You have a main character that lost a piece (or pieces) of themselves, seek revenge on the person who did that, maintain a rather standoffish personality, and are often accompanied by chipper young children. Especially not within the romance genre. A legendary dark fantasy anime with perhaps one of the most shocking ends to the first season and fans with the worlds worst luck in terms of good anime adaptations. Ones waiting to devour everything you are and hold dear. After being betrayed and left for dead, martial arts master Kenshiro now wanders the post-apocalyptic world looking for his rival Shin, the man that kidnapped his fianc. Akame Ga Kill Quotes That Will Make You Think, 11 Of The Greatest Anime Shows Like Angels Of Death, Youve Probably Never Heard Of These 22 Anime Shows, A List Of 30 Psychological Anime You NEED to Consider, 13 Of The Coolest Anime Names Of ALL Time That You Need To See. Including themes like Child Abuse. Still, what Hellsing most has in common with Berserk is a passion for really visceral violence and characters you will remember forever. A guy who was a hero. In an effort to do this, he sets out to find relics from legendary heroes with the help of beautiful swordswoman Ferris Eris. Lost in the Roodwood, they are rescued from invading soldiers by a strange amnesiac leopard-headed man named Guin. Unfortunately, the train comes in and they both die. This series tries to answer the question of What does it mean to truly be human? Talking about morality, ethics, what it means to be human, the boundaries of right and wrong, and some deep topics I wont mention. The way this grim reality is painted onto a canvas, and the mental health issuessomecharacters have no choice to deal with makes this anime one of the darkest weve seen yet. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Top 22 Romance Action Anime To Stream Now! Good, Samurai Champloo has plenty of hip hop music playing throughout. Hence, Ai Enma, the Hell Girl, will not judge whether or not the chosen target deserves punishment; she will merely exact revenge on them for you. Mystery, immorality and philosophy is at the core of Shikis plot. Shiki feels like this at first. Thats just two sides of Gutts from Berserk. If you like your heroes to be a mass of pure muscle and able to turn people into a pile of flesh in a flash, then Fist of the North Star is for you. Facing imminent extinction, humanity retreated behind a series of tall, thick walls to escape their most dangerous threat massive human-like Titans with a taste for human flesh. So: they form a group called Nightraid, with the intention to overthrow the capital and create a revolution. And each character has their own perks. Together they journey, both trying to find their peace and prevent being consumed by revenge. As you follow main characters like Henrietta, a soft-spoken girl, and Triella the big sister of the group, you start to empathize for their circumstances and what theyre put through. As far as gore, this anime takes it to the extreme. I can look back on none of these series and remember the state of awe I was in when I first watched/read Berserk. In the Ancient Chinese Kingdom of Qin, Xin Li, a war orphan, trains with his fellow slave and best friend Piao to achieve his dream of one day being a Great General of the Heavens. The first episode seems fluffy on the surface, but it gets dark, fast. The remaining episodes while not as dark, still have strong themes with. In one of these cities, Romdo, Inspector Re-l Mayer, leads an investigation concerning AutoReivs that have gone mad after being infected by the Cogito virus. Youll feel challenged on an intellectual level. He maintains optimism as he struggles to get back his country in a story that is not particularly violent, but actually quite an interesting political drama. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Even with Berserks demons, they still arent quite like vampires. Solo Leveling Anime Adaptation Announced For 2023! Its dark, ugly, and a pioneer when it comes to magical girl anime done right. well, this article will prove you wrong. After death, humans go to either heaven or hell, but for some people, they face a bar-tender who challenge s them in random games, that will decides their fate later! What happens when you die? All that was stripped away from a princess who is kind in public, butdemonicin private.
While Guin Saga has never been as popular as Berserk, Guin Saga was a big inspiration on Berserks author. That was until a sudden turn of events changed his life forever. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Thorfinn, a son of a great Viking warrior, spends his childhood on the battlefield in order to reap his vengeance on his fathers murderer. It was one of the mostshockingdark anime shows to air in 2019. Similar to Kinos travels, the main character (and the Parasyte) go back and forth. Required fields are marked *. And death is both vile and obscene. Going as far as talking to herself as if shes having arealconversation with someone whos already dead. This is a romance anime with a dark, seriously messed up plot twist. Are these Ajin just random phenomena of nature or were they purposely sent to Earth to destroy it? Elsewhere in the city, immigrant Vincent Law is on the run after being framed for involvement in several Cogito cases. And typing in the culprits name? They werent wrong when they said itsdark. We earn a commission from Amazon & other affiliates if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. The world is being overrun with a monster called: Aragami. And the trauma that follows certain characters is a story in itself. Courtesy of having too much power for his age and a warped view of the world and what justice represents. The story takes place during the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. But what they find are giant mutant humanoid cockroaches with incredible physical strength. This thrusts him into an adventure and towards his destiny.
