The alternate reality Sam was married to alternate reality Jack, who had died, which is more or less what invoked this line. Cue prison episode. Only when back on the base, did SG1 discover the true identity of Linea, however it was far too late and she escaped through the stargate to an unknown planet. Through your Stargate perhaps? SG-1 gets trapped into a prison in which a woman named Lineya helps them escape. Eventually, he was able to sell the idea to a television studio, who thought it was a great idea. And thats why were going to do everything in our power to help. She shows them native plants that somehow generate cold fusion power, which SG-1 plan on using to dial out. I would never harm anyone, Daniel. planetclaireTV has been around in one form or another since 1999, offering a variety of quotes, quips, bon mots and assorted nonsense. If you know who you are, then you cannot be of this world. Also known as the Destroyer of Worlds, Linea lived on a planet protected by the Taldor, however, she created a pathogen which killed thousands of people. ONeill: Oh hi. Then, while in the gate room, she was electrocuted while trying to fix things. There was a Replicator version of which team member?
Who is the Goa'uld who takes charge of the Jaffa rebellion in "The Warrior"? ONeill: Lucky bugs. Carter: Well actually in a sick way it sort of does. While hiding her pregnancy from the Goa'uld System Lords, Heru-ur arrives to capture the newborn child. Card Name: Linea Destroyer Of Worlds Orner: Me. ONeill: How do you know that? At the end of the episode she vanishes until next season, when she reappears (sort of) in "Past and Present". There are many alternate realities, but which episode had one in which alternate Sam said, "My Jack had the same face, same voice, same hands"?
Jackson: No youre not. Signs of weakness are not a good thing in prison. Haley seemed to have succeeded, but then she also circumvented the training program and actually shut down the real gate. It was actually part of the training simulation. See production, box office & company info. Traits: Join our Carter: Yes and no. With good reason, it turns out, since her nickname turns out to be "Destroyer of Worlds". She offered to help them, however as well as reversing their growth, she unintentionally caused widespread amnesia. "You gotta trust me on this. Carter: Their elders arent missing, sir. Tealc: For as long as I draw breath. Apparently she found a link between dargolthats a chemical pesticide the Vyans usedand longevity. They are banished to a desolate, brutal penal colony and strike a deal with a powerful SG-1 inadvertently help a desperate criminal and is charged and sentenced as accessories to his crime. Travelling through the Stargate, she soon came to a planet where the population was aging with no prodigy of their own. Kera: I had to know, Daniel. Carter: Well, still dont detect anything out of the ordinary, sir. That was the message Linea left behind. Anubis actually succeeds in destroying the Abydonians, although Oma Desala helps them to ascend. Carter: Well it seems it was having the effect of slowing the aging process. In return for saving them, they bring Lineya along with them to the SGC, and give her some gate coordinates to other planets. They are banished to a desolate, brutal penal colony and strike a deal with a powerful female prisoner to help them escape. She didn't really circumvent the real gate controls. He designed some of the structural features of the Great Pyramids. Orner: To meet me? Rarity: Rare ", deliberately stand in front of the vortex in the hope that it would set them free, Stargate SG-1 S2 E2 "In the Line of Duty". ONeill: Yeah. And that she did not survive the Vorlix. Carter: What can you tell us about her? That doesnt ring a bell. Plus a few other interesting things if you end up digging far enough. SG-1 inadvertently help a desperate criminal and is charged and sentenced as accessories to his crime. Kera: Youre telling me that I would never be able to take the antidote. Orner: We can only remember the days since the Vorlix.
Is there anyone around here who might be considered in charge? As long as you remain that person that will never change. What role does Martin play on the show "Wormhole X-Treme"? You realize of course the implication. In the episode "Prisoners," there is a woman who goes by the name of Lineya, but she is also known as _____. ONeill: Variety being the spice of life and all. Whats your name? to get the latest deals! The only remains of our elders we have found. Championship Series Prize Card - YCSW-EN - Promo, Yu-Gi-Oh! That one. Cameron Mitchell is falsely accused of committing murder but remembers doing it. Kera: Im not Kera, am I? Howd you get in here? Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from
Martin stays around as a consultant and always argues with the director and producer. She destroys ignorance, maintains the world order, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of god. Kera: Leave, Daniel. Of course, Mitchell having had the memory implanted in his mind, was found guilty. Quiz: "Stargate SG-1" Episode Descriptions, Quiz: The Ultimate "Stargate SG-1" - Part 2, Quiz: Warning! Kera: That she was somewhat of an apothecary. A cheesy copy of what we know as the TV show "Stargate SG-1" was the result. Newsletter
Kali was another of the Goa'uld System Lords represented in "Summit". SG-1 makes friends with Linea, whom all the others are afraid of.

Why are there no images of children and where have our elders gone? ONeill: No. They stopped using it over twenty years ago. Kera: There are still so many questions. 10th Anniversary Promo - MOV2-EN - Promo, Yu-Gi-Oh! She captured Daniel, but he eventually managed to take control of the Replicators for a few seconds. She calls herself Linea. Which of the following Goa'uld has never threatened the Abydonians? And the female matches what little description he gave in his notes of the visitor. Jackson: Youve taken the antidote. Layale: You remember your father? For her crimes, the Taldor sent her through the Stargate to the prison colony Hadante, where even the prisoners feared her. Jackson: We dont have any papers. Carter: Right. Tealc: What is the name of this elder woman?
Once the gate disengages after SG1 escapes from prison, Linea's vines can be seen still wrapped around the gate. Weve come to meet you. Jackson: Kera We deduced the male must have been Dr. Zervis. Jackson: Vorlix? TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ONeill: Listen, Im not saying the first woman youve fallen for since Share isnt a peach. Jackson: You said all debts have now been paid. The Galarans, the people who inhabited the planet SG1 was visiting, had a new technology used for finding a killer. A memory of the murder was implanted in Mitchell's mind to make him think he committed the murder. They are the elders. R Comic Book Promo - YR - Promo, Yu-GI-OH! Layale: Not you! Tealc: Perhaps Linea was experimenting with other ways in which to destroy worlds. It was adversely affecting their fertility rate. Kera: Well the test is wrong. Tealc: Destroyer of Worlds. 1999-2020 Neo Era Media Inc. All rights reserved. RepliCarter was created by Fifth, but she turned against him. ONeill: Whats a bug spray have to do with longevity? Jack O'Neill: Teal'c, look scary and take point. Before that, nothing. I didnt believe you. Carter: I think we have to at least face the possibility: Kera is Linea. Doesnt quite track with Lineas nickname. It means strength.
I mean Kera said herself that their society was on the verge of collapse despite their efforts. Youre Kera now. Card Text: I think were okay. Card Type: SG-1 rescue a fleeing man, which is apparently the wrong thing to do as he was a fugitive, and due to differences in the legal system of Hadante and Earth, they end up imprisoned somewhere with a Stargate but no power or DHD. She was in on it. Imhoteb was an architect. Orner (Jason Gray-Stanford): Where did you come from? Daniel has his reservations since she apparently convinces the other prisoners to occasionally commit suicide via kawoosh, but the rest of the team just want out.