariprshnen, sevya, Similarities between Bhagavad Gita & Quran. A calm man who is surrendered unto God is not attached to any place or people, but carries out his duties as ordained by the Supreme thus always remaining pure. We will ruin ourselves if we forget or disregard the need of our communion with God. By living our lives according to the scriptural injunctions, we can remain free from all the anxieties and cares that the life brings. There is a very large time gap between the two incidents. They describe how every work becomes worship when our heart is set upon the maker. Accepted notion is that God is one, so this begets this question; when there is only one God, is then there any similarity between Bhagavad Gita and the Quran? As soon as we lose our focus from God to something else, we become entangled with the creation instead of the creator.
We must do all our duties by remembering God at all times. They describe how we are related to the ultimate God and how we should live our life so that we do not incur any kind of sins while doing what we must do. People who act according to the scriptures of their religion have a lesser degree of lust, anger and greed than others who do not. Villages of Nepal and India reveal this fact. What is the Aim of Human Life Gautam Buddha | Buddhism , Categories: religions Tags: #knowledge, #trends, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); | All rights reserved | Template by Colorlib. Our original occupation is serving the divine, but forgetting our relationship with God, we are engaged in serving many different kinds of masters thus bringing pain and sins in our life. We shouldn't waste our time contemplating upon things other than the Supreme Being.