And yet thats exactly the basis of this story. Its an understatement to say its crude. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Here is supernatural anime full of complex ideas about life and death, as well as the dark side of human nature. Fan of Hip Hop? The Promised Neverlands anime didnt live up to the quality of the original Manga. These super-humans happen to be main characters as well. A dark turnout will occurs to Rachel, as she wakes up to figure out that she is trapped in the basement of an abandoned building, With no memories, or even an idea of who she is and where she is! Relevant:A List Of 30 Psychological Anime You NEED to Consider. Its about Keyaru, a healer in a fantasy world. In her search, she comes across a man covered in bandages. You think you know all of the dark anime series out there! Residents are constantly tested on or just murdered by these mages. This anime is action-heavy like Akame Ga Kill. Due to family circumstances, Yuki has only one belief: money will make his little sister happy. 18+ Rated Anime That Are Too Mature For Kids, The Best Anime Shows Of All Time (No Ranking Order), Copyright 2022. While Goblin Slayer is more a traditional fantasy world, like Berserk it features a main character that underwent a trauma. Yeah! Its about Shinichi Izumi, the main protagonist whos forced to live with a parasyte that fails to take over his brain, but absorbshis right arm instead. And so he seeks revenge in the most barbaric ways possible by redoing time itself. During these games the true nature of human appears, be a good or a bad, your Welcome to Quindecim, where Decim, decides your afterlife! amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Ever since 1972, class 3-3 in Yomiyama North Middle School has had a strange 17 Brutal Dark Fantasy Anime Series Like Berserk, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), 16 Anime Dads So Great You Wish They Were Your Father, Anime Series Like Attack on Titan Recommend Me Anime, Ultimate Isekai Guide: 50+ of the Best Isekai Anime Series Out There, Toxic Romance: 27 of the Most Disturbing Relationships in Anime, 50 Best Harem Anime Series Loaded With Ladies, Age Gap Romance: 20 Romance Anime Series That Deal With Large Age Gaps, 25 Anime Series Where the Main Character Gets Betrayed, 16 Anime Series Where a Boy Goes to an All-Girls School, 40 Romance Anime Series Where a Boy and a Girl Must Live Together, 18 Anime Series Where the Main Character Has a Secret to Hide, 15 Romance Anime Series That Add Sex Into The Equation (But Arent Hentai), 10 Anime Series Where The Main Character Turns Evil, 100+ School Club Anime Series, Sorted By Club Activity, Anime Series Like Trapped in a Dating Sim The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs, 17 Anime Series Where The Main Character is Immediately Overpowered, 15 Great Anime Series You Cant Find on Any Streaming Service Right Now, 10 Anime Series Featuring Student-Teacher Relationships, 12 Romance Anime Series Where the Couple Gets Together Early On. It takes the typical magical girl series, which is known to be cute, cuddly and jolly And then frames as it as: what happens after the magical girls save the world. Instead, a medicine man saves him with primitive, but lethal prosthetics that allow him to hunt down the demons and regain his organs for an eventual battle with his father. Relevant:11 Of The Greatest Anime Shows Like Angels Of Death. Your email address will not be published. While far from a pushover and, if need be, able to defend herself from any threat, Kinos adventure is marked by self-reflection and discovery. You have watched the anime, now it is time to pick up where the Berserk anime left off with the manga. Few mature anime can compete with Akame Ga Kills intense action, entertaining fights, and depressing violence.
Goblin Slayer cant even stand next to the evil this anime portrays. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my Because it makes you think about uncomfortable topics that your everyday person loves to ignore. Tackling various political and social themes, Kinos Journey comments on many different ideologies but avoids coming across as preachy. Zankyou no Terror plot is set In an alternate version of the present, where a shocking terrorist attack Stickes Tokyo. Some of which includes sexual content and violence. Im thankful I kept going. Its not my most favorite horror/mystery series, but the main character is satisfying enough. But that aside you cant deny the dark, chilling atmosphere from start to finish.
