Increasing Physical Activity Serving Healthier Food in Schools
Have conversations with parents about how the snacks in school vending machines will be healthier starting next year. My final all-time list? This fund will support schools with comprehensive strategies to improve their school environment, including efforts to get children physically active in and outside of school, and improve the quality and availability of physical education. 4.
This information can be used by parents, educators, government and businesses to create change across the country. Download this page as a PDF:, Sign In to Email Alerts with your Email Address. Understand the power you have and use it to build momentum and support for healthy and active living not only for kids, but for your entire community.
In the end, we all need to do our part to reach our goal of making healthy eating and active living a routine part of our daily lives. These initiatives are voluntary, not regulatory, and the White House is hoping that companies will jump on board with the program's goals rather than being forced by policy changes. You can read our blog to hear more about people who are making a difference in their communities, sign up for email updates, and get information about how to plant a garden or find a play space in your neighborhood.
SinceRoosevelt dramatically changed the First Lady role, her predecessors were more limited in their potential impact.
Kellogg Foundation, The Alliance for Healthier Generation, Kaiser Permanente, and Nemours, and will seek to add new members in the days and months ahead. In launching Lets Move!, we took what felt like an insurmountable problem and gave folks a sense of optimism and hope that we could solve it. However, her term was also fairly short as President Ford served for fewer than 3 years.
And for the first time ever, (the U.S. Department of Agriculture) announced rules for vending machines and a la carte lines, helping us get the junk food out of schools and making the healthy choice the easy choice for our kids. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, decided to use her influential position to help create and promote a program that could potentially take a massive step in the right direction for controlling the childhood obesity epidemic.
The Lets Move program has the First Lady, pop stars, large corporations, healthcare providers, and most importantly, schools all supporting the cause.
For containers greater than 20 oz., the label will reflect a 12 oz.
The First Lady launched the Lets Move campaign at the White House where she was joined by members of the Presidents cabinet, including Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, HHS Secretary Sebelius, Education Secretary Duncan, HUD Secretary Donovan, Labor Secretary Solis, and Interior Secretary Salazar, Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, Members of Congress, mayors from across the nation and leaders from the media, medical, sports, entertainment, and business communities who impact the health of children and want to be part of the solution. The council will be charged with increasing participation in the Presidents Challenge and with modernizing and expanding it, so that it is consistent with the latest research and science. Major New Public Information Campaign: Major media companies including the Walt Disney Company, NBC, Universal and Viacom have committed to join the First Ladys effort and increase public awareness of the need to combat obesity through public service announcements (PSAs), special programming, and marketing. 7.
And here's the FLOTUS singing her anthem This Is for My Girls with Missy Elliot and James Corden in a car: 9. Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled, and today, nearly one in three children in America are overweight or obese.
And more than 10,000 child care providers have committed to instilling healthy habits through our Lets Move!
She applauded Disney for promising to remove all junk food ads from it's cartoon programming by 2015, and for already overhauling its popular parks' food programs to include healthier options. Ketchup as a vegetable? This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. 5. campaign is changing the way kids eat, move: Everyone has a role to play in helping our kids lead healthier lives, New public health history book shows benefits of advancements.
She openly disagreed with her husband, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), on some of his policies such as forcing Japanese-Americans into internment camps.
But in todays busy world, this isnt always easy. And just recently, the CDC announced that after decades of rising rates, between 2008 and 2011, obesity among low-income preschoolers declined, meaning that more kids are getting a healthier start to life. And just like diet, kids' surroundings dictate how much they move.
The First Lady is hoping to persuade restauranteurs and food manufacturers to turn this on it's head by advertising healthier foods, and removing junk food advertisements from children's programming.
To support this effort, several foundations are coming together to organize and fund a new central foundation the Partnership for a Healthier America to serve as a nonpartisan convener across the private, non-profit and public sectors to accelerate existing efforts addressing childhood obesity and to facilitate commitments towards the national goal of solving childhood obesity within a generation. The Administration, through new federal investments and the creation of public private partnerships, will: Eliminate Food Deserts: As part of the Presidents proposed FY 2011 budget, the Administration announced the new Healthy Food Financing Initiative a partnership between the U.S. Id encourage businesses to think about what they can do to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
Improved food labeling:Don't you want to know what's in your food?
That discussion grew into the Lets Move campaign announced today. The "Let's Move" program aims to eradicate America's problem of childhood obesity within "a generation", so that tomorrows children are less plump than todays.
Read the latest blog posts from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Check out the most popular infographics and videos, View the photo of the day and other galleries, Tune in to White House events and statements as they happen, See the lineup of artists and performers at the White House, Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tour.
