Plus, add recruiting on top of calling leads, setting appointments, and seeing clients.
Getting licensed in Life Insurance. Were glad you enjoyed being a productive member of our NIL team and appreciate that you recognize the financial and personal opportunity we offer our agents. And FORGET taking a day off because you're sick.
Thank you for your feedback and for your contributions to our team. We're glad you're enjoying the thorough training and supportive management we offer at NIL. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your review. Best wishes to even more success at NIL.
You first go threw a 2 round hiring interview, with the last phone call telling you youve been hired. Best wishes for a long and successful career with NIL. If you aren't decent, you'll run out of money. We wish you a successful and productive future ahead with AIL. We enjoy seeing our team members achieve success and we wish you a productive future ahead as an important part of our team. It really boils down to if you can see yourself doing something like this. Thank you for your feedback. Producers are 'sold' the job the same way clients are sold the product.

We're happy you're enjoying the professional growth and opportunity that our Agent position can produce with hard work and dedication. to pass on advice and help to a struggling agent. Thank you for your feedback. Not for people with low drive and little self discipline. I often got weekly bonus checks with commas in them. -Superb sales training and world class leadership training. This will replace the current featured review for targeted profile.
Schedule is flexible. But, truth is: Leads run out. Overall seems to be a great opportunity. Cleared 6 figures one year. Work/Life balance is not good, and the leads you receive from the company are 90% used and very old meaning numerous agents have called the same lead sometimes during the same week you are calling the lead. many of the people who are "recuited" have zero experience or qualifications. I tried not to complain about my job, but to stay focus on the company, that,show the employee that each person is treated with respect and trust,i will recommend anyone to sign up with the company. And that's all YOUR money down the tubes. lots of Cold calls, expected to make 100 calls an hour on the same leads. They promise "you'll be consulting with union members on benefits they requested" but they won't even give you any of those leads (which are still based on bait-and switch) until you've proven that you can sell to unsuspecting "leads" you've gotten from referrals given before the referrers even realized you were selling them life insurance. We appreciate that you recognize hard work and commitment to this NIL career can be extremely rewarding financially and personally. We're glad you're enjoying the supportive culture, and the opportunity to make a generous living while offering valuable financial protection to working families. Friendly working enviornement, nice salary. Working from home, We're happy to have you on our team and appreciate your contributions to NIL and our mission of helping provide financial protection to our customers. The company listen to there employee, and makes sure they all understand, that each person is treated equally with respect. Were still collecting data to inform categories such as Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation, and Veteran Status. I spent insane amounts of money on gas, car repairs, rental cars (if my car was in the shop), and constantly eating fast food (because you are often on the road 8 hours in one day far from home.) company provides you leads. As you know, NIL strives to provide our agents with a positive work environment and the opportunity for continued growth and development. Give no meaningful support except training on how to sell from a script. Thank you for your feedback and for your hard work and dedication to NIL.
Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if National Income Life is right for you. Pros & Cons are excerpts from user reviews. Once in a while, it you're really good and really lucky, you'll get real referrals for life insurance, and that's the ONLY way you'll sell without baiting and switching. The leads are older leads, and getting ahold of them is really hard sometimes. Thank you for your review.
They are not authored by Glassdoor. over $200 towards training and licensing. They sell you on how much money you can make and how great your life can be, but unless you're ready to give up all your personal ethics, you'll never be successful there. Great pay, amazing culture, Freedom of hours. 6 day work week. Best wishes to even more success at NIL. Thank you for your feedback.
Sometimes long hours during initial weeks. Your response will be removed from the review this cannot be undone. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. this company is not vested in you whatsoever. We invite you to send us an email to with more agency details so that we can look further into this situation. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Bonuses are ok too, you just have to work your ass off to qualify for any. National Income Life advocates for key issues and campaigns, and invests in a public agenda reflecting core values important to all working people.
