Learn more about becoming a host family today.
See more teachers Note: In all cases a valid drivers license/ID card, military ID with picture or passport with picture are required for identification purposes. See below for more details: Join us for our PTO Meeting this week and learn about some of the end of the year celebrations happening in the next few weeks. You can use the URLs below to subscribe to updates and future events with an application or website that supports the iCalendar file format. Use the link below to access printable PDFs of our 2020-2021 School Supply Lists. Our last week at Long Lake includes some fun events. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, were trusted by teachers, donors, administrators, and partner organizations across the country. End Time: 4:01PM Please click the photo or this link to access our New Student Enrollment and Registration packet.
TCAPS' monthly e-newsletter highlights all the great things happening in the classroom. Didn't receive the email?
Public school teachers from every corner of America create classroom project requests, and you can give any amount to the project that inspires you. The Dune Lakes Elementary School Bus Zone covers South of Choctawhatchee Bay as far West as Highway 393 then East to the Walton County/Bay County border. There will be a cost of $5 per child (with a maximum of $20 per family) which can be paid online or at the event.

Learn more about this gap, why it exists, and how you and, ONE current utility bill dated within 30 days (for new services, an activation notice may be accepted) or. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved.
We are currently enrolling for all grades, Kindergarten - 5th and appreciate your prompt and timely attention to register your child.
Permalink: https://dle.walton.k12.fl.us/2020/7/2020-2021-school-supply-lists-are-here, 145 South Park Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435, Address: 6565 US Highway 98 E Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 - Phone: 850-622-5012 | Fax Number: 850-622-5017, SPICE | Student Program In Community Education. Early Release Dismissal: 2:01PM. Due to COVID restrictions, Dune Lakes Elementary School is currently hosting school tours, but only after 2:30 pm. Your promo code has been successfully applied and will be reflected in checkout.
To copy: right-click with your mouse and select Copy or use the keyboard shortcut: cmd + c on Mac or ctrl + c on Windows. Supplied is an outreach of Good News UMC.
Check your email to verify your account and get started on your first project. Please be prepared to bring items in with you at Meet the Teacher. Por favor traiga una merienda pequena cada dia en una bolsa de papel o en una caja de almuerzo con el nombre de su hijo(a). Bowers/Whitley Career Acceleration Academy, Mort Elementary A Community Partnership School, Riverwalk STEM Academy at Just Elementary, South Tampa Academy at Monroe Middle Magnet, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). SVUSD elementary school located in southern Orange County, CA. No events scheduled that match your date or calendar selections, 145 South Park Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435, An "A" schoolshaping hearts, minds and lives, {{day.at | relTimeSpan:event.at:event.endAt}}, 13270 Highway 90, West DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435 | Phone: 850-892-1290 | Fax: 850-892-1299, {{modalModel.at | dateSpan:modalModel.endAt:modalModel.isAllDay}}. Debajo hay una lista de utiles sugeridos para el ano escolar. Our close-knit caring staff strives to provide the best learning environment forstudents. Address: 6565 US Highway 98 E Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 - Phone: 850-622-5012 | Fax Number: 850-622-5017, SPICE | Student Program In Community Education, https://dle.walton.k12.fl.us/2019/6/wcsd-2019-2020-calendar. ONE additional current document showing your address from the list below: IF YOU ARE A RENTER, you MUST provide the following documents: Current lease with the names of everyone living in the household listed on the lease. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. Your school email address was successfully verified. We're a charity that makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. can help close it.
Check out the Commissioner's List: 145 South Park Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435, Address: 6565 US Highway 98 E Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 - Phone: 850-622-5012 | Fax Number: 850-622-5017, SPICE | Student Program In Community Education, Dune Lakes Elementary School Orientation FINAL2.pdf.
Please click the photo or this link to access our New Student Enrollment and Registration packet. American, or Asian, project Half Day Dismissal: 12:12PM 70 individuals from Florida and MYP (Middle School) Supply Lists 2022-2023. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM If the lease is month to month, a notarized letter from the landlord/owner/property manager is required (lease must have both tenant and landlord/property managers signature and contract information.) 2-2 pocket folder/2 folders de 2 carteras, * Wide rule notebook paper/1 paquete de hojas de rayas de renglones anchos. Marque cada cosa con el nombre de su hijo. Prepare your student with their grade level school supplies using the printable files provided below. Florida Shot Record on DOH 680 - FL Certification of Immunization (blue card), Proof of Residence for Walton County (see requirements below), Grade placement criteria (If student is transferring from another public school, we can use the records that indicate grade placement. See below to catch it all: Learning, Enrichment and Athletic Program: extracurricular offerings for PreK-12 students. Looking for a few books to read with your student during these last few weeks of summer?
Your web browser might not work well with our site. local support than similar districts that serve primarily white students. 2 24 or 36 Count Crayola Crayons / 2 cajas de 24 o 36 Crayones Crayola pequenos, 1 Small package of Ticonderoga pencils / Una caja de lapices Ticonderoga, 2 Bottles of Elmers white glue / 2 botellas de Resistol liquido blanco marca Elmer, 1 Container of disinfecting wipes / Un paquete de toallitas desinfectantes, 5 Dry erase markers / 5 dry erase marcedores. Your child will receive a folder to bring with him/her to school each day. The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 10th. Suggested supplies for the school year are listed below. Our mission is to serve local families in need (free and reduced lunch or financial crisis) with children in grades K-12 as they head back to school.
Keep up the great work! Su nino(a) recibira una carpeta que debera traer a la escuela todos los dias. in Santa Rsa Bch, Florida that is part of Walton County School District. A printable PDF is located in the files below. Sign up now and stay connected to your community's schools. from Dune Lakes Elementary School. An updated supply list will be provided on the first day of school. can help close it. It must have been performed in the state of Florida, within 1 year of start date in August 2021. IF YOU ARE A HOMEOWNER, you MUST provide the following documents: Current mortgage statement (dated within 30 days) or deed or property tax record and, ONE current utility bill dated within 30days (for new services, an activation notice may be accepted) or. *Note*: The supply lists provided below are a general recommendation of supplies. Please bring a small healthy snack each day (granola bar, small sandwich, fruit, etc.) Una lista de tiles mas exacta se proveerel primer dia de clases. Dune Lakes Elementary School has received support from
You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where students Schools in districts that mainly serve students of color receive substantially less state and in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education. If transferring from a private school, we will need to screen for placement if state achievement testing results are not available.) We recommend you upgrade your browser.