Before applying a fresh coat of Rain-X on the windshield, it is best to clean and check the condition of the wiper blades. Use our easy to use the product finder to select the best products for your need. Using Rain-X might allow you to drive in the rain without using your wipers, but you should always have them ready, clean, and in good working condition as a precaution. on't even need wipers!! "It's true; when applied correctly, Rain X works great and lasts a good while. At highway speeds you would not have to use your wipers at all if Rain X has been applied properly. Clean the windscreen thoroughly before applying Rain-X to your car windscreen. I have used rain-x before and liked it. However, this can be dependent on weather conditions and the volume of driving you do. Have questions or comments about Itwgbrainx products? The job is to simply remove a very fine layer on top of the glass to restore surface clarity. The bad news is that silicone is not designed to be removed easily using soap and water. The Rain-X Glass Treatment is proven to improve your response time in demanding weather conditions. Just a quick notice that is applicable to this and all other cleaning tips: ALWAYS test in a small, inconspicuous (not easily noticeable) spot just in case it doesnt work. Simply spray on and wipe off no buffing needed! If you have never used glass polish before, you will be surprised to know that the product can also be used on all glass surfaces inside your home. This article has been viewed 176,668 times. Rain-X Silicone AdvantEdge Wiper Blades, RainX Latitude Water Repellency 2-n-1 Wiper Blades, Rain-X Longitude Professional Series Wiper Blades, Rain-X Expert Fit Conventional Wiper Blades. Dry the windscreen. There will be a slight haze on the windshield at first. ", How to Apply Rain X Automobile Windshield Treatment,,,,,, . We are simple guys just trying to be compliant with all laws.

Only use plain water and a wet cloth to clean the wiper blades.
I usually try to save and buy knock off products but at least for me this one is a keeper. Single vs Dual Axle Travel Trailer Which is better for you? Depending on prevailing weather conditions, the Rain-X treatment in your windshield will last for up to 3 months. But the good news is that you can buy commercially available automotive glass cleaners that can effectively remove traces of Rain-X in the windshield of your ride. beads and runs off very well. Spray directly onto surface of vehicle's glass or onto paper towel/cloth. Works well when applied per directions. You cant just wipe on wipe off. What is the minimum application temperature? When traveling on the freeway, the windshield wipers are often not necessary since the water beads up and flies off. While I would not recommend this product over working wipers, it really does what it is supposed to. I have used this product since mid-90's. % of people told us that this article helped them. If you prefer to do this by hand, you should rub the product lightly on the entire surface of the windshield. If you dont need to apply Rain-X, you can simply skip this step. A thin layer is enough. Grab a clean microfiber cloth and wipe the windshield while its wet. Buffing the product off properly is very important because otherwise, you could leave a little haze of swirls in the glass, making it a harder to see out the windows and windshield. Love the product, works great on windshield. Glass treated with rain repellant also prevents bugs from sticking and is less likely to freeze over in cold conditions. I love it. Perfect for use on all glass conditions, wet or dry. This will guarantee your Rain-X lasts for a long time.
How to use Rain X Rain Repellant on Your Car Windscreen. Wipe with a dry paper towel, 100% cotton cloth, or microfiber towel. ly bugs are removed from her windshield now. You neednt remove the existing application when you apply your next coat as it will help to rejuvenate any remaining product. Vision in pouring rain is 100% better. I have been using Rain-X for 40 plus years. But if youre at whits end and nothing else works to remove RainX from your windstream, paint thinner might do the trick. owners, Over 25,000 topics, from beginner tips to technical Engaging the wipers will tend to make things worse. These cookies help us to optimise the website based on data gathered by visits to the website. I prefer to re-treat the windshield with Rain-X after polishing the windshield. I also use at in my Motorcycle plastic face shield and plastic windshield for perfect vision in the rain. How to Get the Best Price on a Windshield Replacement, Two clean cloths: preferably, one microfiber cloth, and one lint-free cloth or paper towel. The Easy Steps in Removing Rain-X Off the Windshield. This product can expose you to chemicals including Naphthalene, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. Rain-X 2-In-1 Glass Cleaner + Rain Repellent. I would recommend having Get a fair & transparent quote instantly before booking. Rain-X Rain Repellant is suitable for all interior and exterior glass, including the windscreen, windows and mirrors. There is absolutely nothing wrong in using Rain-X. In order to easily remove all the traces and residue of Rain-X off the windshield of your car, you will need the following items: Park the car in a safe and shaded area. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors.
