An Annual Adult Waiver is required for this trip. 8 ft single kayak is 33.00 for 4 hours. This August, we will be spending five Sundays looking at a selection of the Psalms, the song book of the Bible, and allowing the words of the psalmists to inform our understanding of biblical worship and broaden how we think about living lives of worship for the glory of God. Contact Marne at 907-388-8458 or Cathy at 541-840-6199 if you have any questions. We need a head count for tables. Over the past several months, we have made a number of changes to the CFC building itself. Sunday, 10 AM Come join us for a beautiful kayak trip on Spring Creek. Helpequip students with the supplies they need as they go back to school. Trip cost is $25 each student and covers park admission, and dinner. This is the mission of the Churchto boldly go into the mission field with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to see men, women, families, and communities won to Christ through faithful gospel proclamation, to raise up Jesus-loving, gospel-proclaiming disciples who are then sent into the world to make more disciples. Kids, toddlers through grade 5, will have a great time playing in the Oak Tree Climber, the Clubhouse and the puppet theater. RSVP not necessary but it's helpful for planning. We hope you will stay after service for lunch and fellowship. If you are 50 or older, please join the OFF group for an evening Concert and BBQ at Lake of the Woods. High School students are invited to join us for our annual trip to the Redding Waterworks park! The price of a rental is: 10ft Single Kayak is 44.00 for 4 hours. On Sunday, July 17, June McCutchan, and Rose Wagner were baptized as CFC. We identify it as one of our core values at Heritage Christian Fellowship, as well as one of the definitive markers of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Come enjoy lunch for your family and hang out on the lawn while you enjoy some treats and the kids play on the bounce house after church. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. MATTHEW 28:19-20. It's time for the annual gym floor resurfacing at CCHS, which means that we will be holding our Sunday Service outdoors in the breezeway on Sunday, July 24. We will meet at the Hub at 7:45am on Saturday, July 30 and leave at 8:00am. Please let us know if you will be going us. Everyone has to eat, right? Take a break and join us on the lawnfor ourFamily Movie Night. Come enjoy lunch for your family and hang out on the lawn while you enjoy some treats and the kids play on the bounce house after church. Well be watching Sing. All of these are designed to help improve focus during worship. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we continue through the word! Please contact Pastor Zach at if you are interested in chaperoning or have any other questions. Join the Over Fifty Fellowship for an informal (buy your own)lunch after church. Trip cost is $40 each student and covers park admission, gas, lunch and dinner. Sign up here: We will be back at the hub for parents to pick their kids up around 8:00pm. What is authentic worship? This will be our 3rd time doing this trip with the Heritage OFF group. Please keep both of them in prayer as they continue on their journey with Jesus. Little did he know that this major event in his life would bring him closer to God than he ever thought imaginable. Heritage Christian Fellowship is a gospel-centered body of believers dedicated to making disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. Jr. High students that are going into grades 6-8 next year, come join us for our annual trip to the Redding Waterworks park! Come early to get a seat under the breezeway, or bring a chair(s) for you and your family. If youd like to hear from us on our email newsletter, fill out your email address, We hope you will join us for our Summer Food Truck Sundays this year! Spring Creek is approximately an hour and 45 minute drive from Medford. Service starts at normal time, 10AM. We would be honored to pray for you too! This is the target we aim for. If you have never kayaked this is a great place to try it out.
Each attendee will need to pack a lunch or bring money to purchase lunch at the park. We meet once a month a different locations purely to socialize and meet new folks! This includes extensive work to the audio and video system, an upgraded entrance to the sanctuary, and an updated remembrance table. Work on the men's room, will begin in a couple of months. If you have never kayaked this is a great place to try it out. A major bathroom upgrade project is also underway. Learn More , Our Heavenly father makes a covenant with us, by formally covenanting with one another the way the scriptures command us to do. Learn More , We believe strongly in a shared leadership structure under the ultimate oversight of our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We hope you will join us for our Summer Food Truck Sundays this year! An update to the Missions Wall is also in the works. Please be sure to fill it out. Payment will be handled through the OFF group so contact them to make payment. In desperate days with screaming headlines & polarizing points of view, we need Someone to speak to our soul. We will be back at the hub for parents to pick their kids up around 8:00pm. We have information at the OFF desk for renting kayaks if you dont have one. Please let us know if you will be going us. Meet some of the faithful servants of Heritage and how serving has impacted their lives and walk with the Lord. How can we pray for you today? So, what does it mean to worship authentically?
We will meet at the Hub at 7:30am on Saturday, July 23 and leave at 8:00am. For More details check out our Church Web site, App or get information and sign up at the OFF table. We identify it as one of our core values at Heritage Christian Fellowship, as well as one of the definitive markers of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Services: Cascade Christian High School855 Chevy Way, Medford, OROffice: 943 Automation Way, Suite AMedford, OR 97504, Church Phone: 541-772-8200Email: info@heritagefellowship.netPrayer Request: For Kayak information contact Cheryl Nye at 813-951-6541. We will meet at the Hub at 7:30am on Saturday, July 23 and leave at 8:00am. Plus, it's fun to try new restaurants! We hope you will stay after service for lunch and fellowship Every week our staff prays for those who have prayer requests at our staff meeting. It's time for the annual gym floor resurfacing at CCHS, which means that we will be holding our Sunday Service outdoors in the breezeway on Sunday, July 24. For parents who are interested in chaperoning, your trip cost will be covered and we could use a couple more adults to help watch our kiddos. Come join us for a beautiful kayak trip on Spring Creek. In our ever-changing world we need something we can hold on to. Spring Creek is approximately an hour and 45 minute drive from Medford. Join us for worship and study every Sunday morning at 10:00AM. This is the mission of The Church and the mission of Heritage Christian Fellowship as we seek to be Christs church in the Rogue Valley and beyond. It is 31 miles north of Klamath Falls on Highway 97.. Sign up at the churches website, App or at the OFF table. Come grow and learn with us!
