This treatment focuses on changing negative thought patterns and developing proactive behaviors to cope with stressful situations. Display based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law. In officialese, monetary policy has shifted from ', Until the Internet, entertainment was usually reactive rather than, When you are actively trying to develop business you must be, Reallocate staff members' time from paperwork and filing to, Good beer, but the pretty bartenders aren't, He likes Big Government and the Federal Reserve's, They are easily bored, easily diverted and easily disappointed but rarely, It's just better strategy all around to give, Regardless, I actually appreciated that they thought to be a little, Most people are reactive instead of taking the time to become, The Trump administration no longer needs to be, Another example of the insurance industry's failure to recognize, This store is very busy, and customer service is more reactive then, This statement in a sense can be seen as being reactive and, I've noticed as of late service has been more, Not only that, all employees r very attentive and, You were wasting my time making excuses instead of being, Service was also excellent they were really attentive and, Cid from ice age could be more effecient and, Managers who are introverts have an edge over extroverts when leading, You are suggesting that good leadership comes from being reactionary and not, This is a REAL concern that can only be addressed through, Like me you have probably seen many times the, I loved how the author created Amy's thinking to be objective and, These different celebrities are advertising the, He is fiercely loyal to his friends and viciously, This is a wonderful resource for anyone who is, Their service has improved tremendously and the staff is very upbeat and, The descriptions are nice and short, with, Yes it is a learning experience for many that have never been, But she sent the manager over which I thought was very, As crime rates increase, many people are turning to more, I was in constant pain and discomfort when I was first referred to, Amazon SQS doesn't offer any call-back functionality or, An elevator operator takes charge of the elevator, similar to, It has showed that Morchella esculenta has, When you measure customer loyalty, you can become, She is trying to turn her life around and willing to take. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. To help manage your diabetes, a proactive approach includes learning about nutrition, because the best diet for diabetics is a low-fat diet that includes complex carbs. While some children only exhibit reactive aggressive behaviours, He enjoys all aspects of orthopedics and soft tissue surgery and is committed to high quality, compassionate medicine in combination with, can be forgetting to book a far enough in advance, it definitely helps to be. She just had to get control of herself and be proactive, the way she was a mere three days before. For this reason, a proactive stance when it comes to understanding foreclosure is vital. Until recently, reactive (in this sense) didn't really have an antonym.
Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Instead of waiting until you are behind in payments on your debt you should take a proactive stance and contact your creditors to explain the situation. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Can you ask someone else? It is best if parents are proactive about the challenges of this life cycle stage, particularly those that pertain to the possibility of experimenting with and using alcohol and drugs. In order to reduce the amount of cleaning you will have to do on your patio furniture cushions (and prevent the need to replace them), it's a good idea to be proactive. That is why this book's character is very much a protagonist -- she's a smart, It came out to $8, but I think they should either be, Unfortunately, the police have dealt with the problem of car theft in a reactive rather than a, I have tried lots of known treatments out there such as, You would think a place that has a line up outside would be more, In other words, we tend to take a passive role in our daily lives, rather than a, But for the policy to work holistically, there needs to be aggressive and, It has made a big difference in my attitude and has taught me how to be a more, Based on a single debug file, Finjan showed at most that Webwasher AG performed, In fact, the new conditions of work require a coordinated effort and activities that are much more, This scenario may seem dramatic, but parvo is a very dramatic illness that carries dire consequences, so be, For many young men, Boy Scouts of America and by extension the Eagle Scouts of America teach them to be, Furthermore, a width-variable beam search(VBS) algorithm was presented for solving the, This can change, however, if you become more. what is correct? and This is a recognition that we need to be more, But this year I've been given some whizzo presents which required a more, Its aim was to stimulate demand for scrip, making the market more, Effective risk management must be based on, Personally, I believe some people, British leftists, have been sitting on their hands and not taking a, Chelmsford's new detective inspector has vowed to purge the town of criminals through a hard-line, Within the sphere of visible action, chesed is without cause, a, The timing of his remarks appears to lend color to the interpretation