Geek Points do not accrue on any items purchased before enrolling in the program. Full catalogs once again gave way to multi-line cross-sell flyers for the Animated franchise. This cross-sell is of particular note in the annals of Transformer catalog scholarship, owing in large part to the fact that it is awesome. A fourteen-page catalog was packed into Transformers toys promoting the Hunt for the Decepticons as well as early Generations figures.
In order to comply with the FTC's endorsement guidelines, we hereby inform this site's viewers that we occasionally receive sample products, content, or other forms of media from various companies in order for us to provide content of interest to our readers. 1987 (pictured above) featured complex framing boxes around each subgroup and a pixelated background behind the faction logos. Click here to view my wishlist. They very often also feature additional artwork, such as a battle diorama of the toys or artwork of major characters. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.
In Europe, the variety dwindled further, dropping many of the new Pretender molds from the lineup, while including no indigenous or Japanese releases. Established June 2000.

Beast Wars catalogs reflected the changing nature of retail.
Other Transformers product lines were often advertised in these booklets as well, including Alternators, the then-current Dreamwave comics, Built to Rule, Universe, the Commemorative Series, and the various VHS and DVD releases of the current cartoon. Invented to differentiate Transformers as the real deal, there were no competitors left to necessitate this distinction.
You can manage your stack by logging in to my source and clicking on stack manager. The Secret Code 9871 was given to unlock Ramjet in the DS versions of War for Cybertron. Ah shucks, this item is out of stock. Robot Spirits | Bandai Tamashii Nations | Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam, Sailor Chibi Moon Animation Color Edition S.H. Like pack-in flyers, their purpose is to entice children to buy even more toys than the ones they've already got. 1988 featured white framing boxes, similar in shape to those from 1987.
You can then redeem Geek Points for store credit toward any valid item you purchase on is operated by Ryan Yzquierdo. Through the life of the Generation 1 toyline, catalogs were standard in all boxed toys. Zarana 6-Inch Scale | G.I.
Geek Points are then accrued on orders that have been shipped and paid in full.
They were placed upon a dark gradiated background.
Another panel advertises the online Hasbro Toy Shop and gives a promotional code for a 10% discount. 1986 featured webs of lines connecting each subgroup's sections.
Though Generation One was in its dusk years, the competition had fared worse. Be the first in the know about our Huge Sales, New Preorders and the Hottest Instock items. This catalog featured a diorama of various toys battling around a lit sparkler.
One fold advertised Activision's Transformers The Game; the remaining three folds advertised a slew of movie-based merchandise: school supplies, watches, T-shirts, backpacks, electronics, ringtones, hats, "bedding and home decor", coloring books, shoes, party supplies A 3-fold sampler catalog was included with some of the late-run toys. Europe also seemed to lack the second issues of previous years' toys, and the mail-in promotions that made older toys available in US market. Joe Classified Series, Neil 1/18 Scale | Joy Toy Battle for the Stars: Cult of San Reja, Ailie 1/18 Scale | Joy Toy Battle for the Stars: Cult of San Reja, ARC-20 Arche-Ymirus TYPE-03 AY-04R Mountains Fury 1:35 Scale | ARCHECORE, Kamen Rider Shinkocchou Seihou Momotaros S.H.
The cover and two folds are devoted to various late-run movie toys such as Incinerator; one fold covers the upcoming Animated line, and two feature the upcoming Iron Man movie tie-in toys.

Pretenders were thin, lithe-looking robots with vague alt-modes that fit into humanoid or monster shell, allowing it to disguise as an organic creature. address you used for your orders. The Cybertron franchise reinvented the catalog concept with four collectible planet maps. Strangely, many of the Hasbro versions of various molds were in fact available in Japan as mail-aways.
Come on, Cyclonus, be more original! Catalogs are one of many ways that Hasbro and TakaraTomy have traditionally promoted the Transformers brand. While the Maximal half features Optimus Primal shaking hands with and respectfully introducing us to his successor (who swears not to let his predecessor down), the Predacon half gives us a history lesson illustrating a brief rivalry between Megatron and Galvatron (though Megatron reluctantly admits that Galvatron has all the regal bearing of an Emperor of Destruction). Restrictions apply on any item requiring a non-refundable deposit. Having trouble?E-mail us at You can redeem Geek Points on any merchandise that is available.