Bring a sack lunch for all who plan to attend with you. Spend the whole day or just join us for the Concert and BBQ. Therefore we have instituted a Covenant Membership Program here at Heritage. There are a few additional charges at the time of service that will be split among everyone attending for delivery and pickup of rentals. High School students are invited to join us for our annual trip to the Redding Waterworks park! We will be back at the hub for parents to pick their kids up around 9:30pm. No registration is necessary. We hope you will join us! We need a head count for tables. Trip cost is $40 each student and covers park admission, gas, lunch and dinner. We will be back at the hub for parents to pick their kids up around 9:30pm. Get easy access to our upcoming events, sermon videos, giving and more. Spend the whole day or just join us for the Concert and BBQ. An Annual Youth Waiver is required to attend this trip. 957
If you will need to rent a kayak, we need sign ups for kayaks by the 24th of July. Eat with us. Trip cost is $25 each student and covers park admission, and dinner. Text Marne at 907.388.8458, or go to the church app to let us know you'll be joining us. Or just show up! This will be our 3rd time doing this trip with the Heritage OFF group. We hope youll join us forSummer Lightsas we look to the Scriptures for direction, peace and hope. Sign up ASAP if you plan to attend.
Text Marne at 907.388.8458, or go to the church app to let us know you'll be joining us. Or just show up!
Please be sure to fill it out. Click below to see all events or click the text links to see ministry-focused events.
We have had 79-year-old people go with us that have it never kayak and had an absolute blast. If youve never kayaked this is an easy kayak trip on one of the most beautiful creeks in Oregon. Heritage is a gospel-centered body of believers dedicated to making disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. Click to learn about our beliefs, recommended readings, membership and more. Every week our staff prays for those who have prayer requests at our staff meeting. What is authentic worship? Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The last Sunday of July, we will have delicious donuts and coffee from Snoball Donuts for purchase and Heritage is providing sandwiches for lunch. If youve never kayaked this is an easy kayak trip on one of the most beautiful creeks in Oregon. We would be honored to pray for you too! For More details check out our Church Web site, App or get information and sign up at the OFF table. Everyone has to eat, right? It is 31 miles north of Klamath Falls on Highway 97.. Sign up at the churches website, App or at the OFF table. Come early to get a seat under the breezeway, or bring a chair(s) for you and your family. Snoball will be set up at 9:30 to take orders before church and will remain there until 12:30 so come early too! Jr. High students that are going into grades 6-8 next year, come join us for our annual trip to the Redding Waterworks park! If you are 50 or older, please join the OFF group for an evening Concert and BBQ at Lake of the Woods. We will meet at the Hub at 7:45am on Saturday, July 30 and leave at 8:00am. We have also added a video calendar in the church entry-way. Join the Over Fifty Fellowship for an informal (buy your own)lunch after church. The women's bathroom project is just about complete. Our preachers this Sunday will open up the Bible and look at how Jesus taught people to pray. Eat with us. For parents who are interested in chaperoning, your trip cost will be covered and we could use a couple more adults to help watch our kiddos. Damon didnt expect to find himself in cardiac arrest, dyingon the pavement when he and his wife took a trip on their motorcycle a few summers back. Service starts at normal time, 10AM. Contact Marne at 907-388-8458 or Cathy at 541-840-6199 if you have any questions. Families are invited to play at the Childrens Discovery Center, an indoor playground housed at the Christ Church Oak Brook campus. Learn More , For access to the latest sermon teachings, and recommended materialsfrom Heritage, check out what weve got below, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. For more information call Cathy Hamrin 541-840-6199. Sign up here: Just about every week weve got a fun event, class, retreat, kids activity, adult-oriented get-together and more.
Heritage has a new app! Wed love to chat,get in contact with us and let us know!
Tandem is 83.00 for 4 hours. 545. RSVP not necessary but it's helpful for planning. Each attendee will need to pack a lunch or bring money to purchase lunch at the park. Plus, it's fun to try new restaurants! For more information call Cathy Hamrin 541-840-6199. Sign up here: Whether youve followed Jesus for 50 years, a few days or your investigating faith, talking to God can be overwhelming. Snoball will be set up at 9:30 to take orders before church and will remain there until 12:30 so come early too! We have information at the OFF desk for renting kayaks if you dont have one. We have had 79-year-old people go with us that have it never kayak and had an absolute blast. The following core values shape the ministry of Heritage, informing our decisions and directing the focus of our ministry. Please be sure you have filled one out online. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we continue through the word! So, what does it mean to worship authentically? An Annual Adult Waiver is required for this trip. Click here to see our staff, board of directors and elders. The last Sunday of July, we will have delicious donuts and coffee from Snoball Donuts for purchase and Heritage is providing sandwiches for lunch.
Are you interested in serving as a volunteer at Heritage? Heritage Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational gospel-centered body of believers dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Please contact Pastor Zach at if you are interested in chaperoning or have any other questions. We meet once a month a different locations purely to socialize and meet new folks!