- Boys may wear sleeveless shirts, but will be asked to keep their shirts on, except for swimming. Call by March 11 to reserve a time slot. 0000232634 00000 n
Trafficking Notice, Title 2 0 obj
Registration fee includes transportation to and from Rock Eagle as well as Friday night dinner and accommodations and breakfast & lunch on Saturday. The concession stand will be open to purchase all your favorite foods and snacks. The student must either attend school or live in Columbia County. Camp will not be responsible for the loss or damage to such items. We would recommend parking in the StudentCenter lot to be close to check-in and kick-off activities. The waiver will be sent to campers closer to the date of Wreck Camp. /Contents 63 0 R
Please do not hinder your campers participation by forgetting this request. Offers duffle bags or backpacks filled with high quality toys, games and books ~not junk store stuff. Offers a wide range of quality stick-on labels you can customize. /DecodeParms [ null << /Quality 75 >> ]
/BleedBox [ 0 7.9200063 612 799.92 ]
They also have a cubby space for each camper with 3 drawers to keep their personal belongings. a1H6p%& Theme "Anarcho Notepad" designed and engineered by Arthur (Berserkr) Gareginyan. endobj
>> /Font << /F14 43 0 R /F16 48 0 R /F18 53 0 R /F19 58 0 R >> >>
A partial refund of $20 can be given before March 29. are labeled. 33 0 obj
/MediaBox [ 0 7.9200063 612 799.92 ]
Learn how to stay in touch while your child is at camp. While it is not necessary to send additional money, we recommend $50 for the week.
Projects and Objectives List: https://tinyurl.com/DPAprojects4H Having a hard time choosing a project? 27 38
If singing or playing an instrument, please have at least two song options to perform. The earlier you register the more likely you are to get the project area you want. /Width 640
/BitsPerComponent 8
Your email address will not be published. /ca 0.2392
We will be spending ample amount of time outdoors. 0000081083 00000 n
Strong Rock has a modest dress code. At orientation, we will go into detail about the weekend's events, what your child needs to pack, how to travel with props and posters, etc. /S 111
& Privacy Information, Human This leader has been background checked and interviewed. 0000240666 00000 n
Who: Any 4th, 5th, or 6th grader in Columbia County is eligible to attend including private & home schools. <<
The Rock Eagle 4-H Center features a state-of-the-art dining hall, which offers buffet-style meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If we have an issue with your student breaking the rules or any other behavioral issues, you will be contacted and will need to come pick up your student. 0000209533 00000 n
/Type /Catalog
No cell phones are allowed at camp. /E 255562
Registration for Cloverleaf Project Achievement at Rock Eagle 4-H Center has ended. 0000209765 00000 n
From the morning students leave until they get back, we want you to understand what they will experience and help you get them ready for the best week of summer. Where: Rock Eagle 4-H Center, the largest 4-H center in the world. Remember this is a four day camp experience. At the event, 4-Hers will compete with other counties in their project area. /BM /Normal
Theseforms must be submitted at check-in. Campers staying two weeks may bring a nicer outfit for Sunday morning services, but shorts are fine. d3C+eF3]EZFQw
Yn5 z$tff1VV&]4"Xw3q\l'!S]eqay!F("!M7w?X+`bf 0000002562 00000 n
0000139518 00000 n
Please send a laundry bag and make sure all clothing, towels, sheets, washcloths, etc. We maintain a Lost and Found until September 1st. Transportation is provided by Columbia County school buses. We have a limited supply of boots, but request that campers bring their own pair if they already have them. |j5ZFA
The packing list is merely a list of suggestions, not requirements, to get you started. There will be an emergency phone line for you to call and get in contact with your student. You will stay in a cabin with your friends Friday night, including a dance, a pizza party, and recreation. endobj
1 0 obj
Required fields are marked *. 0000051226 00000 n
Examples: How a car engine works --> Engineering & Mechanics, How to prevent heatstroke --> Health, Day of the Dead Celebration --> International, etc. After signing up for Summer Camp, your money is non-refundable. 27 0 obj
/X1 33 0 R /X3 36 0 R /X4 37 0 R /X5 38 0 R /X7 39 0 R /X8 40 0 R /X9 42 0 R
We strongly encourage you to get dropped off on campus asWreck Camp does not provide parking accommodations. xc``b``Ud`e`fbb@ !
