Lett. Level2 of data auditability consists of secure cloud and Blockchain techniques.
: Big healthcare data: preserving security and privacy, MerkleTree Based Approach for Ensuring Integrity of Electronic Medical Records, 2018 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), New York, NY, USA, Blockchain challenges and opportunities: a survey, A fuzzy multiobjective coveringbased security quantification model for mitigating risk of web based medical image processing system, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. Consider the implications of attackers exploiting confidential military and government data from doctors. : Store: Security Threat Oriented Requirements Engineering Methodology, Journal of King Saud UniversityComputer and Information Sciences, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://www.hipaajournal.com/healthcaredatabreachstatistics/, https://www.sans.org/readingroom/whitepapers/firewalls/paper/34735, https://www.protenus.com/press/pressrelease/breachedpatientrecordstripledin2018vs2017ashealthdatasecuritychallengesworsen, https://www.experian.com/blogs/askexperian/hereshowmuchyourpersonalinformationissellingforonthedarkweb/, https://healthitsecurity.com/news/the10biggesthealthcaredatabreachesof2019sofar, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1361372320300427, https://www.modernhealthcare.com/cybersecurity/healthcaredatabreachesreachrecordhighapril, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1361372319300594, www.varonis.com/blog/theworldindatabreaches/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319157818306876.
The study uses cloud storage environment for data available in healthcare organizations and for patients. Furthermore, 9 more articles were omitted in eligibility checking step after full text articles review. [13] and lays down guidelines for the development of Systematic studies and metaexamination. Accessibility In 2019, by targeting their addresses 16,819, cancer patients records were revealed at Cancer Treatment Centers of America [8]. published a model addressing the security of scientific data and providing FHIRchain architecture based on blockchain [, Abdullah Al Omar etal. In the second point, after screening the complete report, the authors omitted the articles.
The massive growth in the development and integration of emerging technologies in practically every part of our lives and society tends to create incredible possibilities; however, it also generates specific challenges. The data breach of 10,993 patients in the American Baptist Homes of the Midwest by compromising emails and network serves was another shocking case in 2019 [12]. Number of breaches thrice in 2018 respect to 2017, an annual healthcare sector breach analysis report shows [6]. In the healthcare sector, it can include keeping patient's private information, health report, diagnostic reports, laboratory tests reports and other records. published an article on the security enhancement of patient data in connected medical devices via the masked identity verification message extension module [15]. The summary of the various methods of data integrity used during earlier studies is summarized below.
Most of these have addressed administrative characteristics and needs, and a few have explored different approaches to privacy and data protection. Data integrity describes the way of ensuring data quality, efficiency and continuity throughout its life cycle. Wolfcodingbased secret sharing (SWSSS). A commonly applied priority evaluation tool is FuzzyAHP. Two distinct goals were used to direct the fundamental analysis outlined in the discussion section. Paper also discusses about the currently used techniques and approaches in healthcare system. The study provides a stenographic technique with hybrid encryption mechanism for securing health records and images. Medicine (miscellaneous) has a group of two publications. Uttar Pradesh, Pandey etal.
BeniHessane, A. Also, the key reason for choosing this target was to attract the research group's attention to this critical topic. The implications of uncertainty are terrifying in today's datadriven environment. Objective 2 is inherited by objective 1 and provides a selected technique of data integrity for the KSA and provides a systematic path to the Saudi researchers to conduct their research in electronic medical records security. The groups of informatics and health knowledge have two, two articles, respectively. Table3 summarizes the latest published studies that concentrated on various areas of the health industry. 8600 Rockville Pike This is an open access article under the terms of the. Level2 of data soundness consists of Blockchain and cryptography techniques. Level2 for privacy preserving contains Slepian Wolf coding based sharing, authentication and blockchain. Figure3 shows the countrywise representation of the data of the total number of stolen records. In contrast to the other facets of healthcare facilities, the table demonstrates that improving healthcare record integrity needs more importance. Data integrity management is a difficult task for health professionals and research scientists.
