Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. The opening of Kranz Junior High allowed the district to expand the STEM Academy to students in grades 7-8. Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications, Online and Offline Resources for Students. begins July 19, 2022 and ends August 18, 2022.
Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. If you are considering retirement, contact TRS directly to discuss the retirement process. Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society.
October 19-23, 2020 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. In order to complete the online registration process, parents must have their login information (user name and password) for Skyward Family Access. It's never too soon or too late to start saving! To enroll in Kindergarten, a student must be five years old on or before September 1, 2020. The District's workers' compensation insurance is with Claims Administrative Services and they can be reached at 1-800-765-2412 or www.cas-services.com. Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate. It's never too soon or too late to start saving! Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District, Dickinson ISD Board of Trustees approve 2022-2023 Academic Calendar. The cinder running track at McAdams Junior High would be replaced with asphalt similar to the track at Kranz Junior High. Dickinson Independent School District Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate. Temporary Disability Leave is an unpaid leave regulated by the Board of Education. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. To make your appointment, please call the school your child is zoned to attend at the following numbers: Bay Colony Elementary 281-229-6200 October 24, 2020 (7 a.m.-7 p.m.) Vision Statement Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate, 101 Bay Colony Elementary Drive considered different scenarios, and the option the group believes will work best for future growth and allow the district to develop a plan to implement full-day pre-kindergarten is to build a third junior high school and realign the grade configurations at the elementary, middle school and junior high levels. Mandatory benefits enrollment begins on July 19 and ends on August 18 for Dickinson ISD Employees. Court paperwork for guardianship, if applicable The additions and renovations at the Transportation Center, Technology Center, and Agriculture Center are related to student enrollment growth. The 2022-2023 Open Enrollment period for all benefits (medical, vision, etc.) If the parent can't provide one of the documents in his or her name, then the parent must complete the "Parent's/ Guardian's Assurance of Bona Fide Residence" packet at the campus. Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District, 2020 New Student Registration - Elementary. Employees injured on the job mustreport such injuries to their employer by notifying the campus nurse or his/her supervisor immediately or within 30 days of the date they were injured or first knew their injury/illness might be work-related and complete the required documentation. Security improvements are recommended for all campus vestibules. 281-229-6050 If you did not receive a card or have lost your card, please call the number listed to have one mailed to you within 7 - 10 business days. 281-229-6063.
Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District, Active slide image alt text will be announced here, Press ENTER key to focus on the active panel. 2218 FM 517 East | Dickinson, TX 77539 Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. Change in Status of Employment Affecting Coverage Eligibility for employee, spouse or dependent of the employee, that affects individuals eligibility under an employer's plan includes commencement or termination of employment. Instead, they would check-in with a receptionist at a secure transaction window before entering the main school building. The districts boundaries on the north take in portions of Tuscan Lakes on both sides of Highway 96. Vision Statement Vision Statement 281-229-6049 Mission Statement 2218 FM 517 East | Dickinson, TX 77539 Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. If this bond referendum passes, will it increase my taxes?
Phone: 281.229.6000. The parking lot at Hughes Road Elementary has major subsidence and drainage issues. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or This is open to students who did not attend a Dickinson ISD school this past year but will be enrolling as a new student for 2020-2021. Click here to view the 2022-2023 Benefits presentation. 2218 FM 517 East | Dickinson, TX 77539 Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications. Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate, Notice of Election, Amended and Restated Election Order, Proposition, and Voter Information Document (Spanish). Once the parent comes to that section of online registration, he or she willbe prompted to upload an electronic copy of their current lease agreement or mortgage statement, their most recent tax receipt indicating home ownership or a current utility bill (electronic, gas or water) from the past month. See below for more information. Season Ticket purchase coming in July. Marital Status includes marriage, death of a spouse, divorce or annulment. Located halfway between Houston and Galveston on the Texas Gulf Coast, the Dickinson ISD now serves approximately 11,600 students in 14 different schools who live in the cities of Dickinson, League City and Texas City and the unincorporated towns of Bacliff and San Leon. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. The supervisor or designee must complete the Accident Investigation Report with as much information as available to help determine what action/prevention measures should be taken. However, the proof of residency feature is now part of the online registration process. What is a bond?
Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. For parents without access to the Internet, computers and assistance are available at the campuses during designated times to complete the online registration process. For information regarding (TRS) Teacher Retirement System of Texasplease call 1-800-223-8778. Have you ever considered becoming a classroom teacher? Congratulations to our Gator Nation team members. New hires are not eligible for the sick bank, until after one year of service. These are students who attended a Dickinson ISD campus at the end of the 2020- 2021 school year and will be returning for the 2021-2022 school year. If you did not receive your medical card or have lost your card, please call the number listed below to have one mailed to you within 7 - 10 business days or have a temporary card emailed to you. 2218 FM 517 East | Dickinson, TX 77539 Welcome to the Dickinson ISD Benefits Homepage. Phone: 281.229.6000. Phone: 281.229.6000. national free or reduced-price lunch program guidelines can be found here); or Copy of last report card if transferring for another school district The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all employees at no cost. Employee Assistance Plans generally include short-term counseling and referral services for employees and their household members. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. Aschool bondelection is abondissue used by a publicschooldistrict to finance a building project or other capital project. Just ask!
Click here to email Lily, Dominique Ameigh, Benefits Specialist A couple of the holidays not seen in previous calendars include a three-day weekend in October and a four-day weekend surrounding Easter. Contact a TCG Retirement Specialist today at 1-800-943-9179 for more information regarding these additional retirement benefit plans.
By having these students start a day earlier, campus administrators and teachers will have dedicated time to help the students adjust to the campus and answer questions before other grade levels return. . Click here if you are a NEW Dickinson ISD family! join Gator Nation for the 2021-2022 school year. Dickinson, Texas 77539, Dickinson Continuation Center / Dickinson Alternative Campus, 2805 Oak Park Drive
Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications, Online and Offline Resources for Students. In addition, ballistic window film would be added to all front entrance areas. Click below for Benefits Overview, Active Care Plan Highlights, and Active Care Changes for the current plan year September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022. Employees: please find information below about our DISD benefits and how to enroll or decline.
Employees are eligible to take FML if they have worked for their employer for at least 12 months and have worked for at least 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months. Mission Statement
October 25, 2020 (1-6 p.m.) When you come to your appointment you must bring copies of the following documents. Please call the school for specific dates and times when computer assistance is available. begins July 19, 2022 and ends August 18, 2022. Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate. The Dickinson Continuation Center (DCC) provides students with a nontraditional academic learning environment in order to earn a high school diploma. Prepare to plan, not plan to prepare for your future. Safety upgrades at these campuses would provide manual operated opaque window shades for all interior classroom windows. Judgement/Decree/Order from a divorce, annulment or change in legal custody that requires you to provide accident or health coverage for your dependent child.
We are excited to have your student
To receive a copy of your card immediately, you can use the BCBS webiste, BCBS App, or a Personal Health Guide can email you directly at the email address of your choice. An Employee Assistance Plan is an employee benefit program offered to help employees manage personal and professional problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health, and well-being. Public education in Dickinson began in 1891 in a single schoolhouse near Dickinson Bayou and what is now Highway 3. Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate, Click here to view the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar, Dickinson Independent School District The school district was organized into an independent school district in 1941, when it had an enrollment of 541 students. If the student will need to ride a bus the first week of All active full-time employees needing leave because of their own serious health conditions are eligible for TDL. Dickinson ISD will equip and empower all learners with skills and experiences to achieve academic excellence and make meaningful contributions to our world. 2218 FM 517 East | Dickinson, TX 77539 The 2022-2023 Open Enrollment period for all benefits (medical, vision, etc.) If medical treatment is needed, the employee or supervisor must notify HR and may go to one of the approved clinics. Vision Statement Little Elementary, Lobit Elementary, San Leon Elementary and Silbernagel Elementary, which serve pre-kindergarten through grade four in designated attendance zones. Click here if you have other children in Dickinson ISD! You do not have to have a student attending Dickinson ISD to vote. Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate, Lily Galindo, Benefits/Risk Management Coordinator Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications, Online and Offline Resources for Students. Interested in joining the Gator family?
Dickinson Independent School District You may also schedule a one-on-one virtual appointment with Brad Hoegler, Senior Retirement Plan Specialist assigned to our district at. To the south, the district goes all the way to the Gulf Greyhound Dog Track on both sides of I-45 and includes the new Tanger Outlet Mall and the new Lago Mar subdivision, which will surround the outlet mall. In 1953, the Dickinson public schools consolidated with the Bacliff-San Leon schools to create the District as it is configured today. Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. Inclusive of all, Dickinson ISD will cultivate excellence, producing confident, collaborative, goal-driven learners who become empowered citizens in a global society. The Family Medical Leave Act is an unpaid leave regulated by the U. S. Department of Labor. If this bond referendum passes, will it increase my taxes? Become a DISD teacher without traditional credentials! Lobit Education Village and Kranz Junior High have large classroom windows on all interior walls. This option requires the employee, or the employee's dependents, to pay both the employee's and the district contribution for group premiums.