m=(ebL8mvv 5g`X, 8H22f2d445i.|62633a(XPI6+&cA S(
/Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 30 0 R /G6 31 0 R /G17 32 0 R >> /XObject <<
<>/PageLabels 267 0 R>>
Click on your church for times and meeting location, If your student has special needs and you are interested in sending them to camp, please email us at. These projects have different rules & scorecards. 34 0 obj
Save Hancock County: Heirs' Property & Succession Planning Workshop to your collection. /Type /XObject
Information, Legal Clothing that is revealing, such as very short shorts, shirts that expose the midriff, or clothing that is excessively tight will not be allowed. /Prev 474037
/L 474715
You may transfer your spot to someone else UNTIL June 15, 2022, but please understand you are responsible for finding someone to transfer the spot to. >>
While at camp your child will play outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer. endstream
/Info 25 0 R
/Root 28 0 R
We will post departure locations prior to camp on this page and it is important that you depart from the location your campus is assigned to ensure we have a seat for your student. Copyright 2022. <<
x+2P004334P0427U0632U(J 0000001313 00000 n
You can learn more about the campsite here:https://georgia4h.org/4-h-centers/rock-eagle-4-h-centers/. Thank you, your email will be added to the mailing list once you click on the link in the confirmation email. Over the years, weve found that taking students out of their regular routine opens them up to hear from Jesus in ways they havent before. /Length 77
/Linearized 1
/ML 4
0000226222 00000 n
/Pages 24 0 R
After September 1st, Lost and Found items will be donated to a local charity. Anything but a smooth sole and defined heel can hang up in the stirrup and be dangerous. tWD2=Q9c <<
/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /I true >>
To assist us with this phenomenal feat, we ask that each camper have his or her name written on each item when possible, even disposable cameras, and toiletries. xuT. <<
0000226820 00000 n
29 0 obj endobj stream Well save you time by not having a meeting, but please listen to this message from Pastor Jon Hohm regarding some important information youll need to know. /H [ 1313 265 ] Share Hancock County: Heirs' Property & Succession Planning Workshop with your friends. Save Discover Water Mixable Oils to your collection. This booklet is your complete guide to prepare for Summer Camp. ), Comfortable clothes that match your color team that you don't mind getting dirty (color war), Sleeping bag or bedding for a twin mattress, Any prescriptions you normally take, including allergy medication, Plastic bag or waterproof pouch to store wet clothes. 31 0 obj Stay overnight! 0000232044 00000 n 0000001578 00000 n /Rotate 0 /Subtype /Form Transportation is provided as part of your registration. 0000216936 00000 n When: Students will ride on Columbia county school buses. %PDF-1.4 Save Pushing the Surface of Clay Workshop to your collection. Performing Arts areas require an audition on Tuesday, March 16 from 2-6 pm at the Extension/4-H office in Appling. >> /BM /Normal Poster material costs are not covered. Lodging is set up in cabins of 22 bunks beds. >> 3 0 obj 0000233258 00000 n 0000227549 00000 n <> /ca 1 However, if getting dropped off is not an option, please check out theParking and Transportation websiteto view Georgia Tech's paid lots and corresponding rates. /BM /Normal Laundry service is provided once during our Main Camp sessions, but does not include bedding or towels. Snacks, t-shirts, hats, water bottles, hammocks, stamps, etc. Extra safety precautions of our experiences include but are not limited to:Cleaning each indoor spaces after each usage, sanitizer located in every space, social distancing policyenforced andmask policy is enforced. endobj endstream 0000233482 00000 n These skills help prepare students for the Georgia standardized writing test. You know your child best, so please feel free to pack what you know they will need. lh);ahXVr0 6 W7z(ZmcvcG3|91/M\s~1 @HO>8<07#\DWG IuvIHB%L8S7SOy\S|M6Q1B~ulk0nz#O{xlD@ Psik+Ns97-E_JIJ 5PCEIMSZeJ`M 4Q1(7TyrMXc{~h?oYog5D1g#3+l}MQhYmr_r)#i:?