This is an on-system feed, not from a scanner. Included in this feed: County Fire Dispatch, Fire Ops 3 through 9, Lower Paxton Fire, Public Safety 1. The main fire-ground and TAC TGs are also monitored. CLICK ABOVE TO ORDER YOUR COPIES TODAY! Now also on Zello Search for Bucks Fire The Port Road Branch between Enola Yard and its connections with The Pittsburgh Line at MARY at milepost EP 73.7 / PT 110.9 and at BANKS at milepost EP 76.1 / PT 113.2.
For more information about the Harrisburg NRHS please visit our website at: Harrisburg Chapter - National Railway Historical Society: and Jeff Vinton - W2JSV for their efforts in making this feed possible.
2 you could hear something, I'm not in range to check. It has been down for some time now, but I am wondering why I can no longer find it on my scanner app. 400+ PAGES. HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) Harrisburg Police need help to locate a woman who jumped parole in relation to her homicide by vehicle charges. Lebanon County EMS, Fire, Police and Hazmat, This feed monitors Lebanon County EMS, Lebanon County Fire Police and Lebanon County Haz-mat talk groups. Any issues with feed email me at will try my best to remotely fix any issues., Also now on Zello Search Bucks Fire This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage. CHANGED radio receiver 12/6/2019 in hopes to eliminate RF interference. The Keystone VHF Club Okay, I can hear fire and ems, now for Dauphin County police. Amtrak trains continuing west beyond Harrisburg use Norfolk Southern trackage and connect to NS at HARRISBURG interlocking. Covering counties BUCKS(PA) - MONTGOMERY(PA) - PHILADELPHIA(PA) - NEW CASTLE COUNTY(DE). It does not receive yard channels or the road channels of adjacent territories. This is a broadcast of the Philadelphia Allstar Hub node 27225. Local VHF freq. The trunked network (Dauphin County) there was a feed available via Police Scanner App. The display runs on any browser and any device that supports a browser including both Windows and Apple computers, note pads and both Android and iOS smart phones. NOTE: Because of our high-compression audio feed, if you are unable to hear audio, then check to make sure you are on the latest mobile version of Broadcasify or have the latest codex plug-ins for your desktop player. Interconnection with Amtrak at HARRISBURG interlocking at milepost HP 112.9. Sure, unencrpyted radio has downsides but sheesh. Anyone with any information on Kendalls whereabouts is asked to contact Pennsylvania Crimestoppers at 1-800-412-8477 or by leaving a tip through the linkhere. AAR Channel 50/50 (160.860MHz) Cannon to Boyles. This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage. Effective 6/9/20 the police zones will be restored at 1800hrs: There is no need to install software on your device. Will be on Vacation June 26 to July 3rd. Traffic for Harrisburg Yard at ROCKVILLE at PT 109.9 and HARRISBURG interlocking at HP 112.9. Fire & EMS Dispatch, All Fire Zones. Contact the NS Railroad Police at. Feed contains Central Fire and Ops The Rutherford Industrial Track connects to The Harrisburg Line at RUTH at HP 108.8 and BEAVER at milepost HP 105.0. Police Zone 6 - Doylestown Area, Police Zone 7 - Quakertown Area, Police Zone 9 - Warminster Area.
