Chair Symposium committee About the teaching and learning platforms you may if and when we move off-campus and online. Discipline Committee : Priyanka Kaklotkar If you are now a qualified paramedic but have still received an email to vote on the Student Council elections, then you need to update your membership details. These elections provided an opportunity to the students of Grades 11 and 12 to witness and exercise their fundamental right to vote. If you have not received your link please check your spam or junk folder in your email. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Student Council training will be held in early February. 4. Members have the option to stand down after one year or go into a second term for one year, ending 31st December. For all enquiries: 01278 420014. If you want to know more about any of these positions please don't hesitate and contact our current or past leaders. The ISCB Student Council is the student organization of the International Society for Computational Biology, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the United States. The election began with the candidates giving the class a brief insight about them and how they would like to carry out their role if given the opportunity. All Rights Reserved. The members are duly elected in the General Election of the College for one year in accordance with Students Union Constitution of the University. HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS: Relate all events to the student body including communications with school, local and national newspapers; coordinate communication with other schools and their respective Councils for spirit exchanges; update social media; perform other duties assigned by the principal or the advisor. You can continue with the same assignments or change them as per your interests and those of the rest of the ET. Ms. Carol Alva was declared General Secretary and Ms. Shahil Mithani was declared Asst General Secretary. WAITKERE REP This representative leads the Student Council, taking part in all Council activities and sits on Unitecs committees and boards representing the interests of the student body. General Secretary : Ms. Vaibhavi Chaddha, Cultural Committee : Sumaiya Qadri & Fernandice Sheron Copyright 2018 - 2021 by NPS Koramangala. Our Professor Ms. Reshma R was in charge of this well-organized event.

Our annual leadership elections will be take place in the first half of the year. Photography & Technology Committee : Saaema Wadkar. PRESIDENT: Develop the agenda for all Council and officer meetings; preside over all Council meetings; act as a representative of the Council and LTHS on all public occasions; coordinate the selection and functioning of committee chairpersons; work with the principal; plan the Council calendar of events; supervise the functioning of the elected student council officers; perform other duties assigned by the principal or the advisor. Please read all the 2022 by-election information below. Ms. Shweta Singh, Ms. Heeba Deshmukh : Hospitaliity Committee Students Council In-charge Professor briefed the rule pertaining to election, this was followed students council election in democratic procedure. Ms.Diya Jain : Cultural & Sports

Students Council is a student-run association. All students are encouraged to stand in the Unitec Student Council Elections. STUDENT COUNCIL AMBASSADOR: Participate in Officer meetings.
Please do think about all your past experiences and any transferable skills and knowledge that could be useful to you in this role. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. We hold our Chair of Student Council election earlier in the year than elections for the rest of the Student Council. Our regions are based on theNomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) used by the National Office of Statistics and others. All currentstudents will be sent a voting link viaemail. However, there are specific instances where the vast majority of your clinical placement time may be spent outside of the geographical region of your university, for example in a neighbouring Ambulance Service. If you are still unable to find an email and believe that you should have received one, please -|X*33q#=J Ms. Neha Sharma was declared General Secretary and Ms. Vaibhavi Chaddha was declared Asst. SPORTS CAPTAIN: Rohan Nachnani 12A, HOUSE CAPTAINS Deadline 15th August 2022, Voting is available for all student members in the region/nation where the position is contested. You can represent the collective student voice within Unitec and it is a great way to advocate change for your student body. Experience shows that all positions require a time commitment of several hours per week. The term for all of the council roles is held over a calendar year i.e. May speak at graduation. This should provide all the information that you need and outlines how to put yourself forward as a candidate. 