Triple Crowns weaponry consists of an offensive spinning bar and a defensive spiked plow. After an impressive display against Pardon My French, Claw Viper was pegged back to 1-1 after again losing to Team Uai!rrior and Black Dragon, before suffering a second loss to Bloodsport which cost Kevin Milczewski a Top 32 spot.
We start with last years 2 seed in a likely win or go home fight against the fastest robot in the field. Switchback engaged though and the bots locked horns, weapon to weapon. HUGE tried to turn but hit its bar off the Upper Deck wall. It got off fairly simply, but another turn to this fight. Weapons Jackpot goes in for the kill shot but instead hits Deadlift on its front plow and gets caught by the lifter. Fusions vertical started to work again (while the horizontal showed movement too), and the bots pushed before Icewave backed itself to the Upper Deck screws. Except for Rotator which is loosely a similar design. You wont find it equipped with a powerful spinning weapon, hammer, or flipper. Both bots were stumbling around a bit in the short corner. Godspeed you crazy bastard. Blade wins by KO, getting South Koreas first-ever BattleBots win. Claw Viper lands an early suplex on Pardon My French. Unfortunately Jackpot seems to be hanging a little too far off to the side for the fire effects to be doing much of anything but its impressive and its control points and thats what the judges are looking for. I think its the same shit but well see how well it fares when placed in the box with Jackpot. Jackpot lands a hit to Deadlift but this hit seems to just knock off part of the decorative trim around the lifters top panel so nothing significant there. Bloodsport8.

Meanwhile the producers try to figure out just what the hell theyre going to do with this robot called Rampage that theyve accepted for two seasons now. into the arena barrier. Valkyrie for some reason feels compelled to avoid Triple Crowns spinning bar despite the fact that its as big as a fucking Snickers bar and probably weighs as much as one too. It aims to grab the opposing bot and lift it into the air and suplex or dump the opponent onto arena hazards or to prevent the weapon from spinning up. Fuck that.) Public messages from the Out of the Arena Discord server. A: We also approve the FIRST comment by each Commentist. Glitch-Witch Doctor is also intriguing. Lucky9. They just dont pop up until theres a minute left in the fight because the hazards are treated as a joke these days. Theyre going for that thermal shock to break either the motors or the weapon, even if it was costing them bits of already trashed lifter. Team Information It seems like a lot of people say yes, but, short of something on the lines of Beta-Rotator, I find it very difficult that that kind of extensive damage could be done without stealing one of the points, especially considering Claw Vipers weapon was totaled by about a minute in. Lucky left them on the corner to be counted out. This is bad for Triple Crown because Valkyrie is literally this robots counter design. There wasnt enough time for a countdown so Deadlift is saved by the buzzer and the fight goes to the judges. HUGE has a chin for this fight, a small UHMW piece on the underside to absorb potential blows. Deadlift continues to spin around aimlessly and manages to smash into another set of Killsaws sideways. BattleBots Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. You do realize you have to use your weapon, right?
Switchback missed the rush as HUGE got out of the way. This bot's from Seattle, the home of Nirvana. I think that was his way of calling Valkyrie a little bitch. When you see Claw Viper drive you say WOW, says Kevin Milczewski. Icewave brings its longest bar and wedgelets from the Deadlift fight for its potential last stand. This was a turning point in the fight. Unfortunately, if you leave offensive material in the comments, well have to send you home. Still in the shitter. Just as I say this Shatter swings its axe and hits the backside of SubZero where the flipping arm pivots. Props for Claw Viper coming in for a charge with the compromised forks, but then they got shorn off. Now Deadlift is in trouble because its got one whole side of drive raised off the ground and Jackpots drive system appears to have rattled back into place and is working again. And after the first two, this is now a Franken-Kraken because both frames got shredded against Rotator and HiJinx. So Pardon My French is lacking in the maneuverability department, thats where its minibot Zut comes into play. To maintain sufficient downforce preventing skidding, neodymium magnets are affixed to the base.
Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Stickers and shirts are available through Redbubble, McDonalds BattleBots Toys: Reviewed & Deconstructed. They met weapon to weapon and both weapons died. Lucky wins by KO. BattleBots Update is an independent comedy website. Well, that was both unexpected and totally expected. I know this wasnt a proper episode of the show but I feel compelled to still pick a favorite fight out of the lot. Maybe thisll make up for the inexcusable damage Jackpot has done to Deadlifts trim. Theyre introducing Retrograde in this fight, a lifter/spinner combo robot with dual weaponry. EVERYTHING. This fight marks Rampages proper debut in the Fight Night rounds however and the robot has admittedly been redesigned. A: We approve every Commentist by hand, because we're looking to create a fun community here. Theyre already in the tournament, but that lack of third fight definitely sucks and most of the teams, while keeping their parts library just a little bit fuller, prefer to have that third fight to get a better feel for their robot. They can fix it at the Haaspital or whatever the fuck sponsor tent is in the pits. Riptide. Attorney Advertising. (Ill work on that I promise.) Philippe Voyer, the monstrositys designer, even says one of his robots main drawbacks is the fact that it will gyro upwards when it turns because its weapon generates so much force. Sure, its not going to win the fight this way but props to Logan Davis for his driving skill and tenacity; his robot mightve arrived with a DOA weapon but his control of the sticks is fantastic. ", "From Seattle, Washington, the town Starbucks calls home, comes a bot who'll spell your name wrong on your tombstone. In the twilight seconds of this battle SubZero gets underneath Shatter and starts shoving it around. Valkyrie circles around Triple Crown and strikes the swervy robots defensive wedge. Modular is not really a word that comes to mind when you think about Valkyrie but really the robots primary weapon is something that can be changed around to suit different opponents. A scary violin! Internally, battery packs are held in place with a 3D printed PA6-carbon-fiber 3D print. The weapon looks a little more fierce and overall the design is more stout and looks like it could take at least a few hits from some of the mid-tier robots out there before dying. Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. But, this was Glitchs second fight of the day after the Hydra fight, so at this point, what shape are they in? Which sucks, we want suplexes, dammit! This just opens Jackpot up for another spike shot without the help of Ace and you know the house spinner is about to come in here and clean this shit up. This version of Deadlift looks a lot like it did last season despite Kenny Florians compliment that the robot looks better already. Dragon Slayers out, and Blade finally gets to show its destructiveness. Associated Robots It tried to spin up its weapon and achieved fuck all before being flipped over by its opponent and that was pretty much it. Shatter! SubZero battles for an opening and goes in for a couple of unsuccessful charges while its drone Spitfire coughs up flames in the middle of the arena for no reason. Claw Viper was still looking for a way to get under Bloodsport and stop the bar, which, as you remember, is only spun intermittently for thermal reasons. Claw Viper turns its attention to ZUT! SubZero may have been a sitting duck but Shatters weapon was busting off armor panels and everything before eventually stabbing a battery and thats the money shot people want with a hammer bot. Switchback has an interesting concept, an articulated configurable drum, but the arms been slow and unwieldy, as we saw against Gruff. How will Claw Viper fare? HiJinx13. Claw Viper fights back despite losing its weapon. Probably, but this being the YouTube fight doesnt bode extremely well. Team Bad Ideas returned for Discovery Season 6 with a handful of functional and aesthetic changes, including but not limited to sloped armor around the front and sides which doubles up as wheel protection, and a new pivoting mechanism to allow the lifting forks and snake head to clamp more reliably. So now, even after the name change, they are the Washington [*Redacteds] in the comments. Yeah I guess if youre launching rockets or something being off by that much is bad. Main Event: Fusion vs. IcewaveFusion: 1-1 (W, KO 1:15 vs. Cobalt; L, KO 1:14 vs. Copperhead)Icewave: 1-1 (L, KO 1:10 vs. Black Dragon; W, KO 2:11 vs. Deadlift). Incidentally as per my DFO bracket, Ive got End Game repeating over Rotator. Valkyries got the double-toothed disc that weve seen which is largely meant for sturdy wedges, it has the big bar for dealing out bigger hits to robots with exposed wheels, and then it has this ninja star thing that its using for this fight which is mostly used for shredding and attacking robots that just have a lot of exposed parts to attack.
Its whole thing is its massive spinning drum that weighs about as much as one of Tombstones blades, 70+ pounds. Claw Viper Is Mammoth in regardless? You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here. DUCK! Jackpot gets right back in there and tears off Deadlifts fucking face. Its like ripping away the armor of a boss in a video game to expose the weak point; all Shatter has to do is let a punch fly and we might see a goddamned compressed air explosion in the arena. The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice.