Building on our solid foundation of providing supplemental benefits to working families, it is with great pride, When we say NILICO supports working families, we mean it. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. More than half of them quit a month into it anyway. This career can be tough in the beginning but with a persistent work ethic, it can be extremely rewarding. I will update with more after the process is complete. Working from home, Best wishes to even more years of success with us. What are perks and other benefits like at National Income Life. True loyalty in this company You then put on your presentation and hopefully make a sale. AIL is always looking for ways to help our agents succeed in their careers and feedback from you can help us improve the path to success. The opportunity has changed my life and I look forward to get to work here every day. Glassdoor has 461 National Income Life reviews submitted anonymously by National Income Life employees. Also, just to clarify that I was not a "churn and burn" with this company.
Were a little short on data, but you can help. And everybody always wants to 'think about it'. This job is 100% commission based. Are you sure you want to replace it? Thank you for your feedback and for your hard work and dedication to NIL. Thank you for being an integral part of our team's mission to provide financial protection to families in our community. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. Check out the latest National Income Life Jobs. Take 30 seconds to, Mar 27, 2022 - Employee Benefits Specialist, Get started with your Free Employer Profile. When you 'get inside' the home you then expand telling them a little more about why you are there but not exactly letting them know that you are selling life insurance. We're sorry that our sales opportunity didn't meet your expectations. this is a bait and switch. Management are the best, no-conscience salesmen around. True loyalty in this company
lots of Cold calls, expected to make 100 calls an hour on the same leads. -Secure work place. Sometimes long hours during initial weeks. -Industry Leading compensation packages.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication to AIL and our customers. It is a good ol boys club. Were a little short on data, but you can help. Forget taking vacations. -Great overall culture. in the beginning or until you can do well on your own, environment (can be difficult for some people), The company does not tell the truth when you are a new Agent such as pay rate on, products, managers micro manage in your first 2, Coming soon!
How is diversity at National Income Life? Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if National Income Life is right for you. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. In this rewarding career, you do typically get out of it what you put in. Very supportive, thorough training, family feel, and lucrative. highest commission rates out of all life insurance firms. We invite you to send us an email to with more agency details so that we can look further into this situation. Nevermind that you will sometimes need to drive 2 hours for an appointment. Good money. the company recruits people based on a resume bank on or Producers are 'sold' the job the same way clients are sold the product. Thank you for your feedback. Copyright 20082022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. -Company already has a clientele base therefore you do not have to solicit your friends and family. We contribute to various organizations that research, analyze, and, Friendly working enviornement, nice salary. We wish you well and good luck to you in your next career path. They will help you to succeed and find leads. See if they're hiring! The process took 2 days.
I also never could hold a relationship and never saw my family. You will feel like the biggest idiot having to do that. If you ARE decent, you'll be pushed into "sales management." You'll RARELY work 2 days a week (like they brag at the interview.) Pros & Cons are excerpts from user reviews. You need to spend 2 nights a week setting appointments. 70% of employees would recommend working at, According to anonymously submitted Glassdoor reviews, National Income Life employees rate their compensation and benefits as 3.8 out of 5. In addition, the products the company provides to help working families is top tier and is truly a service to our community. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. Turns out that the leads are not exclusive and that the union member is expecting no cost benefits and what they get is no cost benefits that are essentially worthless and a life insurance pitch. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at National Income Life, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This will replace the current featured review for targeted profile. You're excited to go to work and that means a lot. Once again, you'll be pushed to go get referrals for people to hire. Thank you for your feedback and for your contributions to our NIL teams success! They will help you to succeed and find leads. Very sneaky.
Best wishes in your next career endeavor. With a strong work ethic, this career can lead to an abundance of personal and financial success. Calling (really cold-calling) from bad referrals and referrals up to two years old for at least 5 hours two days a week was constant dialing and reading scripts that were totally misleading so you could hopefully get appointments to pitch your products. this company likes to recruit people, make them pay for their license, lie to clients and employees, disillusion prospecting employees into thinking the job is better than it is. Control over my time and income.
So really, that 6-figure income averaged out to just a normal, middle of the road, entry-level salaried job. -Weekly bonuses are higher than any other company You get paid what you are worth and management goes above and beyond to see you succeed.