And they both share similar vibes. Here is an anime series where villains are the main characters, this dark animated tv shows will really hits right in the feels. Every now and then, something called the Holy Grail will choose a master and a servant. So make sure to be ready to uncover the darkest tales of Life and death, mind boggling, deep stories, bloody and $exual scenes. See Also:The 44 Best Essential Anime to Watch Right Now, Your email address will not be published. Like aforementioned Legend of Legendary Heroes is occasionally called Berserk-lite, some have called Claymore Female Berserk because It is a lot like that. amzn_assoc_title = "Related Recommendations"; Only persons with a powerful grudge can access the mysterious website, that allows them to enter anyones name and have that person be ferried straight to hell. No pun intended. well in terra formars, the animation is dark, and the Story is deep and dark, well, overall the darkness is well-built in this Horror Bloody Anime that takes place On the planet of Mars; where six crew members are ready for their mission. Fate Zeros a classic fantasy series with alternative animes in alternate universes. And the bloody scenes will disturb you. When you create a human-like experiment that goes wrong, you cant be surprised by the consequences. This is how each victim seeks out revenge in Hell Girl. The Lord Tokugawa Tadanaga, however, has decided to hold a fighting tournament with real steel instead of wooden swords. But its still worth saying:Goblin Slayer is the most chilling series released in the last 2 decades. They are one of three factions of the military that scouts and combats Titans outside the walls. If its Mecha, military, action and some romance youre looking for, this is the perfect recipe. Featured Image courtesy of artist on: Deviant Art. Here is another great underrated dark action Japanese anime to watch, Nurarihyon no Mago that Focus on Rikuo Nura, who appears to be an average middle school student. Higurashis plot starts out in the cursed village of: Hinamizawa. Top 10 Best Dc Animated Movies as of 2020, The Net Worth of Jensen Ackles in 2022, Detailed, 10 Great Japanese Manga You Need to Read Before You Die, The Net Worth Of Nick Cannon, Bio, Kids, Wife, Salary, and More, The Top 20 Richest Business Men in The World as of 2022, Top 10 Richest Women of the World in 2021, The 16 Best Anime Where MC is Op But Hides It. Thats the story behind Gunslinger Girl. Not surprisingly, most animes arent within the horror genre. They live in a controlled society and are assisted in daily life by autonomous robots called AutoReivs. When a homeless man falls onto a track, his friend coaxes him into helping save his life. Unlike other divisions of STN, STN-J tries to capture the witches alive in order to learn why and how they became witches in the first place. But a darker theme is revealed along the way. It makes some films look like P.G for its depth, disturbing plot and a protagonist who borders on the lines of insane. The story of this Mystery Dark Anime starts After the explosion of the methane hydrate layer, the remaining mankind are forced to live in isolated domed cities. Kinos Journey is the quintessential adventure dark anime for you, the premise centers around a 15-year-old girl who travels from one country to the next on her trusty sentient motorcycle. Im not even sure theres an anime as twisted and gritty as this. And each character is brainwashed and conditioned to make sure they obey and follow orders at ALL times.
Ergo Proxy is one of the Best Sci-Fi and Psychological Anime of all Time but it is so sad to see such a masterpiece Underrated and unknown to anime fans nowadays. Who is excited! Theres so few series that paints a more realistic and brutally honest image of how negative certain people can be. Enter Eren Yegaer who, after his village was destroyed by Titans breaching the outer wall, he and his adopted sister Mikasa join the Survey Corps. Satsuriku no Tenshi is a Dark Anime that deals with a deep story of survival, and yeah this show got unusual main characters: zack who is a Sociopath and rachel: a real Psychopath. However, much to the disappointment of many, Rikuo is determined to live as normal a life as possible. This incredible series follows Rintaro Okabe, a neophyte scientist who accidentally develops time travel via a microwave he and his team now possess the ability to send messages backward in time, altering the timeline. And the violence will either disappoint or keep you interested. After joining in the brutal war, Eren discovers a secret about himself that could unravel what the world thinks they know about Titans. What makes School Live such a dark series?
The same place shes born. In this world, humans are forced to coexist with demons called Yoma. Youve probably heard about this anime by now. It ends with two dead, one viciously raped, and the priestess saved from fate by a man whose only mission in life is to slay all the goblins. Not the most original story, but the action, mystery, and mature themes make up for it. After all, a woman is almost raped in a gritty run-down part of the city. This discovery leads to some serious problems one that will take every ounce of Rintaros intelligence to overcome. They are said to be immortal beings, with several supernatural abilities, that look just like any other human being. Like Berserk, Shigurui is absolutely shocking in its brutality, but it is shoved into every episode like a shock horror movie. Both Berserk and Attack on Titan are really anime series that hook you with the brutal shock factors, but have intriguing plots that go on between that. Clare is an emotionally muted demon slayer who bonds with a younger character much like post-Eclipse Berserk. But the downside is: once you die, you DIE. and the only hint to the identity of the culprit is a bizarre video uploaded to the internet. The big difference is that there are many Claymores who all struggle towards an early and brutal end. The main character: Yuki Takeya is put through a large amount of emotional distress And she becomesdelusionalin order to deal with her reality. It gets pretty intense and features a serious betrayal, but it never goes full-on graphic demon rape either. A weapon that fuses with its user to destroy the Aragami. Its about Nana Hiiragi, an agent of sorts sent to an island inhabited by superhumans. yeah this japanese anime series will teach you the true nature of human beings. .css-3hlsjq{color:var(--color--text-primary);}Ranker flipped this story into Anime Underground.css-1b7ko16{margin:0 4px;font-size:10px;}122d,, 14 Impressive Fan Theories About Blackbeard From 'One Piece', 15 'Legend Of Korra' Fan Theories That Have Us Craving Another Season, 26 'Attack On Titan' Fans Share Something About The Warriors We Never Noticed Before.