About 800,000 of the one million migrants traveled to Greece through Turkey, with many of the refugees escaping Syrias civil war. In this years report, the EIU reported a drop of the average global score from 5.37 to 5.28, the biggest drop since 2010 after the global financial crisis. There is no easy fix to the issues that plague news and social media. A major focus of the report was on the US' tumultuous year. The increased sense of urgency to drive revenue is causing other problems as well. Mass media and social feeds are the ultimate Darwinistic scenario for ideas. Ranked: The 20 Countries With the Fastest Declining Populations, Iconic Infographic Map Compares the Worlds Mountains and Rivers, Mapped: A Decade of Population Growth and Decline in U.S. Divisions are becoming entrenched between those who favour precautionary policies like lockdowns and vaccine mandates and those who are hostile to state interference and any reduction in personal freedoms. Veils of Distortion: How the News Media Warps our Minds by John Zada Analysis - Biden's inauguration doesn't have a lot in common with that of Donald Trump just four destructive years ago, writes Tim Watkin, but both inaugurations ask: How far? Newsrooms are operating with much smaller teams and budgets, and one result is churnalism. This unintentionally encourages viewers to stereotype the persons in the video and bring our own preconceived ideas to the table to help fill in the gaps. According to the World Value Survey, which is used in some of the quantitative sections of the EIUs survey, just 10.4% of Canadians felt that they had a great deal of freedom of choice and control. One of the biggest perks to living in Hamilton is its proximity to other scenic and adventure-filled destinations. Pandemic Recovery: Have North American Downtowns Bounced Back?

The Economist's annual Democracy Index has ranked New Zealand fourth out of 165 countries and independent territories. With great influence comes great responsibility. The end result is a two-tiered system, with subscribers receiving thoughtful, high-quality news, and everyone else accessing shallow or sensationalized content. As pandemic restrictions continue to be lifted, will democracy make a comeback in 2022? Boats are sometimes forced into tumultuous waters, according to migrants whove experienced the journey firsthand. The EIUs report identifies a number of threats to democracy in 2022 and beyond. There are also a high number of countries that fall under the category of flawed democracies. In 2021, 37% of the worlds population still lived under an authoritarian regime. Pedro Castillos narrow victory in Peru in June was contested for weeks by his opponent, Keiko Fujimori, and the Nicaraguan poll in November was a sham. Russias score also declined to 3.24 keeping the authoritarian regime status. The regions weak commitment to democracy has allowed illiberal populists to thrive and a busy election calendar didnt always advance the cause of democracy. Analysis - A communications blackout, the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi without word, wild rumours fed by a paucity of information. According to the International Organization for Migration, the most common cause of death along the Eastern Mediterranean is drowning. They are among about 60 countries considered to be ruled by authoritarian regimes. "The negatives [for USA] include extremely low levels of trust in institutions and political parties, deep dysfunction in the functioning of government, increasing threats to freedom of expression, and a degree of societal polarisation that makes consensus almost impossible to achieve. North America (Canada and U.S.) is the top-ranked region in the Democracy Index with an average score of 8.36, but this dropped significantly from 8.58 in 2020. In broad terms, those circumstances can be measured and presented on a sliding scale between free and not freethe subtext being that democracy lies on one end, and authoritarianism on the other. But the biggest challenge to the Western model of democracy over the coming years will come from China. Norway tops this list, followed by New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland. Almost half of those recordings came from 2015 during the European migrant crisis, when a record-breaking one million people sought asylum in the EU. Broadly speaking, bias in media breaks down into two types: explicit and implicit. Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier Though the agreement drastically reduced the number of people traveling through Turkey to Greece, thousands still make the dangerous journey across the Aegean Sea each year. They usually have a political or ideological leaning, and these outlets will use narrative fallacies or false balance in an effort to push their own agenda. Australia is ninth, with a score of 8.96 and Iran is the least democratic country on the list, with a score of just 2.2. Household Income Distribution in the U.S. Visualized as 100 Homes, Mapping the Migration of the Worlds Millionaires, Visualizing How COVID-19 Antiviral Pills and Vaccines Work at the Cellular Level, Mapped: The Most Common Illicit Drugs in the World, Visualizing The Most Widespread Blood Types in Every