3:1-13 "The Mystery of Christ"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/14/09: The 6th in a series on Ephesians, Eph. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 02/08/04, All Shadows Have Been Fulfilled: A Sermon on Article 25 of the Belgic Confession, Hebrews 10:1-10Dr. 2017 Spring Gospel Meeting: True Stories (David Banning) : The 2nd sermon in a series on Job, Job 1:6-12Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 07/11/04, I Know My Redeemer Lives: The 5th sermon in a series on Job, Job 19:14-17Dr.
Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 11/11/01, To the Church in Laodicea, Rev. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 01/25/04, Freeing Our Conscience of Fear, Terror, and Dread: A Sermon on Article 23 of the Belgic Confession, 2 Corinthians 5:17-6:2Dr.
2:11-22 "The Household of God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/07/09: The 5th in a series on Ephesians, Eph.
Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/05/03, We Believe It on the Ground of the Word of God: A Sermon on Article 9 of the Belgic Confession, Luke 1:26-38Dr. Hill, The Rending of the Veil Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 02/29/04, A Holy Congregation: A Sermon on Article 27 of the Belgic Confession, Ephesians 2:11-22Dr. A collection of 55 of the lectures from the Friday evening meetings held at Westminster Chapel.
Kim Riddlebarger, Maundy Thursday 03/20/08, Christ, Our PriestDr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 12/28/03, Out of A Most Perfect Love He Gave His Son to Die For Us: A Sermon on Article 20 of the Belgic Confession, Romans 3:21-26Dr.
Jesus intervenes for usand satisfies us. A series of 24 sermons preached by Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel during the 100th Anniversary of the 1859 Revival in Wales.
Some were preached in short series, others were individual sermons.
Click on the sermon title to listen or right click to download the MP3 audio file. MLJ's main series of 185 sermons on John's Gospel; plus his early series of 64 sermons, and a small collection of 13 other sermons preached at Westminster Chapel that were not part of either series.
6:9-17,8:1Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 14th Sermon on the Book of Romans, May 24, 2020, Ezekiel 36:24-32, Romans 7:1-6 The New Way of the SpiritDr.
He considered the subject so urgent that he interrupted the series of sermons on the Epistle to the Ephesians in order to preach on it. ", Matthew 20:20-34 "Are You Able To Drink The Cup That I Am To Drink? Kim Riddlebarger, Easter Sunday 04/12/09, Christ, Our ProphetDr.
6:1-9 "The Discipline and Instruction of the Lord"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/10/09: The 14th in a series on Ephesians, Eph. 4:7-16 "Building Up the Body"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/06/09: The 9th in a series on Ephesians, Eph. Kim Riddlebarger, Catechism Lesson, September 13, 2020, Genesis 1:1-5, John 1:1-14 Lords Day 13, HC Q&A 33-34 The Only Begotten Son"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Catechism Lesson, September 20, 2020, Psalm 110, I Peter 1:3ff Lords Day 13, HC Q&A 33-34 Christ, the LordDr.
Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 03/14/04, The Yoke of Christ: A Sermon on Article 28 of the Belgic Confession, Matthew 11:25-30Dr. Sunday Morning Worship
Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon at the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic, March 15,2020, Psalm 53:1-6, Romans 3:9-20 None is Righteous, No, Not One"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 7th Sermon on the Book of Romans, March 22, 2020, Ezekiel 7:8-14, Romans 3:21-31 One Is Justified By Faith Apart From Works"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 8th Sermon on the Book of Romans, March 29, 2020, Psalm 32, Romans 4:1-12 Blessed Are Those Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 9th Sermon on the Book of Romans, April 19, 2020, Genesis 17:1-14, Romans 4:13-25 Raised for Our Justification Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 10th Sermon on the Book of Romans, April 26, 2020, Jeremiah 8:4-13, Romans 5:1-11 We Have Peace With God Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 11th Sermon on the Book of Romans, May 3, 2020, Genesis 3:1-19, Romans 5:12-21 By The One Mans Obedience Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 12th Sermon on the Book of Romans, May 10, 2020, Ezekiel 11:16-21, Romans 6:1-14 Consider Yourselves Dead to Sin and Alive to GodDr.
Gods most wondrous act is the saving of souls. Day 41 November 26, 2021 Alton Criswell In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go, Day 40 November 25, 2021 Brian Olive Thanksgiving Day A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22) I have been sick for 4 and a years.
Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/07/02, The Great Prostitute, Rev.
James S. Stewart, Wisdom in the Cross
Kim Riddlebarger,Sunday 09/01/02, God's Kindness, Romans 2:1-16Dr.

Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/11/03, Love is the Fulfillment of the Law, Romans 13:8-14Dr.
Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon for Good Friday 04/22/11, Matthew 27:57-28:15 "He Has Risen From the Dead"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon for Easter Sunday 04/24/11, John 12:12-19 "Hosanna! This extremely helpful collection includes 10 sermons that are not in the book of the same title, which has become a Christian classic. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/14/02, Come Out of Her My People, Rev.
Good Friday Sermons and Sermon Illustrations Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 08/21/05: The 66th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Numbers 20:1-13 "Moses Raised His Arm and Struck the Rock"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 08/28/05: The 67th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Numbers 21:1-9 "Look at It and Live"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/04/05: The 68th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Numbers 22:1-20 "A People Has Come Out of Egypt"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/11/05: The 69th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Numbers 23:1-12 "The Lord Put a Message in Balaam's Mouth"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/18/05: The 70th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Numbers 25:1-18 "The People Ate and Bowed Down Before These Gods"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/02/05: The 71st in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Deuteronomy 30:11-20 "Now Choose Life"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/09/05: The 72nd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Deuteronomy 31:14-29 "Teach It to the Israelites and Have Them Sing It"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/16/05: The 73rd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Deuteronomy 34:1-12 "Since Then, No Prophet Has Risen in Israel Like Moses"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/23/05: The 74th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 1:1-9 "The LORD Your God Is With You Wherever You Go"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/15/07: The 75th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 1:10-18 "The LORD Gives Rest"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/22/07: The 76th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 2:1-24 "When the Lord Gives Us the Land"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/29/07: The 77th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 3:1-17 "All Israel Was Passing Over on Dry Ground"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/06/07: The 78th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 4:1-24 "So That All the Peoples of the Earth May Know"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/13/07: The 79th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 5:1-12 "Because They Did Not Obey the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/20/07: The 80th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 5:13-6:7 "The Commander of the LORD's Army"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/27/07: The 81st in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 6:8-26 "The Sound of the Trumpet"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/03/07: The 82nd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 7:1-26 "He Has Transgressed the Covenant"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/10/07: The 83rd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 8:30-35 "Burnt Offerings to the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/17/07: The 84th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 8:30-35 "All That Is Written In the Book Of the Law"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/02/07: The 85th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 9:1-27 "We Greatly Feared For Our Lives Because Of You"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/09/07: The 86th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 10:1-15 "There Has Been No Day Like It"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/16/07: The 87th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 11:16-23 "An Inheritance To Israel"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/30/07: The 88th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 20 "A Refuge"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/07/07: The 89th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 21:41-45 "All Came To Pass"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/14/07: The 90th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 22:30-34 "A Witness"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 10/21/07: The 91st in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 23:1-16 "All the Good Things That the Lord Your God Promised"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 11/04/07: The 92nd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Joshua 24:14-28 "We Will Serve the Lord"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 11/11/07: The 93rd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 2:17-23 "The Lord Raised Up Judges"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 11/18/07: The 94th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 1:27-36 "They Did Not Drive Them Out Completely"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 11/25/07: The 95th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 2:1-15 "They Abandoned the Lord"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 12/02/07: The 96th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 2:16-3:6 "The Lord Was Moved to Pity"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 12/09/07: The 97th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 3:7-11 "The Lord Raised Up a Deliverer"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 01/06/08: The 98th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 3:12-30 "The Hand of the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 01/13/08: The 99th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 3:31-4:24 "God Subdued Jabin, the King of Canaan"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 01/20/08: The 100th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 5:1-19 "Hear, O Kings; Give Ear, O Princes; To the LORD I will Sing"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 01/27/08: The 101st in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 6:11-24 "Please, LORD, How Can I Save Israel"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 02/03/08: The 102nd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 7:1-18 "As the Sand That Is On the Seashore"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 02/10/08: The 103rd in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 8:4-28 "The LORD Will Rule Over You"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 02/17/08: The 104th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 9:1-22 "You Have Risen Up Against My Father's House"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 03/02/08: The 105th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 10:6-16 "We Have Forsaken Our God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 03/09/08: The 106th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 11:29-40 "Jephthah Made a Vow to the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 03/16/08: The 107th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 13:1-14 "Behold, You Shall Conceive and Bear a Son"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/20/08: The 108th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 16:23-30 "O LORD God, Please Remember Me"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 04/27/08: The 109th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 17:1-6 "Everyone Did What Was Right in His Own Eyes"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/25/08: The 110th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Judges 20:1-17 "All the Men of Israel Drew the Sword"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/01/08: The 111th in a series on "I will Be Your God and You Will Be My People", Psalm 84 "A Day In Your Courts"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 06/15/08, Genesis 18:1-18, Luke 1:5-25 To Take Away My ReproachDr. 5:1-14 "Let There Be Thanksgiving"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 09/20/09: The 11th in a series on Ephesians, Eph.

Gospel Meeting - Friday The Christ Reformed Church website is designed and managed solely for the benefit of the members and friends of Christ Reformed Church, which is a United Reformed Congregation in Anaheim, CA.