TrainMon5: This territory is well covered by our companion TrainMon5 display. Its has very informative traffic for drivers. CSX 160:980 160:740 161:100 160:230 NS 160:800, Montgomery County Fire and EMS East, Bucks Fire/EMS West, Montgomery Co: Dispatch, Regions 4,5,& 6. Times sure have changed. Dauphin County P25 System, Linglestown PA. AAR Channel 51/51 (160.875MHz) Cannon to New Portage. Officially Online 2017-3-26. This does NOT contain tactical, car-to-car, SWAT, narcotics, detectives. You will need to establish an account to access the TrainMon5 server. This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage. The worlds most visited website focused exclusively on firefighter survival, Brian KazmierzakMarch 23, 2022No Comments. See "Feed Notes" for some interesting information about this stream. It will take time for your account to be approved as each request is reviewed by a human being. This would cover Bucks,Montgomery,Philadelphia & Chester countys in Pennsylvania. 100% of the royalties from the sales of "PASS IT ON" will be donated to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and the Chief Ray Downey Scholarship Fund. Traffic for Rutherford Intermodal Yard via the Tower, Fare and Ford hand switches on the Rutherford Industrial Track. JavaScript is disabled. Coverage between Harrisburg(Highspire) to PA/NJ Bridge -- (District 4)
The Harrisburg Line from BURKE interlocking at milepost HP 104.2 near Hummelstown, PA to HARRISBURG at milepost HP 112.9 at. There are a number of hoops to jump through for security reasons, but you only have to do this once. Any issues with feed email me at will try my best to remotely fix any issues. TrainMon5 uses your browser to provide a graphical display of the railroad in real-time, similar to what a dispatcher would see on their screens. We are looking into receiving comms from Bayview Yard in Baltimore, This Repeater is in grid FN10pa
This would cover Bucks,Montgomery,Philadelphia & Chester countys in Pennsylvania. I feel citizens should be allowed to tune into whats going on around their community. The Steelton Industrial Track from Harrisburg to Steelton, PA. Traffic for Enola Yard connecting to The Pittsburgh Line at MARY at milepost EP 73.7 / PT110.9 and at BANKS at milepost EP 76.1 / PT 113.2. 90+ CONTRIBUTORS! Any issues with feed email me at will try my best to remotely fix any issues. It does not scan. I am wondering why the steam is not available. Okay, I see now. SEPTA Regional Rail - North, South, City, MoW and Yard, North, South, City, MoW and Yard. This feed monitors Lebanon County fire talk groups. The address for TrainMon5 is:, Help support this stream and support our education, restoration and preservation activities. I find it very unfortunate primary PD talk groups are now encrypted. See "Feed Notes" for some interesting information about this stream. Firefighter Close Calls | Firefighter Close Calls is the home of the Secret List. I'm with ya, At least you can hear dispatches, If Swatara Police are dispatched on Police Ch. Comms usually heard are dispatchers, MoW crews, engineers, conductors and trackside detectors of various types. The Rutherford Industrial Track which serves the Rutherford Intermodal Yard. This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage from a high elevation. Bucks County Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch.
This is the western terminus of the electrified northeast corridor's Keystone Line. If I choose to purchase my own scanner how could I tap on to listen? Backup Provisions: UPS backed up by a natural gas stand-by generator., This feed is the York City PA Police provided by Bob Sawyer. This feed listens to the following frequencies: 160.800 (46), 160.98 (58), 161.10 (66), 160.23 (42), 160.92 (054), 160.845 (049), 161.01 (060). Sure, I can hear the dispatch but I cannot hear Swatara PD or other major PDs. The main fire-ground and TAC TGs are also monitored. Norfolk Southern's Port Road Branch From Marietta, PA to Perryville, MD. The main fire-ground and TAC TGs are also monitored. Radio signals are received from CANNON to the west, BURKE to the east, STONEY to the north, SHIP to the south (RR west) and ROY to the southeast (RR east.). It does not scan. MP 103.3 - DE, HB, HW (BURKE interlocking), MP 105.0 - HC (BEAVER interlocking - Thorofare Track and Rutherford Siding, eastbound only), MP 112.9 - DE, HB, HC (HARRISBURG interlocking), MP 113.2 - DE, HB, HC (BANKS interlocking). Our Info is on our Web Page This traffic contains accidents, breakdowns to accidents, any emergency announcements for weather, fire or ems. What is the frequency and other information? Note that this is a large file and may take some time to load in Google Earth. Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital. This does NOT contain tactical, car-to-car, SWAT, narcotics, detectives. This stream is provided under the auspices of the Harrisburg Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society and as a service to the railfan community. The Lurgan Branch from LEE'S CROSS ROADS at milepost LG 36.3 east of Shippensburg, PA to PAXTON and CAPITOL at LG 0.0 in Harrisburg. Sorry, there is no app for iPhones. Click Here for The 9/11 Widows and Victims Families Association, Email Weekly Drill Suggestions to [emailprotected]. The Railfans Guide for Google Earth available for download at: Again, you need to join the group to download the file. Central Pennsylvania Skywarn Group 145.110 MHz. The NS Harrisburg East territory operates on AAR Channel 050 - 160.8600 MHz. This fueling station is located on the main line for east-west trains at milepost PT 107.5 of the Pittsburgh Line between ROCKVILLE and HARRISBURG interlockings. It does not scan. This feed monitors EMS Disp, Fire Disp, City Fire Disp, and NO ops channels. You will hear both technical and general discussion by amateur radio operators connected to the hub from SE Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and throughout the US. See "Feed Notes" for some interesting information about this stream. Devoe died as a result of the crash. Hello, could someone tell me why Dauphin County Public Safety went down.