Michelle Obama dances with students at Orr Elementary School in Washington, D.C., as part of a Lets Move!
We are bringing to the table key stakeholder groups that have committed to work together to improve the nutritional quality of school meals across the country.
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in 2010and serving as the honorary chair for the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA). All Rights Reserved, This is a BETA experience.
The FLOTUS helped usher in the first major changes in the Nutrition Facts in over 20 years, such as finally including "added sugars" on the label, and worked with the American Beverage Association to make calorie labels clearer on drinks.
By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, they have committed to quadruple the number of the schools they serve that meet the Healthier US School Challenge.
This is historical material frozen in time.
and made it their own in their communities, in their families, and in their homes. The Lets Move!
Id encourage you to move outside the public health world to galvanize other leaders in your community faith leaders, public officials, business owners, school administrators to work together to elevate the issue of childhood obesity.
While parental influence is obviously the biggest factor in a child's diet, restaurants big and small alike play a huge role in how children perceive food.
The FLOTUS was appalled and championed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, as the USDA indicates the first major changes in school meals in 15 years,to prompt schools to serve healthier foods and reduce the costs of lunches for low-income children, and Chefs Move to School to have chefs teach healthier cooking and eating to cafeteria staff and kids.
A recent USDA report showed that in 2008, an estimated 49.1 million people, including 16.7 million children, lived in households that experienced hunger multiple times throughout the year.
Additionally, as the program's name implies, it is about getting children to do more physical activity.
JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Core to the success of this initiative is the recognition that government approaches alone will not solve this challenge. Lets Move is comprehensive, collaborative, and community-oriented and will include strategies to address the various factors that lead to childhood obesity. President Barack Obama kicked off the launch by signing a Presidential Memorandum creating the first ever Task Force on Childhood Obesity which will include the DPC, Office of the First Lady, Interior, USDA, HHS, Education, NEC and other agencies. As you know, water is the healthiest choice families can make when choosing a beverage, so were encouraging people to try drinking one more glass a day. Faith-based organizations are championing community-wide efforts as well.
Obama finishes second behind Roosevelt with Ford in third.
Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, Google + or LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the source link below for Restaurant Business Online's full article.
Double the number of schools participating in the Healthier US School Challenge: The Healthier US School Challenge establishes rigorous standards for schools food quality, participation in meal programs, physical activity, and nutrition education the key components that make for healthy and active kids and provides recognition for schools that meet these standards. School Leadership: Working with school food service providers and SNA, the National School Board Association, the Council of Great City Schools and the American Association of School Administrators Council have all embraced, and committed to meeting, the national Lets Move goal.
Demonstrated how to handle unwarranted criticism: Has any other President and First Lady combination faced more irrelevant criticism and attacks than the Obamas? The Council of Great City Schools has also has set a goal of having every urban school meet the Healthier US Schools gold standard within five years.
Redesigned school lunch programs: Did you see what kids were eating in cafeterias before Michelle Obamareached the White House in 2008?
Accessing Healthy, Affordable Food
Already, the private sector is responding. Kids are getting active every day at school and at home.
For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser.
So Lets Move will offer parents the tools, support and information they need to make healthier choices for their families. By partnering with sports leagues such as the WNBA and NFL, the First Lady hopes to promote healthy activities for children, as well as negate the bad eating habits that children have learned in recent decades. Next Generation Food Pyramid: To help people make healthier food and physical activity choices, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will revamp the famous food pyramid. Active Schools and bring more physical activity into kids daily lives just go to

Through public-private partnerships, and reforms of existing federal programs, the Administration will address this imbalance by: Expanding and Modernizing the Presidents Physical Fitness Challenge: In the coming weeks, the President will be naming new members to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, housed at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Provide Parents with a Rx for Healthier Living: The American Academy of Pediatrics, in collaboration with the broader medical community, will educate doctors and nurses across the country about obesity, ensure they regularly monitor childrens BMI, provide counseling for healthy eating early on, and, for the first time ever, will even write a prescription for parents laying out the simple things they can do to increase healthy eating and active play.
The great thing about Lets Move! Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.
Many veterans face tough battles when they return from service, such as dealing with health problems, unemployment and homelessness. Lets Move strives to get the entire community involved to promote a healthy lifestyle and fun physical activities including being active in the community, in school, and with family.
Brought needed attention to the childhood obesity epidemic: Yes, childhood obesity is a worldwide problem that has been growing since the 1980s and won't be solved by one person and in just two Presidential terms.