Or, you can choose to automatically apply Geek Points as store credit toward your stack.
The catalog came in two sizes, a 2-fold and a 3-fold version identical in content and layout. Transformers Universe received a single pack-in catalog flyer advertising the first wave of toys on one side, with a comic-style battle scene on the other. Product successfully added to wishlist!
This amount is then subtracted on any higher cost shipping methods. They continue to be a polarizing factor among adult collectors today, who decry such designs as the reason for the eventual downfall of the Generation 1 line. All Toygeek customers are eligible to use Geek Points, except where prohibited by law.*. Though he was loathe to admit it, Megatron conceded that Galvatron's concern for his own men was admirable and that he had all the regal bearing of an Emperor of Destruction.
The Cybertron franchise reinvented the catalog concept with four collectible planet maps.
G1 catalogs were printed on a single sheet of paper that folded down to small size. 1985 set many of the toys in a diorama of rugged Earthen terrain, while others were against a black background.
We've sent an email with instructions on how to reset your password. Figuarts | Bandai Tamashii Nations | Sailor Moon, Zenitsu Agatsuma's Nichirin Sword Proplica | Bandai Tamashii Nations | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba, Godzilla S.H.MonsterArts | Bandai Tamashii Nations | Godzilla Vs Kong, Weapons Pack Charlie Accessory Set 1/12 Scale | Action Force | Valaverse, Delta Trooper 1/12 Scale | Action Force | Valaverse, Cobra Infantry 6-Inch Scale | G.I. 1984 featured the toy groups on variously-colored neutral backgrounds.
The booklet had two fronts, with the comic half printed upside-down relative to the catalog half (and vice-versa, of course).
It is not associated with nor endorsed by Hasbro or Takara Tomy. If they do, RUN!!
This page was last modified on 19 September 2021, at 13:57.
Die cast had also gone the way of the dinosaur, as had rubber tires, and vacuum-metalized chrome parts. Across the Pacific, catalogs have remained more consistent in format, adhering to the single-sheet, fold-up flyer format throughout the "Beast era" and the Unicron Trilogy.
Each year used a unique stylized approach: New catalogs typically did not appear in the earliest waves of a new year's offerings, presumably because the toys themselves were still being finalized. Items may have small parts or other elements not suitable for children under 16 years old.
Beast Wars typically received 2 to 4 pages, showing a sampling of the current line rather than a whole year's offerings.
This page was viewed 1 times on Thursday, July 21st 2022 12:15pm CDT. 1985 set many of the toys in a diorama of rugged Earthen terrain, while others were against a black background. on orders over $150. box art silhouette in place of some of the Pretenders. Collect all the prototypes! A checklist encouraged young consumers to collect the whole set. We'll sendyou a link to reset your password. Across the Pacific, catalogs have remained more consistent in format, adhering to the single-sheet, fold-up flyer format throughout the Beast Era and the Unicron Trilogy.
The booklet had two fronts, with the comic half printed upside-down relative to the catalog half (and vice-versa, of course). The catalog contained all of the current waves of product and was periodically updated with a new mini-comic and toys as the line ran its course. It also advertised the Nintendo DS versions of the War for Cybertron video game and exclusive collector cards to be packaged inside toys starting in the fall of 2010. Each map featured one of the storyline's fictional worlds on one side, with an image of the planet, a profile of one of its major residents, short mini-story images, and a write-up about the planet itself.
). Japanese catalogs tend to be more oriented toward displaying each toy's action features than the American versions, with lots of swooshes and speed blurs to indicate action!! To see your past orders, you must enter the same e-mail
A 4-fold "sampler" catalog came with early movie toys.
They engaged in battle and Megatron accidentally let his guard down, allowing Galvatron to gain the upper hand, declaring "Your era is over, Megatron!"
They very often also feature additional artwork, such as a battle diorama of the toys or artwork of major characters.
Please enter your password twice.
This was also the year when Hasbro stopped dividing the toys into "Autobots" and "Decepticons" for the two catalog sides, instead using the, 1990 continued the division by "theme" instead of faction, this time with Micromasters and.
Yes! Once instock or restocked, our system will automatically email you letting you know so that you can place your order!
They must have done that on a COM-PU-TOR! The flip side contained all the product from the current waves, including most of the toys that were intended to be thematically related to the particular planet.
