Fax: 201-200-2044 All our certificates curriculum of study are approved by the National Security Agency and the U.S Department of Homeland Security. New Jersey City University. Previously located in the Health Sciences Department, the School Nurse Certification Program has recently undergone curricular redesign, and is now located in the Nursing Department. Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD) with specialization in: Administration and Supervision (Educational Leadership), Applicants seeking additional certification, Civil Security Leadership Management and Policy (D.Sc. Please select your program of interest to view specific requirements and to apply. Management Specialization: Health Care Management, M.B.A. Management Specialization: Supply Chain and Maritime Port Management, M.B.A, M.B.A., Business Analytics Specialization. School nurses serve an essential role in assuring healthy equity and academic success for all children. Please select your program of interest to view application requirements and to apply. Admission Criteria for School Nurse Certificate Program. Principal/Supervisor Certification Program. Photo of Veteran graduate poses outside with diploma. The Educational Leadership program is a predominantly online program offering courses in online and blended formats during each term, including summer sessions. Phase I, Supervision Courses offered in 7 week sessions. This unique program allows students to utilize prior approved EDLD coursework to obtain this certification. Early Childhood and Special Education (P-3 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities), M.A.T. Business Analytics and Data Science, B.S. ArtPainting and Drawing Concentration, M.F.A. Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies, Minor. Biology with Teacher Certification (Biology), B.A. CounselingClinical Mental Health Counseling Option, M.A.
2039 Kennedy Blvd Urban Education with a Specialization in Educational Administration and Supervision, M.A. Learn More About NJCU @ Jersey City Learn More about NJCU @ Fort Monmouth. Choose the certificate that is right for you. msparrow@njcu.edu No GMAT. Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Geoscience, Minor, Elementary Education Co-major with K6 Certification (With Major in Arts and Sciences). NJCU offers 30 masters degree programs and 3 doctoral programs of study to meet your academic and professional interests. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Dual Degree with New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM), B.S.

You can also finish the program in as little as one semester!, Click on the application for yourstart term of interest to apply now:, *Deadlines are subject to change. Finance Specialization: Financial Risk Management and Compliance, M.S. Post Master's Certificate in Nursing Education, Applied Physics, B.S. Demonstrate competencies in using evidence-based practice to design, implement, and evaluate nursing services and health education curricula in schools and communities.
Phone: 201-200-3409 English as a Second Language Certification. in Educational Technology Leadership, MA in Educational Technology with a Concentration in School Library Media Specialist, Master of Arts in Educational Technology with STEM Certificate, Masters in Ed Tech for New Pathways Completers, Assistive Technology, Specialist Certificate, Associate School Library Media Specialist Certification, The Most Student-Centered Ed.D. NursingNon-Accelerated Program (Second Degree), B.S.N. Health Sciences with Teacher Certification in Health Education, B.S. Degree, Specialization in Art History, ArtB.A. The School Nurse Certification at NJCU is a robust graduate-level certificate program designed to prepare bachelors-prepared registered nurses for the specialty practice of school nursing. Bridge Program in Accounting, M.S. Role of the School Nurse I: Care Coordination, Role of the School Nurse II: Reducing Barriers to Health & Learning, Upon successful completion of the above 15 credits students are eligible for the Non-Instructional School Nurse Certificate, Curriculum Design, Development & Evaluation in School Health Education, **NURS 616, NURS 600 and NURS 642 are prerequisites for NURS 672, ***NURS 616 NURS 600 NURS 642 & NURS 622 are prerequisite for NURS 673, Upon successful completion of the above 21 credits students are eligible for the Standard (Instructional) School Nurse Certificate. Health SciencesHealth Administration, M.S. (NJIT), Dual Degree (3 + 2) Program, Applied Physics, B.S. - English as a Second Language -for additional certification, Urban Education (M.A.) Teaching and Learning Urban Schools Specialization, Secondary Education (M.A.T.) Earth and Environmental Science-Geographic Information Science, Minor. Early Childhood Education with P3 Teacher Certification. Dual Certification Program in Elementary Education and Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement, B.A. ChemistryTeacher Certification (Physical Science), B.S. Degree, Concentration in Graphic Design, ArtB.F.A. Please inquire with the department for details. Must hold a masters degree in education field. Accounting for Business, Minor (for Business Students), Accounting for Business, Minor (for Non-Business Students). The Department of Educational Leadership aims to prepare reflective, caring, and highly skilled educational practitioners to lead urban schools in their chosen professions, to expand educational theory and practice in urban settings through research, and to work in partnership with constituents to effect change in educational practice in urban schools and higher education. Information Assurance/Cyber Security, Graduate Certificate. WILLIAM J. MAXWELL COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, DEBORAH CANNON PARTRIDGE WOLFE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, *Please note that these non degree options below are for those looking to take a course or two but are NOT interested in working toward a degree or certificate. The school nurses effectiveness in meeting the needs of students and the school community are dependent on the nurses knowledge, skills, and resources, combined with his/her ability to effectively apply them in the school setting. CounselingSchool Counseling Option, M.A. Students are strongly encouraged to take the courses listed below in the specified phases. Employment verification lettercompleted byHuman Resources personnel at your district documenting five or more years of full-time teaching experience. PerformanceClassicalInstrumental (piano), B.M, Secondary Education with K-12 Certification (with major in Arts and Sciences). NJCU is designated a National Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and an Intelligence Community CAE by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. In lieu of a transcript, applicants with a non-U.S. degree need to submit a course-by-course evaluation from aNACES Accredited Memberthat includes U.S. bachelors degree equivalency information for their coursework. Early Childhood Education Major with Dual Certification in Early Childhood (P3) and Special Education (Teacher of Students with Disabilities).