_+skxW5%0LwO6%0/K?XpWFsFK~ IkJ>\q oB}3p^g tB4.zh% eCk. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis depending on the rules that are broken. endobj Campers may not bring any pets to camp. Spam protection has stopped this request. You will have from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM that morning to move belongings into your assigned room. Save Beginning & Intermediate Acrylic Painting to your collection. /BBox [ 0 0 1275 1276 ] Columbia County 4-H is participating in a 4th - 6th grade trip to Rock Eagle 4-H Center! Present on your favorite topic! Areas such as sports, arts, crafts, horses, rabbits, and history fill up quickly. 0000002035 00000 n /ID [<5bd8df9d3d2fb896dfb23b2131ec1acb><5bd8df9d3d2fb896dfb23b2131ec1acb>] x=$u?S0kdJX#mBa XY-'0=>xG%a(!(o}Nt w&eIJ:'hoz~7wL}?}s=`M9@ ;x~Fg7;~{v}(FYr*L_)#/I25GtYiL3%?vy'>[+363TXo~q]ujflm7 0000132674 00000 n stream /Filter /FlateDecode COVID-19 Disclaimer:To help ensure the safety of all students, staff, and campus partners, we arestrongly recommendingthat you complete aCOVID test(s)/vaccinationprior to your arrival on campus. We request that parents send swimsuits with their daughters that do not reveal their midriff. E4] BpOw>3w;3effp =?$z1 9= #= tt"/^ Please be aware that we do not depart from every location. If you have any questions, please contact the Columbia County 4-H Extension/4-H office at 706-541-4011. Unspent funds are refunded on closing day. 0000133031 00000 n /Type /Page % >> Please inform your friends and family of this policy. Students must bring money to purchase items from the concession stand on Friday night. >> This meeting will either be virtual. We want Summer Camp to be a distraction-free week for students, and few things distract students as much as their phones. /TrimBox [ 0 7.9200063 612 799.92 ] All students registered with Seacoast Church will travel on Charter Buses. 2IKOpOC*tOV ;wqqt 8 w}oz{]n_%{937r1QhX'|BIEMSPHXDTL;Y9yE%M-m]=}K+kv^>~/_C}wrVvNn$O{Ggw16>^Z^Y][DmaON/W.[%@w)>kus?#YvY@c} _MOH*k@sy u8{\| *Wjo0A As the date gets closer we will be able to better determine if we can safely meet in person at a location. vk:M[sR9/bbA~Y +fzi\MxTwi@1QOpb9H! *].}~IYk|gi/OW?0{u[+B`g%h1Z_C5b^. are available in the Outpost (the camp store) each afternoon after rest hour. g]cN5HQbjk\dgXh~yCS(k.. Share Beginning & Intermediate Acrylic Painting with your friends. Your email address will not be published. All cash should be deposited into the campers Outpost account and will not be allowed in the cabin. For every tenstudents, there will be a volunteer room leader. Public Disclosures, Closed-toe athletic shoes for Wreck Camp Games, Comfortable clothes that match your color team (t-shirts, shorts, etc. We will go over important info and tips regarding writing a speech and creating winning posters. All Rights Reserved. stream Please print and fill out prior to check-in. A reminder e-mail will be sent as orientation become closer. Use this document to choose at least five project areas the child is interested in competing in. H!9K?@%+T Please speak with your youth pastor to answer specific transportation questions. We will have a security team at Summer Camp to ensure your students'safety. If it is full, it will prompt you to enter another choice. As a reminder, due to COVID-19 these programs may be altered or canceled. Campers are required to have a negative Covid test within 72 hours of attending. Share Dancing cardio Machine with your friends. 0000002132 00000 n 32 0 obj 0000226655 00000 n North Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30332 0000232468 00000 n 0000218250 00000 n Compete with other 4-Hers around the state in a public speaking activity called Cloverleaf District Project Achievement (DPA) at Rock Eagle. Please write in permanent pen, on or near the tag. 0000002223 00000 n 0 0000217447 00000 n %PDF-1.5 xref Technology, https://georgia4h.org/4-h-centers/rock-eagle-4-h-centers/, Emergency 0000240182 00000 n Please read the project area descriptions carefully. Student attending Wreck Camphave the opportunity to move into the Residence Halls early for an additional fee of $65per night. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /T 474048 ,L ZkUQ*,0~6+\Z+Kirq>'og cUu#@)$LJ0Om;-X;{gc{XkVD9 E (Uj/L^s&joP4~Y:5kgcE{Lx=vlO*c]MFfEv Save Dancing cardio Machine to your collection. You will also receive recognition at a special DPA 4-H Awards Program and by participating your child is eligible for various scholarship opportunities. BEFORE registering via Eventbrite, visit the link below to review the 2020-2021 Cloverleaf DPA Projects and Objectives list. In order to create the environment we desire, we must enforce the following dress code: Although our world is becoming increasingly electronically dependent, CD players, Ipods, MP3 players, cell phones, hand-held games, and all other similar devices are not allowed at camp. /Parent 24 0 R Check-in begins at 10:00a.m. Wreck Camp 2021will be held at Camp Rock Eagle in Eatonton, Georgia. endobj Share Sound Bath Immersion with your friends. *w7VH/K+BY No camper will be allowed to ride in tennis shoes, hiking boots with treads, or duck boots with treads. 0000208807 00000 n /LJ 0 All meals are included in the fee Dinner on Friday & breakfast and lunch on Saturday. It will be sent to you as part of the virtual parent meeting in June and posted on this page prior to camp. Share Pushing the Surface of Clay Workshop with your friends. << /SMask 35 0 R Cloverleaf DPA - Rock Eagle - Have a pizza & dance party with your friends! /N 3 %%EOF 0000002081 00000 n endobj 0000029281 00000 n Five of the rooms are designed for students with 4 bunk beds and a private bathroom. If your child can no longer join us for the event, please let us know BEFORE March 29 so that their spot can be given to another child on the waiting list. Parents are encouraged to set up a spending account for their child. Students will be assigned one of their choices based on availability. 4 0 obj 28 0 obj Posterboard and the use of our poster printer are available for a fee. /Length 175 There are six rooms in each building and a common space area. Please contact site owner for help. stream 30 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode 0000208640 00000 n /LW 1 404.894.2000, Georgia Institute of /Type /XObject There is a set limit on how many students can compete in each area so having several options to choose from when registering is important. Will be provided upon registering for Wreck Camp Odyssey. 0000050880 00000 n This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. << Fun: Definitely! Snacks and refreshments will be available to purchase during free time and late at night for campers. Seacoast Church. T-shirts, tank tops, and shorts with modest hemline are always the best bet at camp. /LC 0 0000152637 00000 n Students will be able to move into their rooms on select days and times. endobj When registering, select your #1 topic choice first. Stuck On You is renowned world-wide for the outstanding quality of their products. Long pants are necessary to keep stirrup leathers from pinching and rubbing the riders leg. If you are planning on bringing your student directly to camp or picking them up from camp, please email us at. UGA Cooperative Extension - Columbia County. /Height 640 /ca 1 /CropBox [ 0 7.9200063 612 799.92 ] Offers camp trunks, made right in their factory, along with all the other gear you need for camp. Your childs play clothes should be sufficient. >> Only $1 & $5 dollar bills will be accepted. /Filter [ /FlateDecode /DCTDecode ] Transportation will vary based on the church you attend. **Students should be aware that although students can bring cell phones with them to Wreck Camp, we ask that you please turn them off and leave them in your cabin during Wreck Camp activities. All such items will be held in the office and returned to campers at the end of