Copyright 2008-2022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. If you are able to work 12 to 14 hours a day without pay for several weeks as a new agent and survive financially until you find enough leads to make a great profit it can be rewarding. Glassdoor has 461 National Income Life reviews submitted anonymously by National Income Life employees. other companies provide higher commission for sales. I would suggest anyone to this company. Everyone is a work horse. Company relies on shady tactics and misleading information. This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. Copyright 20082022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. No.
We're happy to hear that your time on our team was productive and positive. Best wishes to you in the future. Protecting my health while working from home with a great support team. We're sorry that your time with NIL didn't meet your expectations. -If you're looking for Part-Time it is not the place. Thats It!!! This agent position does require a self-motivated, persistent, and sales-minded individual to succeed and isn't for everyone. You had to wait a whole quarter just to re-enroll. This will replace the current featured review for targeted profile. Best wishes for a long and successful career with us! And went through a lot of stress. this company is always hiring because people are always quitting.
Total Pay Average.css-1f2j16u{cursor:pointer;width:24px;height:24px;}. If you are having a bad week, it is your fault, no one elses. Thank you for your insightful feedback. Be prepared to sit with people and convince them that this is good for them when they really just want you to go away. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. Very sneaky. No gas spent on driving, Expensive starting costs. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Coming soon! You will be telling them that you are just going to go over their 'benefits' with them if they are union, or that you are giving them a child safe kit at no cost if they are a referral. This rating reflects the overall rating of National Income Life and is not affected by filters. I love this company and everything it has provided for me.
Management support is very good, there is always someone to help you when you really need it (although not very easy when you need little things). Selling to people without much money to spend. The leads are older leads, and getting ahold of them is really hard sometimes.Read More, I applied through a recruiter. The situation you're describing does not represent our AIL training or management style and we are sorry to learn of your experience. The typical National Income Life Insurance Agent salary is $58,931 per year. Copyright 20082022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc.
Best wishes for a long and successful career with us! Your more treated like a telemarketer. I absolutely love working for this company. long hours Its a Hiring Ponzi Pyramid that sells Final Expense life Insurance! Nada. Were a little short on data, but you can help. Were still collecting data to inform categories such as Age, Disability, Sexual Orientation, and Veteran Status. this company has one of the highest turnover rates that i have ever seen. Are you sure you want to remove this review from being featured for targeted profile?
With the right person, this career can be incredibly rewarding financially and professionally. Good environment and Nice staffs to work with. Your input helps Glassdoor refine our pay estimates over time. work from home We wish you a successful and productive future ahead with AIL.
Having problems? Control over my time and income. Taking advantage of peoples hardships Your response will be removed from the review this cannot be undone. Company relies on shady tactics and misleading information. Are you sure you want to replace it? Plus, no one is ever allowed to be just an "agent." Copyright 20082022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Stock Bonus, Profit Sharing, Tips have not been reported for this role, average salary for an Insurance Agent is $50,502 per year in United States. Best wishes to you in the future. no one is there to help you. Best wishes for a long future of success at NIL. The referral game really is nice, but, I was never comfortable hard closing people for sales or referrals. Putting on the presentation was harder then I thought it would be for me but it gets easier pretty quickly. As you know, NIL strives to provide our agents with a positive work environment and the opportunity for continued growth and development. -Constant Growth Opportunities. Friendly working enviornement, nice salary. We appreciate that you recognize hard work and commitment to this NIL career can be extremely rewarding financially and personally. We wish you a successful and productive future ahead with AIL. In conclusion, DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY. And bonus is based on retention which you have no control over. in the beginning or until you can do well on your own, environment (can be difficult for some people), The company does not tell the truth when you are a new Agent such as pay rate on, products, managers micro manage in your first 2, Coming soon! Potential to move up is again completely up to you, no politics. This rating reflects the overall rating of National Income Life and is not affected by filters. They promise "no cold calling" but that's really what you're doing almost all the time. Thank you for your feedback. Taking advantage of peoples hardships