Certain parts of this website require Javascript to work. Again, winner is certainly in. It's CLAW VIPER!". Rusty vs. Witch DoctorRusty: 0-1 (L, KO 1:14 vs. Blip)Witch Doctor: 1-1 (W, JD 3-0 vs. Jackpot had a self righting mechanism last year but it was kind of a piece of shit and seemed to only work from specific orientations and Deadlift threw Jackpot onto one of its awkward sides for the knock out. Hes here to win BattleBots and earn his triple crown. Defenders certainly the weakest of the 2-1 bots (and the only one in the play-ins), while Hydra seemed to have all sorts of absolutely awful luck. BattleBots Update isnotaffiliated with BattleBots, Inc. or their partners.
Little known fact, I'm afraid of snakes. Claw Viper slams ZUT! The weapon was spinning, but Claw Viper was getting under, plus Bloodsport was down one of its two wedgelets, and pushing Bloodsport around for the better part of the last minute until it went to the judges. I dont know if thats the name the team has given to this particular weapon but its what Im calling it, so there. Now SubZeros double piston is visible and is likely going to be Shatters next target. In Fusions case, an upper seed may be at play, considering the win was to Cobalt which is going to get a high seed, and the loss was to Copperhead who went 2-0. Its weak but SubZeros flipper activates. I think theyre in with the loss being to Black Dragon, but due to how the fight went, and the bubble, maybe theyre not a lock. Yeah hes new to the reboot seasons but this is a man whos won both Robot Wars and Robotica in years gone by. Yes, this is their second season. 20mph Deadlift jumps up Jackpots ass and slams the spinner squarely into one of the screw control boxes near the red square but Jackpots weapon survives the blow and keeps roaring. Im sure it cant be that hard. Were you intentionally just not firing the flipper? It sucks, but that's the world we live in. I dont know if Rampage is supposed to be able to drive around when inverted or not because its design is just so shitty but Im going to guess its legitimately meant to drive upside down but just cant. Unlike most teams who just use disposable D2 kits for minibots Zut actually has a use; its equipped with a lifting arm and has a long doorstop design to slide under and trip other robots up with. But I think its still important to feature them here on BattleBots Update for the sake of completion, and who knows it might spur me to go back through their YouTube archives and do articles for the fights I missed from previous seasons Ill just have to figure out which ones are Fight Nights and which ones are exhibition battles. I forgot about them, but they fought in the Beta Bounty against Fusion (they lost). Jeff Waters and his team taunt the Deadlift guys with another hit and go for it anyways ultimately ending with Deadlift dead under the Pulverizer. Rotator is still cool in my book. [1] Claw Viper boasted some of the best acceleration in the field, in part due to the four RV-120E brushless motors used for drive, each of which are each paired up to its respective wheel via belts. Clearly they fucked something else up entirely. To back this up, Claw Viper utilizes four reVolt electric ATV motors for the drive system. HUGE was slip-sliding around, and but had enough to continue hitting the drum. Lifter stronger than a double shot, the best you've ever seen, yo. Dude thats not okay, thats like the polar fucking opposite of okay. This in theory will allow Pardon My French to get its bearings and come in for the kill shot. I cant tell you all the times Ive had to be somewhere only to park 8 blocks away in the nearest proper lot and then walk to wherever it is I need to be. Glitch received Kraken with a big shot to the side and then from the back, where K was stuck on the screws by the starting squares. Team MadCatter vs. RampageMadCatter: 1-1 (W, KO 2:01 vs. Yeti; L, KO 2:44 vs. SawBlaze)Rampage: 0-1 (L, KO 2:17 vs. Retrograde). HUGE continued to tear into the arm, which was useful only as a lifter now, though successfully getting a throw on HUGE. Shatters weapon operator creams his pants as the robot starts its season off with a unanimous judges decision. At this point SubZero is vying for control points and possibly aggression though its a losing battle because with the arena littered with armor panels we know Shatters taking the 5 points for damage that the judges can give out. Q: I jumped through your sign-up hoops and you approved me - why isn't my comment there? These motors are more commonly seen powering heavy spinning weaponry, but Team Bad Ideas opted to use these for speed and power in the BattleBox instead.
Glitch by KO. SubZero might be weaponless but its doing a commendable job of pushing Shatter around. No damage has been done as far as I can tell. We know who wins the Giant Nut but during the trip from Fight Night to Championship Night there were exactly 15 fights (that we know of) that went unaired. Welcome back to the Beat! You can just see the wheel coming apart under Triple Crown.
Speaking of, is Lucky in regardless? The verdict is unanimous and is for Jackpot. Todd Mendenhall would later address this hit as bending the part only a fraction of a degree which in his mind is pretty serious. The robot has been treated somewhat as a nuisance for the majority of the fight so far until it stabs Deadlift on its side and deploys its rotating lifting spikes.