That being said, Kristen does and what she knows very well is Supernatural. Entrepreneurs use these observations immediately, calling out the change and asking questions, often with little regard for sensitivity. ESFP For instance, he sensed something was off in Home, when he insisted they stayed there in front of their childhood house to see if something would happen even after purging (and he was right about the premonition).
Sam is often carefully prepared before going into a hunt and is methodical and careful in his actions. Avengers
He literally sentenced himself to an eternity in hell just to save Sam.
Gilmore Girls
The Hobbit
Si doesnt like breaking rules because *usually* the rules are there for a reason they work. Sam can be petty, emotionally reactive, and manipulative under stress.
Philippa Gregory This is entirely based on my personal views of them, of course, so based on your idea of what type pf person Sam is, you may get a different result, but Sam is definitely one of the introvert personality types, while Dean is definitley one of the extroverted ones. ENTJ Sam is the embodiment of a 5: he spends all his free time in the library reading everything he can get his hands on, not only about monsters, but whatever else he happens to stumble across at the same time. I can relate to all of thisespecially the part about being really good at research and theoretical problem-solving, and yet not necessarily being able/willing to spell out your thought process to others. He likes to know the system behind things, and is very focused on making rational decisions rather than basing his choices on sentiment. Emma
He is sensitive to, and the protector of, Jacks feelings, often working as the intermediary between Dean and Jack, and arguing that Jack needs to be taught, and cared for. 5w6
Sam doesnt have a problem accepting change, or new ideas, often adapting his behavior to whatever the present situation requires. Johnny Depp Fate the Winx Saga Those other sites must have butchered the typing on these two guys as well as the others characters. Finally, his inferior Fi means he does not care much for whether posing as an FBI agent is moral or not; only that it gets the job done.
The West Wing The whole point of MBTI is to point out what a person is like, which means they change - and so do their MBTI scores. Jane Austen
Like the rest of Chucks Endings, this is revealed to be an alternate-reality Dean. ESFP, ISFP, ENTJ, and INTJ can all superficially evolve into each other when they are not healthy.
It is for this reason that his character stopped wearing the Amulet after season 5. He is often the brother that offers an explanation for the unique situation they find themselves in, and leans towards the cold, but calculated choices. Putting these qualities to a constructive and rewarding end is Entrepreneurs true challenge.
Anne with an E Deans a bit harder to type. Harry Potter He thinks of the past in concrete terms, not according to personal interpretations; the same reason why he doesnt give a hypothetical name to their father (Dean calls him a hero, whereas Sam could call him a monster, but opts not to).
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Getting into Socionics here, ENTJ and ESFP are both part of the Gamma Quadra, meaning they both share the same 4 functions.
Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dean Winchester and Lisa Braeden have shared a complicated, romantic relationship. 8w7 Dean overall has a very take-charge attitude thanks to Te. (LogOut/
ESTJs are more intent on maintaining things as they are, making sure everything runs smoothly.
Though Dean calls Sam the more emotional one, its Dean who makes emotional decisions, and not Sam. Marvel
He tends to give up arguments against Dean, just so they will end, and he always makes an attempt to urge Dean to have pep-talks with him. Sam often keeps himself to himself, and would prefer to stay in the bunker doing research, than partying and drinking. In the pilot episode, Sam quickly figures out that the Lady in White is afraid of going home, and to save his own life, he drives the Impala directly into the ruins of her old house. What kind of car does Dean Winchester Drive?
Even in an inferior position, Se absolutely detests being ordered around.
INFP He does not like to make mistakes, and takes care that hell make as few as possible.
As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are. Change). Sam clearly thinks in pictures, and recalls things in a visual way before putting them into words.
4w5 The underated Steve Yockey Supernaturalwriter! Turn: Washington's Spies
Now he has to convince Sam to leave Stanford and find their father. (LogOut/ Se: Sometimes Sam becomes overwhelmed by his environment, hence he gets overstimulated and needs a little solitude. Teen Wolf Yet in Supernatural, Dean is allowed to walk the streets until the next time he feels like offering himself up.
