Use the estimate_backup_restore script to get an estimate of backup times.
This API enables independent software vendors to integrate SQL Server into their products to provide support for backup and restore operations. Adding a statement to do that appears to allow the restore to work all of the time. Is it still 1998? This happens because either the SQL Writer service, the Druva service, or the VSSservice is not running. Is it against the law to sell Bitcoin at a flea market? You can find the error details in the log file that is created at C: \ProgramData\Phoenix\logs. The SQL Server on-disk storage format is the same in the 64-bit and 32-bit environments.
The Books Online topic covers various best practices that you can use to improve the performance of Backup/Restore operations. If you encounter problems that affect backup jobs or maintenance plans in Always On environments, note the following: For more information about backups in an Always On environment, see the following topics: If you receive error messages that indicate a file issue, this is symptomatic of a corrupted backup file. That version is incompatible with this server, which is running version %ls. This happens when instances to which you want to restore are offline. Hope you'll find the cause soon. Installing these updates can help prevent such issues. Ive not yet experienced this problem but thank you for bringing it up and writing about how to determine the actual problem and the fix, Nakul. You can find the error details in the log file that is created at C: \ProgramData\Phoenix\logs. It is equipped with smart features that the repairing of SQL Databases more comfortable, such as the recovery of all database objects, auto-detection of SQL Server versions, Support recovery of UNICODE and ASCII characters, complete preview of the database after repairing, restoration of recovered MDF/NDF files to Live SQL Server, and much more. You can check the current permissions of SQL Service account on a folder by navigating to the Security tab in the properties of the corresponding folder, selecting the Advanced button, and then using the Effective Access tab. On each of the tables, disable any foreign key constraints and triggers. The solution is to use the SQL Server Configuration Manager to figure out the user under which the SQL Server service runs. The problem certainly does occur on machines where SQL Management studio is not a part of the problem, but it looks like we can now start investigating why, intermittently, the database is still in use. Grep excluding line that ends in 0, but not 10, 100 etc. (LogOut/ What are the "disks" seen on the walls of some NASA space shuttles? For SQL Server 2012 and later versions, a new login that's named [NT SERVICE\SQLWriter] is created and provisioned as a login during setup. After installation, you can pick the below means to resolve the Error. The problem in my case was that the backups were for a database X (Full+Diff+Logs), and there already was database X on the server, but the database was offline at the moment. This is the parent topic about this subject in SQL Server documentation. Explains how to take routine backups of transaction logs (log backups) to recover data. This sectiondescribes the common issues that you might encounter while backingSQL servers. RESTORE DATABASE doesn't work, and doesn't report any error, Design patterns for asynchronous API communication. Provides answers to basic questions that are related to backups. Design patterns for asynchronous API communication. For more information about backup and restore operations, see the following topics in Books Online: "Back Up and Restore of SQL Server Databases": This topic covers the concepts of the backup and restore operations for SQL Server databases, provides links to additional topics, and provides detailed procedures to run various backups or restore tasks (such as verifying backups, and backing up by using T-SQL or SSMS). How tofix? How does a tailplane provide downforce if it has the same AoA as the main wing? Before you initiate a restore after a previous failed attempt, ensure that the disk space at the restore location is sufficient for the restore dataset. This can produce significant performance gains. This happens because the Volume Shadow Copy Service is not running. Was there a Russian safe haven city for politicians and scientists? The following is a sample output from the error log: In SQL Server 2016 and later versions, you can use XEvent backup_restore_progress_trace to track the progress of backup and restore operations. Very good.
Also, make sure that the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM login exists in SQL Server, and that it's part of the Sysadmin server role of the instance to which backups are run. Alternatively, create space at the location by deleting files and folders. And after repairing the database, you will be able to restore it to SQL Server without encountering the Restore Failed to the Server error. Is it against the law to sell Bitcoin at a flea market? Discusses an issue that occurs when you try to access a shared folder that no longer exists in Windows 2012 and later versions. What drives the appeal and nostalgia of Margaret Thatcher within UK Conservative Party? Therefore, if the service account doesn't have the necessary privileges, you receive the error messages that were noted earlier. Original product version: SQL Server To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Since there's nothing that says it failed in the log, I thought it was successful in both cases. When adding a new disk to RAID 1, why does it sync unused space? For information about other possible issues that can be caused by the presence of many VLFs, see, A backup or restore operation to a network location is slow. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The presence of many virtual log files could affect the required time to restore a database. Always use the latest version of SSMS to make sure that you don't encounter any known issues that are related to configuration of jobs and maintenance plans. Successfully worked for me to after the same issue kept freezing SSMS 2014. For more information about how to generate scripts for your database, see Script a database by using the Generate Scripts option. Using this incredible utility, you can quickly repair the SQL Database file no matter what their size is. In the US, how do we make tax withholding less if we lost our job for a few months? To fix these issues, you have to either locate another usable backup file or create a new backup set. Required fields are marked *. Verify the performance. Discusses an issue that occurs when an NTFS file system is heavily fragmented. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. #0423 SQL Server Exporting Database Diagrams for offlineviewing, #0422 SQL Server SSIS Delete or rename files and perform other file operations without a script or writingcode, #0421 SQL Server SSIS Wild card search to find if a file exists in a folder ordirectory, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Connect to the target SQL Server using SSMS, Right-click on the Databases folder in the Object Explorer, Under Source, select the radio-option for restoring from a Device, Use the ellipsis to open the Select Backup Devices window and open the File explorer by choosing Add, Navigate to the folder where the backup has been placed, Expected Result: We should be able to see the folder and the backup file, Actual Result: The backup file is not seen (the folder may or may not be seen). As I mention in another comment, the batch file setup is reporting any error just fine - but there is simply no error that I can see in this case, neither returned from the execution of the command, nor in the sql server trace logs.
This command is primarily useful when you dont want to disconnect the users when they are performing essential tasks on the server. For more information, see SQL Server, Backup Device Object. Start a backup, and check the backup status after the backup completes.
Make sure that