that his move was reactive rather than, The cleanliness of the city, the well-maintained services, and the, Blaire has received thousands of emails, most of which applaud her, The newly deployed solution is expected to drive omnichannel customer journeys through, But the dairy industry, has become more flexible and, With a pittance of a salary, how could they be enthused to become, You have the ability to be in the driver's seat by taking a, I hope the issues I have raised show the Labour administration in Bexley is, The new controls mark the beginning of a more, This is because they favour a reactive risk model rather than a, He's doing and saying a lot of stuff that seems very, She said it is crucial that organisations have a, We may even attract some younger faces and create a more, We, like the Seattle group, have adopted a, The convictions highlight our continued and, We shall encourage the police to take a more, Should programmes be legislatively mandated or should the profession take a, As you have just described, it seems as if the approach has been reactive rather than any, We are really pushing the boat out for having a library that's going to be, Such methods would enable dietitians involved in biotechnology education to take a, Merina Salandy-Brown, a media consultant who worked with the BBC for 18 years, said the draft code was reactive rather than, The State administrative and political machinery needs to be, If you want things to happen then you've got to be, But I feel very strongly that we have got to become, As of 2003, accredited organizations are expected to engage in at least one, At other times, the president is reactive rather than, Further longitudinal research is clearly needed to clarify the potential role of early, So what policing there is tends to be reactive, rather than, Just as there are clear upsides to these types of, Offices within the Central Intelligence Agency have been very, I moved on to Camp Pendleton, a Marine base in California, to develop and implement a, The government's response to the problem was reactive rather than, The agunah crisis has been going on for too long for them not to have a, Universities and their medical schools are developing, Personnel Risk Management and Wingmanship are essential elements to a, Because our paradigms influence our perceptions of reality, an important part of being. Iams ProActive Health MiniChunks - for small-breed puppies up to 20 pounds when they reach maturity. Both of the website administrator's have taken proactive measures to educate the users of such risks through their privacy policies. Get proactive and get involved in this workout. You can. (A stock broker is saying to his customer.) Privacy Policy. For many young men, Boy Scouts of America and by extension the Eagle Scouts of America teach them to be proactive and productive citizens of their communities. Peter Hain has played a very proactive role in the Convention. is it steal or raising? Therefore, it's imperative that you be proactive. Be proactive, and you won't have to worry about it. Be proactive and make sure that every cat you own is wearing a collar and an identification tag with his name on it, as well as your name and phone number.
Parent training helps parents take a proactive role in their children's therapy and education. more), Synonyms for PROACTIVE (related words and expressions). Services should become more proactive in their approach to service provision. While DMSMS are a fact of life, the key to effective mitigation is long-term, This continues to be a moderately controversial stance, but it is somewhat less criticizable as a reactive activity than a, Denis revealed early on his ability as an effective strategist in the pursuit of his goals, and as an innovator of, The authorities are on high alert and are, He advised the young and new officers to be dedicative and, Furthermore, Post80s workers actively cultivated career resilience through, His book, 'Bulletproof Your Business', sets out how entrepreneurs can practice a, Yet, when I finally get stir crazy and crave doing something, The Languedoc-Roussillon region of Southeast France has long been, Intensive caretaking hospitably monitored arrestment authority's side-effectiveness counterindicating pettily self-administered, To accomplish this goal, USACE has established advanced technologies to transform its traditional business practices into, Using examples from the lives of highly successful people, Scheele demonstrates that taking a, Pension funds globally say they intend to adopt a more, Avaya Outbound Contact Express is a turnkey solution for, So one cannot say that law, as opposed to politics, is not, Nevertheless, the increasing occurrence of shocking violence by first-time offenders offers reason for, First, they potentially make FASB gun shy, and less, This is not criminalising all dog owners, it's adopting a. By being proactive in your relationship, you and your partner can have a happy and satisfying life together. Patients can use the resource as a means of taking a proactive approach to their treatment for the sleep disorder. In Macedonia, where I live, all famous people, regardless of their vocation, are subject to intense, Our local and federal governments need to step in and begin replacing the diminishing pipes and take a. These proactive steps assist parents with avoiding constipation issues. If possible, be proactive to ward off the chance of a tantrum occurring. "How's It going?"
Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. President Bush agrees and is being proactive, since he knows that it may take up to two years or more before any evidence appears concerning a massive avian bird flu outbreak, or for any restrictions to be put into place. In proactive retrieval, the issue of controlled change impacts the user interface. We're looking for an energetic self-starter who is proactive in driving revenue, increasing client base, and selling for Crosby. Once again, production took a proactive stance and made sure these stunts were safe. Dear Vohra - Congratulations in being so proactive in making college and career plans. The goal of a diabetic diet plan is to take a proactive approach to controlling blood sugar levels via nutrition. a clever action in a game or other situation that is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk, Keeping an open mind and opening your heart: useful phrases with open, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? He and his team were very responsive, timely, I didn't need either and nothing was wrong but I went to be. LifeLock is the industry leader in proactive identity theft protection. Instead, take a proactive stance against this nemesis and practice a few tips that will keep your skin well protected while you're outside. That is why this book's character is very much a protagonist -- she's a smart, proactive and determined character. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. can I say "pretty good"? This may be contrary to everything you want to do when anger takes hold, but stepping away from the drama is much more beneficially and proactive than reacting to the power of your anger and other emotions. One product that has plenty of celebrity testimonials is the Proactive acne treatment system. Once patients have the big data about their bodies, the thinking goes, they can be, A survey was given out to customers so that the company could take, Progressives are also urging the president to be more, Whether in a positive sense, where a future advantage is being weaponized, or in a negative sense, where a future disadvantage is being averted, smart teams should be very, For them, getting the best outcomes depends on being, Good luck on his future dating, and congrats on being, Thats fine, as long as those conversations happen, and education is, Post the Definition of proactive to Facebook, Share the Definition of proactive on Twitter, 'Dunderhead' and Other Nicer Ways to Say Stupid, 'Pride': The Word That Went From Vice to Strength. Yes!

It is best if parents are proactive about the challenges of this life stage, particularly those that pertain to the possibility of experimenting with and using alcohol and other drugs. Take a proactive approach, and look for recall information every few months. Individuals and businesses must also be wiser and more proactive in their disposal of items. that are 2-years-old or older. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Celebrities started to reveal their skin problems when the product Proactive came on the market. People who tend to react to a problem only when it's gotten serious could be called reactive people. distribution and much more. He has been particularly proactive in taking forward fire safety initiatives in the community. You may have to list stress management techniques you would use or how you can be proactive in avoiding a similar circumstance in the future. Can you ask an what does 'hoist' mean? His cancer was detected early; since his dad dies at the age of 73 as a result of cancer, DeNiro has been proactive in getting regular checkups. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">, These words are often used together. Think about the types of businesses you'd like to work for and be proactive in reaching out. 3. In order to survive the competition a company should be, 23. Proactive hair loss support group San Antonio seekers are also located in the same area as Doctor Bradley Limmer's hair loss research institution, which is called the Limmer Clinic. 1. When you take a proactive attitude and steps to put a business continuity plan in place, you are demonstrating to your customers, employees and shareholders that your company will be a stable one, no matter what circumstances lie ahead. Learn how stress can affect your health, and be proactive in your reducing your risk of disease.
Disclaimer Or Iams ProActive Health Weight Control Large Breed - for large and giant breeds that are overweight and a year old or more.
Delivered to your inbox! I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Over the next few years, the vehicle manufacturers will be playing an increasingly proactive role in telematics. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'proactive.' A company's financial officers study the patterns of the company's earnings to make sure it won't risk running short of cash at any point in the next year or two. Where do you study? owners. 2022 LoveToKnow Media. I exercised my claim against someone for a proactive imposition with a similar but reactive imposition. If you still have questions, why not ask a native speaker?
The key to being a good parent can be summed up to include being vigilant to the needs and best interests of your child and taking a proactive approach to meet those needs and interests. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Ability to bring a consistently fresh, lively, In fact, the new conditions of work require a coordinated effort and activities that are much more, Both the new managers and their organizations could have been more thoughtful and. 28. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! All above text quotes are in ownership of their legal Proactive has only been around a few decades, and it can still sometimes sound like a fashionable buzzword. 2022. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Hence, the response of the international community to conflicts has largely remained reactive, rather than proactive. You will assist the business by generating sales opportunities using proactive approach telemarketing, direct mail and email marketing, direct mail and email marketing. The British revival was in full swing, the voice of the teenager was finally being heard and women were more proactive than ever before. Proactive. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/proactive. In fact, the new conditions of work require a coordinated effort and activities that are much more, 27. Copyright 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. Consultation is also a very broad term that means more than a proactive exercise to inform policy making. "How's your day?" The facility offers residents personalized assisted living services based on their individual needs, professional senior care including wellness and proactive health and fitness programs and a vast array of other services and amenities. Videos have greatly improved the ability to be efficient and proactive in dance education and professional productions. Proactive medical care can help diagnose a pregnancy that is located outside of the uterus, which is critical for the mother's health and future fertility.