Early Childhood Education (including P-3 certification eligibility), M.A.T. 888-441-6528 Special EducationLearning Disabilities Teacher Consultant, Endorsement Eligibility Program. Dual Certification Program in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education and Teacher of English as a Second Language Endorsement (ESL), B.A. Finance Certificate: Personal Financial Education, Finance Certificate: Professional Financial Management, Finance Certificate: Professional Investment Analysis, Finance Certificate: Professional Portfolio Management, Finance Certificate: Professional Risk Management.
Elementary EducationTeacher Certification, M.A.T. The School of Business is located in the heart of New Jersey's financial district in Jersey City. Learn more about programs in Educational Leadership by attending avirtual information session. icasais@njcu.edu, Photo of round table meeting business and management, Photo of NJCU Brand coffee mug on table in meeting room, Assistant to the Dean for Graduate Enrollment, Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, MBA, Graduate Business & Certificate Programs, Harvard Business School Credential of Readiness at NJCU (CORe).
Special EducationTeacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement Eligibility Program, M.A.T. If you are not interested in working toward a graduate degree or certificate at this time, but would like to take up to 12 credits as a non-degree seeking student, applying to take Courses Only is a great option. We encourage you to contact graduate admissions with questions about our graduate programs, to get answers to your graduate application questions, or to schedule a visit to NJCU.
in Accounting, B.S. No GRE. Graduate certificates create opportunities. (NJCU) and Electrical Engineering, B.S. Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Geographic Information Science (GIS), Certificate, Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Geography, Minor. Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Information Security (INFOSEC) - Standard 4011, Certificate, Program Partnership with the Republic of Georgia, Notice of Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources. Urban Education with a Specialization in Educational Administration and Supervision, M.A. Urban Education with a specialization in Educational Administration and Supervision, M.A. Master of Science in Nursing with a Specialization in School Nursing, M.S. Special EducationLearning Disabilities Teacher Consultant Endorsement Eligibility, M.A. Possession of a standard teaching and/or educational services certification or equivalent, Five years of full-time teaching and/or educational experience under an appropriate standard certification.
Click here to see a list of our Graduate Certificates, All degree programs are listed below under the appropriate college or school of affiliation: The department is currently working remotely.
AccountingBridge Program to the M.S. Below is a partial list of certificates offered. Please contact us through email. Course work online, with volunteer zoom check-in sessions with instructor.
Nursing- School Nursingprogram pageto complete the appropriate application. Hepburn Hall, Room 206 Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Geoscience, Minor, Ed.D.
Biology - Medical Laboratory Science, Joint-Degree Programs, B.S. HistorySocial Studies (Teacher Certification), B.A.