Technol. Data Integrity is the most sensitive concern for the current healthcare industry. This was accomplished by gathering data on different statistics of the breaches.
Tables13, 18 also depict the combined pairwise comparison matrix for all groups. The goal of the researchers is to identify the existing data integrity strategies used by healthcare organizations through a comprehensive analysis and emphasize the criticality of healthcare data integrity issues. J. Brogan, J. about navigating our updated article layout. In this study, the authors have discussed about the challenges and survey the current situation of healthcare big data.
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Such a database will be a resource for scientists and professionals who are both investigating potential solutions to the issue of data integrity protection and implement the most prioritized technologies for collecting knowledge in the healthcare sector. However, the process of digitization towards the healthcare sector poses many complicated challenges for security experts. Khaloufi, H. Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,
The proposed research initiative explores the different data integrity management strategies discussed in top quartile research papers to reach this aim. Exclude records that are not accurate and definitive to support the healthcare problem of data integrity. For better experience and fewer infrastructure requirements, each country is pursuing to be a digitized healthcare sector. Preferred reporting items for systematic literature review and metaanalysis 2009 flow diagram are used by researchers to illustrate the paper selection criteria. Manipulation of data often creates anxiety. As with hacking, the monitoring of insider infringement and notification of such violations to the Office of Civil Rights is strengthened by healthcare organizations. The CSB journal published three papers on the integrity of data. Department of Computer Applications, Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The hacking of the confidential information is the primary factor of infringements of the medical data. However, whichever survey is available, it does provide useful information. Tampering with health records and information about healthcare can cause a lifethreatening situation for any patient.
The authors noticed that there is a need for a SLR that consists of different strategies for data integrity and presents prospective researchers with a guide to demonstrate their research activities.
This SLR can be important for readers with the aid of preference evaluation. An official website of the United States government. The paper provided studies addressing integrity of data as a security in healthcare concern and proposing some quantitative solutions. Therefore the authors included all the articles for this SLR for a much more thorough analysis. It will also allow potential researchers to prioritize past studies to pick the most appropriate solution and to consider the needs of the healthcare industry. Received 2020 Oct 3; Revised 2021 Mar 21; Accepted 2021 Mar 23. Furthermore, a successful unit analysis of studies evaluates the priority of various previous data integrity techniques through a hierarchy with a fuzzy AHP technique.
As per their Indexed category, the quartile area contains all the types the journals provided. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, 2011 31st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage, 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering(TrustCom/ BigDataSE), 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). This circumstance calls for immediate need to present the state of healthcare data integrity analysis. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help AlBorie, H.M. Khan, S.A. To achieve this goal, authors use various scientific databases likePubmed, Science Direct, IEEE Xplore and google scholar. This approach has been implemented by ref. Cyberattacks on their network were reported by 94% of healthcare organizations [5]. The adopted inclusion criteria were defined as follows: For excluding criteria were defined as follows: As mentioned in Figure4, the researchers excluded the articles in the screening and eligibility process based on their analysis. Uttar Pradesh, The table displays the key material of the research findings and their respective method of data integrity. , government site.
Also, this research deals with previous studies of data integrity strategies to clarity of the working environment in the healthcare sector to manage data integrity. The hierarchy of integrity strategies in various healthcare contexts is shown in Figure5. The .gov means its official. To conduct a literature analysis on this topic, we analysed the previous literature of relevant topics and fetched the proposed techniques and work done by the researcher. The statistics examined clearly reveal the patterns in attack and include a history of attacks on healthcare in past years. The fuzzy based pairwise comparison matrix for of data auditability at level2 is depicted in Table8. used a hybrid fuzzy based methodology for assessing the effect of different blockchain technology models and delivers an original awareness and track to the future scientists [, Securebody sensor network (BSN): Prosanta Gope etal. Before
The article illustrates the blockchain application in healthcare sector in various domains. The study presents a data management system for healthcare services to facilitate patients through blockchain technology. It ensures that the data is correct and has not even in any manner been improperly changed. The paper also discusses about the challenges that are associated with blockchain in order to provide a secure communication. Healthc.
