Follow, Be In Christ Church in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada. We meet each Sunday at 10:30 am for worship. Manheim, PA 17545, Sunday Worship 9:00 10:15 am We value having children in our community. Our God is faithful. Envelopes are provided in the seat backs for those giving cash to allow us to add your donation to your statement for tax purposes. We see God as our first love who orders every moment of our days. It is through the generous donations of these resources that we as a church are able to continue to be a light to Genesee Depot and the surrounding communities. To rescue the weak and the needy. We agree with the apostle John: Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth. To join our circle or to donate contact Our Staff and Care Team would love to pray for you! During this unique time, its become more important than ever that we find ways to connect digitally. These handmade blankets are distributed to people around the world whose lives have been disrupted by war or disaster. Service is streamed every Sunday at 9:00 am YouTube & Facebook, Envelopes are provided in the seat backs for those giving cash to allow us to add your donation to your statement for tax purposes. He calls us to rest in His finished work of salvation, and to rest in Gods unconditional love and acceptance that alone satisfies our weary souls. Yet, if you constantly try to serve others, you may find yourself getting burned out. Our desire, as Crossings Community Church, is that we will live into the fullness of Christ, the joy of the Lord, and a heart of surrender to Gods will. Spiritual Disciplines Allow us to Recieve In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus affirms that we should love our neighbour as ourselves. Welcome. We are crossing the Jordan by faith into the unknown God has for uswe want to minister to the many who cross by our church and in our lives dailywe are mindful of Gods divine purpose as we cross paths with othersand finally, we are a Biblical Community, opening our doors widely to all who seek to worship, learn from, and serve Jesus. In Christ, we can now experience honest relationships of healing, love, acceptance, and belonging. Through our practice of spiritual disciplines He gives us an abundance, and out of that we can faithfully serve. It is the Spirit working in and through us that fulfills Gods calling for our lives.
September 15-18th -- Pine Woods Camping Trip. Dress is casual, so come as you are. We offer exceptional facilities in a respectful, comfortable setting, and desire to be that "third place" for those who attend here. If you have stocks, bonds, precious metals, vehicles or other non-cash assets that you would like to donate to Crossing Community Church, Contact Russell Heder, Executive Pastor at, 20th -- 6:30 - 8:00 am -- Men's Ministry Study, 20th -- 6:30 - 8:00 pm -- Wednesday Night Study, 20th -- 6:30 - 8:00 pm -- Teen Crossing & Adventure Club, 22nd -- 7:00 - 8:30 pm -- Friday Night Fire (Prayer Group), 27th -- 6:30 - 8:00 am -- Men's Ministry Study, 27th -- 6:30 - 8:00 pm -- Wednesday Night Study, 27th -- 6:30 - 8:00 pm -- Teen Crossing & Adventure Club, 31st -- 9:30 am -- Church Picnic at Mukwonago County Park, August 15-18th -- VBS - Click link to register. We welcome anyone who wants to answer Gods call to Uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. 8 South Erisman Road The meetinghouse was made of rough stone and was in constant use until it was replaced with another structure in 1891. Yesterday we were able to give out over 120 free meals in the community. We invite you to join us as we explore this life, as we are instructed and inspired by the Scriptures and as try to live as a people who reflect Gods love, grace and truth into Kirkland Lake, the community around us. During the years 2019-2021, God gave the church renewed purpose and joy as we embraced a shift from going to church to being the church. Plans were made for celebrating the 232 years of Erisman Mennonite Churchs ministry and embracing the October 2021 re-starting as the church called Crossings Community Church. July 17, 2022 - Crossings CC - Dayton and Jasmine Kern - Ethnos 360 (Bulletin), July 10, 2022 - Crossings CC - Abe Skacel (Bulletin), July 3, 2022 - Crossings CC - Jubilee Ministries (Bulletin), June 26, 2022 - Crossings CC - Katrina Shenk, Rich Nolt (Bulletin), June 19, 2022 - Crossings CC- Abe Skacel (Bulletin), June 12, 2022 - Crossings CC- Abe Skacel (Bulletin), June 5, 2022 - Crossings CC- Child Evangelism Fellowship (Bulletin), May 29, 2022 - Crossings CC Worship- Rich Nolt (Bulletin), May 22, 2022 - Crossings CC- Kurt Ebersole (Bulletin), May 15, 2022 - Crossings CC- Jerry Clunan (Bulletin), May 8, 2022 - Crossings CC- Marlin Martin (Bulletin), May 1, 2022 - Crossings CC Communion Service (Bulletin), April 24, 2022 - Crossings CC- Isaac Hassinger (Bulletin), April 17, 2022 - Crossings CC- Easter (no audio file available) (Bulletin), April 3, 2022 - DRAMA Team and Michael Austin (Bulletin), March 27, 2022 - Crossings CC Worship- Michael Zimmerman (Bulletin), March 20, 2022 - Crossings CC Worship- Ray Dieter (Bulletin), March 13, 2022 - Crossings CC Worship- Ray Dieter (Bulletin), October 10, 2021 - Crossings CC Worship- TING Ministries (Bulletin), September 19, 2021 - Lifetime of Ministry Celebration at Erisman Mennonite Church-AUDIO (Bulletin), Youth gather and connect at to the Schoolhouse at Crossings from 7-9pm on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. Lifes journey is filled with many crossings and connections with people and situations ordained by God. During the teaching portion of the morning, We provide a separate childrens program. Jesus shows this tension at work in the parable