Over time, Deans drinking has increased to a level of obvious dependence, although he is rarely seen drunk (he seems a bit tipsy in 4.06 Yellow Fever but maybe that just shows that booze and ghost sickness dont mix).
Hes definitely a feeler, but Ive never seen any real evidence that hes using NiFe- at least not like I do. Cate Blanchett Jurassic Park January 24th is my wifes birthday, and its kinda my valentine to her. Son of John & Mary Winchester; older brother of Sam Winchester and older half-brother of Adam Milligan.
Entrepreneurs are full of passion and energy, complemented by a rational, if sometimes distracted, mind.
He can see good in all the evil creatures he comes across.
Sams Ni helps him link together otherwise nonsensical evidence. 3w2 Superman and Lois
The family business.. on It was also the reason why he didnt get on well with the rest of his family.
Drives a black 1967 Chevy Impala which his father gave to him. Create a free website or blog at This is a sentiment few high school instructors or corporate supervisors are likely to share, and can earn Entrepreneur personalities a certain reputation.
Sam can fake things, especially if his brother sets him up, but is also awkward in doing it. Powered by Tumblr. This is the most obvious source of conflict between Sam and Dean. Cobra Kai Do you like this video?
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site was initially started to help promote my zombie story, "The Dead and the Dying" but it just keeps expanding into weirder and weirder territory. It also puts him out of touch with his feelings, which Sam is all too happy to point out.
Grew Up in Lawrence, Kansas with his father, mother, and baby brother, until the age of four when his mother was murdered and his house burnt down.
He wants to take his time with people, win them over, and help them process information rather than just throw it at them. ISTJ
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You hitting this follow button is all part of my diabolical plan #subtlety is an art, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Lets be Real: One INFJ to the Rest of Mankind.
He doesnt ignore anomalies, but instead he adds to and modifies his understanding of rules and structures to accommodate the new data. A Te-Se loop would involve using those two functions at the expense of Ni future planning. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account.
We learn that the necklace is more than an accessory. With perhaps the most perceptive, unfiltered view of any type, Entrepreneurs have a unique skill in noticing small changes. 2w3 Sam gets into the depths of things, hence whatever hes come across during research, doesnt fail to look at from various angles.
Change). What would they do based on what Ive seen them doing, and how theyve behaved towards each other in past episodes. His Introverted Sensing shows in his initial choice of a career (he wanted a normal life with a white picket fence and a wife, and to be a lawyer), and his inability to move on from the past.
Rather than focus on grieving, because thats how introverts handle their emotions, he has decided to pour all his attention into a goal he thinks is useful and important, namely, raising Jack.
Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. We can see this in his sensitivity to Jacks feelings, when he goes to Jack, and apologises for allowing Jack to believe he only cares about what Jack can do for him.
On several occasions, Sam is not ready to leave a case, because it doesnt add up, or he feels there is something missing. As he pursues the Yellowed Eyed Demon and finds out more about his childhood, Sam theorizes that the demon has done something to all the kids whose mothers he burned up, and that he has some greater plan in mind for them.
However, around the end of Season 2/beginning of Season 3 it becomes apparent Dean is actually an SJ.
Although INTPs are often depicted as batty or eccentric, Sam grew up in an environment that was extremely unusual, and his desire to be 'normal is actually a strong will to live outside of the box.
Hunting is the perfect job for Dean and he seems little suited for anything else. Extroverted Feeling is Sams weakest function, but it is still apparent.
Okay. Sam is exceptional about developing theories about supernatural events, and modifying the rules to logically make sense. Dean definitely has his own unshakeable moral code, and he follows that code, no matter how many rules will be broken. Sam operates very much out of his intuition, which means he often conflicts with his brother, who doesnt see the point in believing in unseen connections. This makes school and other highly organized environments a challenge for Entrepreneurs. He tends to bottle his emotions up, and would rather risk his health by getting himself into situations that are too dangerous for him to handle.
Simple Things theme by Dan Hauk.
He refuses to get in a relationship with another girl because he doesnt want anyone else to get hurt on his behalf.
Its the cute, Viking/Egyptian/Mayan necklace that Dean wears every single episode up until he gives it to Castiel.