Kim Riddlebarger, Sunday 05/18/03, We Belong to the Lord, Romans 14:1-23Dr. 2022 Kim Riddlebarger, An Introduction to the Study of Daniel's Prophecy, Part Two 01/10/2016, Daniel 1:1-7 "Bring Some of the People"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 1st in a Series on Daniel 01/17/2016, Daniel 1:8-16 "God Gave Daniel Favor and Compassion"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 2nd in a Series on Daniel 01/24/2016, Daniel 1:17-21 "Ten Times Better"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 3rd in a Series on Daniel 01/31/2016, Daniel 2:1-24 "Whose Dwelling is Not With Flesh"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 4th in a Series on Daniel 02/07/2016, Daniel 2:24-45 "A God in Heaven Who Reveals Mysteries"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 5th in a Series on Daniel 02/14/2016, I Timothy 3:1-16 "The Church of the Living God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon for the Installation of Elders and Deacons 02/21/2016, Daniel 2:44-49 "Your God is God of Gods and Lord of Kings"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 6th in a Series on Daniel 02/28/2016, Daniel 3:8-20 "But I See Four Men"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 7th in a Series on Daniel 03/06/2016, Daniel 4:1-18 "The Most High Rules the Kingdom of Men"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 8th in a Series on Daniel 03/13/2016, Daniel 4:19-37 "All His Works Are Right and His Ways Are Just"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 9th in a Series on Daniel 03/20/2016, Daniel 5:1-12 "There Is a Man in Your Kingdom"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 10th in a Series on Daniel 04/03/2016, Daniel 5:13-31 "God Has Numbered the Days of Your Kingdom"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 11th in a Series on Daniel 04/24/2016, Daniel 6:10-28 "He Is the Living God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 12th in a Series on Daniel 05/01/2016, Daniel 7:1-18 "One Like a Son of Man"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 13th in a Series on Daniel 05/22/2016, Daniel 7:15-28 "And the Time Came"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 14th in a Series on Daniel 05/29/2016, Daniel 8:1-14 "A Little Horn"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 15th in a Series on Daniel 06/05/2016, Daniel 9:1-19 "To the Lord Our God Belong Mercy and Forgiveness"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 16th in a Series on Daniel 06/12/2016, Daniel 9:20-27 "Seventy Weeks"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 17th in a Series on Daniel 06/26/2016, Daniel 9:24-27 "A Strong Covenant"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 18th in a Series on Daniel 07/03/2016, Daniel 10:1-14 "Fear Not"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 19th in a Series on Daniel 07/10/2016, Daniel 11 "At the Time of the End"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 20th in a Series on Daniel 07/17/2016, Daniel 12:1-13 "Seal the Book"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 21st in a Series on Daniel 07/24/2016, Ezra 1:1-4 "The God of Heaven"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 1st in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 04/12/2015, Ezra 1:5-2:70 "Everyone Whose Spirit God Stirred"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 2nd in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 04/19/2015, Ezra 3:1-13 "The House of God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 3rd in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 04/26/2015, Ezra 4:1-6 "We Alone Will Build to the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 4th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 05/03/2015, Ezra 5:1-17 "They Began to Rebuild the House of the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 5th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 05/10/2015, Ezra 6:13-22 "Great Joy"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 6th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 05/17/2015, Ezra 7:1-10 "The Hand of the Lord My God Was on Me"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 7th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 05/24/2015, Ezra 8:15-23 "That We Might Humble Ourselves Before Our God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 8th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 05/31/2015, Ezra 9:1-15 "O LORD, the God of Israel, You Are Just"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 9th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 06/07/2015, Ezra 10:1-17 "Make Confession to the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 10th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 06/14/2015, Psalm 116:1-19 "Gracious is the LORD"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon on the 116th Psalm 06/21/2015, Nehemiah 1:1-11 "The Prayer of Your Servant"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 11th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 08/23/2015, Nehemiah 2:1-20 "The God of Heaven Will Make us Prosper"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 12th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 08/30/2015, Nehemiah 3:1-13 "They Consecrated It"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 13th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 09/06/2015, Nehemiah 4:1-14 "Remember the LORD, Who is Great and Mighty"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 14th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 09/13/2015, Nehemiah 5:1-13 "In the Fear of Our God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 15th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 10/11/2015, Nehemiah 6:1-14 "With the Help of Our God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 16th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 10/18/2015, Nehemiah 8:1-6,13-18 "The Book of the Law of God"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 17th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 10/25/2015, Nehemiah 9:1-15 "They Made Confession and Worshiped the Lord"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 18th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 11/08/2015, Nehemiah 10:28-39 "Observe and Do"Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 19th in a series on Ezra and Nehemiah 11/15/2015, Nehemiah 12:27-43 "For God Had Made Them Rejoice'Dr.