the session. The sixth room is for the two leaders assigned to the cabin and features a similar set up with just two beds. The camp code for Strong Rock is trail365sr. Campers intending to take horseback riding MUST bring pants. Technology All 4-Hers receive a special 4-H participation ribbon and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners receive additional recognition. Both returning and new DPA participants need to attend this meeting along with a parent or another adult. We will meet to depart to Rock Eagle from a centralized location around 4 pm on Friday, May 7. Rock Eagle is located in Eatonton approximately 90 miles from Columbia County. 0000227326 00000 n <<
Performances should be 3-4 minutes long & follow the 4-H Code of Conduct. 64 0 obj IX/Sexual Misconduct, Hazing More Info: https://georgia4h.org/programs/project-achievement/cloverleaf-project-achievement-grades-4-6/ Next, register before March 29 via Eventbrite at https://tinyurl.com/triptorockeagle. endobj Strong Rocks staff will do all they can to ensure your camper goes home with all that they brought to camp. >> First, think about what topic youd like to present on and then see which category that topic might fit under. << No, campers may not keep cash with them in the cabin. /ViewerPreferences 26 0 R R(K+P(nBRZ /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 30 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 34 0 R >> >> 116 Helen Highway Unit #3409, Cleveland, GA 30528 706.348.1533. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 1008 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Chaperones are 4-H staff and certified & screened volunteers. In addition, the 4-H center provides additional security 24/7. Yes.
We suggest $75 for Mini Camp and $120 for Main Camp. Campers are encouraged to leave valuable or expensive cameras, sports equipment, watches and other jewelry at home. Some do not require a speech or posters but instead require a performance, cooking demonstration, only a speech, or the creation of an item. Please bring enough clothes and/or any other items not listed above to ensure your own personal comfort.
The child does not currently have to be a 4-H member to attend. Please do not buy them new or special clothes for camp. /Length 26461 /SA true /CA 1 0000001229 00000 n endobj /Subtype /Image 0000000017 00000 n /O 29 They will not be allowed to wear them in classes that require physical activity. What: This activity teaches young people how to research, develop, and present a 5-minute show and tell project using posters and props on a topic that interests them. {gf.EqwZ8e(+i@E^ endobj Share Discover Water Mixable Oils with your friends. Campers should leave any footwear that does not have a rear strap or back to it at home. They will not be allowed to wear swimsuits that are revealing. Zen Relaxing Wellness Center Madison, GA, Hancock County: Heirs' Property & Succession Planning Workshop, Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation Watkinsville, GA, Beginning & Intermediate Acrylic Painting. Posted 2nd May 2017 by crozier in category. trailer Rock Eagle 4-H Center is set up so that every camper has a twin bed to sleep in! If they do not have one, please send a dark t-shirt with them that they may swim in. }.%r0Mo gtCBJ?fH$MgZ &"`7Kv/SuO=D7 I 1?V:N|ia Posx*j 0J+T=?#x0kS];>+XX([A`)[eh We will have snacks and souvenirs available for purchase. /Size 65 Live animals cannot be used in any project area. Campers will also be required to wear boots with a smooth sole. Clothing that expresses distasteful or vulgar messages or images will not be allowed. Save Sound Bath Immersion to your collection. 0000217615 00000 n Georgia Institute of TechnologyNorth Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30332Phone: 404-894-2000, Georgia Institute of % 0000218475 00000 n >> Students who have registered will be notified if any changes have been made to either program. Get ready to meet your small group and be welcomed to camp in the best way we know how!