of the Good Samaritan. Some cut patches, some design tops, others sew or knot the final product. Whether youd like to give a single gift or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online using your checking account, debit or credit card. Whats my purpose? We ask that out of consideration for others and in compliance with local public health guidance, that you wear a mask unless you are part of an exempted group. Register your kids to join us in person or find resources that will encourage spiritual growth at home. What does it feel like to belong? Do you have a praise report? Religious faith can call us into deeper love and mercy or it can make us self-satisfied. Beyond home and work, we offer a place where people are encouraged to spend time and grow in their daily walk with God and with each other. They are welcome to join us during the praise and worship section of the service. He is present. You will receive a year-end statement of your giving for personal or business tax purposes. Weve come to the conclusion that lifes questions are wrapped up in a single answer, a single person: Jesus. Pastor: Rich Nolt Elders: Marlin Martin, Tina Snyder. Thanks to everyone who helped out with the Market Meal. All rights reserved. We believe that we were made for authentic relationship with God and one another. We apologize for any inconvenience. You are precious in His sight and you are welcome in this place. Resting in the love of Jesus Christ, Restoring Authentic Relationships, Renewed by the Spirit's Power, WATCH OUR WORSHIP SERVICE LIVESTREAM, 10:00 A.M., SUNDAYS. Our Missions opportunities and worship experiences are second-to-none. There is something for you at Crossings. The new name reminds us of Gods faithfulness and constant provision through all of lifes crossings.
Crossings Community Church includes people like you and me uniting to receive, relate to, and respond to Gods love. Yet our hearts have desperately attempted to find our approval and identity through how well we performwhether for God or for this world. Due to the covid pandemic our group is not meeting in person. Our Missions opportunities and worship experiences are second-to-none. Email questions to youth advisor at Advisors: Beth, George, Kathy, July 13:Youth Group: Open Schoolhouse, prepare for Service Week 7-9pm @ the Schoolhouse, July 18:Youth Group: Summer Service week with EMM K-teams, August 1:Youth Group: Vacation Bible School(VBS) support, August 3:Youth Group: Swim party at the Nolts, August 24:Youth Group: Kick off a new school year and Youth Group events. We also donate relief kits, hygiene kits and infant care kits to MCC as funds allow. Today our inter-faith group sews comforters for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Our prayer is that we will be deeply in love with Jesus, surrendering attitudes of self-reliance and pride. We can't serve others endlessly without burnout unless we take the time to sit at Jesus' feet. We see this when Jesus sends out his disciples as lambs among wolves to announce the coming of his Kingdom. TEXT: Simply text any amount from $10 $2000 to (262) 233-2339. We bear the relational image of our Triune God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Games, connection with other youth, Bible study, social events. Gods calling to make disciples of Christ guides our worship as we live into being a church able to be used for Gods mission. All donations received by Crossing Community Church are considered tax-exempt. Life can be disorienting. Over two hundred years ago, people settled in this area of Rapho Township, Lancaster County, PA and worshipped the same God we worship and serve today. In the Kingdom of God, sometimes less is more. Our facilities include a bookstore, restaurant-style coffee station on Sunday mornings, reading area, library for all ages, Gym, playground, picnic pavilion, Wellness Center, and athletic fields. Erisman Sewing Circle was begun in 1933 during the Great Depression. Our desire is to equip believers through the teaching of Gods Word to live purposeful, fruitful lives so they may grow in using their unique giftedness to come alongside their church and others in the life long journey of faith. ectful, comfortable setting, and desire to be that "third place" for those who attend here. They also 2022 Crossings Community Church | All rights reserved, A Be In Christ Church in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. A comforter provides not only warmth but also a tangible message to people that their needs are not forgotten. Email: We offer in person services at both 9:00 am and 10:30 am. We would love to join you in your journey to be who God has called you to be. LMC (Lancaster Mennonite Conference), a fellowship of Anabaptist Congregations, continues to provide oversight as the congregation relates to the other churches in Manheim District of LMC. This love overflows as we are renewed by the Holy Spirits power. During the past decade, God brought Erisman Mennonite Church to a healthy point of humility and full dependance upon God. Why Crossings Community Church? Crossings focuses on the CROSS, our hope in Jesus. Come join us, we'd love to see you. Our facilities include a bookstore, restaurant-style coffee station on Sunday mornings, reading area, library for all ages, Gym, playground, picnic pavilion, Wellness Center, and athletic fields. Crossings Community Church Its simple and secure. We invite you to visit anytime and learn more about us. Our community members are both young and old, so whether youre a retiree, a young person or a family with small children, youll feel welcomed at our church. But loving, serving, and sharing Christ with others does not come from our best efforts and abilities.