The Paradise Portal the north entrance of the transept is an artistic highlight. The oldest of these in Germany is believed to be the one in Aachen, which has statues of XIII century princes. In Cologne there was an older cathedral, but after a fire in 1248 the temple was again rebuilt in the midst of the Gothic style. In addition to such castles, the Military Order of the Teutonic Knights promoted the construction of their own in East Prussia and across the border with Poland and the Baltic countries in order to house their garrisons. The most perfect work of Gothic architecture in Germany, the cathedral of Cologne, was probably designed by a French architect or at least by someone who had taken part in the works of the Amiens cathedral. The polychrome sculptures that decorate the exterior of the cathedral of Freiburg, from the early XIV century, are picturesque and no less naturalistic, despite their small size and somewhat popular manufacture. German castles are quite numerous in Saxony, as an example is the one thats considered the most important, the castle of Meissen (the Albrechtsburg) which dominates the city of the same name and that, in the XVIII century, was the place where it was first manufactured in Europe authentic porcelain similar to the Chinese. Until they were partially destroyed during World War II, some cities such as Nuremberg and Cologne had whole neighborhoods with wooden houses and their old artisan shops, all survivors of the guild-based life of the Gothic centuries. Magdeburg has a long organ tradition. Germany is famous for the still standing medieval castles located on the banks of the Rhine. In 1524, Magdeburg city accepted the Reformation and the first storming of statues (Bildersturm) of the Dom took place. Despite frequent destruction by fire and war the city tended to bounce back fast. The best-known example is probably Coburgs city coat of arms, granted in 1493, which uses a Black male head in profile wearing a large golden earring.
The originals from around 1515 are inside the church directly after the entrance at the door to the tower stairs. On the outside, the very beautiful apse with ambulatory and chapels has the pinnacles topped with fine points and light buttresses. Such powerful west facades are common in this region of Germany see for example the older churches at Havelberg and Jerichow downstream on the Elbe River to the north of Magdeburg. MarcoBasaiti, INTRODUCTION TO THE VENETIAN PAINTING SCHOOL. Lorenzo Lotto, Giovanni Battista Moroni, JacopoBassano, THE VENETIAN PAINTING SCHOOL V.Tintoretto, THE VENETIAN PAINTING SCHOOL IV. Music concerts are frequently held in the cathedral. The original medieval stained-glass windows were already destroyed during the Thirty Years War. Despite it being called a cathedral in English this is not technically true. In these Gothic churches there is nothing left of the traditional layout of the German Romanesque cathedrals, which we have discussed in an earlier chapter, with two opposite apses, double crossing and lateral entrances. The marble high altar from 1363 measures 4.3 by 2 m and is claimed to be the largest in any church in the world. Also, note the gargoyles some restored ones are painted as the originals would have been. The large crucifix of Christ being crucified on a tree rather than a cross is by Jrgen Weber. The cathedral is huge; it is 132 meters long by 74 meters wide at the transept. Between 1847 and 1907, all 89 windows of the cathedral were painted to cover 2300 square meters. Giambattista Cima da Conegliano. A cathedral that could be named Germanic is that of Basel, although this city today is a canton of Switzerland. The sculptures of the patron saints, Maurice and Katharine, are 19th-century copies. Embedded in the interior wall are a pair of stone tablets on which are carved the provisions formulated by Archbishop Englebert II (126267) under which Jews were permitted to reside in Cologne. The Renaissance alabaster chancel (1597) is by Christoph Kapup. It had 48 altars to serve the various chapels and the whole church was filled with art. The cathedral was famous for its large organs but the much-praised Rver organ installed in 1906 was completely destroyed during the second world war. Giorgione, THE VENETIAN PAINTING SCHOOL II. Many further epitaphs and grave monuments, from the 12th and 16th centuries, are scattered through the church. The women in these sculptures show individual emotions and facial details very uncommon in works from the period. Although Magdeburg no longer enjoyed the political prominence of the early empire years, it was an important and rich city. From 1460 is his recumbent effigy of the archbishop of Trier Jacob von Sierck, and from 1467 his Crucified of the old cemetery of Baden-Baden, a work that reveal the influence of the sculptural styles of Flanders and Burgundy. The name of the first architect is unknown. Initially it was Hans Multscher, an Austrian artist, sculptor and painter born in Allga and established in Ulm around 1427, who started the Swabian school. It was installed in 1988 as a gift from Braunschweig, although Weber was apparently dissatisfied with its positioning in the lavatorium or tonsure chapel of the cloisters rather than in the center of the church. From about 1400, in southern Germany as well as in Austria and Bohemia, these representations acquired a refined beauty that can be seen in the so-called Beautiful Virgins that spread to Poland and the Baltic regions. The cathedrals of Geneva and Lausanne are French in style, the latter was restored by Viollet-le-Duc and completed with a lead arrow on top of the crossing. The ones on the northern portal are of the Judgment of Paris. In the center of its nucleus is the building destined for the habitation rooms, with the high square tower and the chapel or small church located to one side. Although two smaller organs were installed in the church after the war, these were too small for the full cathedral and are now used mostly for smaller performances. This monumental cathedral of Cologne still retains a very pure French style. The main visitors entrance to the cathedral is from the northwestern portal. However, it is