Parking lot flooding is a major concern at this campus. is educationally disadvantaged (which means a student eligible to participate in the Parents and students will receive more information about Transition Day in August before the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Regardless if the employee seeks medical treatment or not a report must be completed and sent to HR. Benefits for the 2022-2023 school year will be effective September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023. Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications, Online and Offline Resources for Students.
Campuses are busy customizing Transition Day plans to meet the needs of their campus students.
***Substitutes can also call TCG for 457 FICA Alternative Plan information. You can also visittheirwebsite to create and/or access your MyTRS account at www.trs.texas.gov. Existing Season Ticket Holders: If you are a current season ticket holder and want to re-new your tickets you c Five new DISD administrators were approved at the June 2022 Board of Trustees Meeting.
Home| Sitemap | Contact Us | Translate. Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District. For questions regarding a 403b and 457 Retirement Plan, please contact TCG Administrators directly at 1-800-943-9179 anytime during the year. Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District. TRS Planning For Retirement Guide, Changes in benefit elections can occur during the school year only if you experience a qualifying life event. Valid parent identification (drivers license passport, military ID) Copy of divorce/custody documents, if applicable October 13-16, 2020 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) Mission Statement Kranz Junior High serves half of the districts students in grades 7-8 and is also home to the junior high STEM Academy. Acceptable Use of Electronic Communications, Online and Offline Resources for Students. The STEM Academy is open to students throughout the district to apply and is designed to increase student achievement by engaging students in innovative science, technology, engineering and math instruction. Hours and exact procedures will vary slightly for each campus. If the bond is approved, the Dickinson ISD tax rate for bond debt will not increase. The school will not be making copies. Gator Football Season Tickets coming soon. is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Voting in the 2020 Dickinson ISD bond election is open to any registered voters living within the Dickinson ISD boundaries. Change in Number of Tax Dependents due to a birth, adoption or when a dependent gains eligibility as a result of a valid change in status/event. The district includes seven elementary campuses, Bay Colony Elementary, Calder Road Elementary, Hughes Road Elementary, K.E. Additional information about 403b vendors fees, products, surrender periods and other details can be found by clicking the following link. You can request a new medical card be sent to you via mail, if you have lost or misplaced your current one via the BCBS website or a Personal Health Guide. Dickinson Independent School District Mission Statement Voter Registration Deadline: October 5, 2020 All Dickinson ISD families must complete the district's online registration process for returning students from August 2-10, 2021. Due to the high demand, allow 24-72 hours to receive a response. If the bond is approved, the district will realign the grade levels when the new junior high opens to have grades Pre-K to grade 3 in elementary school, grades 4-5 in middle school and grades 6-8 in junior high.
Beginning Monday, August 2, parents of students who are new to New hires have 31 days to enroll in benefit services from date of hire. Mission Statement 2218 FM 517 East | Dickinson, TX 77539 DISD Mandatory Virtual Open Enrollment 7/19-8/18, 2022-2023 Back to School Packet Now Available, Save the Date! What is Dickinson ISD proposing for the 2020 bond?
Vision Statement Dickinson ISD covers 61 square miles, which is much more than the City of Dickinson boundaries. Employees who are not fully vaccinated who meet the close contact threshold will be required to have rapid tests completed for 10 days post exposure.
Click for more information, Lobit Middle School Principal, Dickinson HS Assistant Principals Among New Hires Approved by Board of Trustees. Most people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan! Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District, Notice of Election, Amended and Restated Election Order, Proposition, and Voter Information Document (English). Copyright 2021 - Dickinson Independent School District. The campus works with students who due to family, work or other issues might not otherwise ever obtain a high school diploma. You must provide proof a qualifying life event to us within 31 days of the qualifying event. You must call the school to schedule the appointment. Phone: 281.229.6000. Positive employees are required to isolate for five days as per CDC, TEA and GCHD before returning to work and recommended to wear a well-fitted mask for 10 days any time you are around others inside your home or in public.