This objective provides general information on all the topmost data integrity techniques documented recently in the literature. Descriptive analysis of literature provides information about previous trends and techniques of data integrity in healthcare, and unit analysis presents a clear view of prior techniques used to facilitate only a subpart of healthcare infrastructure.
Furthermore, in Saudi Arabia, cybersecurity experts believe that Saudi Arabia is a new target for cyberattack intruders [7]. , , This kind of situation develops an open path for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities and harm the healthcare sector effectively. Finally, in Table19, dependent weights were seen via the hierarchy. Integral University, PMC legacy view The research studies listed above provide valuable information for the healthcare sector with the help of SLRs. The numerous studies examined and datasets accessible to authors are limited. To fully comprehend the search process, the various search figures from various digital repositories have been taken.
The paper provides a secure health record system for patient privacy based on cryptographic techniques and IoT environment of healthcare industry.
FuzzyAHP is useful in eliciting precise values/facts during making decisions [34]. Figure2 depicts that IT incidents alone account for 62% of the largest healthcare attacks, and this is a significant ratio for any sector [4]. In this step, 76 articles were omitted, which were not appropriate for SLR. The above hierarchy defines different methods of data integrity that are used in various subfields of the system. Exposure of highly sensitive records can be the cause of major disasters. A research on the data breach on healthcare carried out in the period of 200919 was performed by an online survey journal, HIPPA. Table7 depicts the fuzzy based pairwise comparison matrix for data backup at level2 of Data robustness. While data integrity management of healthcare is the most critical and demanding subject for modern security scientists and scholars, authors have also noticed that there is not much literature is published on the healthcare data integrity issues. Data integrity continues to be a persistent problem in the current healthcare sector. After the evaluation of techniques through the Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP), the authors portray the challenges and future directions of the topic. Norse, Breached patient records tripled in 2018 vs 2017, as health data security challenges worsen, Here's how much your personal information is selling for on the dark web, The 10 biggest healthcare data breaches of 2019, so far, A wake-up call for data integrity invulnerability, Healthcare data breaches reach record high April, Healthcare device security: Insights and implications, Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and metaanalyses: the PRISMA statement, Blockchain technology for healthcare: Facilitating the transition to patientdriven interoperability. FOIA 8, 6677 (2021). Total data breaches and records exposed graph. Exclude articles which did not apply the conditions of the request and the examination intention. , The second part of the article systematically reviews recent work on healthcarerelated studies of comprehensive literature and data integrity methods in the healthcare industry.
All these types of statistics motivate the researchers to develop secure and muchsafeguarded information security techniques to maintain the integrity of medical record in the healthcare sector. For good outcomes in the future the strategy needs more research [, Wolfcodingbased secret sharing: Entao Luo etal. The study highlights the current challenges and other error causes in healthcare data integrity in healthcare organization. Figure1 depicts that adequate safeguard against malware attacks are required by healthcare sector to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data. This sort of endangering scenario causes tremendous difficulty in handling healthcare data. An online news reveals that the average cost on the dark web of any healthcare record is from $1 to $1000 [7].
, Fuzzy based combined pairwise comparison matrix for data soundness at level2, Fuzzy based combined pairwise comparison matrix for data robustness at level2, Fuzzy based combined pairwise comparison matrix for data auditability at level2, Fuzzy based combined pairwise comparison matrix for privacy at level2, Fuzzy based combined pairwise comparison matrix for data honesty at level2, Fuzzy based combined pairwise comparison matrix for data backup at level 2, Combined pairwise comparison matrix and local weights at level 1, Combined pairwise comparison matrix for data soundness at leveltwo, Combined pairwise comparison matrix for data backup at level two, Combined pairwise comparison matrix for Data robustness at leveltwo, Combined pairwise comparison matrix for data auditability at level two, Combined pairwise comparison matrix for privacy preserving at level two, Combined pairwise comparison matrix for data honesty at level two.