- Top Rated Plus - opens in a new window or tab, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, Jax Instant Brass & Copper & Bronze Cleaner for Tarnish/Oxidat, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window. One pint container. Discovera great variety of Interesting, Informative and FunJewelry Making, Finished Sterling Silver Figaro Chain 20", Other Metals - Brass, Copper, Nu Gold, Nickel Silver, Bronze, Table Top Polishing Machine/Dust Collectors, Square Light Emerald Cubic Zirconias (CZ), EVE Mounted Silicone Wheel 815 -- 10 per box. A heavy-duty cleaner that removes tarnish and oxidation from the blackest copper, brass and bronze. Wearing gloves is highly recommended as to not introduce oils from your hands to the metal. Your choice of cleaner depends on what you are trying to remove from your metal. All rights reserved. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. View cart for details. gtag('config', 'AW-822136228');
Carbide Tipped Annular Cutters Under 2-1/2" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Annular Cutters Over 2-1/2" Diameter, Countersinks / Chamfer Tools & Counterbores, Taper Shank Bridge Reamers & 1/2" Round Shank Car Reamers, Button Punch Tool - Deck Crimping Tool - Seam Locking Tool - Punch Lock Tool, Fall Protection Self-Retracting Lifelines, Impact Adapters, Extensions and Universal Joints, Spud Wrench for A325 Bolts (See Chart Above), 3M Super 77 Multipurpose Spray Adhesive, Abrasive Wheels | Type 27 (Depressed Center), Scotch-Brite Clean and Strip XT Pro Discs, Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Disc 2'', Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Disc 3'', Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Disc 4'', Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Disc 5'', Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Disc 7'', Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Disc 10", Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1/2" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 9/16" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 5/8" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 11/16" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 3/4" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 13/16" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 7/8" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 15/16" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1-1/16" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1-1/8" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1-3/16" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1-1/4" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1-3/8" Diameter, Carbide Tipped Wood Auger Bits 1-1/2" Diameter, Counterbores & Chamfer Tools | Interchangeable Pilot, Scotch-Brite Roloc Surface Conditioning Disc 2'', Dial Calipers, Dial Indicator & Outside Micrometer, Automatic Center Punch & Contact Point Set, 8pt Joint Bar Standard & Deep Impact Sockets, Railroad Lag Screw, Torx Bit & Dome Head Impact Sockets, Pick Mattock, Spike Mauls & Sledge Hammers, Track Gage, Taper Gage & Rail Thermometer, Wooden Sleeper Tie Boring Bits & Carbide Auger Bits. JAX Chemical Instant Brass and Copper Cleaner.

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This product is also great to use before applying Jax Green Patina. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies. [CDATA[
Copyright 2022 The Compleat Sculptor Jax orders are only shipped by UPS ground and cannot be shipped to a P.O. Our Jesmonite order has arrived and is finally back in stock! //