2. The glorious winners who were elected by their batch mates were: Ms. Bruchelle D'Souza, Ms. Kanishka D'Souza, Ms. Sweven Rebello, Ms. Srishti Nangalia and last but certainly not the least, the leader of the Student Council, Ms. Upassana Sanghvi. TREASURER: Collect dues from members; keep an accurate ledger of the financial records of all Council income and expenditures; provide the Council with accurate financial reports at Council meetings; perform other duties assigned by the principal or the advisor. If you have any question in regards to the elections, email theElections Team. Assist in planning and development of Council programs. To stand for this position you must be an enrolled Unitec student and have held a position of leadership within the Unitec Student Community (e.g. In keeping with the requirements of the B.Ed course to prepare teachers to become leaders a council is formed comprising of students representatives elected by the students themselves. Apart from the duties mentioned above, each of the members of the SC Executive also liaisons with one or more committees of the Student Council. Professor. Challengers- Prithvi Bapna, 12B /mL/yNbBZ4*x@x|fyny0WA R)nGEfx. Appointing the right people to hold Student Council member positions is vital to ensure the College of Paramedics delivers the best representation and benefits for its student members. This representative will take an active part in all Council activities and will sit on Unitecs committees and boards representing the interests of the student body. Students Council In-charge Professor briefed the rule pertaining to election This was followed students council election in democratic procedure. Ms. Heeba Deshmukh was declared General Secretary and Ms. Sowmya Kutty was declared Asst. Vice chair Outreach and Volunteer & Web committees The Student President role is for two calendar years and is a 20 hour per week paid position. The next election for Chair of Student Council will take place in the summer of 2023. The Student Council terms of reference, role descriptions and election guidance, can be found at the bottom of this page. Please noteit is one voting link per student, so please do not share your link as it is connected to your student ID number. We currently have two vacancies on the Student Council and are calling for members in the Yorkshire and the Humber and the East Midlands regions to stand to be the student member representatives on the Student Council. Ms. Shweta Singh, Ms. Pooja Yadav, Ms. Sowmya Kutty : Discipline Committee The interested candidates were asked to self-nominate themselves for the election. The remaining candidates are assigned different posts in the council based on the number of votes received in descending order. Professor. At present there committee responsibilities by position is as given below. PARLIAMENTARIAN: Call meetings to order; organize all Council elections; keep active record of member point totals; work with sponsor to enact probationary measures; perform other duties assigned by the principal or the advisor. Membership enquiries: Order your own personalised brochure to compare your study options. Secretary RSGs & Symposium committees Candidates must submit a blurb, with a limit of 200 words. On this page you will find information on how to nominate a candidate and the election procedure. Sophomore Class President - Ruby Waterman. Teachers and students enthusiastically participated in the online Student Council Elections. Candidates must complete the nomination form below. This section will be updated withall you need to know about standing in the current student elections: Information for Candidates (PDF, 675KB), View Campaign Code of Conduct (PDF, 747KB), View Elections Fact Sheet for Student Council Nominees (PDF, 1,013KB). General Secretary. 1. General Secretary, Ms.Pranali Mehta : Cultural &Hospitality The Student Council tenure runs from January to December starting on the 1st of January. Election to the Student council for the Academic year 2017-19 was conducted in Oriental College of Education and Research, Andheri (W) on Saturday, 11th November 2017. We advise you to thoroughly read the Student Council Regional Representative Role Description, as your candidate statement should take into account the requirements set out in this document, as well as inspire your fellow members to vote for you. Candidates must be endorsed by another current Unitec student. GENERAL REP -Role not available within this election, currently held by Sivaram Anandasivam. R"X1_*n. This by-election is for theInternational Representative, Pacific Representative and Waitkere Representative for the remainder of 2022. To stand as a candidate involves completion of a Microsoft Form, which includes a 500 (max) word candidate statement and a nominator from within your region/nation. The students were given a brief idea about the formation of the council and the kind of responsibilities which they would need to shoulder by the student council incharge. Ms. Shahil Mithani : Asst. President of the program Principal Dr.Naaz Dhakam, Asst. This representative will speak on behalf of students studying at the Waitkere campus and must be based at Waitkere. General Secretary, Ms. Kinjal Fariya, Ms. Pooja Yadav, Ms. Sowmya Kutty : Cultural Committee Ms. Sowmya Kutty : Asst. Elections are undertaken in the same way as other College positions. Pioneers- Kriti Gupta 12A A link to the form and further information can be found in the Student Council By-election Guidance. Physical campaigning on campus is encouraged. BoD representative Web committee, All rights reserved. 