Betty Fordlobbied for the Equal Rights Amendment and other women's rights, helped raise breast cancer awareness, parlayed her own struggles with alcohol and pain medication addiction into establishing the famous Betty Ford Center, and, most importantly, was very good at the disco move "The Bump." Roosevelt redefined the First Lady's role, really being the first to use the office to fight for important causes. Finally, families can take action in their homes and make small changes that can make a real difference.
by The Official Spark Blog on The Official Spark Blog - October 8, 2014. And, help your neighborhood school join Lets Move!
The initiative aims to reduce the barriers girls around the world face to getting quality education. Together with the private sector and the non-profit community, we will take the following steps to get healthier food in our nations schools: Reauthorize the Child Nutrition Act: The Administration is requesting an historic investment of an additional $10 billion over ten years starting in 2011 to improve the quality of the National School Lunch and Breakfast program, increase the number of kids participating, and ensure schools have the resources they need to make program changes, including training for school food service workers, upgraded kitchen equipment, and additional funding for meal reimbursements. The combination of healthy food choices and physical activity is what Task Force on Childhood Obesity has stated as the best strategy for tackling the epidemic.
Departments of Treasury, Agriculture and Health and Human Services that will invest $400 million a year to help bring grocery stores to underserved areas and help places such as convenience stores and bodegas carry healthier food options.
I hope that kids all across the country are inspired by the winners in their state to try their hand at creating healthy food with their families.
Finally, new school lunch standards are helping to bring healthier food into schools all across America.

The Lets Move! campaign is three years old now.
How can people use the site best?
Empower Change: USDA has created the first-ever interactive database the Food Environment Atlas that maps healthy food environments at the local level across the country. Last year, Disney made an unprecedented commitment to ensure that unhealthy products arent marketed to kids through their characters or on any of their channels or movies.
Community leaders can team up with businesses to encourage them to shift the way they market food to our kids. is one of the most popular websites in the federal government, and a 2.0 version of the Web site will offer consumers a host of tools to help them put the Dietary Guidelines into practice.
Children need 60 minutes of active play each day. All across the country, families are starting their own gardens, eating more fruits and vegetables, and trying healthier recipes. As part of the First Ladys commitment to solve the problem of childhood obesity in a generation, the Council will double the number of children in the 2010-2011 school year who earn a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award for meeting this challenge. During her four-year term, Rosalynn Carter's major efforts were around improving mental health, serving as honorary chair on the Active Honorary Chair President's Commission on Mental Health and propelling the drafting and eventually passing of the Mental Health Systems Bill.
Athletes In The Making is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. These changes mean that the hard work parents are doing at home to keep their kids healthy will now be reinforced throughout the school day.
This marks the latest endeavor of her "Let's Move" program, aimed at getting children to exercise more, and make healthier food and drink choices.
Parents play a key role in making healthy choices for their children and teaching their children to make healthy choices for themselves.
Over the next school year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, working with partners in schools and the private sector, will double the number of schools that meet the Healthier US School Challenge and add 1,000 schools per year for two years after that. I am thrilled to see that so many people have really taken Lets Move!
A recent study put the health care costs of obesity-related diseases at $147 billion per year.
While the review is underway, Administration and public and private efforts are already moving to combat obesity and reach the First Ladys national goal: Helping Parents Make Healthy Family Choices
Yet, the average American child spends more than 7.5 hours a day watching TV and movies, using cell phones and computers, and playing video games, and only a third of high school students get the recommended levels of physical activity.
The racist reactions tothe Obamas were just sad and wasted so much time, effort and energy.

Lady Bird Johnson's main causes were battling poverty (e.g., the Head Start Program) and improving the appearance of our environment (e.g., planting trees and flowers in Washington, D.C. and pushing the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 that limited billboards and junk yards along interstate highways).
is that everyone can play a role.
So, lets move.. Achieving the goal will require engaging in partnerships with States, communities, and the non-profit and for-profit private sectors.
You can use your voice and your expertise as public health leaders to educate your families, friends and patients about what is really at stake for our children.
And just this year, we launched Lets Move! Increase Farmers Markets: The Presidents 2011 Budget proposes an additional $5 million investment in the Farmers Market Promotion Program at the U.S. Department of Agriculture which provides grants to establish, and improve access to, farmers markets.
Now in its third year, Lets Move!, the national campaign led by first lady Michelle Obama, is aimed at reducing obesity and increasing well-being by encouraging American kids to be more active and eat healthier foods.
Nancy Reagan's main efforts were against drug abuse such as the "Just Say No" campaign and was known as the President's "personal protector," as described by Biography. What can stakeholders such as businesses and communities do to get involved in Lets Move!?
Therefore, to round out the rest of the Top Three let's focus on the most active First Ladies who came after Roosevelt.