As opposed to ENFJ, who will Fe all over everyone, Sam picks and chooses who he wants to let in. Sams dominate function is introverted thinking.
Thanks man!
If hes in control of the radioand its his car, so you can bet he isexpect some classic rock turned up loud. This entry was posted on 01/30/2015 at 1:46 am and is filed under MBTI Guardians, MBTI Idealists, MBTI Stuff, MBTI Whatever with tags dead celebrity, estj, infj, mbti in fiction, no one cares blogspot, Sam Winchester, Supernatural.
Stargate Living with Dean has never been boring for Sam, and its a good thing Dean is the firstborn, as had the situation been reversed, the two of them might not have gotten along as personalities, at all. Teasing his brother is one of his favorite pastimes. This is how Sam treats family. He was not just doing his best. Textual clues indicate that he physically abused Dean in addition to the emotional and verbal abuse that he issued in forcing Dean to fill an adult role as a child.
Samuel "Sam" Winchester is a fictional character and one of the protagonists of the American drama television series Supernatural along with his older brother, Dean. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Lark Rise to Candleford
You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Robin Hood What personality type is Dean Winchester?
A very damaged Idealist but an NF nonetheless. And Then There Were None
He does not take orders at face value, preferring to seek out all possible routes before deciding on his path. For all the requests and suggestions received here (Its like, so many I can t even tell you the exact number. ESFJ
Once Upon a Time 3w4 In Deans mind, its his job to take care of Sam, and as we saw in the last episode, Dean doesnt like the switch in circumstances. Curious to know what the other characters such as Castiel and Crowley are. 6w7 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on IMDB Supernatural 2005 (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google (Opens in new window), Click to share on (Opens in new window), Click to share on Bing (Opens in new window), Click to share on (Opens in new window), Click to share on Dogpile (Opens in new window), Click to share on (Opens in new window), Click to share on Bella-UK66 (Opens in new window). Doctor Who
His 4 wing is incredibly emo. He cannot move past losing Jessica for a long time, instead dwelling on it, and bemoaning his role in it, how he failed to protect her, how he should have told her the truth, how its his fault shes dead. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell His brother Sam is Lucifer s true vessel. Hunger Games This is great.
He doesnt embody the affability and social grace that comes with being Fe-dominant.
In Deans case, he has his own set of rules separate from societys, and thats whats allowed him to survive thus far.
But if they minimize the trouble-making, harness their energy, and focus through the boring stuff, Entrepreneurs are a force to be reckoned with. He doesnt enjoy socializing nearly as much as his brother. Call the Midwife
The Tudors Shes an ESFP and she knows wussup.

Dean Winchester. Sam is an Idealist to the core. This can often make him rigid and inforgiving to others who break this code, as weve seen on a number of occasions, when Sams beliefs led him down roads Dean believes he should never have chosen.

Sam begins the series looking out for primarily himself.
This is important in cementing his relationship with Jack.
Michaels true vessel is Dean Winchester.
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He remembers details about all kinds of monsters, subtleties of his relationship with his family, and he draws from that to form his experiences.
Find out how you match to him and 5500+ other characters. Chronicles of Narnia
Dracula Dean Winchester: ESTJ, Efficient Organizer Although Dean has been classified as an ESTP in the past due to his energy and womanizing ways, its pretty clear by the end of season three that hes an ESTJ. This is a recurring theme throughout the series Sam sacrifices his own happiness so others around him wont suffer.
Even if he is having fun at the moment, his past haunts him and he just wants to complete any unfinished business and leave the life of a hunter behind him. He firmly believes they need to talk about their feelings to each other, but his brother refuses, non-negotiable. There are many different reasons as to why Dean is frequently portrayed as the submissive/bottom in the overwhelming majority of Supernatural fanfic, but some of the reasons for this could include Dean being given the established role of nurturer, protector and caretaker of people (mostly of Sam since childhood), being . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account.
Supernatural focuses on two brothers who lost their mother to a demon. Dean will take a mixed drink if he thinks it will lead somewhere with a lady.