Country. This years Democracy Index report by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), is one such attempt to apply a score to countries based on how closely they measure up to democratic ideals. The U.S. Medias Problems Are Much Bigger than Fake News and Filter Bubbles by Bharat N. Anand Lets explore the characteristics of each of the four types of regime according to the EIU: As mentioned earlier, in 2021, the global democracy score declined from 5.37 to 5.28. It weighed data from 167 countries to provide a snapshot of democracy worldwide, with a focus on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Again, pandemic restrictions were the main cause of frustration and disaffection. New Zealand was the worlds second most democratic country in 2021, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) says in its annual Democracy Index. Each year, thousands of migrants take the journey along the Eastern Mediterranean to get to the EU. Afghanistan fell 28 places to the bottom of the EIU Democracy Index rankings, following the collapse of an elected government and the Taliban takeover of the country. What Does It Take To Be Wealthy in America? Aside from Western Europe, East Asia and Oceania contains the most full democracies: New Zealand, Taiwan, Australia, South Korea, and Japan. A worker wearing protective gear gives a Covid test to a woman at a testing site in Xi'an. That dropped from 6.8 per cent in 2020, because Chile and Spain were downgraded to the group of flawed democracies. The Twittering Machine by Richard Seymour The fall in Canadas index score reflected popular disaffection with the status quo and a turn to non-democratic alternatives. The percentage of the worlds population living under some sort of democracy tumbled last year to 45.7% from 49.4% a year earlier according to the Economist Intelligence Units Democracy Index 2021. The EIU is concerned China is challenging democracy, with its leaders citing the Chinese approach to Covid as evidence of the superiority of their system of government. Taliban fighters take control of the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul last August. Although its overall score did not change dramatically, the report said the seemingly stable overall score and position of the US was "deceptive". The results of the 2021 index reflected the continuing negative impact on democracy and freedom for a second successive year of the Covid pandemic, the report said. That said, these positive impacts are sometimes overshadowed by harmful practices and negative externalities occurring in the media ecosystem. But, for the first time in a decade, New Zealand score has slipped albeit only slightly. Factors taken into consideration were electoral process, the functioning of government, political participation and culture, and civil liberties. This decline shows the general discontent of the population about how their governments have handled the pandemic. Daily life in Hamilton is uncomplicated - grocery stores are easily accessible, locals are friendly and there are heaps of activities on offer to keep you busy! Members of the media are also looking for punchy story angles to capture attention and prove the point theyre making in an article. On the other hand, were those who favoured a less prescriptive approach and more freedom from state interference. Joe Biden inauguration: The pendulum has swung, but how far? Safer means of transportation are available, but the costs are steep. The rankings are based on five categories: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, political culture, and civil liberties. Ukraines score declined to 5.57, becoming a hybrid region. All rights reserved. Overall, the report on the 2021 index has a gloomy tone, with just 45.7 per cent of the worlds population considered to live in a democracy of some sort, well down from 49.4 per cent in 2020. It also noted the fact that New Zealand had a "peaceful democracy" last year a year which the report described as "tumultuous". A notable downgrade in this region happened in Spain; the country is now considered a flawed democracy. But aside from these brief references, the 75-page report goes into very little detail about New Zealand. Boycotts, Covid and bubbles - the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics are unlike anything weve seen. They had tended to support government lockdowns, green passes and vaccine mandates. Joe Biden is the president of the US that was categorised as a "flawed democracy" in the Economist Intelligence Unit's 2020 Democracy Index.
Chinas leaders were citing its approach to the pandemic, compared to that of the West, as proof their political system was superior to the liberal democratic model. Through lockdowns and travel restrictions, civil liberties were again suspended in both developed democracies and authoritarian regimes. And these boats are often severely underequipped and overcrowdedrubber dinghies designed to carry a dozen people are sometimes loaded with up to 60 passengers. Mapped: Gas Prices in America at All-Time Highs, Mapped: Corruption in Countries Around the World, Mapped: Economic Freedom Around the World. Ireland was 7th, Australia 9th-equal, Canada 12th, and the UK 18th.