Program participants included: Tiki Barber, NBC correspondent and former NFL football player; Dr. Judith Palfrey, President of the American Academy of Pediatrics; Will Allen, Founder and CEO of Growing Power; Mayor Curtatone of Somerville, Massachusetts; Mayor Chip Johnson of Hernando, Mississippi; and local students, including a student from DCs Bancroft elementary school, and members of the 2009 National Championship Pee-Wee football team, the Watkins Hornets. A staggering 1 in 3 children are obese, and at risk for weight and diet related health issues, such as diabetes.
The First Lady is on a mission to foster healthier eating habits in children.
She alsocreated a task force to review federal programs for older adults and lobbied for passage of the Age Discrimination Act and helped the White House to become more frugal.
Do restauranteurs need to start creating healthier menu options? Lets Move encourages a healthier diet in and out of school, better food labeling, and increased daily physical activity for children.
website is a great place to learn more about the simple steps everyone can take to help kids be more active, eat better, and grow up healthy.
A major effort of hers washeading the Task Force on National Health Reform that ran from 1993 to 1994 but couldn't overcome opposition to pass its plan. Follow this author to improve your content experience.
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However, Michelle Obama brought a lot more attention to the epidemic and got the ball rolling with a number of important initiatives such as starting Let's Move!
in size. When you can't afford to buy healthier foods, you will buy unhealthy foods. Weve seen local elected officials, child care providers, chefs, faith leaders, businesses and other community leaders all get engaged in the efforts to end childhood obesity within a generation. One third of all children born in 2000 or later will suffer from diabetes at some point in their lives; many others will face chronic obesity-related health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma.
But both Obamas handled such challenges with poise, remaining calm while not backing down. And it will take into account how life is really lived in communities across the country encouraging, supporting and pursuing solutions that are tailored to children and families facing a wide range of challenges and life circumstances. Already, big businesses, governors and mayors, museums and gardens, even the Department of Defense has gotten involved.
This isnt the kind of problem that can be solved overnight, but with everyone working together, it can be solved. Using cartoon characters and food mascots that appeal to children has been proven to increase sales.
Obama makes the point that restaurants and manufacturers can still be profitable while producing healthy foods.
When we decided to start Lets Move!, our first step was to plant a garden on the White House lawn. Child Care initiative.
Advanced equal rights and equal opportunities: Just by being in office, the Obamas helped get people more used to seeing people who look "different" in leadership positions.
Jacqueline Kennedy was an icon of style and a patron of the arts but didn't have too much time to make an impact due to the unfortunate assassination of President Kennedy.
While more work remains to be done, this marks an important first step in ensuring parents have the information they need to make healthier choices.
I think that one reason why were seeing change happening is that we helped people understand that everyone has a role to play in helping our kids lead healthier lives, and weve encouraged everyone to do their part to help.
Well, first, let's take a look at what she accomplished: 1.
Q&A with first lady Michelle Obama: How the Lets Move! For example, as part of theLet's Move! Increased access to healthier foods:Eating healthier and trying to maintain a healthy weight is a lot easier if you live in the produce aisle of a supermarket and can afford to buy what's around you. School Nutrition Association: The School Nutrition Association (SNA), which represents food service workers in more than 75% of the nations schools, has joined the Lets Move campaign.
There are now 56 million people across the country who live in a community that is a Lets Move!
(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images). The American Association of School Administrators has committed to ensuring that an additional 2,000 schools meet the challenge over the next two years. is a leading supplier of metal restaurant table bases for businesses and homes.
Given the time, the circumstances and her accomplishments, Eleanor Roosevelt should continue to hold the top spot.
serving size.
website is a great resource for facts, but it also encourages interaction.
You may have heard ofHillary Clinton.
As FDR progressed though his four terms as President, which overlapped heavily with World War II, she assumed many of his responsibilities such as making many public appearances. The goal of the conference was to begin to convince food suppliers, advertisers, and TV networks to stop using subversive tactics, such as cartoon characters or mascots, for marketing junk food to children. 2022 Forbes Media LLC.
and Senior Policy Advisor for Nutrition Policy at The White House [+] Debra Eschmeyer (L) looks on as First Lady Michelle Obama (C) helps a child harvest sweet potatoes from the White House Kitchen Garden during a harvesting event at the White House in Washington, D.C. (Photo: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images).
workedwith companies to improve access to healthier foods such as withWalmart to lower the price of fruits and vegetables and improve the nutritional content of their food; Darden (which owns Olive Garden and Red Lobster) to make kids' menus healthier; and Walmart and Walgreens to expand into food deserts (neighborhoods that lack healthy food sources). This epidemic also impacts the nations security, as obesity is now one of the most common disqualifiers for military service. With First Lady Michelle Obama about to depart the White House after eight years, what will be her legacy?
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