Okay, sweetie? Please enable Javascript and hit the button below! When theorizing on how to save his brother on Route 66, he gambles with Deans life by sending him to the ruins of an old church, where he hopes he will be safe, and it will vanquish the ghost. Sam wastes a lot of time trying to understand the monsters from the inside-out: what motivates them, what drove them to make this decision, and what their broader intention is, whereas Dean just wants to end them and get back on the road. The Crown This is the care and respect for peoples feelings that we can see on display with Dean, wth Sam trying his best to bring Dean out of his depression by engaging in all his favorite activities with him. He lacks the drive to control his surroundings too. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account.
The Protector is something normally said about Dean, but this also applies to Sam, just in a different way, and we can see it in his behavior towards Jack this season. Dean refers to himself as a functional alcoholic. 8w9
1w9 Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas.
Game of Thrones The Dark Knight Trilogy
From time to time, he does let Dean know that he needs to show appreciation and sensitivity, something which Dean has learned to do, if he expects Sam to put forth his best efforts. Outlander
Dean did not do well in school, not because he wasnt smart, but because he chafed at the regimented rule-following, was easily bored.
If Entrepreneurs arent careful though, they may get too caught in the moment, take things too far, and run roughshod over more sensitive people, or forget to take care of their own health and safety. At some point, Dean became the bearer of the Mark of Cain and was converted into a Knight of Hell.
(LogOut/ It certainly isnt because they arent smart, and they can do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning that Entrepreneurs enjoy.
One other type that I considered for Dean is an ENTJ in a Te-Se loop, which so far I havent seen anyone else consider.
characters are most like you. Dean cultivates a bad-boy personality, and makes sarcastic jokes at even the most morbid times. Not to say SJs dont, but ENTJs most definitely do. He tends to notice more details than Dean does, which is because Sam is more aware of his environment.
Nice description of the characters. His primary way of dealing with the world around him is a strong wit, and searching for new ideas or options for the brothers to pursue.
ESTJ 9w1 The fact that Im wearing the ring is showing that Im committed to Caelynn and only Caelynn, and Ive been wearing it for the past six or so months, Dean added, explaining that hes in a domestic partnership with Caelynn.
Alfred Hitchcock
sam winchester, supernatural, mbti, intp, slytherin, TV. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Mostly because theres a fair chance that whoever he ended up with would die, like his mother did.
Hes at least partially suicidal The number of times this man has offered to die would normally have someone locked up in a psychiatric hospital and under close suicide watch. But Sam might end up being more of a liability, seeing as how he hasnt been in the life for years, choosing to go to college instead.
Rules were made to be broken. Do they actually drink beer on Supernatural? Star Wars
If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.
7w8 Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+
Stranger Things LOST The elder brother- younger brother dynamic, has actually helped to sort out how their relationship has evolved, although Dean is still impatient whenever Sam tries to take care of him, instead of the other way around.
In other words Sam is arguing that Jack be treated like family, and be taught Winchester values.
Yeah its a crying shame what some of these other MBTI blogs write. Dean does not do well with emotional pain. Whats important, though, is not the what but the why.
ENTP Entrepreneurs should remember that not everyone wants their secrets and decisions broadcast. Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Intuition. 9w8
When it comes to gift-giving, Defenders have no equal, using their imagination and natural sensitivity to express their generosity in ways that touch the hearts of their recipients. Christmas They are the long-range planners and entrepreneurs.
Sam remembers the past differently from Dean, showing a tendency to subjectively interpret it through his own experiences.
Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Defenders take their responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond, doing everything they can to exceed expectations and delight others, at work and at home.
Star Trek
Charles Dickens
Twilight Saga ENFP He is bold in his actions.
Sam always comes up with the end result of his thread, not the thought process itself; he shares his conclusions with Dean, not how he got there. Dean often relies on Sam to take care of hthe smaller details, and do the research, when the two of them hunt together. What is the personality type of Sam Winchester? I do that a lot. When going through mysteries, he searches for motivation, and is deeply interested in what makes people tick.
Ti: Sam trusts his inner logic no matter what, and reasons according to what he finds logical, even without any empirical evidence supporting his views.