2022 Unitec Student Council Elect - Declaration of Results. Behind Lotus petrol pump, New Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai-400102. 67NqpO?;A ;&N1H_T&>7N9/:~ CkcoBu M8pfm{1P98/UU(s{. The elections are held in a very transparent manner with only the students voting for their desired candidate. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. All eligible voting members will receive an email from Civica Election Services (CES). Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Enroll in Student Council class (if available), Participate in monthly Teacher Appreciation and Student Pancake Breakfasts, Be a current Student Council member in good standing (includes paid dues), No school suspensions and/or DAEP placements for current school year, Panel Interview (for Class Officer Candidates only), All promotional material MUST be approved in advance, Posters must be stamped by Butler or they will be taken down, Only pre-packaged food (no baked goods) may be handed out, You may participate in a "Debate" during lunch in the cafeteria on 4/23, Voting will be online via a Google Form on 4/23, Students can vote for candidates in their grade only. Election to the Student council for the Academic year 2018-2020 was conducted in Oriental College of Education and Research, Andheri (W) on Saturday, 27th October 2017. Ms. Kinjal Fariya, Ms. Shweta Singh, Ms. Heeba Deshmukh : Sports Committee Casting a ballot isnt just something you do for yourself- it is for our collective future. General enquiries: :g60 ,[h= W4wQ;yS,^8w nzx$nE?B[uKz+'e=|" zFpyW7K>?_V,qmU. Students exercised their right to franchise by choosing the candidates of their choice, from the assigned MS Forms. Mr. Janardhan. You can run for more than one position but you can only hold one position during your term. 3. Though the entire polling process was done online, it was in all respects a democratic one. The contenders for the various coveted positions read out their manifestos trying to convince their classmates and teachers that they are the right choice for the position. Student council is a group of students elected by peers to participate in designated areas of college regime. The following are the names of the members under the various posts:-, Copyright 2015 | developed by, Asst. A google form link was sent to all students and they were asked to vote for 5 candidates who they were in favor of. The blurb will appear on the online voting form. BY-ELECTION - STAND TO BE YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER OR EAST MIDLANDS STUDENT MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE, Medical Malpractice and Public Liability Insurance, Professor Malcolm Woollard Honours Scholarship, Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Behaviours Webinars, Macmillan Allied Health Professions Competence Framework, Future Workforce Mental Health & Wellbeing Project, Student Council By-election Guidance document, Student Council Regional Representative Role Description, , Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS). Student Council representatives are expected to work up to 10 hours per week throughout the academic semester. Students Council In-charge Professor briefed the rule pertaining to election, this was followed students council election in democratic procedure. Unitec is part of Te Pkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Student Council Secretary at Student self-governance is strongly related to the values and ideals of the College, including the Honor Code; students are afforded a large amount of autonomy and may use this opportunity to craft the kinds of experiences they wish to have. Email:, Check that we have the correct email address for you by checking your profile atMember login UPDATEDSTUDENT COUNCIL OFFICER ELECTIONS, New Applications and Teacher Recommendations will be accepted through May 6th, 3/29 Hand out Forms during Cav Time, 4/2 Candidate Meeting (must meet with Ms. Matheson in D104 either before or after school), 4/5 All Forms Due (including teacher recommendations) Clickherefor Candidate Application Clickherefor Teacher Recommendation, 4/8 4/18 Class Officer Candidate Campaign, 4/15 4/18 Class Officer Candidate Interviews w/ StuCo Advisors and Senior Officers, 4/23 Class Officer Candidate Debates During Lunch, 4/23 Class Officer Election Day (entire school votes), 4/26 Student Council Officer Speech/Presentation during CavTime, 4/26 Student Council Officer Election during CavTime.