most likely that the southern tower never received the planned cross. His image is used in the heraldry of many German-speaking communities often but not always as a Black man. From the rear of the church, the huge dimensions may be appreciated: the total length is 120 m, while the triple-nave main church is 42.5 m wide with the vaulting of the central nave 32 m high. Magdeburg remained an important city for much of its history. This instrument has 93 stops and 6139 pipes played via four manuals and a set pedals. Worthy of mentioning as models of this type of buildings are the town halls of Lbeck and Bremen, the great commercial cities of the Baltic. At the completion of the towers in 1520, the cathedral of Magdeburg was at its artistic and religious high mark. A major restoration under Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1826-34) saved the church from structural collapse but further reduced the original decorations with the last of the interior paint scraped off the walls. The mighty Gothic cathedral of Cologne is the seat of the Archbishop of Cologne. The rooms, covered with massive groin vaults, are very famous because they inspired Lord Byrons lamentations. The first organ was already installed in the cathedral in 1363 by organ master builders from Halberstadt. All the bells are in the northern tower, which also has a staircase and viewing platform (just over 400 stairs). Buy the Amsterdam GVB Public Transportation Multi-Day Ticket online to save on bus, tram, and metro rides in the Dutch capital. Then, Gerhaert moved to Vienna, where he carved the luxurious red marble tomb of Emperor Frederick III located in St. Stephens Cathedral. In Halberstadt, the cradle of organ building, visitors may hear for free (part of) John Cages ORGAN/ASLSP As Slow As Possible, which is playing for 639 years in the St Burchardi Church. The cathedral of Bern, built somewhat later, completely shows the features of the German Gothic, which was already well characterized at the end of the XIV century. In the free cities of the Rhine and in Central Germany there was a lively enthusiasm for the municipal community. It presents a French style arrangement of very tall arcade, a delicate narrow triforium gallery lit by windows and with detailed tracery merging with that of the windows above. Another great religious monument of the Rhenish basin confirms the ease with which the French Gothic found reception in Germanic countries. More art and treasures are displayed in the Dommuseum Ottoniannum that recently reopened next to the church after a major renovation. In that same cathedral, the sculpture of Saint John that forms part of the Calvary located in the closing wall of the choir, made before 1278, shows in its sad attitude and in the violent folding of his mantle, expressions that will only be found later in works of the German sculpture of the mid-XV century. The cathedral of Geneva still includes Romanesque features, its style is not as uniform as that of the cathedral of Lausanne and it is disfigured in the front facade by a Calvinist design in pseudo-classical style. Particularly important are 13th-century sculptures including a statue of St Maurice, which is considered the first depiction of a Black African in central European art, and a skillful portrayal of the wise and foolish virgins. Although the structure survived, all the stained glassed windows were blown out and the large organ was destroyed.

The cities also had towers and decorative fountains, similar to those of the Germanic cities and crowned with attributes and personifications of medieval virtues. Believed to have been commissioned around 960 for Archbishop Gero, it is the oldest large crucifix north of the Alps and the earliestknown large free-standing Northern sculpture of the medieval period. Charlemagne converted the Saxons violently to Christianity and it was these Saxons that subsequently started to conquer the Slavic tribes to the east of the Elbe. The most internal distinctive feature of German Gothic design was the great height of the triforium, a shallow gallery of arches within the thickness of inner wall, which stands above the nave. April 1, 2021 by Henk Bekker in Germany, Saxony-Anhalt. The most celebrated work of art in the cathedral is the Shrine of the Three Kings, It is traditionally believed to hold the remains of the Three Wise Men. Its continued use is not entirely uncontroversial. On each side of the nave there was a lower aisle; the nave and the isle were fashioned to be the same height. It was controversial from the start but only removed from the church by the NS regime in the 1930s. A few sculptures survived on the western facade. They date back to the year 1270 and represent feudal leaders with their wives. From 955, Otto expanded the monastery church into a large Ottonian Romanesque basilica. The Dom zu Magdeburg was conceptualized as a Gothic church from the beginning and the Romanesque influences are simply that building masters unfamiliar with the Gothic struggling to bring the new ideas to fruition. Great care is taken in writing these articles but no responsibility is taken for errors or omissions. A major restoration project started in 1983 and as with any large Gothic structure, maintenance and restoration work continue until the fulness of times. Most are of archbishops and include the popular mid-12th-century bronze grave of Archbishop Friedrich of Wettin has a small figure pulling a thorn from his foot at the bottom of the bishops staff. The Benedictine monastery of St Maurice that he founded in Magdeburg in 937 received more privileges while he built a large royal palace in the city that he repeatedly visited. In the history of art, where do we stand and where do we start? At most only 4000 citizens out of 20,000 survived the siege of Magdeburg. The scene with the Dormition of the Virgin located in the tympanum of the same door was carved around 1240, before the figures of the virgins already mentioned. The most formidable of them was that of Marienburg, seat of the governing authority of that Order.
It is very similar to that of Strasbourg, with Romanesque parts in the transept and in the lower parts of the apse.