According to EIU, the state of democracy is at its lowest point since the index began in 2006, blamed in part on the pandemic restrictions that saw many countries struggling to balance public health with personal freedom. New Zealand is a small yet mighty country located in the South Pacific. Zucked by Roger McNamee Both of these terms imply that information being shared is not factually sound. The US is in 26th place and isnt even described as a full democracy, rather its classed as a flawed democracy, with its greatest failings considered to be the functioning of its government, and its political culture. Its no secret that journalism is facing lean times.
Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare by Thomas Rid In many countries, the pandemic had entrenched divisions. But 2020's 0.01 per cent drop did not impact New Zealand's overall ranking on the list. Among the other countries with the largest populations India is considered a flawed democracy and is 46th, followed by Brazil in 47th place, and Indonesia at No 52. The pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented withdrawal of civil liberties among developed democracies and authoritarian regimes alike, through the imposition of lockdowns and restrictions on travelling and, increasingly, the introduction of green passes requiring proof of vaccination against Covid-19 for participation in public life.. In 2021, 111 people were reported dead or missing along the Eastern Mediterranean. The University of Waikato has campuses in Hamilton and Tauranga. Nordic countries continue to dominate the top of the ranking and three Asian countries bring up the rear: North Korea was dislodged from the bottom of the table for the first time by a coup in Myanmar and the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Through social media, stories are shared widely by many participants, and the most compelling framing usually wins out. Of course, journalism plays a key role within that ecosystem. At the bottom of the list of 165 independent states and two territories is Afghanistan. Countries with the Highest Default Risk in 2022, The $100 Trillion Global Economy in One Chart, News Explainer: The Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka, Interest Rate Hikes vs. Inflation Rate, by Country, 3 Insights From the FEDs Latest Economic Snapshot, The Evolution of Media: Visualizing a Data-Driven Future, Synthetic Biology: The $3.6 Trillion Science Changing Life as We Know It. The US was defined as a "flawed democracy" and ranked 25th, with a score of 7.92. This region concentrates a substantial number of countries classified as authoritarian regimes. Asian governments had reacted decisively to the pandemic, even though coercive powers had been used in some cases, Hoey said. Which Countries Trust Their Government, and Which Ones Dont? The health crisis had compounded many pre-pandemic trends, such as an increasingly technocratic approach to managing society in Western democracies, the report said. The journey to reach Europe is risky, and some of the migrants who attempt the crossing never make it. to your University of Waikato user account, On-campus International Student - Enrolment Guide, Online International Student - Enrolment Guide, New Zealand is a very democratic country. Out of the 167 countries, 74 (44%) experienced a decline in their democracy score. Aerial firefighting costs blow out after massive blazes, After a decade of change in Myanmar, fear of the past drives anti-coup protests. Hamilton is New Zealand's fourth largest and fastest growing cities, vibrant and multi-cultural it is where our main campus is located. For outlets that rely on advertising, desperate times have called for desperate measures. After the Fact by Nathan Bomey This region dropped from 6.09 in 2020 to 5.83 in 2021. A rising share of people are exposed to dangerously high temperatures. Quicktake Original series, System Shock, will tell the stories of this revolutionary technology. Ourwinters (June to August) are sometimes described as chilly, but rarely freezing, with temperatures from 5 14C. The Economist Intelligence Unit's 2020 Democracy Index has just been released. The Implied Truth Effect by Gordon Pennycook, Adam Bear, Evan T. Collins, David G. Rand, The U.S. Medias Problems Are Much Bigger than Fake News and Filter Bubbles, Civil liberties and fundamental political freedoms are respected, Valid systems of governmental checks and balances exist, There are limited problems in democratic functioning, Basic liberties are honored but may have issues, There are issues in the functioning of governance, Electoral fraud or irregularities occur regularly, Pressure is applied to political opposition, Corruption is widespread and rule of law tends to be weak, Political pluralism is nonexistent or limited, The population is ruled by absolute monarchies or dictatorships, Infringements and abuses of civil liberties are common, Elections are not fair or free (if they occur at all), Media is state-owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the ruling regime. For example, a publication may turn a blind eye to a topic or issue because it would paint an advertiser in a bad light.