Primal then names Lio Convoy as his successor and Lio Convoy swears not to let his predecessor down. You must be logged in in order to enroll for Geek Points, Convert Geek Points to store credit in My Source.
They showed the entire year's lineup of toys, Autobots on one side, Decepticons on the other. (Pixels?
But fear not, enter your email address and Jerry the Dino, will notify you as soon as it's back instock! New catalogs typically did not appear in the earliest waves of a new year's offerings, presumably because the toys themselves were still being finalized. - The Ultimate Transformers Fansite, Transformers: Rise of the Beast Movie News, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Movie News, Subscribe to Twincast/Podcast with iTunes, Transformers The Last Knight Global Premiere Events , Chicago Premiere (photos by, Transformers Exhibit at Children's Museum in Indianapolis, Preorders for Exclusive Velocitron Line are Up + Vintage Beast Wars Reveals, Better Look at Upcoming Transformers DK3 AKA Diaclone Blue Trailbreaker, Images of Transformers Booth at SDCC's Preview Night, Studio Series 86 Arcee Shipping from Amazon + Video Review, First Look at Transformers Velocitron Crasher (Go Bot), Walmart Exclusive Funko Pop Optimus Prime Mask Revealed, is an unofficial Transformers fansite, Takara Tomy's official Transformers website. You must first enroll in the Geek Points program by logging in. Each year used a unique stylized approach: Soundwave figured he'd just sit this one out. Rather than a catalog devoted exclusively to Transformers, Kenner used a cross-sell approach, compiling one booklet with many toylines. You are about to add this item to your stack! Early editions of the 1988 catalog had to substitute a "COMING SOON!" International shipping is also reduced on all orders $150 or more, but not free.
Starting with the original 28 Transformer toys available in 1984, catalogs typically show some or all of the currently available merchandise.
Many toy groups shown in the G1 catalogs are prototypesthe Monsterbots, the 1987 Headmasters, and the 1990 Micromasters are particularly obvious examples. Catalogs disappeared entirely during Beast Machines and Robots in Disguise, replaced by cross-sell photos on the outside of the packaging. Receive reduced shipping on order $150 or more for non-continental US states orders including Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico regions. (Pixels?
box art silhouette in place of some of the Pretenders. The Titaniums line likewise received one single-fold catalog flyer advertising the first four toys in the line.
Some of the links to external sites posted on this site may automatically be converted to an affiliate link for which we may be compensated. At least one Micron Legend catalog featured a cross-sell spot for the Kid's Transformers Rescue Heroes Go-Bots. Catalogs disappeared entirely during Beast Machines and Robots in Disguise, replaced by cross-sell photos on the outside of the packaging.
We are a participant in several affiliate programs with retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay, and other affiliate programs. The Beast Wars II toy catalog featured multiple pages of original art in which Optimus Primal and Megatron introduce Lio Convoy and Galvatron, respectively.
Rather than a catalog devoted exclusively to Transformers, Kenner used a cross-sell approach, compiling one booklet with many toylines. Starting with the original 28 Transformer toys available in 1984, catalogs typically show some or all of the currently available merchandise. The toy spread includes various standard mainline toys, as well as representatives from the Battle Blasters, Bumper Battlers, Power Bots, Shift Tech, and Activators sublines. Please login before You post your review. Armada revived the catalog tradition, combining a Transformers catalog with a pack-in mini-comic in booklet form.
*Only retail customers are eligible for the Geek Points program.
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Japanese catalogs tend to be more oriented toward displaying each toy's action features than the American versions, with lots of swooshes and speed blurs to indicate action!! As a history lesson, we learn that Megatron and Galvatron had once been rivals on Cybertron, as Megatron disagreed with Galvatron's methods regarding space conquest. Wholesale customers are not eligible. Password mismatch. Energon continued the same comic-and-catalog pattern started by Armada.
These affiliate advertising programs are designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to those affiliated sites. All Rights Reserved.
Some of the content on this site are sponsored posts for which we have been compensated. G1 catalogs were printed on a single sheet of paper that folded down to small size.