This stream provides single channel, wide area coverage from a high elevation.
This feed monitors the Fire/EMS dispatch TG or Channel for the South Central Task Force counties. Non-receive times will be silent without noise. P25 Phase II system. The Radio Reference Database (United States), Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (PA) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference, Dauphin County (PA) - The RadioReference Wiki, Dauphin County Trunking System, Steelton, Pennsylvania - Scanner Frequencies. HI-DEF FEED >>> The ONLY Dauphin County Fire/EMS feed with good audio. Bucks County: Central Band (Analog from Sta 3 repeater), Fire/EMS Dispatch, Coverage between Harrisburg(Highspire) to PA/NJ Bridge -- (District 4) Report problems such as track obstructions, trespassers, vehicles stalled on the tracks, possible mechanical issues with moving trains, malfunctioning crossing protection, suspicious activity or other security issues. The NS Harrisburg Terminal territory operates on AAR Channel 058 - 160.9800 MHz.
Officially Online 2017-3-26. Station Notes: Our antennas are within 1000 ft of turnpike repeater. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This traffic contains accidents, breakdowns to accidents, any emergency announcements for weather, fire or ems. Khanyae Sade Kendall was sentenced to 5 to 12 years in prison back in June of 2018 after she drove a stolen car while high on PCP through a stop sign, striking the vehicle of Harrisburg Fire Lieutenant Dennis Devoe on March 10, 2017. This feed monitors the Fire/EMS dispatch TG or Channel for the South Central Task Force counties. It does not scan. with a 97.4 PL tone. Local VHF freq. Will be on Vacation June 26 to July 3rd. The NS Harrisburg Terminal territory operates on AAR Channel 058 - 160.9800 MHz. Will be on Vacation June 26 to July 3rd. However, there is an app for Android phones that can be installed if you choose to. Trains at the Harrisburg Fuel Pad. Feed streams the East Band fire talk group, the East Band Fire ops talk group as well as the Emergency band, all on the new 700 mhz. See "Feed Notes" for some interesting information about this stream.
Feed also available at, This feed is the York County PA Fire provided by Bob Sawyer in York PA. Feed also available at, This feed is the York County PA Police provided by Bob Sawyer in York PA. Feed also available at The radio frequency is AAR Channel 058 - 160.9800 MHz. The Pittsburgh Line from McVEY at milepost PT 179.6 at McVeytown, PA to HARRISBURG at milepost PT 105.1 at. Its has very informative traffic for drivers. 151.220 Mhz.
The NS Harrisburg East territory operates on AAR Channel 050 - 160.8600 MHz. This feed monitors the Fire/EMS dispatch TG or Channel for the South Central Task Force counties. Unlike other providers, I know how to turn my volume down- you are welcome. 155.115 PL 97.4. You can help! The Royalton Branch from ROY at milepost RY 11.0 in Royalton, PA to PAXTON at milepost RY 21.9 in Harrisburg. Also known as District 4. However, you will hear the Hagerstown Dispatcher controlling The Lurgan Branch west of LEES CROSS ROADS as that desk uses the same radio channel. The advantage of the app is greatly reduced data consumption if you are not on an unlimited data plan. 1 or Police Ch. It does not scan. The Hill Industrial Track (whats left of it) in Harrisburg, PA. All Event Channels, Fireground 5 (range limited/line of sight only), Willow Grove (Sta 10) Local. The Buffalo Line from NORTH FERRY at milepost BR 294.7 to its terminus / junction with the Pittsburgh Line at ROCKVILLE at milepost BR 306.2.