Provides income-based case management services, emergency assistance services, financial services, computer literacy and workforce development programs. Copyright Columbus Housing Stabilization Coalition, Dollars raised to address evictions in Central Ohio. You have either an email address or a cell phone number capable of receiving texts (data and messaging rates from your provider apply). (function() { Fornon-status related questions, you may visit us online at the link belowand chat with us during business hours. This model keeps administrative overhead & program operations at 10% with 90% of all funding going toward client assistance, while providing non-profits some much-needed and coveted source of unrestricted revenue. Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please try again. If you need rental or utility assistance, there is a great website with all of the Columbus organizations called "Rentful". Does your household income meet the program's limits? Costs that are not eligible include: homeowner costs, homeowner utilities, landlord-paid utilities, landlord-paid property taxes, property insurance, phone, internet, renter insurance.

COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2020 2022. Bring your delinquent rent or utility bill(s) current. Not sure if your documents are legible? Impact Community Action (614-252-2799) - Helps withrental/mortgage assistance,Water utl assistance,furniture bank,TransportationandAppliance Bereavement. If you were declined and would like to file an appeal, please email us. document.write(' 2011-' + (new Date()).getFullYear()); Depending on your circumstances, LCA - The Stable Housing Initiative assistance may: After you answer the prescreening questions, you must complete an application for assistance and provide documentation. Please have all your information and documents ready to ensure faster processing of your application. Funds are not guaranteed. Most of the programs are for Franklin County residents living at or below125% of the Federal Poverty Level. Fax: (614) 372-2345, Property managers, rental owners, and vendors, P.O. Onlyemails from property managers will be responded to. You are not legally required to provide any of the requested data; however, if you do not provide the data, we may not be able to provide you with the services or resources you are requesting. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); Based on the answer(s) you have provided in the prequalification questionnaire, unfortunately you do not qualify for the :program_abbreviation Program. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); Powered by Allita for Also provides access to public transportation via COTA passes and other material assistance needs including basic home furnishings and appliances in partnership with the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio. The Stable Housing Initiative (LifeCare Alliance ERA 1) program is administered by the city of Columbus. Strengthen the Housing Stabilization Coalition by leveraging our collective resources to make our respective dollars stretch further and to provide earned revenue to our partner agencies.