Catalog, Condition as-is, Actual catalog may not be the one pictured. Many toy groups shown in the G1 catalogs are prototypesthe Monsterbots, the 1987 Headmasters, and the 1990 Micromasters are particularly obvious examples. No code required, free US shipping and reduced international shipping is automatically calculated in checkout! Transformers Series > Hasbro Transformers > Generation 1 > G1 1988. Through the life of the Generation One toyline, catalogs were standard in all boxed toys. Taking place in "the seventh month of Space Year 1999", we learn that while Primal and Megatron fight their Beast War on planet Energoa, another Beast War has erupted on a strange planet, where a Maximal space patrol has had a run-in with platoon of Predacons who are in search of "The King of Angolmois".
Battle Cruiser Battle Drill with Skull Grotess, Movie - Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) (195).
1984 featured the toy groups on variously-colored neutral backgrounds. If you don't receive instructions within a few minutes, check your email's spam and junk filters. Joe Classified Series, Trigger 1/12 Scale | Action Force | Valaverse, Delta Gear Pack Accessory Set 1/12 Scale | Action Force | Valaverse, Garrison Cavalry 1/12 Scale | Action Force | Valaverse, Grid Alien PX Previews Exclusive 1:18 Scale | Alien Vs Predator | Hiya Toys, Transformers Glow in the Dark Poster Lower Right Catalog, Transformers Glow in the Dark Poster Lower Left Catalog, Have the Decepticons Defeated Us? Though obviously cheaper to produce than a separate catalog, these were limited to showing only a few toys at a time. The opposite side gives one panel of space to Universe, two panels for Animated merchandise such as apparel, activity books, sporting goods, dishware and home decor. At any time you can have orders ship out from your stack by selecting them in stack manager and generating an order.Items in your stack will be charged when they are instock, instock items added to your stack will be charged when added.
Energon continued the same comic-and-catalog pattern started by Armada. Free shipping is available for domestic shipments only and only offered on the lowest cost shipping method. 10,121 pages were recently viewed by 1,957 unique visitors. 1989 did away with the framing boxes and had the toy images upon a gold background. Beast Wars catalogs reflected the changing nature of retail. The front cover featured the War Within-style Optimus Prime toy. Disclaimer: Toys do not actually glow or cause motion blurs.
We must learn to master our powers. On the Maximal side of things, we learn that Optimus Primal has been watching Lio Convoy advance through the ranks of the Maximal Space Patrol and respects him as being strong, brave and an ideal leader (though a bit too straightforward, some times).
Each map featured one of the storyline's fictional worlds on one side, with an image of the planet, a profile of one of its major residents, short mini-story images, and a write-up about the planet itself. Click here to view my wishlist.
The initial catalog, also packaged with concurrent Universe toys, features a multi-fold sheet that unfolds to five panels, with a spread of Animated toys on most of one side, along with a smaller one-panel ad for the Animated Nintendo game. Catalogs are one of many ways that Hasbro and TakaraTomy have traditionally promoted the Transformers brand.
The Titaniums line likewise received one single-fold catalog flyer advertising the first four toys in the line. At least one Legends of the Microns catalog featured a cross-sell spot for the Rescue Hero Go-Bots toyline. Other Transformers product lines were often advertised in these booklets as well, including Alternators, the then-current Dreamwave Productions comics, Built to Rule!, Universe, the Commemorative Series, and the various VHS and DVD releases of the current cartoon. Figuarts | Bandai Tamashii Nations | Marvel, Ronin Mandalorian and Grogu Meisho Movie Realization | The Mandalorian | Bandai Spirits Star Wars, Mechagodzilla S.H.MonsterArts | Bandai Tamashii Nations | Godzilla Vs Kong, MS-06JC Zaku II Type JC Version A.N.I.M.E.
Transformers Universe received a single pack-in catalog flyer advertising the first wave of toys on one side, with a comic-style battle scene on the other. Please enter your email below.
No code required, free shipping and reduced international shipping is automatically calculated in checkout. Beast Wars typically received 2 to 4 pages, showing a sampling of the current line rather than a whole year's offerings. It advertised the Hunt for the Decepticons online game, and selected toys and merchandise from the Hunt for the Decepticons, Power Core Combiners, Generations, Speed Stars, and Stealth Force.
Early editions of the 1988 catalog had to substitute a "COMING SOON!" This catalog featured a diorama of various toys battling around a lit sparkler. They must have done that on a COM-PU-TOR!).