Curriculum is available for utilizing with all age groups and is created with you in mind. Our team refreshed the REAL Essentials look with current and modern design, easy-to-follow layouts, and helpful supplemental resources. \.&>kJulkk>}q@* xV 8\&?kegXg&`llwgM^V/&5NC ,g%#WH`}@"7KHD,J>KHDDE \ FQq fWx@Jk;{p6L> NRBPbO GFNVj>"Tdr; Hg4 %"pg#o,#'Ht&rHcTz( KeNT$l*p,=+\,i>4H szQ9qY0 hp
endstream endobj 466 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[14 381]/Length 35/Size 395/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000084243 00000 n The new product names come with brand new looks. . jZa",!h ,- TTBx0x4"QmmF\ REAL Essentials can be delivered safely in eitherremote learning or in-person learning. #0Rz``$6i@G.r`G7C CHs[CE%X
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0000025636 00000 n Our user-friendly and customizable layout equips you to confidently teach and outlines where to find any additional resources you may need. 0000005749 00000 n 0000043807 00000 n
0000076925 00000 n REAL Essentials presents an optimal health, holistic approach to young people, and this enables them to make healthy life choices way behind their childhood and teenage years. This reorganization allows educators to broaden the scope of how they introduce REAL Essentials products and relationship skills, not limited to the Sexual Health message.
We know that for some people change is refreshing and engenders excitement and opportunity. 0000006894 00000 n 0000014391 00000 n Please enter your original order details below to request your password. Customer care continues to be a top priority for the Center for Relationship Education. Knowing I have done my homework in this area, I am truly, As a co-founder of our organization, I am very particular about the type of relationship education we offer our students. 0000066534 00000 n 0000107858 00000 n

Become a relationship expert, and impact your community. The biggest change involves a new tab, titled Sexual Health, which contains all the lessons that specifically speak to Sexual Risk Avoidance and Sexuality Education themes. 0000006067 00000 n The following outline helps answer questions about what is new and how it affects you. Curriculum Titles My goal is to see this used throughout our county as the standard for healthy relationship education from 5th grade up.,, Skills for communication and decision making, Transtheoretical model of behavioral change theory, PDF lesson updates when revisions are made. Become a change agent for healthy relationships by joining us for a live certification training. Suite G, Denver, CO 80237. 0000114709 00000 n Although the look has changed, much of the content remains the same. Layout and Design The remaining unit tabs contain all of the additional lessons focused onhealthy relationships. This is such a great program that connects the importance of personal and professional relationship and prepares young people to become successful as they reach their goals. 0000003751 00000 n The training sessions we have attended have been dynamic, research-based, and inclusive to all who serve and work with adolescents. 0000076548 00000 n 395 73 A $25 restocking fee will apply. We need this information to authenticate your submission. X5. 4 hB%@=604g ")d(V~ZnK The Center for Relationship Education is excited to announce the REAL Essentials curricula Redesign Project.
Please enter your password to access customer resources. 0
Visit our remote learning information page for considerations for teachingREAL Essentials during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you, Job Well Done! This program gives students the tools they need to sharpen their interpersonal skills and gives them the confidence to succeed. 0000005366 00000 n Want to know more? REAL Essentials Advance Custom Workbook Licensing Agreement, Their individual identity and how it impacts relationships, How to recognize and respect differences in others, Effective communication techniques for navigating conflict and expressing oneself, How to develop healthy dating strategies and ideas for staying connected with good friends, Safe social media guidelines and viewing advertisements through an accurate lens, Creating vision and applying it to future dreams and success, Developing leadership skills for gaining future employment and keeping a job, Sex in the context of love and its effect on whole person health. Customer service and support from the CRE staff. Bring together the plan, program, and curriculum to become an agent of change for healthy relationships in your community. We have been presenting the REAL Essentials curriculum in the Onslow County schools, and community for over a year.

0000060537 00000 n xref <<1C6878893F1EC04C9A4A48A09CDEF9B7>]/Prev 220390/XRefStm 2169>> All lessons are inclusive, evidence based and medically accurate. REAL Essentials is a familiar name to those who utilize CRE curricula, however, in the past, REAL Essentials has exclusively labeled our high school curriculum. Being able to offer so many outside resources into one comprehensive curriculum is a gift. 0000002514 00000 n, The Center for Relationship Education 2022 Privacy | Sitemap. Suite G, Denver, CO 80237. Content and messaging for optimal relational health.
Cant say enough about the training, the curriculum, and what we hope is only the beginning of a long relationship with the Center for Relationship Education. %%EOF 0000004480 00000 n We have been using CREs curricula for 5+ years now, and REAL Essentials has served us well. Familiarize yourself with the lesson format, objectives, materials, and simple step-by-step instructions. 0000013857 00000 n We have started gathering parent permission slips and are getting very positive feedback from parents who are glad to see that we are going to be partnering with them in this important area of their childrens lives. 0000051775 00000 n Below are the updated names with each corresponding audience. Need help communicating how REAL Essentials can help in your community? CqAe{V:'='E$]7M34g}p ,/> |;tQi4~Te 6_u^cT8.v^eQ4'>P\cGS,.\P
%PDF-1.4 % The Center for Relationship Education is willing and prepared to be this type of partner for your organization., The Center for Relationship Education 2022 Privacy | Sitemap. 8101 E. Belleview Ave.
Its unique, modular format allows for flexible, individualizeduse. 0000060467 00000 n Suite G, Denver, CO 80237,,,