Use a general car cleaner or one specially designed for an automotive glass to remove any grease or contaminants. This is the sign that the windshield needs a new coat of Rain-X, but, and here comes the sucky part. I've been using Rain-X for 40 years. Allow the product to dry to a haze. Make no mistake about it. Again, test in a small, inconspicuous (not easily noticeable) spot just in case it doesnt work. If youre unfamiliar with claying your windshield to clean it, heres a good video from Automotive Solano showing how to do this. If the Rain-X is stubbornly stuck on your windshield, I would suggest busting out a clean clay bar and detailing your windshield with it. Weve talked about clay bars here (How And When To Use A Detailing Clay Bar On Automotive Paint), but usually you use these things on your paint, not the windshield. Hands down would recommend - you can notice a difference just by touching the windows before and afterwards. Let a line gravity feed put at the top of the glass. Do not use a paper towel to apply Rain-X Plastic Water Repellent. Many drivers are now looking at water repellant products to help disperse raindrops and keep their windscreens and windows clear. Dont apply too much you only need a thin coat. I have used this for years. Werxrite RetraGuard Razor Blade Scraper Tool - How to Perfectly Buff and Wax and Polish a Black Car, Restores headlights and clear plastic by removing haze and discoloration, Heavy-duty glass cleaner gently strips away heavy residue, dirt, bugs, film and road grime from windshields and glass, Improves driving visibility and wiper blade performance. The water instantly beads up and rolls of the window and is quite beautiful to look at. Our certified mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, oil changes, scheduled mileage maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools. iping horizontally from the bottom up to the top. That is my only caveat about Rain-X. ( The switch incorporates the turn signals and flash to pass for headlights. It will simply improve all-weather visibility while easily removing mud, bugs, salt, frost, and ice on the windshield. New windshield immediately got a coat of this. Your answers to frequently asked questions about Itwgbrainx products and their use.
Do not engage the wipers on a dry and dirty windshield. You have to remove the old residue before applying a new treatment coat! Can I use it for my spectacles and the windshield of my helmet? The new easy-to-use aerosol spray can makes prepping your cars glass and windshield a w. hole lot faster. Approved. These cookies are for essential functions to allow the website to operate. Apply Rain-X to the side and back windows for even better visibility. Car Car windshields are a lot tougher than plain old plate glass windows, but after thousands of miles of driving they can get chipped, cracked, or completely broken. Its a product I always have some, and use it on not just my windshield, but my rear window, side windows, and side mirrors. Kaptainzero from Meguiarsonline suggested this tip. It depends on how often you need to use it, but it should last on average for several months. Focus your efforts on the streaky parts of the glass. Spray the product directly onto glass, one section at a time, Spread the product with a clean microfiber towel using circular and overlapping motions to ensure uniform coverage, Do a final wipe with a dry towel to leave a streak-free, water-beading coating. Great product! Depending on speed and conditions you don't need wipers. It would have to sit on your paint for a long time before fading it, but its better to lean on the side of caution . Make it a habit to clean the wiper blades each time you wash your car. Wipe onto exterior plastic surface using a firm, circular and overlapping motion. I like this product. I used it on my back up camera too! It could damage your windshield! Dish soap will also dry out rubber surfaces and make them stiff and brittle. Focus your cleaning on the blemished and streaky parts of the windshield. Rain-X is formulated to repel rain, sleet, and snow while driving. Small bottle, but should last years. Make sure to replace your windshield wipers because the Rain-X is likely on them still. If you are a true blue car enthusiast, you probably used Rain-X to treat the windshield in your ride. Now I dont like the fact that you may have to buy their cleaning product just to remove their treatment product, but thats the way of the road sometimes. Did you know that the average stopping distance doubles while driving in the rain? Regular use of the Rain Repellant solution can restrict the frequency of hard water stains or dirt deposits from accumulating too.

In this case, 92% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Work in firm, circular motions until Rain-X is fully and evenly applied to the entire surface. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Just keep this risk in the back of you mind! When traveling on the freeway, the windshield wipers are often not necessary since the water beads up and flies off. Camera always nice and clear. Safety starts before you drive, and that means taking precautionary steps to make sure you can see clearly on the road at all times, especially on the freeway. DISCLAIMER: Horizons for the Blind makes no warranties regarding the accuracy of any information provided through this service Applying Rain-X to your side and back windows can also help your general vision, and the ability to see your mirrors more clearly. I used this on the windshield and side windows and the rain beads and runs off very well. Use a garden hose to spray clean water on the windshield. Best in the buisness, would buy again and again, Keeping muddy water off my windshield and lightbar, Perfect for the rain season! By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Youll know its time for an extra coat when you notice that water begins to roll off at a slower pace. Let it run down, but not off the glass. Rain-X is a hydrophobic (water resistant) repellent formula designed to fill the tiny pores in your windshield, creating an ultra-smooth, water resistant surface. Applying Rain-X properly to your windshield will almost certainly improve your ability to see through your windshield in any precipitation condition, especially at night. Apply more glass polish to remove deep scratches and stains. Remove final haze with a dry cloth or by sprinkling water onto the haze and wiping with a paper towel. Mike and Matt made me fill out this bio I write on this site once-in-a-while when Im not fishing or biking. Also, you should probably replace your wipers every year or two anyway, so this is a good excuse to give your wife . It worked great ! You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions. This article has been viewed 176,668 times. have used this for years .