Degree, Concentration in Drawing/Painting, ArtB.F.A. New Jersey City University Blended course will periodically meet in-class throughout the term, while most interaction will be conducted online. School nurses provide health services, coordinate care for students with chronic or acute health conditions to minimize disruptions in learning, perform health screenings, conduct disease surveillance, and connect families with needed services. Upon successful completion of this program students may apply for admission into the Master of Science in Nursing with a Specialization in School Nursing Degree Program. Jersey City, JC 07305, Admissions Early Childhood Education Major with Dual Teacher Certification in Early Childhood (P3) and Elementary Education (K6), B.A. Get More Information VisitApply Now, Sign Up for a School of Business Graduate Event. Urban EducationBilingual/ Bicultural Education Specialization, M.A. 201-200-2000. General Info Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Environmental Science, B.S. *Note: NJCU does not evaluate international transcripts. (NJIT), Dual Degree (3 + 2) Program, Applied Physics, B.S. Degree, Concentration in Illustration, ArtB.F.A. Health SciencesSchool Health Education, M.S. Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, ArtB.A. (NJCU) and Biomedical Engineering, B.S. New Jersey City University Chemistry with Teacher Certification, B.S. The Cyber Defense, Graduate Certificate offers coursework to successfully gain the technical depth required to actively prepare for and respond to cyber-attacks. PerformanceClassicalInstrumental (piano), B.M. If you are interested in working toward an education certification program please visit the Graduate Certificate Programs page, Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Business Administration, Organizational Management & Leadership, Early Childhood Education/Special Education, Master's or Doctoral Degree Programs here, visit the Graduate Certificate Programs page, Notice of Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources. Health SciencesPublic Health Education, M.S. Contact Us Dual Certification Program in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education and Teacher of Bilingual Education Endorsement, B.A. ), Educational Psychology (M.A.) AccountingBridge Program to the M.S. *coursework must be approved by the chairperson. No pre-requisite courses. with optional certification in: School Library Media Specialist, Educational Technology (M.A.) Post Master's Certificate in Nursing Education, Notice of Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources, Completed online application and non-refundable $55 application fee, Official transcripts from all previous U.S. colleges attended or official NACES course-by-course evaluation of any foreign transcripts*, Submission of a 250-500-word essay discussing goals and objectives for pursuing admission to the intended program, Copy of current, unencumbered NJ nursing license, BSN degree from an ACEN or CCNE-accredited institutionthat is also a regionally accredited college/university, Undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0-point scale. This non-degree certification program is designed for students who already hold a standard New Jersey Department of Education teaching certification and would like to attain the ESL certification. Degree, Concentration in Sculpture, ArtNew Jersey Art Teacher Certification Program (P12). Supply Chain, Logistics and Maritime Port Management, B.S. Isabel Casais, M.B.A The primary goal of the School Nurse Certification Program at NJCU is to prepare registered nurses with the advanced nursing knowledge and skills required to care for diverse populations of students in the K-12 educational setting. Students have the opportunity to develop relationships with faculty in a supportive professional learning environment. Urban EducationESL Specialization and ESL Teacher Certification, M.A. Email: gradadmissions@njcu.edu, Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Assistive Technology Specialist Certificate, Associate School Library Media Specialist, English as a Second Language Teacher Additional Certification, Post-Masters Certificate in Nursing Education, New Pathways to Teaching in New Jersey (NPTNJ) - Elementary Education, New Pathways to Teaching in New Jersey (NPTNJ) - Secondary Education, New Pathways to Teaching in New Jersey (NPTNJ) Career and Technical Education (CTE), Notice of Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources, A completed graduate application form, including a $55 non-refundable application fee, A 250-500 word essay discussing your goals and objectives for pursuing admission to the degree program to which you are applying, Official transcripts from all previous U.S. colleges attended or official, One recommendation letter from vice principal, A copy of any teaching or educational services certification (a list of your certifications can be downloaded on. Assistant to the Dean for Graduate Enrollment Must have completed five year of successful teaching under the standard certificate. in Accounting, B.S. (NJIT), Dual Degree (3 + 2) Program. Biology with Teacher Certification (Biology), B.A. Applied PhysicsPhysical Science Teacher Certification Secondary Education (K-12), B.A. New Jersey Certification for Driver Education, New York Provisional Certification for Driver Education. Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Earth Science, B.A. Master of Science in Nursing with a Specialization in School Nursing, M.S. EDLD 646 (8276) Innovations Curr & Edu Leader, EDLD 662 (8274) Principles of Curric Dev & Evaluation, 15 Week- May 16, 2022 August 29, 2022, EDLD 695 Internship for Urban Personnel III, EDLD 660 (9029)Principles of Supervision and Human Resource Management, EDLD 662 (9030)Principles of Curriculum Development and Evaluation, EDLD 669 (9215)Measurement and Supervision of Learning and Teaching, For more information or to attend a Supervisor Information sessions, please email: EDLDSupervisorcert@njcu.edu, Photo of Educational Leadership orientation roundtable, 3 years teaching experience under a standard certification. Early Childhood Education Major with Dual Certification in Early Childhood (P3) and Special Education (Teacher of Students with Disabilities). with Certification, Special Education (M.A.T.) PerformanceClassicalInstrumental (other than piano), B.M.
Christine Harrington, Ph.D charrington1@njcu.edu in the US, Assistive Technology Specialist Certificate, Notice of Equal Opportunity Access to Online Resources. Biology - Medical Imaging ScienceCardiovascular Sonography and Diagnostic Medical Sonography Specialization, Joint-Degree Program, B.S. We also offer degree programs at our new NJCU @ Fort Monmouth location at the Jersey Shore. Administrative Assistant: Dorothea Wilinski dwilinski@njcu.edu. MA and Principal Certification programs: EDLDprograminfo@njcu.edu, Supervisor Certification only email: EDLDSupervisorcert@njcu.edu, Community College Doctoral Program: charrington1@njcu.edu, If you would like to set up an advisement appointment please email your advisor or email EDLDadvisingappt@njcu.edu, Photo of Educational Leadership orientation roundtable, Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education, Doctorate in Community College Leadership. Refer to the Undergraduate edition of the online catalog for most recent information. Throughout the various programs, leadership candidates are required to demonstrate competency in their patience and perspective, to exercise judgment and wisdom, to develop their technical, analytical and communication skills, and to advocate for equity and social justice.
African and African-American Studies, Minor, Applied Physics, B.S. Our certificate programs include the new STEM Certificate,Assistive Technology Specialist Certificate, the Associate School Library Media Specialist Certificationand theISTE Certification with Eduscape. Doctor of Dental Medicine Dual Degree with Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM), B.S. Get all of your businessprogramsquestions answered by meeting with an NJCU admissions representative. AccountingB.S./M.S. Urban EducationTeaching and Learning in Urban Schools Specialization, M.A. The Principal Certification specializes in preparing experienced school leaders to foster the success of all students through engaging in effective instructional leadership, continuous professional learning, and collaborating and communicating with all stakeholders.The NJCU setting provides opportunities to develop culturally sustaining leadership and advocacy for equity for all in the P-12 setting. M.B.A., Organizational Management and Leadership Specialization. *Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 to remain in the program. School Library Media Specialist Certification for New Pathways Completers (NPTNJ), Educational Technology (M.A.) - Public Health Ed, Health Sciences (M.S.) Biology, B.S.
Professional Education and Lifelong Learning, Deborah Cannon Partridge Wolfe College of Education, Doctorate in Community College Leadership. Phone: 201-200-3409 EnglishTeacher Certification Elementary Education (K-6), B.A. Applied PhysicsPre-Engineering (Two-Year Program for Transfer), ArtB.F.A., Concentration in Drawing/Painting, ArtB.F.A., Concentration in Graphic Design, ArtB.F.A., Concentration in Illustration, ArtB.F.A., Concentration in Jewelry/Metals, ArtNew Jersey Art Teacher Certification Program (P12), BA/MAT with Triple Certification (Elementary School Teacher in K-6, Teacher of Students with Disabilities, and Teaching English as a Second Language). Information Security (INFOSEC) - Standard 4011, Certificate. Assimilate the role of the school nurse in schools and communities with diverse populations. Bilingual/Bicultural Education Certification.
Refer to the Undergraduate edition of the online catalog for most recent information. (NJCU) and Mechanical Engineering, B.S. HistorySocial Studies (Teacher Certification), B.A. (NJIT), Dual Degree (3 + 2) Program, Applied Physics, B.S. Submission of a 250-500-word essay discussing goals and objectives for pursuing admission to the intended program; Copy of current, unencumbered NJ nursing license, BSN degree from an ACEN or CCNE-accredited institution, Undergraduate cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0-point scale. Attend a session to learn moreabout programs in Educational Leadership. Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Earth Science/Secondary Education (Teacher Certification), B.A. Degree, Concentration in Ceramics, ArtB.F.A. Urban Education English as a Second Language for Alternate Route Completers, Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD). The PDF will include all information unique to this page.
Get started on your Supervisor Certification application! Urban Education with a Specialization in Educational Administration and Supervision, M.A. ), Early Childhood Education/Special Education (M.A.T. Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Environmental Science, B.S. Management Specialization: Health Care Management, M.B.A. Management Specialization: Supply Chain and Maritime Port Management, M.B.A. Supply Chain, Logistics and Maritime Port Management, B.S. EDLD virtual information sessionssign up and schedule. We encourage you to contact graduate admissions with questions about our graduate programs, to get answers to your graduate application questions, or to schedule a visit to NJCU. Earth and Environmental ScienceGeoscience-Earth Science/Secondary Education (Teacher Certification), B.A. World Languages- Spanish, Urban Education (M.A.) ), Secondary Education (M.A.T.) The new graduate-level nursing program builds on nursing baccalaureate education, by emphasizing evidence-based practice, leadership skills, and principles of population health. EnglishTeacher Certification Elementary Education (K-6), B.A. Biology - Medical Laboratory Science Joint-Degree Program, B.S. DEBORAH CANNON PARTRIDGE WOLFE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION.
MathematicsConcentration: Actuarial Science, B.A. All supervisor certification courses are now offered in 7-week sessions, giving you more options to get started in our program all year round.